Podcast Domination Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 109:00:50
  • Mais informações



Hey its Luis! This show is my little testing ground and the #1 place to get your questions answered about launching a podcast, growing a podcast, and yes making some $ from your either directly or indirectly. Here I share my best and wildest ideas, tactics and growth hacks on you can implement to grow your audience faster, monetize your show without a trillion downloads and have fun along the way. After launching more than 25 podcasts in 18 months, helping my clients growth their audiences, generate sales from their shows and of course making a bunch mistakes along the way, I'm here to give you straight, raw, reality of what works, whats doesn't and I'm doing right now thats working, Get in touch over at on instagram @luisryandiaz or Luisryan.com


  • 18/02/2019 Duração: 18min

    Have you ever wondered how BIG time authors promote their books and hit the NYT Best Seller list..? Well, I’m not really sure but I do know one thing they do that can help YOU grow your podcast. They use a TEAM…(Yes podcasting is a TEAM sport!)   At least the launch, teams can help with content, reviews, social media presence, and word of mouth. This podcast episode will help you recruit, leads and deploy a team for your podcast launch.

  • How to Create Videos that Convert with Patrick Stiles

    15/02/2019 Duração: 39min

    Video is sort of like the older brother of audio content. Am I hypocritical for saying that? Maybe so, but the fact is that VIDEO IS POWERFUL. If you're interested in using content marketing to grow your business, fill your pipeline and sell more stuff video works. But only if your good at it. Today my guest is a video expert Patrick Stiles, and his company Vidalytics is leading the way in helping entrepreneurs now the nitty gritty when it comes to what’s working and what's not with their videos. Whether it's on your home page or a sales page Vidalytics can show you some interesting things about how well your audience receives your video. PS….. have you heard about the Podcast Domination VIP Inner Circle Facebook group? You’re missing OUT exclusive interviews, tips, free downloadable guides and its where I share my podcast growth secrets first…did I bribe you enough to join yet?? Enjoy. Go with the simplest path to execution. Don't put obstacles between you and success. - Patrick Stiles Want me to help you la

  • Get on More Podcasts with these Simple Proven Tricks

    11/02/2019 Duração: 11min

    Do you want to grow your podcast and gain more followers in 2019? Do you know how or where to start? Today, I’m going to give you three simple strategies to grow your podcast like wildfire in 2019. We’ll also cover how to meet other podcasters, build relationships, and leverage social media for growth. Since you’re reading this, I’m also going to give you a bonus that I’ve come across since recording this….my facebook group! And others like it. Getting into a group with other podcasters or an audience that is relevant can be a comfortable place to find a new audience.   My goal for you is to pick just one thing from this list and use it for the next week. Then report how it works here in the facebook group. I’ll hold you accountable and make sure you are taking action. Enjoy. Want me to help you launch and grow your podcast? Connect with me on Facebook Timestamps: 1:15 Tip #1: Guesting on other podcasts 1:59 Two ways to position yourself for guesting more opportunities (Building relationships) 3:33 Tip #2: Ge

  • Generate Money For Your Favorite Charity with Your Podcast

    08/02/2019 Duração: 12min

    One of the fastest ways to boost your podcast’s image is to create a social impact. If you’re ready to engage with your audience in an intentional, inventive way while helping out some amazing causes, you need to check out this episode. Today, I’m giving you the tactical five-step system I used to raise money for two great charities, with the bonus of getting some free promotion along the way. Since you’re reading this, I’m also going to give you a bonus that I’ve come across since recording this….my facebook group! And others like it. Getting into a group with other podcasters or an audience that is relevant can be a comfortable place to find a new audience.   My goal for you is to pick just one thing from this list and use it for the next week. Then report how it works here in the facebook group. I’ll hold you accountable and make sure you are taking action. Enjoy! Want me to help you launch and grow your podcast? Connect with me on Facebook Timestamps: 3:46 Get input from your audience and choose the cause

  • Four Step Launch to Dominate Your Podcast Launch

    04/02/2019 Duração: 30min

    If your interested in launching a podcast that magnetically pulls your ideal listener to your show and floods your inbox with thank you’s and prospects interested in working with you then this podcast will be the MOST important podcast episode you listen to this WEEK….. Imagine this for a second After months of research, recording, editing, your podcast its go time. You’ve spent hours and hours looking at “how to” videos online about the best equipment to buy for a podcast,  how to set up your RSS feed, how to get your show on to Itunes and learning how to edit audio etc.. And today is the day….You’ve finally made it... $1375.24 in fancy equipment and dozens of hours later your podcast is ready. You’ve gone through all the tedious BS just to see your show, on Itunes and you're ready to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Months of hard, boring techie work just to make it to this point then what happens? Crickets, no one is listening.. You’re starting to think that this was a mistake, your starting to regret it, y

  • Effective Intros and Outros

    01/02/2019 Duração: 17min

    In copywriting, titles are the most significant element of a sales letter. In podcasting, TITLES are the essential element of the written portion of a podcast, but the next most important part of a podcast is the INTRODUCTION. Who are you? Why should I care? What should I keep listening??? If your intro sucks and does not convey any value, your podcast will suffer. Listen to this episode and I guarantee if you use these expert secrets (aka the basics) your listening time per listen will automatically go up. Enjoy! “Your introduction has one job and that is to get you past the five-minute point.” - Luis Diaz Want me to help you launch and grow your podcast? Connect with me on Facebook   Timestamps: 2:54 Critical role of the podcast intro 4:10 Three elements of a valuable intro 7:05 Bonus Intro Tip: How to deliver your intro effectively 7:51 Podcast Intros Examples 9:55 How to create a powerful outro 11:02 Four critical components of an effective outro   People Mentioned Lewis Howes Tom Bilyeu Will Schiller

  • Five-Step Guide For Influencers Looking to Start a Podcast

    28/01/2019 Duração: 15min

    Ok, I get it...so you’ve gained a good/decent Social media following, but there's only so much you can share in 60 seconds or on a quote card. So how do you impact your audience and share your message with long-form content when you don’t have an email list, and you don’t have anyone going to your blog..? Podcasting could be a possible answer for you. I've walked a few influencers from channels like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube into the podcasting world and it helped them launch, grow and monetize their shows. So I'd share a simple guide and framework you can follow if you're looking to make the jump. Of course, if you need help, you can always connect with me in the facebook group too, and we can chat, not a sales pitch just free advice. Enjoy the episode. Want me to help you launch and grow your podcast? Connect with me on Facebook   Timestamps 3:25 Turn your followers to email subscribers 4:20 Get the answers you need. Create a survey for your email lists 4:27 Two reasons why you need to do a survey 6:

  • Seven Podcasts to Model in 2019

    25/01/2019 Duração: 22min

    Plenty of people come from other platforms to podcasting expecting instant success, merely because they’re popular elsewhere. Podcasting isn’t that easy; it takes dedication and a lot of know-how. On today’s podcast, Luis takes us through 7 of the best podcasts you should be following to improve your show. Learn what makes these shows so great and what lessons you can expect to take from them to grow your own in this episode of the Podcast Domination Show. “Tons of people who are great on other platforms, come onto the podcasting scene and suck… they thought it was going to be easy and they just quit.” Want me to help you launch and grow your podcast? Connect with me on Facebook Timestamps: 0:56 Top 7 podcasts to follow to improve your show 3:40 Marketing School by Eric Siu and Neil Patel 5:50 AskPat 2.0 by Pat Flynn 8:00 The Tim Ferriss Show by Tim Ferriss 11:52 Impact Theory by Tom Bilyeu 14:28 Online Marketing Made Easy by Amy Porterfield 16:19 The Garyvee Audio Experience by Gary Vaynerchuk 17:40 Building

  • 5 Proven Ways to Grow Your Podcast Audience

    21/01/2019 Duração: 32min

    PDS #11Do you have a plan for growth in 2019? Or is a build it and they will come kind of thing? Being intentional about your podcast audience growth in both downloads, conversions (one time listener, to subscribers to a customer) is essential. Those who have a plan and execute it typically fair a lot better than those who don’t which shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Just like progress in the gym, those who have a plan to build usually have better results than those who don’t. Today, I’m going to lay out five ways to grow your podcast in 2019.Since you’re reading this, I’m also going to give you a bonus that I’ve come across since recording this….my facebook group! And others like it. Getting into a group with other podcasters or an audience that is relevant can be a comfortable place to find a new audience.  My goal for you is to pick just one thing from this list and use it for the next week. Then report how it works here in the facebook group. I’ll hold you accountable and make sure you are taking a

  • One Easy Way to Rank Higher In iTunes

    18/01/2019 Duração: 13min

    PDS #10Ever wonder what the secret to ranking higher in Itunes/Apple Podcasts? Well, I don’t know all the answers but I might be able to offer you some tips and strategies to help you get some traction!This episode goes into ONE key metric I am 99.99% sure weighs heavily into ranking your podcast high. Make sure your launch strategy factors this metric. Now, this episode also goes into why its important and what it could lead to, such as access to better interview opportunities, higher paid speaker gigs and more. Enjoy! Want me to help you grow your podcast? Connect with me on FacebookTimestamps:2:15 - The number one key metric to rank high in Apple Podcast3:22 How being a top-rated show in Apple Podcast can help you land a speaking engagement4:23 Being on the top 10 podcasts will increase your potential to become a sought after coach or consultant5:37 Why is a top ranking podcast host can make you a guest to shows that fit your niche7:22 One way of encouraging more subscribers to your show8:08 Easy ways to l

  • Five Reasons NOT to start a podcast

    14/01/2019 Duração: 12min

    PDS #9 Fact: Podcasting is not for everyone. And that’s okay. Today we’re going to have a heart to heart...me and you.. There are some key signs that will tell you if you should or shouldn’t start a podcast...is it for you?   Free is a very powerful word. - Luis Diaz Want me to help you grow your podcast? https://www.facebook.com/groups/pdvip/ (Connect with me on Facebook)Timestamps: 3:00 The number one reason why you should not start a podcast show 5:07 Podcast is not for you if you are planning to make it a commercial or using it as a giant sales pitch platform 6:36 Where to put your money when starting a podcast 8:29 Should you think about podcasting as a long-term project 9:40 Why having a clear KPI, a measuring stick and a clear goal is important before starting a podcast   Connect with Luis: https://podcastdomination.co/ (Website) https://www.instagram.com/luisryandiaz (Instagram) https://www.facebook.com/groups/pdvip/ (Facebook Group) https://www.facebook.com/podc

  • 4 Ways to Find Sponsors

    11/01/2019 Duração: 14min

    PDS #8As more and more business turns to audio as another place to seek attention from there customers the opportunities for finding, and fostering a sponsorship relationship is a possibility. Now it is not my favorite way of creating revenue from a podcast, but it's a possibility especially if you are covering a very niche topic. Today I share some tips and overlooked and unexpected places you can look to find a potential sponsor for your show. Let me know if you need help finding a sponsor here in the facebook group!  Make sure that the sponsors you're going to get are people you want to be associated with long term.-Luis Diaz Want me to help you grow your podcast? Connect with me in FacebookTimestamps:3:15 Gentle reminder before finding a sponsor for your show5:03 The one place you’ve overlooked in your quest to find a great sponsor for your show..?i6:26 Unlocking the revenue streams with industry events trade shows, how to use them6:35 Simple and practical tips to use before contacting a sponsor.8:03

  • Five Biggest Launch Mistakes People Make When Starting a Podcast

    07/01/2019 Duração: 17min

    PDS #7The launch (and pre-launch) phase of your podcast (about the first eight weeks) is critical to its ultimate success. On this episode, I’m going to reveal five killer launch mistakes, that can impede the growth of your podcast. I’m also going to share with you tips to actually put your content and podcast on the best path to success during the launch period.Just wanted to send a huge shoutout to Vince Del Monte for putting on an amazing 7Figure Mastermind, and for supplying out his pre-workout Preload to all attendees. And thank you to Craig Ballantyne for hosting a hugely-inspirational Perfect Life Retreat, and to all entrepreneurs, this annual retreat can really put you on the next level for business success.So sit back, pull out a pen and paper and learn all about what-not-to-do when launching your podcast.“Put more effort into the content you’re going to create, make it something really worth sharing and then promote the shit out of it.”-Luis Diaz Subscribe to iTunes! Love the podcast? Leave a rev

  • How to Position Yourself Like a Pro to Get on Any Podcast with Kelly Glover

    04/01/2019 Duração: 46min

    PDS #6A few months ago, I had the pleasure of spending a few hours in a coffee shop with one of the most brilliant minds in podcasting. Seriously, with over 17 years experience in media and has worked with some of the biggest brands in TV and Radio Kelly is an expert in what I call finding the “damn” factor in people through her ninja-like interviewing process.In this episode, Kelly and I cover tools, tactics and practical strategies you can leverage to pitch your story to hosts with higher success rates, land big-name guests for your show and get more media exposure. How? As Kelly shares today, everyone has a story it's just how you present it and position it, Start landing more interviews and getting more press today with Kelly’s expert insights.About KellyKelly Glover is a Podcast Talent Booker and award-winning podcast producer with 17-years experience in media, entertainment, radio, and podcasting.Based in New York, Kelly books high-profile and fascinating guests across multiple podcasts.With a media car

  • Intent Based Podcasting

    28/12/2018 Duração: 17min

    PDS #5 What the heck is intent based podcasting? More importantly, why should you care? Today I’m going to let you in on a super simple method I learned from one of the greatest internet marketers on the planet, Frank Kern, and how I adapted his proven system for making content that sells like hotcakes to make podcast content that attracts your audience like bears on honey. Plus its ridiculously simple a chimpanzee can do it. Seriously... it's a plug and play system, and all you need is a pen and paper (jk I know you’re probably on an iPhone right now) so open up google docs or word and get ready. I’m going to share with you the key questions you need to answer before you even think about recording a podcast, how structure your few episodes and how to strategically pick guests that help you sell more stuff, attract more clients and build more authority….this may sound manipulative but its not its directly attacking your content creation with strategy and thoughtfulness. I hope you enjoy my episode on Inte

  • Insider Tips To Grow A Massive YouTube Channel with Mike Piet

    21/12/2018 Duração: 58min

    PDS #4Luis with Podcast Domination asks Mike Piet to share the secrets to growing your YouTube channel with the 4-step framework.  Included below is the link for the tools for keyword research for YouTube. Mike left his job as a radiographer to marketing after seeing Tony Robbins at an event.  Mike says to just go Live on YouTube.  People would rather watch raw and unedited videos rather than edited ones.  Plus, who has time for edits? YouTube ads are less expensive than Google SEO and with videos you can have a more direct impact than you can with just clickable ads.Timestamps:5:54  Where did Mike Piet begin?6:13 - Attended a Toastmaster event on how to get traffic to websites where Tony Robbins was a guest speaker11:27 - Mike is discovering that the most success his clients are having is doing “in-stream ads”15:07 - What is the USP (Uniques Selling Proposition)15:52 - The 4 step framework21:46 - When it comes to the YouTube algorithm, watch time is very important26:02 - Tools for Ke

  • How to Get on Other Podcasts to Increase Your Authority and Top Line Revenue with Tom Schwab

    14/12/2018 Duração: 44min

    PDS #2Today on the show I have the "podcast guesting wizard" Mr. Tom Schwab from interviewvalet.com. Tom is a veteran in podcast guest and today he shares with us his formula for building your authority and driving sales with podcast guesting. I really learned a lot from this podcast interview for my own podcast guesting journey that my team and I will be sharing with our partners. You'll discover how to pick a pitch and overdeliver on every guest appearance after you're done here today. Enjoy! Timestamps:4:14 - Tom's Know-Like-and-Trust Process in podcast interviews6:52 - The Definition of Marketing in Business7:27 - How can a podcast interview turn the listener to a hot lead9:50 - Four reasons why podcast interview out beats blogs 13:17 - Big Show Vs. Better Show; why it is important to know which one is for you17:54 - The number one rule in writing an email pitch to be a podcast guest20:51 - The four algorithm on finding the right show for you21:40 - Another method to reach out to a podcaster25:0

  • Expert Secrets For Growing Your Podcast Audience with Yann Ilunga

    14/12/2018 Duração: 58min

    PDS #1 I had the pleasure to connect with “the nicest guy” in podcasting, Yann llunga. He’s a wealth of knowledge, and in this episode, we break down the mistakes, tools and audience growth strategies Yann uses for his show and his clients.You can learn more about Yann here.Timestamps:4:29 - How Yann becomes a polyglot/multilingual14:01 - The biggest podcasting mistakes15:10 - Yann's Three T's principle for a successful podcast16:25 - Podcast Episodes are evergreen content19:01 - The advantage of using a Social Bee to promote your show27:22 - Essential podcasting tool that gets overlooked31:53 - Why having your own website is important in promoting your show36:11 - How to get feedback from your listeners43:30 - What are Content Upgrades and Why you need to implement it Resources:TrelloPodcast Movement Connect with Yann:Website Facebook PageTwitterFacebook Group

  • Unheard Ways To Market Your Podcast and Grow Your Audience with Ravi Jayagopal

    14/12/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    PDS #3 A true practitioner of his craft and a guy who’s been doing for a while Ravi Jaygopal has been podcasting for many years and has tried many different things to drive traffic to his content. Which is why I want to bring him on as a guest. I actually discovered his podcast through a reddit forum about podcasting. Which is one of the strategies he talks about today. You’ll learn so unheard of ways to go about marketing your podcast, which are both in my opinion HIGHLY under used, usually underpriced and very fun. My challenge for you is to find ONE thing Ravi talks about here and actually go and do it. Then tag me (@luisryandiaz) and Ravi (@ravijayagopal) on IG. Talk soon :) Subscribe to iTunes!   Timestamps: 6:56 - Ravi’s journey through podcasting 12:04 - How did podcast come along, origin story. 18:07 - The big difference between making money because of your podcast and not from your podcast. KEY HERE** 20:49 - Why podcast is the best fan building tool? 23:05 - One of the many reasons, w

  • Welcome to the Podcast Domination Show

    25/11/2018 Duração: 06min

    PDS #1 Welcome :) If your looking for ways to grow your podcast then stick around.If you don't want to wait then follow me on Instagram @luisryandiaz and you'll get a handful of podcast tips a week.  Why stick around?Once a week you'll discover some actionable stuff to help you grow your podcast, make some $ with your podcast and have some fun. Podcastdomination.co  

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