Nail The Sale

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 26:51:15
  • Mais informações



Rick and Nancy developed Nail the Sale sales training for entrepreneurs that struggle with making enough sales to sustain their business. We provide training, tools and resources to help anyone gain the skills necessary to succeed in selling. The podcast is broken down into ten to twenty minutes segments on topics that you can apply right away. One on one sales consulting is available for the entrepreneur or their sales team that would like personalized consulting.


  • Your Unique Selling Proposition - Episode 131

    29/09/2019 Duração: 12min

    It's not about what you do, but what do you do that's different or simply put, as Rick says, WHY YOU?  Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss what USP's are, as they help you discover what your USP is!

  • 10 Things To Move From Bottom Performer To The Top - Episode 130

    22/09/2019 Duração: 14min

    After getting so much feedback on Episode 127, we were asked for the things we have to do to move from the bottom of the pack to the top.  Here it is! 1)  You have goals set 2)  You are doing money-making activities daily 3)  You have an eye on your entire pipeline and are doing what it takes to keep it even 4)  You respond to inbound leads within a few minutes 5)  You own your results 6)  You have systems in place 7)  You talk less and act more 8)  You have great time management skills 9)  You have a closing conversation daily 10)  You know your competition

  • Is Your Sales Pipeline Fact or Fiction - Episode 129

    15/09/2019 Duração: 13min

    How many stages do you have in your sales pipeline and how long should a lead stay in each stage?  Is your pipeline stale or is it fresh?  Think of your sales pipeline as a funnel, if it gets clogged at any one stage, and you're trying to pour gasoline into the top, it's going to start spilling out and you're going to crash and burn.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss the importance of moving leads through each stage and how to decide to toss a lead out or keep in flowing through that pipeline.  

  • 5 Differences From Top Producers to Bottom Dwellers - Episode 128

    08/09/2019 Duração: 13min

    Top producers have the choice of any job, anywhere at any time.  That's quite the difference from those who are the bottom 20% of sales professionals or entrepreneurs.  The bottom dwellers are constantly changing companies or changing their product offerings.  In 2016 Objective Management Group did a study of 1,100,000 sales professionals from 11,000 different companies and they published the data across 21 criteria.  Today, Rick and Nancy discuss the top 5 differences from those at the top, versus those at the bottom.  

  • Sales Quotas vs. Sales Goals - Episode 127

    01/09/2019 Duração: 09min

    We are in sales or in business for ourselves to make money and to have a lifestyle that we wanted to create unlike the majority of folks who have typical 9 to 5 jobs.  Are you ever really told what numbers you need to hit?  Or are you truly focused on creating a lifestyle that the majority of people will never ever experience?   Listen in as Rick and Nancy dig into the differences and the details.  

  • Know When You're Being Played - Episode 126

    25/08/2019 Duração: 12min

    All sales people have been played at some point in their career.  What does being played mean?  It means you're being used to get a better deal OR maybe they are never going to buy what you're selling but they lead you on that they will eventually.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy give you tips to know when you're being played and what to do to make sure that you don't.  

  • Be Relentless - Episode 125

    18/08/2019 Duração: 15min

    What does it mean to be relentless?  Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss GOOD, GREAT AND UNSTOPPABLE and the common attributes associated with each.  Is this the year that you're willing to be driven, never satisfied with good or great and always willing to grow?  Let Rick and Nancy guide you to the next level with this episode of Nail The Sale.

  • 5 Tips To Conversational Selling - Episode 124

    11/08/2019 Duração: 11min

    This episode is about the power of the ask!  The power of the questions.  If people approach you about your product or service as in a retail environment or a referral.   1)  Happy Greeting including a smile 2)  Small Talk - use the weather, everyone can talk about the weather 3)  Find Something in Common 4)  Start With Either OR Questions 5)  Use Open-Ended Questions - How, What or Help me understand?

  • SPIN Selling - Episode 123

    04/08/2019 Duração: 14min

    SPIN stands for Situation, Problem, Implication, and Needs Payoff.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss each of these stages and why certain techniques work for smaller sales but fail miserably in larger sales.  This episode truly digs into the questions needed at each of these stages and why you need to ask them.  

  • How To Get Past The Receptionist - Episode 122

    28/07/2019 Duração: 12min

    Getting past the receptionist is a skill that every sales professional and entrepreneur must have.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy provide you 10 ways to get past the receptionist to get to the person that you really need to talk to.  

  • Selling As A Service Provider - Episode 121

    21/07/2019 Duração: 15min

    If you provide a service as an entrepreneur or sales professional, how do you sell your service?  How do you get past just selling the minimums?  How do you get paid what your service is truly worth?  Listen in as Rick and Nancy address these questions and many more in this episode dedicated to service providers.

  • 7 Tips - The Importance of Role-Playing - Episode 120

    14/07/2019 Duração: 12min

    Role-playing is way more practical than you think and it is important for ongoing skill set development.  If you want your paycheck to increase, make sure you are taking time to role-play.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss the 7 Tips on how and why to make this a priority.

  • 8 Productivity Tips To Maximize Your Time On The Road - Episode 119

    07/07/2019 Duração: 16min

    Being on the road isn't easy, but it's definitely not the time to shut down and relax.  This isn't a vacation.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy give you 8 tips to maximize your time and be productive while you're traveling for work.

  • Why The Sales Profession Will Never Disappear - Episode 118

    30/06/2019 Duração: 11min

    To be a sales professional today in this technology-driven age you have to be even better than anyone had to be 10 years ago.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss why the Sales Profession will never disappear but also how to be one of those that are always needed.  

  • Consultative Selling 101 - Episode 117

    23/06/2019 Duração: 14min

    Have you developed relationships enough with your clients that they call you for advice when something is happening in your industry?  There is a huge pay increase when you move from sales hack to sales resource.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy give you tips on how to become a true consultative sales professional.

  • How To Put Strangers Into Your Sales Pipeline - Episode 116

    16/06/2019 Duração: 12min

    If you never add new people to your sales pipeline, what you have will get very stale and sales will decline.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss how to turn strangers into possibilities from networking events OR social media.  

  • How To Deal With Conflict - Episode 115

    09/06/2019 Duração: 13min

    Listen in as Rick and Nancy dig into why conflict pops up and how to deal with it during the sales cycle.  Don't miss the end where Rick shares the 5 styles of dealing with conflict and helps you choose the right one.  

  • Attributes of A Sales Hall of Famer

    02/06/2019 Duração: 11min

    If you think of the Hall of Fame, what characteristics do you think it took for those elite athletes to get in?  What did they have to do, day in and day out?  What did they have to do every month and every year, year after year?  Listen in as Rick and Nancy give you 11 criteria to help you get into the Sales Hall of Fame.

  • 6 Steps To A Personal Branding Strategy - Episode 113

    26/05/2019 Duração: 13min

    Today, Rick and Nancy dig into the importance of having a personal branding strategy.  This isn't just about your logo.  This is about what people think about when they hear your name or your company's name.  Listen in as Rick and Nancy walk you through 6 easy steps to creating your personal brand.  

  • How To Make Your Branding ROCK! - Episode 112

    19/05/2019 Duração: 09min

    What would be compelling enough for someone to pick up the phone and call you about your product or service? Listen in as Rick and Nancy walk you through how to create this type of messaging.

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