Mile After Mile Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 77:04:14
  • Mais informações



The Mile after Mile podcast is created by and endurance athlete for to inspire other endurance athletes. The Mile after Mile podcast is inspiring interviews with everyday people doing amazing things in the world of endurance sports.


  • When and Why Desired Habit Changes Sometimes Fail

    18/10/2021 Duração: 01h06min

    Today’s guest is Avital Miller. We are talking about HABITS or at least that’s how we start.  This is my fourth and final episode in a special mini-series on habits.  I personally think that habits are one of the most important skills that we can work on to improve our training and sometimes our lives.  Today I share 2 tips that I see get in the way of changing behavior and setting up desired habits. They are when you actually don’t want to do the thing you think you want to do and when you are unaware or unclear of the benefit you are getting from the current behavior.  Avital Miller is an Alternative Healer. What does that have to do with habits? Give this episode a listen and let me know what you think. You can connect with Avital Miller at  _____________________ Grab your Habit Tracker here: The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep the conversation going about the show here: https://www.face

  • The Mistake to Avoid with Habit Change

    11/10/2021 Duração: 58min

    Today’s guest is Andrea Liebross. We are talking about HABITS. This is my third episode in a special mini-series on habits.  I personally think that habits are one of the most important skills that we can work on to improve our training and sometimes our lives.  There is one big mistake that I see my clients repeat over and over when they are trying to change a behavior and today I share what that is. It’s being honest about your current state and behavior.  Andrea is a coach and she shares some of the common behaviors clients work with her to change and how she helps them. She also shares a few amazing books that she finds helpful.   You can connect with Andrea Liebross at She has a podcast called Time to Level Up. _____________________ Grab your Habit Tracker here: The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep the conversation going about the show here:

  • Can we really change bad habits?

    04/10/2021 Duração: 48min

    Today’s guest is Julie Lamb. We are talking about HABITS. This is my second in a special mini-series on habits.  I personally think that habits are one of the most important skills that we can work on to improve our training and sometimes our lives.  When we talk about habits we often think of them in terms of good or bad. In this episode we talk about whether that’s accurate and whether we really can change bad habits.  You can connect with Julie Lamb at  _____________________ Grab your Habit Tracker here: The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep the conversation going about the show here: Keep up with the host Amy Stone at Looking for Podcasting Gear? Here's what I use to record the Mile after Mile Podcast. These are affiliate links.  Audio Technica microphone Adjustable Mic Stand Headphones Editing Software from Audacity (i

  • Why Habits are Helpful

    27/09/2021 Duração: 59min

    Today’s guest is Cathy Sirett. We are talking about HABITS. Why?  Great Question.  What I have noticed is that the people who are able to make their workouts into habits are much more successful than those who don’t.    This is true for people who are taking up a walking routine or training for an Ironman.   This is why we are doing not just one but a series of interviews about habits. Enjoy!   You can connect with Cathy Sirett at   _____________________   Grab your Habit Tracker here: The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep the conversation going about the show here: Keep up with the host Amy Stone at Looking for Podcasting Gear? Here's what I use to record the Mile after Mile Podcast. These are affiliate links.  Audio Technica microphone Adjustable Mic Stand Headphones Editing Software from Audacity (it's free) Zoo

  • Who are you working to please?

    20/09/2021 Duração: 01h07min

    Today’s guest is coach, Brenda Florida. Brenda specializes in helping people liberate themselves from people pleasing. She shares her personal story of discovering she was a people pleaser and how and why she went through the process to change that.  We talk about how people pleasing could show up in endurance sports training.  If this topic strikes a chord with you - Brenda has shared a complimentary resource with the listeners which you can find here: Thank you Brenda Florida for being a guest on the podcast!  You can connect with Brenda Florida at  Her show is called the Liberate Your People Pleaser Podcast and you can find it wherever you listen to podcasts. _____________________ The story of the online quiz that changed my life: Grab your Habit Tracker here: The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at www.mileafter

  • One Change Can Impact Everything

    13/09/2021 Duração: 35min

    Welcome to the Mile after Mile Podcast Sara Berrios. Sara recently raced her first Ironman 70.3 Triathlon. We chat about how she decided to go after that big challenge. We talk about why she decided to work with a triathlon coach to prepare for her race.  We chat about the impact that the pandemic had on her training and her tri club.  We talk about how going after this big goal has influenced the rest of her life.  She shares the story of her race day.  Thank you Sara for sharing the story of your first Ironman 70.3 and for allowing me to be a part of your journey.  _____________________ Join the Mile after Mile Podcast Facebook Group: The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep up with the host Amy Stone at Looking for Podcasting Gear? Here's what I use to record the Mile after Mile Podcast. These are affiliate links.  Audio Technica microphone Adjustable Mic Stand Headphones Editing Software

  • Searching for Balance

    06/09/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    Today on the Mile after Mile Podcast is triathlete, mom and coach , Adina O'Neill. We talk about who she is and what her life is like outside of triathlon and sport.  We talk about what races she's done - how she started in triathlon, why triathlon and what she enjoys about the sport. She shares how she saw herself before her transition and what her thoughts were that made her decide she was, "gonna go for it." Also, there is a Bon Jovi connection so listen to hear all about that.  We talk about her thoughts on balance in life between work, family, and all the other stuff each of us always has going on.  You can find Adina O'Neill on Facebook at Adina O'Neill Real Fitness. You can send her an email to and her website is  Thank you Adina for being a guest on the Mile after Mile Podcast.  Join the Mile after Mile Facebook community at Show website:  Find coach Amy at   

  • How does coaching work?

    30/08/2021 Duração: 53min

    My guest today on the Mile after Mile Podcast is running coach Francis Pardo. We talk about how he started running. Some of his favorite races. Which includes my hometown race of the Miami Marathon. How he got his start coaching. How he and his athletes have adapted to the pandemic.  You can find running coach Francis Pardo here: IG: @runfrancis Website: (English section available) Facebook:   -------------------------------- Be sure to join the Mile after Mile Facebook Group here  

  • Instructor - Mentor - Coach

    23/08/2021 Duração: 55min

    My guest today is Paul Jones from F4L Coaching.  We get to know Paul and what kind of athlete he was before he became a coach.  We talk about how he decided to become a coach and what certifications he got as a part of his journey.  We talk about coaching as a business, how many athletes can be on a roster.  We talk about how the pandemic impacted his business. We talk about what makes him unique as a coach and what he feels is the most important thing as a coach.    You can find Paul Jones at  ============================= Here are links to connect with Amy Stone the host. Facebook Group Podcast:  Website: 

  • Coaching - Coaching - Coaching

    16/08/2021 Duração: 54min

    In today’s episode we begin a conversation on the topic or topics of coaching.  Coaching is a super broad term and it means a lot of different things in different situations.  My guest today is running coach Kannan Sundararajan or Coach Kay.  Coach Kay is a running coach and a race director in India.  Coach Kay shares his personal history as an athlete and how he became a coach. We also talk about the coaching certificates that he has.  We talk about the business of run coaching and how the pandemic has impacted his business. Thank you Coach Kay for being my guest today on the podcast.   You can find the Ooty Ultramarathon at  You can find Coach Kay at  or on instagram @COACHKAYKFITA Let’s keep this conversation going! I ask in the podcast whether you have ever hired a coach for fitness or perhaps something else. I invite you to the private Facebook Community to share your answer and your thoughts on this topic. Go here:  

  • Ciao Bella Athletics Apparel Coming to a Race Near You

    09/08/2021 Duração: 49min

    Today on the Mile after Mile podcast is the creator of the new triathlon apparel line called Ciao Bella Athletics, Gina Cornell.    Gina joins us from the great state of Wisconsin.  She shares how she got in to triathlon and it’s a story that includes … cake.  We talk about Borah Teamware and the Venganza line.  Gina shares how she got her start in apparel design.  We talk about who the Ciao Bella Athletics is designed for.  We talk very briefly about Ironman Wisconsin.   You can find information to preorder items at You can find information about when new designs are available and all kinds of fun things on the Facebook page:    Thank you Gina Cornell for being a guest on the Mile after Mile Podcast.    _____________________ The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep up with the host Amy Stone at Looking for Podcasting Gear? Here's what I use to record the Mile afte

  • A quick update from Amy, the host

    02/08/2021 Duração: 19min

    This week the podcast is a short update from the host, me, Amy Stone.  I share some super fun information about the podcast along with what I'm currently working on. This includes how listeners to the podcast (that's you) can work with me.  Here's a link to my free Facebook Group where you can continue the conversation from the podcast episodes. As mentioned in the show here is where you can set up a call to talk to me directly about working together. Click Here

  • Being Seen How You See Yourself

    26/07/2021 Duração: 47min

    My guest today on the Mile after Mile Podcast is professional triathlete Rach McBride.    In addition to being a professional triathlete Rach has a background in science - specifically genetics.   Rach and I talk about their academic pursuits and choosing to go all in as a professional triathlete.   Then we go deep into how Rach identifies. Rach is non-binary and uses the pronouns they/them.   We talk about logistically how this impacts registering, participating in sport today.    Rach (they/them) teaches Amy (she/her) a little bit of the history of gender classification in sport.     We also try to play the imagination game and think about how sport might look in the future.    We talk about the power of names and naming things.    We talk about the influence of money and scholarships in conversations on how classifications are made in sport.    We talk about how language is changing quickly and how youngsters may have an easier time because don’t need to unlearn old habits.   We recorded this episode befor

  • Racing Triathlon in the Cydesdale Category

    19/07/2021 Duração: 48min

    My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Heath Carver. Heath is a triathlete who races in the Clydesdale Category.   Heath shares how he got his start in triathlon and why. His story is one that I think many adult triathletes and endurance athletes can identify with for how they got their start.    We talk about how Heath discovered the Clydesdale category and what finds empowering and supportive in this group of athletes.    Heath and I talk about weight and weight loss and whether there might be a difference between how different genders are socialized to talk about this important topic.    Heath also shares some of his favorite local races with us which is always fun.   Thank you Heath for being a guest on the Mile after Mile Podcast.    _____________________   The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep up with the host Amy Stone at Looking for Podcasting Gear? Here's what I use to record the Mile after Mile Podcast. These are a

  • Racing Triathlon in the Athena Category

    12/07/2021 Duração: 57min

    My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is CC Rowe. Welcome to the podcast CC.  CC and I share how we met and she shares how she got her start in triathlon and sport. CC races as part of the Athena category which is determined exclusively under the criteria of weight. She shares with us what the guidelines for the category are. CC discusses how she discovered the Athena category and some of her favorite things about being in this category. She shares some fun information about Athena and Clydesdales National Competitions. We also discuss the reality of size and weight shaming.  Weight is a loaded topic -- which makes it all the more important to discuss. I want to thank CC Rowe for being my guest to get this conversation started.  CC is a triathlon coach and you can reach her at  _____________________ The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep up with the host Amy Stone at Looking for Podcasting Gear? Here's wha

  • Swimming, Biking and Running with Long Hair

    05/07/2021 Duração: 45min

    My guest today on the Mile after Mile Podcast is Parvin Panesar.  Parvin is a triathlete and triathlon coach. We talk about his start in triathlon and what he loves about the sport.  And we talk about hair and working with long hair in swimming, biking and running. Hair and hair care is sometimes discussed as an obstacle that women face with sport but all people have hair and lots of people.  Parvin shares why he has long hair and a beard. Parvin observes Sikhism and he explains how that relates to his hair.  We talk about swim caps, we talk about bike helmets and we talk about the challenges that can pop up when you are trying to schedule your workouts and keep your hair the way you want it.  Parvin also shares with me about the Sikh Cycling Community and Triathlon Community.  Parvin was featured in a documentary called, The Odd Couple. You can find the trailer for the film here  There is also a teaser on YouTube here Parvin Pansenar can be found on instagr

  • Hair Care and Endurance Sports

    28/06/2021 Duração: 32min

    My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Nycole Jones. Nycole is a Tricologist who works with many different textures of hair. She calls herself a Glammother.  In this episode we talk about hair care. I learn about different hair textures because I only know my hair.  We talk a little bit about the some of the culture behind the idea that women who take care of their hair don’t exercise.  So that you don’t think I made this up here is a link to a research article about black women, hair care and exercise. Articles like this were common in the early 2000’s which is also when I found my way to endurance sports.  Nycole shares that in her experience women and men will adjust their workout schedule to maintain certain hairstyles and how she suggests making it work because exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle. She teaches me that I may be washing my hair … pretty much in

  • Thoughts on Perspectives

    21/06/2021 Duração: 09min

    In this episode I introduce a special project and series of interviews that I have been working on which is slightly different from my previous interviews.  Thanks for listening. 

  • Run Tri Bike Magazine - A New Magazine

    14/06/2021 Duração: 47min

    My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Jason Bahamundi.  Jason along with his business partner, Angela Naeth have just brought a brand new Magazine to market. It’s called Run Tri Bike.  In this episode we learn more about Jason himself as an athlete, what he did professionally before he started this magazine project. He shares where the idea for Run-Tri-Bike came from. We talk about what makes it unique and special. And of course, Jason shares where we can find this new magazine and how we can support this project.  They are looking to partner with Race Directors. Run Tri Mag is looking to feature Triathlon Clubs, and they are looking to hear and share your getting started stories and your stories and photos of training with your pets. You can subscribe to the Magazine today and if you use the code MM20 - you get a 20% discount.  You can find the magazine online at  You can also find it on social media @runtrimag Thank you Jason for being a guest on the Mile after Mile Podcast.  __

  • Florida Inline Skating Marathon 2021

    07/06/2021 Duração: 43min

    The world is a big beautiful place filled with tons of different things. Today my guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Mike Mason and we talk about a type of marathon that is totally new to me. Mike is the producer of the Florida Inline Skating Marathon.  Mike shares with me all the basics of inline skating. He shares how he got his start in inline skating.  We talk a little bit about triathlon.  Because Mike and I are both triathletes we chat about overlap between inline skating and triathlon.  I ask lots of beginner questions about skating and skating marathons. Mike shares all the good and important information that you will want if you are interested in being a part of the Florida Inline Skating Marathon. Thank you Mike Mason  for being a guest on the Mile after Mile podcast! You can find the Florida Inline Skating Marathon at  The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep up with the host Amy Stone at www.amys

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