Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 66:27:29
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The podcast companion to Emil Guillermo's Amok commentary on race, politics, and society from an Asian American perspective. If it's in the news, Emil has a take. An award winning journalist, columnist, talk-host and humorist, Emil's compilation of essays and columns,"Amok" won an American Book Award. He is a former host of NPR's "All Things Considered," and has reported and commented for radio and TV and newspapers, in Honolulu, San Francisco, Sacramento, Boston, Dallas, St.Louis, and Washington, D.C. Read his takes on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund website at http://www.aaldef.org/blogEmil also writes a column for the U.S. bureau of the Manila-based http://www.inquirer.net and on Diversity issues at http://www.diverseeducation.com
Ep. 105: Little Manila Rising For All; Exec. Dir.Dillon Delvo with Emil Guillermo
14/03/2022 Duração: 01h03minDillon Delvo, executive director of Little Manila Rising, talks to Emil Guillermo about how the Stockton non-profit has expanded its mission to do more and to help more people in South Stockton. From preserving Filipino American history and historic buildings, the LMR's mission now includes public health initiatives and environmental efforts in community air monitoring. Beyond that, the non-profit has its eyes on owning and developing land and projects to benefit the broader South Stockton community. Delvo said Little Manila Rising just wants to do what other groups are doing around the state, go beyond marginalization to have a say in the future development of their community by accessing power and funds previously denied them. Listen to the Emil Amok's Takeout Live, M-F 2pm Pacific live, on Facebook/emilguillermo.media; Emil Guillermo YouTube channel; Twitter@emilamok; Recordings on www.amok.com
Ep. 104: Asian American Filipinos' Continuing Trauma Over the U.S. Colonization of the Philippines
03/01/2022 Duração: 01h16minIn California, 2022 brings new requirements for ethnic studies at the community college and high school levels. It could become a model for schools around the country. It's too late for one Oakland student who has since graduated and gone to Harvard. But even there, Eleanor V.Wikstrom has found learning about her Filipino history has not been easy. There are no Tagalog or Pilipino language classes taught there. And Filipino American history is an afterthought, despite the role the U.S. played in the colonization of the country. In her recent essay in the Harvard Crimson, Wikstrom wrote about the part Harvard played in the Philippines. She went deep into the stacks at the Pusey Library and uncovered some of the open secrets about how Harvard and American higher ed elites played a role in giving Filipinos not only English, but their own history in a textbook written from a white academic perspective. Wikstrom's journey of discovery reminded me of my own experience 40 years ago as a young Filipino American at H
Ep. 103: Environmental Justice Warriors: Little Manila Rising's Matt Holmes
15/12/2021 Duração: 01h02minNote: See Index below for quick access Little Manila Rising, a community non-profit in Stockton, Calif., is taking an aggressive stand to protect its Filipino American community from environmental racism. Matt Holmes heads up the environmental effort and talks about a new project with UC Merced to make sure the air in Stockton and the valley is monitored. He also talks about the ways the pollution from the freeways and port is being mitigated. The situation is dire, Stockton has one of the worst air pollution profiles in the state, and not coincidentally, the worst asthma rates in California, as well. This is Part 4 of an ongoing look at how Little Manila Rising is evolving to serve its community and to not give up on Stockton. This is the podcast of Emil Amok's Takeout. See the Daily Livestream at 2p Pacific on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter@emilamok. See replays at www.amok.com INDEX 0.58: Little Manila Rising intro 3:30: Crosstown Freeway/Pollution 4:23: Matt Holmes intro 5:20: Interview begins (Starts with
Ep. 102: "Try Harder" Director Debbie Lum
07/12/2021 Duração: 01h16min"Try Harder" director Debbie Lum talks to Emil Guillermo about Lowell High School and the college admissions process captured in the film's profile of five students of diverse backgrounds. What are AAPI going through to get to the elite colleges of their choice? And how are their parents dealing with it? Is it possible that the African American parent wins the "Tiger Mom" competition? And what of the white student who knows he has no chance to compete? Everyone wants to go to an elite college but no one ever asks if it's a right fit. The kids grow up as the film progresses. When it's over, you'll want to know why some got in, and others didn't. Emil, a Lowell alum, also compares his experiences with those of the students in the film. Find out where the film is showing at www.tryharderfilm.com Listen to Emil Amok's Takeout Live at 2pm Pacific on Facebook, Twitter @emilamok, and on YouTube. Copyright 2021-2
Ep.101: Little Manila Rising Goes Door-to-Door to Get Out the Vaccine; Protects the Community by Fighting Misinformation.
09/09/2021 Duração: 59minAmy Portello Nelson talks with Emil Guillermo about Little Manila Rising's "Get Out the Vaccine" drive. Modeled after the "Get Out the Vote" idea, the program goes door to door to give people good information about the virus and vaccines. And it's working, vaccine rates went from the low 30 percent range to more than 50 percent in the zipcodes canvassed. Now the plan is to keep going through the end of November. But it's not easy. Some are hesitant, and one resident even pulled a gun. But it's important work that Little Manila Rising is committed to doing. It's part of the evolution of Little Manila Rising, going from an educational and cultural focus to environmental and social justice issues to public health. And sometimes being all of those things as the community's needs change. Contact Emil Guillermo Media, www.amok.com Copyright, Emil Guillermo
Ep. 91: Little Manila Rising's Youth: From Stockton to Stanford And Back On a Mission
16/07/2021 Duração: 01h35minLittle Manila Rising is an non-profit organization in Stockton, Calif. servicing primarily the South Stockton community. After a recent youth conference produced by Little Manila youth, Emil Guillermo talked with Celine Lopez, a newly-minted Stanford graduate, who hopes to use her senior thesis in Urban Studies as a foundation for policy-making in her hometown. Celine talks about how she rediscovered her pride and self-worth as a Stocktonian at Stanford and how that fueled her desire to return to the Central Valley. She talks about how she wants to reverse the brain drain, and help restore the day when Stockton seemed to be the hub of life. LIsten to Emil Amok's Takeout--Live @2pPacific M-F on Facebook Watch and on FB@emilguillermo.media. You can see recordings of the daily show on www.amok.com Listen to the longer podcasts interviews wherever you get your podcasts.
Ep.81: How Little Manila Rising, An Environmental Justice Advocate in Stockton, CA, Makes A Difference
22/04/2021 Duração: 01h10minAn Earth Day/Earth Month Special! A Filipino American group called Little Manila Rising is part of a "people-powered" Green Revolution that's changing how the community in Stockton, Calif. gets involved in environmental justice. Recently, community members, empowered by state money through AB617, rejected a $5 million proposal from the Port of Stockton. The community stood up to the polluters. They were all tired of being dumped on. LMR's Dillon Delvo tells Emil Guillermo how and why it happened, and how LMR transformed its mission to fight for environmental justice. See more of my work at www.amok.com
Ep. 71: Do You Know Angelo Quinto? He's the Asian American/Filipino American George Floyd
27/02/2021 Duração: 01h43minAngelo Quinto died after a policeman had a knee to the back of his neck for 5 minutes. Emil Amok is Emil Guillermo, journalist, commentary, performing artist reads from the column he wrote on www.aaldef.org/blog about Quinto, the need for re-thinking policing, and what this means for Asian Americans. Prof. Dan Gonzales of SF State Univ joins in to comment on this, the recent rash of anti-Asian hate incidents in the U.S., and other news. For more go to www.amok.com #angeloquinto
Ep.70: Phil Tajitsu Nash on E.O. 9066 and the Incarceration of Japanese Americans
21/02/2021 Duração: 01h48sWhy were Japanese Americans incarcerated during World War II? President Franklin Roosevelt's signing of Executive Order 9066 on Feb. 19, 1942 paved the way. And while some where given redress payments in 1988, the battle continues for a few hundred Japanese Latin Americans who were also incarcerated at the same time but left out of the settlement. Phil Tajitsu Nash, U.Maryland Asian American Studies professor, lawyer, and activist talks to Emil Guillermo about the ongoing fight for justice. Nash talks about the circumstances around E.O.9066 and how more than 100,000 Japanese Americans were rounded up in the first place. Also, why Asian Americans were actually split about the incarceration with many Filipinos and Chinese in America were eager to disassociate themselves from the Japanese Americans. Nash talks about the need for solidarity among Asian Americans today and all people of color. Nash says many of those rounded up were American citizens, and none were ever convicted of espionage against the U.S. For
Ep.67: Farewell to Corky Lee-- My goodbye and my 2017 interview with Corky
30/01/2021 Duração: 01h39minCorky Lee died on Jan. 27 of Covid. He is now the undisputed Asian American photographer laureate. There was no sense of a modern Asian American civil rights movement before Vincent Chin inspired a generation to stand up and be seen. Corky Lee documented it all. I talk of my friendship with Corky as I read my post from the AALDEF blog. Then, I reprise my 2017 interview with Corky where he talks about the photograph he saw as a young boy of the Transcontinental Railroad. The Golden Spike united America but the photograph didn't show the people who built it all--Chinese Americans. That slight birthed the photographic justice that inspired Corky's life's work. See more on my amok website. -- More on Corky at www.amok.com -- Corky's inclusive pictures of the Transcontinental railroad. -- my piece on Corky's death. --Emil Guillermo
Ep.66: Covid, Dorothy Velasco, Pete Hamill, Race, Environment, Affirmative Action, Harvard, and Ted
08/08/2020 Duração: 02h18minEmil Amok's Takes on the latest Covid news, Dorothy Velasco's passing, Pete Hamill, Race, Environment, affirmative action, opening of schools, Harvard, Emil's speech and his friend Ted. Read more at amok.com; Or at https://www.aaldef.org/blog Emil Amok is the moniker of Emil Guillermo, the Asian American journalist of Filipino descent, who is the writer of the longest running column on Asian America in the ethnic media.
Ep. 65: John Lewis' "Good Trouble;" Trump's "Bad Trouble." And Another Ted Talk
31/07/2020 Duração: 01h33minTrump wasn't yelling, "We're No. 1." when the country surpassed 150,000 Covid-19 deaths. He didn't even bother to show up at John Lewis' funeral. Emil talks about the news and more. Plus another experiment into Covid friendship as he has a reunion with a college classmate, now a philosophy professor, Ted Schatzki. See Emil's columns at http://www.aaldef.org/blog. Twitter @emilamok. Watch for his shows at ww.zoomcomedian.com and at amok.com
Ep.64: How the Slants Helped To Change the Washington Football Team Name
17/07/2020 Duração: 01h07minEmil Guillermo talks to Simon Tam of the Slants about how his case to trademark what was thought to be a disparaging name didn't hurt but helped in the battle to change the name of the Washington NFL team. Emil also talks to author, journalist Jacqueline Keeler, who led activists through her group EradicatingOfensiveNativeMascotry. See his columns at http://www.aaldef.org/blog. Twitter @emilamok. Watch for his shows at ww.zoomcomedian.com and at amok.com
Ep.63: Emil Amok's Takeout on Hamilton, July 4th, Mt. Rushmore; Plus...another TED talk!
05/07/2020 Duração: 01h42minYou are not alone. Emil Amok Guillermo is a journalist, commentator, and humorist. Emil Amok's Takeout is where he works out his talk show days and gives you his take on everything. See his columns at http://www.aaldef.org/blog. Twitter @emilamok. Watch for his shows at ww.zoomcomedian.com and at amok.com
Ep.62: Emil Amok on Trump's "Make America Sick Again" Rally, Father's Day, White Privilege; Another Ted Talk, and more.
20/06/2020 Duração: 02h03minJournalist/commentator/humorist Emil Amok Guillermo gives his take on everything from Trump's "Make America Sick Again" rally, Father's Day, White Privilege, and Juneteenth. He talks to a friend he hasn't seen in more than 40 years named Ted, who is a philosopher. Listen to more shows on amok.com, and wherever you listen to podcasts. Read Emil's columns
Ep.61: #BLM, George Floyd, Trump's Reaction, and why FIlipinos should be in solidarity with BLM
06/06/2020 Duração: 01h49minEmil Guillermo has written his "Amok" column covering race, culture and ethnicity for the last 25 years in the Filipino and Asian American media. Professor Daniel Phil Gonzales of SF State's College of Ethnic Studies talks about George Floyd, the protests, #BLM, Trum['s future, gassing innocent people, and more...including the PBS "Asian American" documentary, and stories about growing up Filipino. Listen to more at amok.com. Read emil here. Visit the Filipino American National Historical Society Museum in Stockton, California once the COVID quarantine is lifted. Contact Twitter @emilamok or at amok.com
Ep.60: Emil Amok: My Kind of TED Talk
30/05/2020 Duração: 01h43minEmil Amok Guillermo talks with his old friend, University of Kentucky Philosopher Ted Schatzki about life, Covid, and George Floyd. They met at college and last saw each other when Emil gave a shocking speech. They reunited after 40 years when the pandemic began. This is their third conversation trying to make sense of life. Twitter @emilamok Contact: www.amok.com
Ep.59: Peter Jamero and Emil Amok Guillermo talk about the American Filipino-Native Born Experience.
23/05/2020 Duração: 02h03minA special Filipino American National Historical Society Museum program as Emil Guillermo, museum director, talks to author Peter Jamero, one of the first Filipinos born in America. Filipinos were first brought to America in large numbers in the 1920s and 1930s. But because of discrimination, few were able to either marry or intermarry in order to start families. Americans born here were treated no different than immigrants. Visit the FANHS National Museum in Stockton, CA. Facebook @fanhsmuseum This podcast is part of our FANHS National Museum virtual history program. Contact: emil@amok.com
Ep.58: Emil Amok Talks to a Philosopher about Covid, Pt.2
18/05/2020 Duração: 01h37minIs America too big to fail? Should the government do all it can to prop up the little guy as it has Big Business? Some of the questions in part 2 of "Emil Amok talks to a Philosopher About our Lousy Covid Life." Check out Emil's columns on at www.aaldef.org/blog , and at www.amok.com Also a speech for 2020 graduates, as Emil contemplates his alma mater's virtual graduation.
Ep.57: Emil Amok's Takeout on Stephen Miller, Colonial Mentality, Asian Americans, APA Heritage Month, and Skin-Whitening
11/05/2020 Duração: 01h17minWe're colonized by Covid but we're fighting back--by staying home! Professor E.J.Ramos David, author of "Brown Skin, White Minds," talks to Emil about colonial mentality, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and skin-whitening. David is also featured in promotional clips on the new PBS documentary on Asian Americans. Emil Amok begins with a rant on a variety of topics including, Stephen Miller, Mother's Day, and staying true to the quarantine ethic. Read Emil at http://www.aaldef.org/blog Twitter @emilamok See more at http://www.amok.com Listen to Emil on The PETA Podcast.

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