Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #391 Hide and Go Seek

    11/04/2023 Duração: 09min

    What do we say to someone really tall who is sitting in front of us in the movie theater? And how do spies communicate with each other? Guy explains the Hebrew root ח.ב.א Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Machbo’im – Hide and seek – מחבואים Mesachkim be-machbo’im – We’re playing hide and seek – משחקים במחבואים Machbo – Hideout, hiding place – מחבוא Mistor – Hiding place – מסתור Lehachbi – To hide – להחביא Lehastir – To hide – להסתיר “Tipim eich lehachbi mamtakim me-aba gargeran” – Tips on how to hide candy from a gourmand father – טיפים איך להחביא ממתקים מאבא גרגרן Lehachbi dvarim mi-mishehu – To hide things from someone – להחביא דברים ממישהו “Hu mastir sham mashehu elef achuz” – He’s hiding something in there, one thousand percent – הוא מסתיר שם משהו אלף אחוז Hu mastir sod – He’s hiding a secret – הוא מסתיר סוד Hu machbi et ha-kesefe mi-tachat la-mizran – He’s hiding the money under the mattress – הוא מחביא את הכסף מתחת למזרן Lehachbi et ha-kesef mi-ganavim – To hide the mon

  • #390 See You at the Protests

    04/04/2023 Duração: 06min

    In Hebrew, הפגנה is a demonstration, a protest. Israelis are very diligent protesters and demonstrators. Guy explains how to use the root פגנ to its fullest. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Hafgana - Demonstration, protest - הפגנה Hafganat neged - A counter demonstration - הפגנת נגד Hafganat ha-smol - The demonstration of the left - הפגנת השמאל Hafganat ha-yamin - The demonstration of the right - הפגנת הימין Hafganat ha-haredim - The ultra orthodox demonstration - הפגנת החרדים Hafganat ha-druzim - The druze demonstration - הפגנת הדרוזים Hafganat yots’ei etiopia - The demonstration by Israelis of Ethiopian descent - הפגנת יוצאי אתיופיה Hafganat ha-million - The 1 million persons demonstration - הפגנת המיליון Pizur hafganot - Crowd control - פיזור הפגנות Emtsa’im le-pizur hafganot - Means of crowd control - אמצעים לפיזור הפגנות Hem mafginim be-tel aviv achshav - They are protesting in Tel Aviv right now - הם מפגינים בתל אביב עכשיו Ha-mafginim tsoakim sisma’ot - The protesters

  • #389 Dear Inspector

    21/03/2023 Duração: 12min

    This episode is about the Hebrew root פקח. We call parking enforcement officers פקחי חניה. What might you say to one in order not to get a parking ticket? And what does this root have to do with kosher certificates? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Pikuach – Supervision, regulation – פיקוח Be-fikuach/be-pikuach – Under supervision – בפיקוח Gaz beiti – Domestic gas – גז ביתי “Batuach kshe-ze be-fikuach” – It’s safe when it’s under supervision – בטוח כשזה בפיקוח Be-fikuach ha-oom – Under supervision of the UN – בפיקוח האו”ם Ha-mehir be-fikuach – The price is regulated, under government supervision – המחיר בפיקוח Mutsarim be-fikuach – Products under supervision – מוצרים בפיקוח Befikuach ha-rabanoot X – Under the supervision of the rabbinate of X – בפיקוח הרבנות  “Mis’ada zo nimtset tahat pikuhenu ve-hashgachatenu” – This restaurant is under our supervision – מסעדה זו נמצאת תחת פיקוחנו והשגחתנו Piku’ach nefesh – See link below Lefakeach al mashehu – To supervise something – לפקח

  • #388 Danger Zone

    14/03/2023 Duração: 11min

    There are so many סכנות, dangers, in everyday life. How do we say, “it’s not worth the risk,” in Hebrew? And what does the Japanese word for fish have anything to do with taking risks? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Sakana la-demokratya – Danger to democracy – סכנה לדמוקרטיה Sakanat hitchashmelut – Danger of electrocution – סכנת התחשמלות Ha-demokratya be-sakana – Democracy is at risk – הדמוקרטיה בסכנה “Mevad’im she-ein ba sakana le-yeladim” – Making sure there’s no danger for children – מוודאים שאין בה סכנה לילדים Sakanot ba-reshet – Dangers online – סכנות ברשת Sakanot ha-ishun – The dangers of smoking – סכנות העישון Sakanot ba-reshatot ha-hevratiyot – Dangers in the social networks – סכנות ברשתות החברתיות Sakanot ha-ofanayim ha-hashmaliyim – The dangers of riding an electric bicycle – סכנות האופניים החשמליים “Hu yetse mi-klal sakana” – He’ll be out of danger – הוא ייצא מכלל סכנה “Hi tetse mi-klal sakana” – She’ll be out of danger – היא תצא מכלל סכנה Mesukan, mesukenet – D

  • #387 Have You Been Working Out?

    07/03/2023 Duração: 09min

    What Hebrew words and phrases do you need to know when looking for a new gym? How do we say fitness trainer, and what time is the best time to go to a gym? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Hadar kosher/Machon kosher – Fitness center, gym – חדר כושר, מכון כושר Ani holech la-machon – I am going to the gym – אני הולך למכון Minui (manuy) – Subscription, membership – מנוי, מינוי Minui “1 plus 1” – 1+1 subscription – מינוי אחד פלוס אחד Kama ole minui etslechem? – How much is a membership at your gym? – כמה עולה מינוי אצלכם Minui hadar kosher – Gym membership – מינוי חדר כושר Minui le-hodesh – A monthly membership – מינוי לחודש Minui le-shana – A yearly membership – מינוי לשנה Minui zoogi – A membership for two people – מינוי זוגי, מינוי לזוג Be-derech klal anachnu holchim la-machon le-imun kosher – Usually we go to the gym for fitness training – בדרך כלל אנחנו הולכים למכון לאימון כושר Imun – Workout, training – אימון Kama pe’amim at mit’ament be-shavu’a? – How many times do you ex

  • #386 Exposing the Truth

    14/02/2023 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word לחשוף is commonly used by archaeologists, journalists, dermatologists and… strippers. What does it mean? Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lahsof – To expose – לחשוף “Anahnu hosfim et ha-or shelanu la-shemesh, bederech klal bimchuvan” – We expose our skin to the sun, usually intentionally – אנחנו חושפים את העור שלנו לשמש, בדרך כלל במכוון “Gam anashim im gon or kehe yisarfu” – People with dark skin will also burn – גם אנשים עם גון עור כהה יישרפו “Aval hem tsrichim hasifa yoter memushechet” – But they need a longer exposure – אבל הם צריכים חשיפה יותר ממושכת “Magia ha-kaits, hem matchilim lahsof et ha-evarim” – Summer comes, they start exposing their body – הם מתחילים לחשוף את האיברים Lahsof et ha-guf la-shemesh – Expose the body to the sun – לחשוף את הגוף לשמש Hasifat yeter – Over exposure – חשיפת יתר Hasifet yeter la-shemesh – Over exposure to the sun – חשיפת יתר לשמש “Ha-yeladim hasfu kvar hamisha mitkanim” – The kids have already uncovered five

  • #385 You Don’t Want to Mess With Me

    07/02/2023 Duração: 09min

    There are people you don’t want to mess with, and there are things you shouldn’t do because they’re too much of a hassle. How do you say all this in Hebrew? Well, you’d use the עסק root, of course! Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Laasok be- – To deal with – לעסוק ב Hu osek be-ze harbe shanim – He’s been dealing with this for many years – הוא עוסק בזה הרבה שנים Al taasok be-ze achshav – You don’t have to deal with this right now – אל תעסוק בזה עכשיו Be-ma ata osek / Be-ma at oseket – What do you do for a living? – במה אתה עוסק, במה את עוסקת Ha-hevra oseket be- – The company is in the field of so and so – החברה עוסקת ב Osek murshe – Licensed freelancer – עוסק מורשה Ta’asuka – Employment, occupation – תעסוקה Lishkat ha-taasuka – Employment bureau – לשכת התעסוקה Lachtom ba-lishka – To sign at the employment office – לחתום בלשכה “Nimtsa avoda zmanit, lo retsinit” – We’ll find a temporary, non-serious job – נמצא עבודה זמנית, לא רצינית “Vegam nahtom ba-lishka” – And at the same ti

  • #384 The Deal of a Lifetime

    31/01/2023 Duração: 09min

    In Hebrew עסקים means business. Today, Guy talks about the root עסק and introduces other nouns we should know. Bonus: What do you do when you see an unfamiliar transaction in your credit card statement? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Esek – Business, mattar – עסק Asakim – Business – עסקים Beit esek – Shop, store – בית עסק Ze lo ha-esek shelcha – It’s none of your business – זה לא העסק שלך Ish asakim – Businessman – איש עסקים Eshet asakim – Businesswoman – אשת עסקים Iskey mazon – Food business – עסקי מזון “Ani be-iskei ha-mazon” – I am in the food industry – אני בעסקי המזון “Ani be-iskei ha-muzika” – I am in the music industry – אני בעסקי המוזיקה Iskei ha-sha’ashu’im – Show biz – עסקי השעשועים WhatsApp iski – WhatsApp business account – ווטסאפ עסקי Yo’ets iski – Business consultant – יועץ עסקי Pitu’ach iski – Business development – פיתוח עסקי Mitoog iski – Business branding – מיתוג עסקי Model iski – Business model – מודל עסקי Tochnit iskit – Business plan – תוכנית עסקית Pgi

  • #383 Best Served Warm

    17/01/2023 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word להגיש is a verb with several different meanings. Food, university papers and TV shows — these are all things we can להגיש. Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehapil – To drop – להפיל, נפל Lehasi’ah – To drive someone somewhere – להסיע, נסע Lehagish bakasha – To submit a request, an application, or to apply for something – להגיש בקשה Kupat Holim – A national health insurance company – קופת חולים Eich lehagish bakasha le-tofesh 17 – How to apply for and receive form number 17 – איך להגיש בקשה לטופס 17 Lehagish tluna ba-mishtara – To file a police report or complaint – להגיש תלונה במשטרה Ani tsricha lehagish avoda ba-universita mahar – I have a paper due at the university tomorrow – אני צריכה להגיש עבודה באוניברסיטה מחר Yesh li hagasha machar – I have a deadline for a presentation or project I need to submit tomorrow – יש לי הגשה מחר Mo’ed hagasha – The submission deadline – מועד הגשה Efshar lehagish – You can serve it – אפשר להגיש Lehagish ochel –

  • #382 My Sweetie Pie

    10/01/2023 Duração: 10min

    In Hebrew, מתוק means sweet or sweetie. You might also hear מתוק used passive-aggressively by a person standing in a Tel Avivi line. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Matok, matok hu ta’am ha-hayim” – Sweet, sweet is the taste of life – מתוק, מתוק, הוא טעם החיים Matok li – It’s too sweet – מתוק לי Matok/Metuka sheli – My darling – מתוק/מתוקה שלי Toda matok/metuka sheli! – Thank you sweetie! – תודה, מתוק/מתוקה שלי Ehhh, metuka sheli, slicha, ani hayiti kodem! – Sorry sweetie pie, I was here first! – מתוקה שלי, סליחה, אני הייתי קודם Shana tova u-metuka – Have a great year – שנה טובה ומתוקה “Motek lo lishloach li uga” – Darling, don’t send a cake to me – מותק, לא לשלוח לי עוגה Motek – Darling – מותק Halomot metukim – Sweet dreams – חלומות מתוקים Mayim metukim – Freshwater – מים מתוקים Mei yam – Sea water – מי ים Dagei yam – Sea fish – דגי ים Dagei mayim metukim – Freshwater fish – דגי מים מתוקים Rotsim lishmo’a al ha-metukim shelanu? – Do you want to hear about our desserts? –

  • #381 World Cup Hebrew Lingo

    20/12/2022 Duração: 08min

    You’re home, in front of the TV screen, watching one of the most important football games in the world cup. Suddenly, your team goes on the offensive. This could be the big moment. What Hebrew words and phrases do you shout in order to help bring them to victory? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Yalla – Yalla – יאללה Nu – Come on – נו Yeshhhhhhhhh – Yeaaaaaah! – יששששש Ta’avir ta’kadur – Pass the ball – תעביר ת’כדור Timsor ta’kadur – Pass the ball – תמסור ת’כדור Ta’avir kadima – Move the ball forward – תעביר קדימה Kadima – Go forward – קדימה Hinne – Here it is – הינה Yofi! – Great! – יופי Ten! – Give! – תן   Playlist and Clips: Shlomi Arbeitman – Pass pass, it’s a come Elai Botner & Yaldei Ha-huts – Kadima Hal’ah (lyrics) Matti Caspi – Hinne-Hinne (lyrics) Roni Dalumi – Ten (lyrics)   Ep. no. 42 about yalla Ep. no. 51 about yofi Ep. 83 about ten and latet Ep. 208 about masar Ep. 328 about kadima Ep. 334 about taavir

  • #380 I’m Warning You!

    06/12/2022 Duração: 07min

    The words להזהיר and אזהרה are used to warn someone of something or someone. We have many Hebrew expressions with אזהרה, warning, including the saying, רְאו הוזהרתם. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehazhir – To warn – להזהיר “Ani mazhira otcha” – I am warning you – אני מזהירה אותך Lehazahir mishehu mi-mashehu – To warn someone of something – להזהיר מישהו ממשהו Hizharti ota me-hem – I warned her of them – הזהרתי אותה מהם Lehazhir mishehu she-ulai ze lo yaavod – To warn someone that it might not work – להזהיר מישהו שאולי זה לא יעבוד Azhara – Warning – אזהרה Azhara: alul lehachil egozim – Warning: May contain nuts – אזהרה: עלול להכיל אגוזים “Ba-hayim ha-amitiym lo tamid nidleket nurat azahara” – In real life you can’t always get a warning light – בחיים האמיתיים לא תמיד נדלקת נורת אזהרה Ba-oto yesh lanu nurot azhara – In the car we have warning lights – באוטו יש לנו נורות אזהרה Paamonei azhara – Alarm bells – פעמוני אזהרה Tamrur azhara – Warning sign – תמרור אזהרה Yeriyat azah

  • #379 Be Careful!

    29/11/2022 Duração: 07min

    How would you warn a friend who is about to be hit by an electric bike speeding on the sidewalk? We would shout, !זהירות The Hebrew word זהירות is an important word to know. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Zehirut – Caution, care, watch out – זהירות “Adoni, hizaher, al tiga ba-iris” – Be careful, Sir, don’t touch the iris – אדוני, היזהר, אל תיגע באיריס Tizaher! – Careful – תיזהר Tizaher/tizahari/tizaharu sham – Be careful there – תיזהר/תיזהרי/תיזהרו שם Tizaher mimena – Be cautious of her – תיזהר ממנה Lehizaher mi-mishehu – To be cautious of someone – להיזהר ממישהו Tizaher me-emailim ka’ele – Be careful of these kinds of emails – תיזהר מאימיילים כאלה Tizaher me-hodaot ka’ele – Be careful of text messages like these – תיזהר מהודעות כאלה Tizaher im ha-kosot – Be careful with the cups – תיזהר עם הכוסות Zehirut im ha-kosot – Be careful with the cups – זהירות עם הכוסות “Rak eh, zehirut im ha-kosot” – Just be careful with the cups – רק אה, זהירות עם הכוסות Zahir – Cautious – זהיר

  • #378 Show Me the Money

    15/11/2022 Duração: 10min

    How could it be that we still didn’t dedicate an entire episode to the Hebrew word כסף, money? Let’s correct that wrong. Guy explains the slangy term for someone who is “loaded” with cash, and will also teach a special ‘blessing’ directed towards someone who stole from us. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Kesef – Money – כסף Haavarat ksafim – Money transfer – העברת כספים Lehaavir kesef – To transfer money – להעביר כסף Laasot kesef – To make money – לעשות כסף Hu ose kesef mi-ze? – Does he make money from it? – הוא עושה מזה כסף Walla, efshar laasot mi-ze kesef? – Really, you make money from it? – וואלה, אפשר לעשות מזה כסף Tachun (be-kesef) – Loaded – טחון בכסף Lachsoch kesef – To save money – לחסוך כסף Lekabel kesef mi-mishehu – To receive money from someone – לקבל כסף ממישהו “tekablu kesef mi-makor bilti yadu’a” – You’ll receive money from an unknown source – תקבלו כסף ממקור בלתי ידוע Lehachlif kesef – To change money – להחליף כסף Lihyot hayav le-mishehu kesef – To owe money

  • #377 Banking in Hebrew

    08/11/2022 Duração: 08min

    Using banking apps in a foreign language is not the easiest thing. Guy is here to help. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Aplikatsyat tashlumim – Payment application – אפליקציית תשלומים Lo naim ledaber al kesef? – Does it feel awkward to talk about money? – לא נעים לדבר על כסף Heshbon over va-shav – Current account – חשבון עובר ושב Kartisei Ashrai – Credit cards – כרטיסי אשראי Matbe’a zar – Foreign Currency – מטבע זר Anachnu mitchayvim le-maane mi-bankai ba-aplikatsya be-toch sha’ah gag – We commit to a personal response from a banker via the app within one hour max – אנחנו מתחייבים למענה מבנקאי באפליקציה בתוך שעה גג Sha’ah gag – One hour tops – שעה גג Shem mishtamesh – Username – שם משתמש Kod mishtamesh – User code – קוד משתמש Sisma – Password – סיסמה Shachachti sisma – I forgot my password – שכחתי סיסמה Shichzur sisma – Reset password – שחזור סיסמה Meida – Information – מידע Meida ishi – Personal info – מידע אישי Pe’ula – Action, operation – פעולה Amlat pe’ula – Operation c

  • #376 Talk to Me at 7 A.M.

    01/11/2022 Duração: 05min

    A Listener from Kansas City asked whether we use AM/PM in Hebrew. Here is the answer. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: 4 pm = 16:00 6 pm = 18:00 8 pm = 20:00 Nifgashim be-shesh? – Are we meeting at six? – נפגשים בשש נפגשים ב6 נפגשים ב-6 נפגשים ב-18:00 Sheva ba-boker – 7 am – שבע בבוקר Az amarnu be-arba, ken? – So we said at four, right? – אז אמרנו בארבע, כן Tsohorayim – The hot hours of the day – צוהריים Daber iti ba-tsohorayim – Talk to me at the early afternoon – דבר איתי בצוהריים Ahar ha-tsohorayim – Late afternoon – אחר הצוהריים, אחה”צ Ani er me-arba ba-boker, benadam – I’ve been up since 4am – אני ער מארבע בבוקר, בנאדם   Playlist and Clips: Nunu – Living the Dream (Lyrics) Episode 12 about tsohorayim Episode no. 84 about zman Episode no. 142 about Whatsapp Hebrew Episode no. 138 about shalosh, three. Episode no. 179 about arba, four.  Episode no. 225 about hamesh and hamsa.  Episode no. 267 about shesh, six.  Episode no. 130 about sheva, seven. Episode no. 100 abou

  • #375 Oops, I Got It Wrong

    18/10/2022 Duração: 08min

    How do we say, “Oops, I’m sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number,” in Hebrew? Guy continues to explain the root ב.ל.ב.ל, this time in binyan pu’al and hitpael. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ani mevulbal – I am confused – אני מבולבל Eize mevulbali/tooshtoosh ata – You got a bit confused, sweetie pie – איזה מבולבלי/טושטוש אתה Mevulbalim? – Are you all confused? – מבולבלים? Hitbalbel – He got confused, he got mixed up – התבלבל Hannah’le hitbalbela – Hanna’le got mixed up – חנה’לה התבלבלה Oops, hitbalbalti ba-mispar – Oops, I got the number wrong – אופס, התבלבלתי במספר “Oy slicha, hitbalbalti ba-mispar, sori” – Oh, sorry, I dialed the wrong number – אוי סליחה, התבלבלתי במספר, סורי Lehitbalbel ba-shem – To get the name wrong – להתבלבל בשם Lehitbalbel ba-yom – To get the day wrong – להתבלבל ביום ‘Ata mitbalbel’ – You’re getting it wrong – אתה מתבלבל Ata ose et ha-sgira hayom, nachon? – You’re supposed to close tonight, right? – אתה עושה את הסגירה היום, נכון Ata mitbalbel, a

  • #374 Don’t Confuse Me

    11/10/2022 Duração: 08min

    How do you say confusion, a bother, a mess in Hebrew? And what does it mean when we say, להיות בבלבלה? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon     New Words and Expressions: Bilbul – Confusion – בלבול Haya bilbul – There was a mixup – היה בלבול Bilbul moach – A bother, a nuisance – בלבול מוח Bilbul moach echad gadol – One helluva mambo jumbo – בלבול מוח אחד גדול Levalbel – To confuse – לבלבל Balbeli Oto – Confuse him! – בלבלי אותו Al Tevalbel Li Yoter Et Ha-mo’ach – Stop annoying and nagging me – אל תבלבל לי יותר את המוח Al tevalbel et ha-moach – Stop with this nonsense, this is ridiculous – אל תבלבל את המוח Al tevalbel et ha-mo’ach →> Al’tbalbel-ta’mo-ach – אל תבלבל ת’מוח Al tevalbeli et hamoach →> Al’tbalbeli-ta’mo-ach – אל תבלבלי ת’מוח Tagid lo she-lo yebalbel ta-mo’ach – Tell him to cut it out – תגיד לו שלא יבלבל ת’מוח She-lo yevalbelu otcha – Don’t let them pull one over you – שלא יבלבלו אותך Rega, al tevalbel oti (Al t’balbel oti) – Wait, don’t confuse me – רגע, אל תבלבל אותי Ze ma-ze mevalbel – It’

  • #373 Last But Not Least

    04/10/2022 Duração: 11min

    Who’s last in line? You are? So I’m after you. Today, Guy explains the different uses of אחרון, meaning last or lately, including the saying, last but not least. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Slicha, mi acharon? – Who’s last in line? – סליחה, מי אחרון Slicha, ata acharon? – Are you the last? (M.) – סליחה, אתה אחרון  Slicha, at achrona?’ – Are you the last? (F.) – סליחה, את אחרונה Az ani acharecha/acharayich – So I am after you – אז אני אחריך/אחרייך Ba-zman ha-acharon – Lately – בזמן האחרון La-achrona – Lately – בזמן האחרון “La-achrona at mezayefet” – Lately you’ve been faking it – לאחרונה את מזייפת “Ve-yadati she-ha-paam bli safek” – And I knew that that time, without a doubt – וידעתי שהפעם בלי ספק “Zot ha-paam ha-achrona” – It was the last time – זאת הפעם האחרונה Zot hayta ha-paam ha-achrona – It was the last time – זאת הייתה הפעם האחרונה Zot ha-paam ha-achrona – This is the last time – זאת הפעם האחרונה Pa’am achrona! – This is the last time you do that, or else! – פעם א

  • #372 The Fog Will Clear Tomorrow

    13/09/2022 Duração: 05min

    What does this mean in Hebrew: חברים, רגע, אל תתפזרו לי. We use it to say, “let’s get back on track!” On this episode, Guy talks about all things that can scatter, including people and the fog. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ha-arafel hitpazer – The fog cleared – הערפל התפזר Ha-arafel yitpazer machar – The fog will clear tomorrow – הערפל יתפזר מחר Lehitpazer – To be scattered, to be all over the place – להתפזר Hu nora mitpazer, Hi nora mitpazeret – They are all over the place – הוא נורא מתפזר, היא נורא מתפזרת Al titpazer – Don’t scatter – אל תתפזר Al titpazer midai – Stay focused on the main points – אל תתפזר מדיי “Hevre, eh, haverim, shhh, rega, al titpazru li – “Guys, don’t get all scatterbrained on me” – חבר’ה, אה, חברים, ששש, רגע, אל תתפזרו לי Hitpazrut – Scattering – התפזרות  Hitpazrut ha-knesset – Dissolving of the parliament – התפזרות הכנסת “Et ha-geshem ten rak be-ito” – Give us rain at its time – את הגשם תן רק בעיתו “U-va-aviv pazer lanu prachim” – And in the spri

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