Cowboy Wisdom Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 104:19:00
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Cowboy Wisdom Radio is about expanding your wisdom promoting and energizing wealth and success in people to experience their desired life.


  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    25/10/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening Tonight I talk about how positive thinking is thwarts desired outcomes because thinking and knowing go hand and hand to experience the bland. As I now realize to expand of my desired outcome I optimizes utopian trailblazer courage opens marvelous enterprising endeavors. I now realize I can never think my way to the promise land I feel the promise land with images of my desired outcomes. I now grasp when a conversation has become stale and going nowhere the instant I hear I think and I know because that is the comfort zone of all so I now understand when I say I think or I know I am using my limiting beliefs viewpoints opinions and worn out patterns... As I now admit and grasp when I say I think or I know I’m using yesterdays ways to stay safe stopped today so I instantly opened the way for my feelings of farseeing fervor with passionate emotion energy sensing enterprising excitement inside me freed... My new creeds of I question and listen my way to my promised land of glorious grandeur sancti

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    20/10/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom introducing you to my new word leaderserve leaderserve is to show people the way with lionized wise never telling people the way allowing people uncover and discover their diviner intuition I now realize words outside of our normal vocabulary scares people. I now understand new words ascend my new self esteem. I now admit admire and respect I throw the words work productive and busy out the door because those words kept me dizzy and always on the go trying scurry in hurry then become frustrated and irritated when life placed things on the road to goat me into hysteria always thinking I work hard I’m busy and productive yet my life was stalemated and outdated because I was dizzy in busy running around drowning in despair thinking life is never fair because my work and productions is going nowhere thinking I work so hard and others work less and get more causes me to feel sorry for myself with a pity me palaver passed away today as I now understand respect and admire

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    18/10/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening to all... My listening lore awakened new ascending acumen understanding new words roused out new enterprising expressions to expand out of my current life. New words open new doors for me to walk through... Enterprising Expressions is a chapter in my newest book: I Am Wisdom I now realize admit admire and respect feeling my enterprising expressions with inspired emotions this is always a better way… To anything and everything so I asked me… How are words my inspirational lexes speaking my enterprising expressions? I quickly clarify my innerwise purifies my skies of spry virtuosity that hue’s my rad rainbows of colorful words coloring the images of… My dreams poetically painting my desired winning accomplished outcomes with now words that beyond my self taught vocabulary… Sanctions my new visionary vocabulary to play my movie of my affluent rich results on my third eye movie screen sheens my feeling…  Gallantly groovy galvanizing rebellious optimistic omnificence vehemently yeses my rhyming

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    13/10/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy WIsdom... Tonight I talk about the ways Rob with Cowboy Wisdom expands your life and energizes your genius gumption through the way I expanded my life now. i awoke with a crisp frisky foresight life in never about what I know but what i am willing to experience to uncover my luring lore to hear new venue of visionary endeavors naturally unleashing enterprising intuition allows me to experience lavish accomplishments with sense of gratitude for me my life all people and the universe for allowing me to participate on this earthly plane with spiritual my illuminated flame of fervor love appreciation majestical expressions of peace and prosperity now and forever more I see the world thru peacemaker eyes showing people a better way to expand through life with the greatest of ease appeasing their dreamers dare

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    11/10/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom tonight I talk about my pacesetter poetry to expand people with poetry with innerprising wisdom within the writings... I never put on workshops cowboy wisdom presents enterprising expressions to expand people out of their current life to energize their desired life enterprising their gut gumption to understand my innersurprising wise untethers wealth innovation success enlightenment by unhooking words with memories and tumultuous thoughts stuck in trying to know their way creating dismay because life never goes the way I think it should because life never follows the knowing roads because my life follows dreamers dare clearing my trails of triumph smoothing my paths of serene peace and posh prosperity because my intuitive inlightenmint dissolved my innermost sour muck that had me stuck in yesterdays snares of life in never fair was my delusional despair went up in flames with all my blame and shame i embedded instantly sanctioned me to open my colorful heart hues unle

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    06/10/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening to all... I'm curious... How do I focus on the countries problems rather admit and adhere to my challenges? How do my challenges mirror the challenges of the country and other people? I now realize it is easier to talk about the countries challenges rather than voyage into my llife. I now understand leisure of life is listen expand inspire splendor unlocking revolutionary energy. How do people hide behind gossip. I now realize and admit I try to hide chides me internally allows me to be liberated by address all hauteur in me emancipate the emotional angst within me and feel free because I address in me confessed to me and blessed the world with my wisdom... I put my embedded dreads that live in my head to bed because I unblocked a bold brilliance to understand admit and heed head is the bone structure of my spiritual structure allowed me to fissure my thinking memory mind unbinded my inspirational expressions to flow from deep within me myself and I to realize the sunrise strength of my brainpo

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    04/10/2017 Duração: 15min

     This show is about my tribute to people that went through the ordeal. I now realize their is underlying stuff about that puts us into a violent actions. How does going out in a vilolent act come from history and ignorant arrogance. I ask... How do we teach our selves violence and revenge? I asked me… How does heal and forgiveness keep me living and thinking in memories of my past? I dissolved the speaking writing or using the words heal and forgiveness because I realized admitted and heeded heal and forgiveness keep me living and thinking in the crass memories of my past Instantly unlocked my gut stalwart to understand heal and forgiveness are about thinking what I did or what somebody else did to me is a fallacy to me now as I now realize admire admit and respect I allowed everything in my life so I am responsible and accountable for my life events opened my heart to hear I never had a past I experience a continuous now with events that matured and expanded me to be free to feel revolutionary enterprising

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    29/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom. I am expanding of inspirational peace and entrepreneurial prosperity to release the subconscious hold of history. This in new path of innocence unblocking my numen wit trusting the spiritual unseen unknown and unexplainable whatevers.  Dissolving My Internal Evil I blatantly asked me today… How will I feel dissolving releasing and letting go of my internal evil now? I awoke my god forsaken… Troublemaker desire to fire up my cowboy up candor and tell the evil within me to get the well out of me now then asked… How liberated do I feel understand the bliss of innocence resides and thrives within me myself and I? Because my troublemaker shows me… Myself and I my tenacious resolve opens unorthodox boldIAM love expanding my audacious kevalin emotional resplendence to dance… With my life lionized innocence feeling emancipated from my internal evil as I now live loving inspired visionary elegance within my skin… As I win because I admire and embellish I won because I s

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    27/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening From Rob with Cowboy Wisdom. Tonight I speak about people encompass all the dark delusions in the world. As I now grasp people have taught to hate through a silent ingrained of profane inanity.  I awoke with this question poking me in my comfort zone cloned control… How is war poverty and struggle the worlds silent comfort zone of secret control? Instantly unblocked my steam heated sassy tenacity as I now understand the world understands strive and struggle two ways #1 powers to be crassly grasp keep people struggling they are easier to control and dominat two people stay in struggle and strife they stay loyal to the those who feed them because struggle and strive it is self taught comfort zone of following societies instructions that people need the powers to be to feed and cloth them is a blemish of our systems of control  since the beginning of time till as the powers to be control has began it’s descent to oblivion to never breath again in my life because I now understand admit and admire al

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    15/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening for Rob with Cowboy Wisdom... I am hypnotherapist, NLP Innovator, TIme Line Coach, Dream Scupltor, Life Coach and introducing you to a visionary vocabulary to expand people out of memory. Tonight I talk about how wanting stuff from outside sources disarmed gut gall to experience it all. I now realize and admit the government is corporation is competition for my money and all peoples money. How is wanting outside assistance financially my dream stealer. I now realize anything that I look for from other outside of wisdom takes away from my abilities. I love experiencing life feeling troublemaker crazy with emotions of nomadic nerve because being crazy tells me I am waiting for The rest of the world to catch me as for being a troublemaker I now understand respect and admire a troublemaker experiences life beyond The yawns of political correctness and societies hierarchy malarkey so I now realize admit and admire I relish being troublemaker crazy with sovereign sass instantly unstressed my life as

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    13/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. I now released using goals or intentions because they both are good but intentions and goals lack action their mundane to the subconscious. Which give you more power I set goals, my intentions or I feel inspirational expressions to experience my dreams. I now express inspiration show scientists the way as they write the findings as what they now know as inspiration is of the infinite… Know is of the finite so thinking is tied to the finite as intuition is of the boundless so I dismiss my knowing thinking basking of frisky rousing… Prophecy as I now understand the prowess power of inspirational intuition authorwises guts to admit thinking stinks thoughts knot and… Memories binds me up in what I know as I now realize to know is to be victim of our thinking mind tied to memory as inspirational intuition... Listens to legacy love of the seers

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    08/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom hynpnotherapist, NLP, Dream Sculptor and published author. I now realize I was taught to think rather than feel my gut wisdom. I now grasp I taught myself to think rather than trust my gut communcations because they caused me instill distrust of my abilities. How does history control peoples thinking and minds today? I now admit admire and respect my releasing of history because history was never taught to teach me history was taught to control me and the world to fall in line with silent societies bushwhacking ways all went away today as my heart hallowed enterprising energy ascending trendsetting tenacity unsheathed my souls savvy omnific utopian lore synchronizes my dreamers divinity with my innerwise wininity unrestrained my wisdom intuition natural imaginative nirvana inlightenmint tantalizes yazzapizzazz prowess to arise from my ashes of history to energize my powerhouse of prowess to understand admire and respect the fissuring of history opens the way for the

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    06/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening I Am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom. I now understand goals kept me stuck in my minds as Insprirational expressions excite my nomadic nirvana within me. Because I understand goals are from comfort zone thinking as inspiration expands my internally to feel the accomplishment. I now understand letting go of thinking to feeling my intestinal fortitude sensing my effrontery emotions expand me of my desires. I let go of thinking in goals and intentions to feel and express my inspirational intuition opens my passionate prowess of my enterprising innovations I desire to experience as my way of life now and forever I am sumptuously successful because I relish the life’s spiritual tests lionizing bountiful bliss that kissed me so elegantly today in every way so graciously Thank You and I Appreciate feeling Loved from unknown and unseen sources of the cosmos sensing everlasting serene peace flow through me myself and I sensing my illuminated innocence stream through my arteries of awesome

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    01/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom Hypnotherapy NLP published author, and Dream Sculpter with a visionary vocabulary. I now understand my comment tell my responsive rhetoric that shows me my inner blocks. I now understand the way I respond to other people good is how I feel about my good allows me to admit my life limbo authorizes my grit gall to experience life through my pioneering particpant prowess. Good Morning my core sunrise shines my souls rays of amazing grace that steams from my autonomous aura that opened the door for me to fly so high that my angels are wearing oxygen masks because I unlocked my inner cells of hell cleared my cells hell raiser resolve admiring my fiery facilitator foresight that turned on my minted inlightenmint to understand life is bitter sweet because life shows me the bitter to test me to see whether I accept the bitter or appreciate the sweet splendor that hides in the center of all bitter situations opens me to ask… How is life like a tootsie pop? As I now realize my

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    25/08/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom. I am hypnotherapist, NLP Intuit, and Dream Sculptor with a visionary vocabulary I discovered and unleashed to expand all people... How did complaining keep me stuck in the mundane inanity of my life? I now realize admit admire and respect my complaining shut off my hearing heart and adventurous soul because I had my enterprising wise shut off by what was wrong with something that had nothing to do with my dreams.

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    23/08/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Day Rob with Cowboy Wisdom shows you new ways to expand your life with hypnotherapy, NLP, Dream Sculpting, books, CDs, DVDs, and Walk of WIsdom Webinars. I dawned this day with this querying question… How does political correctness control the world and me subconsciously? I rose this day with newfound freedom within my skin because I expanded beyond my political correct mind that binds me... Into looking good in other people eyes and worrying about what other people think about me fled my life today taking all my innermost dreads with them instantly opened my revolutionist ears to hear new unexplainable wisdom energizing my utopian wit illuminates the trails of triumph... Tantalizing my heart omnipotence unsheathes my soul sovereignty to see the worlds spins in the dim whims of political correctness by those who think they control people lives through selfish sabotage thinking they are in charge of peoples lives with their teachings of what they want us... To know with me and all people living our li

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    18/08/2017 Duração: 16min

    Good Evening Rob with Cowboy Wisdom opens peoples eyes to understand their dreams are unique to their inner voyage that will forever be expressed on the physical plane unlocks peoples understanding their dreams show true undiscovered lifestyle people deserve within their accomplished outcomes. I now realize I gave stuff away yet zilch occurred. When I gave stuff away people promised yet they were to busy. Giving is a fine line of the divine and benign. I now understand giving things expecting stuff is bogus yet giving without attachment is dynamic. I put my embedded dreads that live in my head to bed because I unblocked a bold brilliance to understand admit and heed head is the bone structure of my spiritual structure allowed me to fissure my thinking memory mind unbinded my inspirational expressions to flow from deep within me myself and I to realize the sunrise strength of my brainpower that gleam my sunny brainprowess that washes away all my embedded dreads clears my soothsayer yeasayer daredevilry to h

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    16/08/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Day from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom Hypnotherapist, NLP Innovator, Visionary Vocabulary, Dream Sculptor, Past Regression, and Published Author. I asked me... How do I have faith in my thinking rather than trust of quick wit? I now realize my quick thinking created my challenging situations and my quick wit engaged my feelings and emotions to hear all my wise muses to enthuse my life. I now realize I was taught myself thinking rather than through listening. Rob with Cowboy Wisdom understands admires and respects life is voyage through the innerseas of ceaseless blessings within all people Rob with Cowboy Wisdom understands shows people the way to their innermostPromised Land Today I stopped being a fix it twit to trust my quick wit of wisdom intuition and talent because I now realize fix it is putting a band aid on wound that never heals because the raw emotions and hurt feelings are just being covered over with false bravado that is exposed when then same type of event occurs because fix it covers over th

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    11/08/2017 Duração: 16min

    Rob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about the invisible becoming the physical. I talk about opening the door to trust the invisible to be the visible. I now think I trust the invisible and spirit yet I lack the feelings and emotions to embrace the trust. How do I stay stuck inside the chiding of distrust of the inivisble and spirit? I now understand to trust the inivisible and my abilities to see through the riff raff to the physical gaffs I put myself through because of lack of trust in my abilites. This going to be new territory for me to experience. So here I go... I asked me… How my life is invisible expanding into the visible? I now realize admit admire and respect life lionizes invisible forerunner enlightenment exciting my knight of light to ride the universes lightwaves of brave boldly revolutionizing animated visionary extravaganzas to celebrate... My invisible wisdom expanding into the visible innovations of my life because I now realize I was trying to live only on the physical plane yet out of blue som

  • Cowboy Wisdom Radio

    04/08/2017 Duração: 15min

    Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom show you the way to expand through life now and forever more. I asked me… How I am stuck in knowledge feeling unsettled of wisdom? As I now admit I was stuck in knowledge then being caught up in everything I know from books and life then relying on a computer model to live my life went away today as I unblocked a numen ado of amazing daring optimism of incredible splendor magically illuminated my core to shine of wisdom as I now understand feel respect admit and admire wisdom allows to hear and see to feel and see my life beyond my knowledge that college knows it all so I let go of being medicate on education to being infatuated with my inner most wisdom that uncluttered me to stop puttering around in thinking I know everything realizing and admitting everything I know I have already taught myself and used in my daily life opens my babies eyes and crystal clear hearing to see the pristine beauty of my day to day escapades hearing mature lore of my day unsheathed my ad

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