Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 223:43:19
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An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • How to Use Crystals as Bridges to Another World | Mark Bajerski

    30/09/2022 Duração: 01h01min

    Energy healer and crystal expert Mark Bajerski explains how you can utilize crystals, including moldavite, tektite and other crystal specimens as a link to other worlds, and dimensional realities. Out of the scores of people Mark Bajerski has worked with over the years, he shares how some of these individuals who have had crystal energy healing with Mark have spoken unknown languages, described colors not of this world and were able to communicate with other beings telepathically. We also discuss… Why there is a current trend of young people talking about their “bad” experiences with moldavite. Mark clears up the confusion! Who are the “moldavite people?” Are they beings from another world, dimension, or spirits long gone? Mark explains how he’s connected with this energy through his work with moldavite. What are the dire messages coming through from some of these stones that we all need to heed? Especially now during this highly advanced technological age? #moldavite #healing #cry

  • ET Contact Encounters – A Wake Up Call for Humanity | Susan Manewich

    22/09/2022 Duração: 38min

    Contactee Susan Manewich has been having encounters with ET’s (she calls them “creator beings”) since she was 2 years old. Her multiple contact, she feels, has been a large part of her lifelong journey to assist mankind during this challenging period in our human history. Susan admits that not only has she had contact with multiple beings over her incarnation in this lifetime but in previous incarnations she was of the ET realm! In this episode Susan gives a very unique perspective of her own experiences including working with a golden light technology while on board a craft and how her encounters have been guiding her to both understand what’s happening on the planet right now and how to work directly with individuals to help them through this unprecedented time. Through one of her encounters Susan was shown how humanity would unfold over a period of time. She feels that unfolding is happening now and it’s time to wake up to what we’re really facing. Susan’s ET encounters have taken some biza

  • Channeled Messages from ETs – What’s Happening Now & Why | Fay Vale

    20/08/2022 Duração: 51min

    ▷ Watch: EXCLUSIVE After Show segment: Latest channeled message from the "Beings"

  • Susan Manewich: The GREAT Juxtaposition – Reset or Awakening? A Contactee’s Perspective

    15/08/2022 Duração: 01h01min

    Contactee, author, and consciousness researcher Susan Manewich joins Higher Journeys to share her perspective on what’s happening on the planet and the larger cosmos right now. After an ominous “dream” Susan had in 2020 which eerily foretold some of the world changing events that were to come, she set out on a course to unravel a complex and history changing puzzle but from the perspective of someone who’s had lifelong contact with non-human intelligence (ET). Are the changes we’re experiencing pointing us to a planned reality that some want to see happen or will we utilize the larger planetary changes as a means to awaken to a more positive and empowering future for mankind? Will constant world crisis, teaming with fear and division rule our future or will we use our emotional intelligence to navigate away from the limited perspectives set before us by a tiny few? Has the presence of upheaval both on the ground and “in the heavens” been skillfully placed alongside one another to actually crack op

  • Caroline Cory | Why Empaths Have Been Hit SO HARD by Recent Solar Storms and More!

    05/08/2022 Duração: 56min

    ▷ Want More? Be sure to check out the exclusive after show with Caroline Cory

  • THE EVENT: Space Arks & Activation. Has the Turning Point Finally Arrived? | Mary Rodwell

    21/07/2022 Duração: 52min

    ET Contact researcher and regression therapist Mary Rodwell joins Higher Journeys once again to share her insider information on what some are simply calling, “The Event” - A Global paradigm shifter the likes of which no one has seen historically. But does this event include the presence of craft like objects or “Space Arks?” According to alternative researcher Michael Salla, “…ancient space arks [have been] discovered on the Moon, Mars, Antarctica, and other locations in our solar system. According to Thor Han Eredyon, a Galactic Federation pilot, whose messages are relayed through a former professional French archeologist, Elena Danaan, these huge space arks are activating due to the recent arrival of a large fleet of spacecraft belonging to an Intergalactic Confederation—parked in the vicinity of Jupiter and its moon, Ganymede.” (source: http://www.michaelsalla.com) Mary Rodwell feels that not only will these space arks become self-activated but will also allow humanity to activate its own higher c

  • Laura Eisenhower on Timelines, Glitches in the Matrix and Beyond!

    20/06/2022 Duração: 56min

    Get instant access to the after show exclusive with Laura Eisenhower

  • Future Timelines, Parallel Realities & Proof the Mandela Effect is Real | Cynthia Sue Larson

    01/06/2022 Duração: 48min

    The idea of future timelines co-existing under what has been called parallel realities is not far-fetched. In fact, “reality shifter” Cynthia Sue Larson says SHE experienced one such timeline where she lived in a dystopian, A.I. controlled, transhuman society. It was when she suffered a very present episode of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) after re-living this parallel reality that she began looking at the possibility of changing its outcome. According to Cynthia, she was given this experience in order to show herself and others how undesirable “futures,” once we learn of them can be altered - by us! And once humanity (or a portion of it...enough to create a critical mass) realizes their ability to consciously shift outcomes in their favor, an ascension, expansion, or awakening can occur! This is what we discussed within the context of a so-called “secret” program called Project Looking Glass - a technology that allows for both past and future timelines to be viewed and possibly inf

  • UFO Smoking Gun: They’re Here, They’re Real & It’s Time for You to Know | Caroline Cory

    15/05/2022 Duração: 54min

    In filmmaker Caroline Cory’s brand new UFO documentary A Tear in the Sky, renowned scientist Michio Kaku says of the UFO mystery, “What we need is the smoking gun that will solve it.” Cory set out on an unprecedented UFO expedition with a team of experts, some of the best military grade equipment available and a mission to find that smoking gun. What they got back and what is meticulously documented in the film is that, yes, the UFO phenomenon is not only a likely reality but it’s consistently happening in our skies and they have the data to prove it! This coupled with two VERY significant developments unfolding in the mainstream news: a recent 1,500+ page document haul with massive amounts of data collection by intelligence including some of the physiological effects of UFO encounters (yes, they even documented alien “abduction!”), and a soon to be (May 17, 2022) congressional open hearing to more comprehensively discuss the UFO “issue” in order to get more answers “on reports of mysterious aircraft

  • Terry Lovelace | Alien Abduction, Screen Memory & Altered Realities

    08/04/2022 Duração: 01h13min

    ET contact experiencer and author of the best-seller Incident at Devil’s Den, Terry Lovelace joins the show once again to examine three BAFFLING abduction cases. Though each account is distinct on their own, they all carry common elements. Are all of these considered alien abduction cases in the “classic” sense (or is there something else going on)? Are each of the witnesses giving completely honest and accurate accounts? Do each of the encounters have hallmarks of what is known in UFO abduction research as screen memory? We examine each of these components and dive deep into what on earth (or off) may be going on. Terry Lovelace is a native St. Louis Missouri. After high school in 1973, he enlisted in the United States Air Force as the Vietnam war was winding down. He was trained as a medic/EMT and served six years on active duty from 1973 to 1979. In 1977, he and a coworker were abducted while wilderness camping at Devils Den State Park in NW Arkansas. For fear of damage to his legal career and

  • Barry Littleton | Earthbound Spirit Attachment – What You Need to Know Right Now!

    24/03/2022 Duração: 59min

    ✅ Join us for a special LIVE presentation, workshop and Q&A with Barry Littleton about the subject of Earthbound Spirit Attachment: Saturday, March 26th. ➡️ REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/34FrdDu And use the discount code: HIGHERJOURNEYS10 when you sign up!! Barry Littleton joins the show for a follow up discussion on the wide-spread phenomenon of the Earthbound spirit and spirit or entity attachment - how it happens, why it happens and who’s most vulnerable to the issue. Our original episode in December of 2021: https://youtu.be/61cdq0r4Sfc merely scratched the surface of this deep subject and many people wanted Barry to go into more detail about the phenomenon. In this episode we do! - Just who are these earthbound spirits attaching to? - Are there some who are more exposed to attachment than others? - What makes a “crossed over” person want to attach to living humans? - Can attachments just randomly go away or is there some action that needs to be taken to get rid of them? - How

  • Laura Eisenhower | Making Sense of the Global Madness – A Galactic Perspective

    18/03/2022 Duração: 01h05min

    Laura Eisenhower joins Higher Journeys once again to peel back the layers of the madness of surface reality and discuss the larger picture of what’s happening on planet earth and why…from an astrological/galactic point of view. Are all the events we see playing out before us a part of a Matrix-like overlay? And if so, how can we remove that layer to see AND participate in what lies underneath (real earth)? With a deep perspective on astrology and timelines as well as those who are behind many of the events we see in front of us right now, Laura distills their significance and the role that we each can play in seeing to it that Earth’s trajectory stays on a path of true ascension and not destruction, despite what can look like a complete implosion. Buckle up! This is going to be a DEEP DIVE down he rabbit hole! #greatawakening #astrology #LauraEisenhower Visit the website of Laura Eisenhower: https://cosmicgaia.org/

  • Mike Clelland | Pareidolia, Owls and Synchronicity – More Than Meets the Eye?

    05/03/2022 Duração: 52min

    Is the phenomenon of pareidolia more than just the mind’s eye playing tricks on you? What if the distinct images you see in otherwise “random” patterns like clouds, curtains or bathroom tile is trying to send you a powerful message? And if so, how is this happening? Why is it happening? Mike Clelland, author of the book THE MESSENGERS and experiencer of all things supernatural shares his own sojourns into the hidden realms of reality, including his multiple synchronicities with owls, ET contact and pareidolia. In this episode we dive into the mechanisms that may be at play when it comes to the origins of images emerging in the external world and their meaning. Is individual consciousness literally creating the images that we see or are the images conscious in and of themselves and trying to send us a personal message? We’ll also explore the holographic model of reality as a possible theory to explain how pareidolia is more than just an imagined picture on the so-called external screen of rea

  • Jason Quitt on His “Strange” Encounters: OBE’s & Dream Journeys

    04/02/2022 Duração: 01h08min

    Esoteric researcher and author Jason Quitt joins Higher Journeys to discuss strange encounters and the unseen elements of reality that include his own bizarre journeys with out of body experience, shadow person visits and “apocalyptic” visions. His own story presents a fascinating backdrop to what may be happening to millions around the world without them knowing it. What or who is influencing our reality, both in waking consciousness and in the dreamtime. Have our dreams and our thoughts been infiltrated by another “force?” And if so, what can we do to regain control of our own lives and destiny? Jason Quitt feels that we are constantly dealing with a multilevel, multidimensional influence that can present itself as external to us or even be manifestation of our own thoughts. #JasonQuitt #paranormal #consciousness Visit the website of Jason Quitt: http://www.thecrystalsun.com

  • Whitley Strieber on Real Alien Encounters – It’s Time to Face the Truth!

    27/01/2022 Duração: 52min

    Whitley Strieber joins the show once again to share his long and deeply held convictions about the reality of the alien abduction and ET contact encounter phenomenon. For those who are either grappling with their own encounters (don’t know how to cope, or what to do with them), this is the episode for you. Find out why Whitley feels that “experiencers” are on the “front lines” when it comes to this phenomenon and why it is linked to our individual human evolution. Whitley also discusses his thoughts on the intergenerational link with contact encounters. How common are they? Does he feel his own encounters have a familial connection? And are we related TO our non human counterparts? Some of the more fundamental yet equally important questions we explored in this conversation include what the beings want from us and what we can learn from our contact experiences. Whitley admits that it is the experiencers of the contact phenomenon who must fully embrace their contact in order to move the need

  • Ayahuasca, Plant Medicine & How the Spirits “Speak” feat. Dylan Charles

    14/01/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    The walk through life is often tough terrain, filled with rocky roads and steep inclines, but if one chooses to open their eyes and their hearts they will be led to lessons, some small and some offering massive change of direction - for the better. For Dylan Charles, editor of WakingTimes.com, an accomplished practitioner of the martial arts AND a student of the sacred plant brew known as Ayahuasca, his lessons came fast and hard. After barreling down a path of almost certain destruction, Dylan knew he had to make a different choice or face dire consequences. His determination and courage eventually led him to embrace among other alternative modalities a journey with what many have called “Grandmother” - the wise and often tough love teacher known as Ayahuasca. After nearly 100 excursions with Ayahuasca, Dylan has many life lessons to share and he did so with us! n this powerful episode of Higher Journeys, Dylan gives us an unforgettable collection of cliff notes about this mysterious though re

  • Spirit Rescue! Earthbound Souls and the Fear of “Crossing Over” – Barry Littleton

    04/01/2022 Duração: 25min

    Barry Littleton, known for his excursions outside of the physical realm, including his multiple contact encounters with non-human intelligence has also been VERY active in spirit rescue missions - working with the souls of the dead in order to cross them over into the light. Barry says that more recently he has encountered a huge jump in the number of earthbound spirits hovering close to this plane, not ready or willing to make a full transition. But is there a reason for this more recent escalation of trapped souls? In this episode of Higher Journeys Barry will explain the circumstances by which spirits of the dead can get trapped in between realms and often attach to unsuspecting individuals, and why his work in "spirit rescue" has ramped up in recent years. Barry says that as unbelievable a scenario as this may be, this is something that all of the living need to be aware of in order to both protect themselves and to seek assistance in getting the dead to move into The Light. #afterlife #me

  • ET Encounters, Electromagnetic “Aliens” & Non Human Interference on The Planet | Robyn McClendon

    16/12/2021 Duração: 01h08min

    Is humanity being dealt a blow of extraterrestrial proportions? Is something or someone trying to intercept the ascension of our planet and our species? And could there be a non human influence involved? These are some of the questions we explore in this episode with metaphysical, alchemical researcher and ET contact experiencer Robyn McClendon. Robyn shares her contact experiences that came at a young age in the form of an electromagnetic current with consciousness; delivering messages and guiding her through the journey of her life. Through these beings, she learned to navigate some of the hard edges of her upbringing which prepared her later in life to teach many other people about the individual, collective and planetary frequency acceleration that’s happening right now and how to take specific steps to harness the organic frequencies of this planet (Gaia), despite the odds that may be against us! ⭐️ Register for a special LIVE presentation with Robyn McClendon: How to Stop the ASCENSION HIJACK ➡️ http

  • The Alien Agenda, Hybridization & Lifelong ET Contact Encounters | Sev Tok

    12/12/2021 Duração: 56min

    This episode is part of our ET Contact Experiencers Speak series. Sev Tok, an experiencer, recalls having alien abduction encounters since the age of 10. But it wasn’t until many years later when she discovered a series of red dots in the shape of an X that appeared on her body that she decided it was time to confess her lifelong ET contact encounters and go deeper into what had been going on. She says her contact with a variety of Gray beings began in childhood and continued sporadically throughout her life, most recently showing up in her room while away visiting (of all places) Roswell, New Mexico while accompanying her then boyfriend on a business trip. It was then that she learned about a high level hybridization program between both human and ET beings that had been going on for the purposes of “seeding the planet.” In this episode we also discuss her recollections of being on board craft while “on the moon,” her accelerated psychic ability AFTER having contact experiences (ability to see auras

  • PMH Atwater | How Her NDE Prepared Her to Share Insights on Our Current Global “Re-Birth”

    03/12/2021 Duração: 52min

    PMH Atwater is joining the show once again to share some powerful insights on the times we are facing and why she feels we are in an unprecedented rebirth period. Based on her own powerful near-death experiences (NDE) (three of them in three months), and the rebirthing process she was forced to go through laid a firm groundwork that she shares with us all. During this time of chaos and crisis, this is not a time to panic or fear. We are going through an individual and collective re-birth that although appears insurmountable is actually asking us to “level up” our birth given capabilities so we can prepare to evolve as a species. PMH will also explain the important role our physical bodies will increasingly play in this evolution/ascension process - why we need them to expand our own energetic frequency as the planet’s vibration is accelerating as well.

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