New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 126:47:32
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The New Class Rising Podcast was created for the struggling Middle Class who had always followed the "right" path but who now finds itself Downsized by Debt and a failing Economy. Learn about Economic topics that will help you understand how to preserve your wealth and hear from real entrepreneurs who now enjoy living the New Class lifestyle, so that you too, can make the jump!


  • 132: The Poor are Poor Because They Don't Work

    12/08/2016 Duração: 59min

    This is definitely not a politically correct thing to say, but the reasons the poor who don't work are poor, is a lot different than what you may be thinking. In this episode I explain: What is the biggest threat to the American Dream. Why the poor are losing the chance at the American Dream; and How this makes it harder for everyone else to succeed.  How we can ensure that the poorest among us have a chance at the American Dream.   Follow me on Twitter: @Hector_Avellan

  • 131: Idea Extraction with a Paying Customer - Pt.2

    03/08/2016 Duração: 01h04min

    On today's show I am sharing the second part to my discussion with my first customer that paid me to build a SaaS for his school menus business.  In the last part of the episode I share my thoughts around the conversation, the process to deliver this product and why I thin you can do the same thing I did, even if you have no experience in SaaS. 

  • 130: Idea Extraction with a Paying Customer - Pt.1

    01/08/2016 Duração: 37min

    [TweetsAreLove] Some never take action because they everything perfect. In episode130 @Hector_Avellan shares his very imperfect idea extraction call If you've been a loyal listener of the show, you know that my goal over the last year and a half has been to work to start a software company. If you've been on this journey with me and have subscribed to becoming a part of the Rising Class, you know that last year I landed my very first gig in Software as a Service (SaaS) working with a small business owner who wanted to integrate software into his school food menus business. What I have never shared however is that first call with my customer that changed everything for me, and that is what I am sharing on this two part series.

  • 129: Roger Whitney - The Retirement AnswerMan, Pt.2

    25/07/2016 Duração: 39min

    [Click to Tweet] Roger Whitney sits down with @Hector_Avellan to talk about what millennial really need to invest in to build wealth in their generation.  On this episode, Roger and I pick up where we left off last week. Much of the advice that young people receive these days when it comes to investing and building wealth for the future is that in order to retire rich, you have to start investing early.  While there is certainly some validity to that statement, building wealth by investing early is not the end all, be all. Unless you're keeping a close eye on the markets every single day or maybe even day trading, that paper wealth can always go away when recessions hit and could even be entirely whipped out if a more serious economic event, like another Depression, were to happen.  Even then however, no one has a crystal ball and knows when to time the markets. This is Rogers point and in this episode he shares WHAT young professionals need to start doing today to build wealth for the future. 

  • 128: Roger Whitney - The Retirement AnswerMan, Pt.1


    Millennials may not be thinking about retirement right now, but the truth is that they should be. Why? Because the way we think about retirement today will be very different than the retirement you're parents and grandparents will have. In this episode, Roger Whitney, the Retirement Answer Man is really shaking up the way we think about retirement and, as we love to do on this show, changing up the paradigm of what it means to retire.    

  • 127: The Bull Market in Gold stock is Just Getting Started

    13/07/2016 Duração: 51min

    Gold stocks are on fire! Some have reached highs of over as 100% so far this year, yet most market investors are not talking about what is going on in gold stocks or why. Everyone wants to ride the bubble until it is too late.  In this episode I share why I believe the bull market tin gold stocks is just getting started. 

  • 126: Back from Playa del Carmen and My Vacation Breakthrough


    Well, I am back from Playa del Carmen, Mexico and you are probably wondering what the heck happened. Why didn't I produce an episode every day like i said I was going to while I was out on vacation?  In this episode I share what happened and why I was unable to do that. I also share my breakthrough that I had while I was on vacation and plans on my travels to Washington DC in the morning.

  • 125: My Podcasting Equipment Travels Set-up


    I’ll be traveling to Playa del Carmen next week and I am really excited because I know I am going to have an absolute blast. I’ll be in Playa for 7 days then come back home to Houston for a few days before I am back in the air traveling to Washington D.C to visit some family. I am also seriously considering making out to Freedom Fest this year in Las Vegas, which would be just a few days after I get home from Washington D.C. That being said, I think you get the point. I am going to be doing a lot of traveling over the next few weeks, so what’s going to happen to the show while I am out of the office? Well, fear not because I did the research and bought the necessary equipment I need to be able to produce the show while I am traveling. That’s right! I am packing up the New Class Rising podcast studio and taking it with me on the road. In this episode, I explain my podcasting travel set-up and some of the equipment that I’ll be using to record my podcast.

  • 124: Income Inequality: A Love Story

    13/06/2016 Duração: 57min

    [TweetThis] In his latest podcast episode @Hector_Avellan says #incomeinequality is a beautiful thing and proof the American Dream is still alive!@ Last week on the show I talked about the basket case that is the Democratic Socialist state of Venezuela! The government there has succeeded in destroying the free-market entries system and capitalism is practically nonresistant. Like any true socialist state, the government there has ceased all of the land, industries, and resources - it controls all of the means of production.  People in Venezuela are miserable. Many are going hungry, the poorest people are literally starving and dying int the streets. Many have none of the basic necessities and a hot meal at this point is a luxury.  What I believe Venezuela needs is less income equality, which has resulted in completely misery for all, and more Income Inequality. In this episode, I explain why Venezuela needs more income inequality and why we need to reject the ideas by the "Left" that income inequality is thre

  • 123: Democratic Socialist Venezuela: A Resource Rich Country on the Brink of Economic and Societal Collapse!

    06/06/2016 Duração: 49min

    [Tweet This] Democratic Socialist Venezuela is in crisis! @Hector_Avellan explains HOW & WHY its people are living through misery in his latest #podcast The Democratic Socialist state of Venezuela is going through on of the worst financial crisis of modern time and on the brink of complete financial and societal collapse. With the socialist government controlling all aspects of the economy and 94% tax rates on business, what was left of any entrepreneurship, free market enterprise and capitalism have been completely eradicated.  Today, with oil exports being the main source of income for the government, the impacts of low crude and the ever increasing cost burden of the socialist state have brought the country to it's hands and knees. The government cannot provide basic necessities and people are reportedly eating cats, dogs and hunting pigeons for food. In this episode I discuss How and Why democratic Socialist Venezuela got here and why I believe what it needs to recover is a higher degree of Wealth Ine

  • 122: I Almost Didn't Make It Back!

    30/05/2016 Duração: 01h04min

    [TweetThis] The New class Rising podcast is back in full effect with @Hector_Avellan #saas #economics #getshitdone I've been a way from he show for two very long months, but I am finally back and I feel I am in a better place mentally and physically to get this show back on the road. That being said, I know there are a lot of the listeners who are wondering where in the heck I was. Maybe some were wondering if I was okay or if, perhaps, something more serious was going that prevented me from doing the show, although I never received mail from anyone that seemed to suggest that was the case (Lol). Nonetheless, I feel that I need to share where I was mentally over the last couple of months and why I decided to stop the show so abruptly. I've had a lot of time to think about what this show really means, where I want to take it, where I should focus my efforts, what is and is not my business, and more importantly who I need to move forward.   The show picks up where it left off and I hope you decide to stick arou

  • 121: Opportunistic Focus and the Key to Retiring Young

    29/03/2016 Duração: 32min

    [TweetThis] Can opportunistic focus be the key to building wealth and retiring young? This guy retired at 35 and seems to think so.   Today's guest on the show is the Financial Mentor, Todd Tresidder, whose mantra is invest smart, build wealth, retire young, live free.  Todd Retired at the age of 35 and was able to sell all of his real estate holding prior to the crash of 2008. Today he is teaches people how to build wealth through  the three wealth classes he discusses on today's show. More than anything, he believes that it is opportunistic focus, as well as investing in ones self, what is the true key to being able to build wealth and retire young. Did I mention he retired at 35 years young?    Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR121 AND Leave me a rating on on iTunes! Here's a video to show you how from your iPhone.

  • 120: Negative Interest Rates - The War for Your Cash!

    14/03/2016 Duração: 51min

    [TweetThis] There's a war being waged on American soil, right now! It's a war against your cash. What will you do about it? NewClassRising #podcast The writing is on the wall! The Central Banks of the world (including the U.S Central Bank) the Academics, the Political Elites and their Economist all want 'Negative Interest Rates' and have started to wage a war against cash - YOUR cash!    There are very specific reasons why they are doing this, but it will not work!  Unfortunately, when it fails the resulting effect will be economic armageddon and [they] will blame capitalism, the free-market, businessmen and women and will say we need even more government to steer the market.  How can you protect yourself? Well, you'll just have to listen to today's show to find out!  Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR120 AND Leave me a rating on on iTunes! Here's a video to show you how from your iPhone.

  • 119: Confirmed! Government Is The Reason College Tuitions Are Sky Rocketing

    09/03/2016 Duração: 40min

    [TweetThis] Confirmed! Gvmt is solely to blame for the drastic increase in college tuition through student loan debt subsidies. NewClassRising #podcast In late 2012, I released my first book De-CLASS-ified: The Fall of the Middle Class and Rise of the Internet Entrepreneur. In that book, I made a pretty bold claim that, in fact, it was Government who was responsible for the incredible increase in college tuitions.  Sure, I didn't expect that a lot of people would agree with me, but I knew I was on to something and it looks like I have been proven right by a pair of economists. In this episode, I share a reading from a section in my book and give commentary on the why the ensuing student debt bubble and how I believe is the only way this bubble will collapse. Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR119 AND Leave me a rating on on iTunes! Here's a video to show you how from your iPhone.

  • 118: Default on Your Student Loan Debt – Go to Jail!

    22/02/2016 Duração: 53min

    [TweetThis] If you default on your student loan debt, you can now have the U.S Marshalls come looking for you. #NewClass Rising #podcast I was once of the belief that the Government was in such a disastrous financial position that when it came face to face with a currency crisis, it would have no choice but to default on all of it's debt obligations and as a result renege on it's promises. I still believe that day is coming, but as the government gets rid of its liabilities, it will call in its assets and to the federal government, if you owe them money, you're the asset. I was of the opinion that one day the student loan debt burdens would become so hopelessly large, that the government would have no choice but to forgive most, if not all, student loan debt, but I think I have been proven wrong.   

  • 117: How to Unlock Your Ultimate Success Through Relationships with Jason Treu

    11/02/2016 Duração: 01h02min

    [TweetThis] You'll never build meaningful relationships simply by having thousands of friends on social media. Get out there and be face to face! Relationships in life are important, no doubt about it, but I'll take it a step further and say that meaningful relationships are of even greater importance. It's easy to be ourselves and be who we are when 'building relationships' with our friends over social media, hiding behind a computer screen, but many people struggle to engage in meaningful conversations and express who they are when interacting with people face-to-face. This inability to build meaningful relationships with people is what holds many back from accomplishing great things. "Everything that we accomplish in life is with or through other people" - That is one of the mantra's of today's guest on the show and he shares how to overcome your relationship building roadblock.    Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR117 AND Leave me a rating on on iTunes! Here's a video to show

  • 116: The Top 8 Reasons Subscribers are Better Than One-Shot Customers

    28/01/2016 Duração: 53min

    [TweetThis] "It's official! Subscribers are better than one-shot Customers! Here are 8 Reasons why. #saas" I'm reading a phenomenal book (which I mention on this episode) right now on creating subscription based businesses and it is a gold mine of information for people aspiring to become SaaS entrepreneurs or who want to create a Subscription based model for their current businesses. On this episode it's just me, but I'm sharing the Top 8 reasons why traditional one-shot customers are cool, but why Subscribers are freakin rockstars! Enjoy.   Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR116 AND Leave me a rating on on iTunes! Here's a video to show you how from your iPhone.   

  • 115: Passive Income through Mobile Home Investing, with Jefferson Lilly

    19/01/2016 Duração: 52min

    [TweetThis] Starting an internet based business is not the only way to cashflow passive income and people often overlook the mobile home park niche.   Did you know that Mobile Home Park investing could also be a source of diversification of your passive income?   We don’t often think about it, but there are people out there who would prefer not to live in an apartment, but who cannot make a standard home purchase because they simply do not have the cash to do so. They still have the option however, of becoming a mobile home owner and fulfill their dream of owning their own home.   If you’re an investor, this could be a great passive income opportunity for your, but today’s guest says that you should’t buy the mobile home, at least that’s not how he cash flows.   Listen to today’s interview to learn more about Jefferson and his thoughts behind investing in mobile home parks for passive income.   Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR113   Loved this Episode? Leave me a rating on on iT

  • 114: Why You Shouldn't Use Any Personal Credit for Your Business if You Want to Keep Your Shirt, with Ty Crandall

    11/01/2016 Duração: 36min

    [TweetThis] Some the most successful businesses in the world are masters at borrowing OPM - Other People's Money. Are you? @TyCrandall #NewClassRising Did you know that some of the most successful business in the world are excellent in borrowing OPM - Other People’s Money? Did you know that of the thousands of inventory products that Wal-Mart, one of the top retailers in the world, has in stock, 80% of those products were paid for by Wal-Mart with borrowed money that enabled Wal-Mart to grow and scale it’s business to the titan it is today?   I didn’t either! But, today’s guest on the show shares why, if you do it responsibly, borrowing money could be one of the best things you can do to grow and scale your business.    Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR113

  • 113: Hector's Podcast, Business and Personal Goals for 2016

    04/01/2016 Duração: 01h08min

    [TweetThis] Forget the middle class, I am the New Class Rising and 2016 we're making our goals for life and business a reality!    We did it Rising Class! We made it to 2016 and I am super pumped for everything awesome that this year is going to bring, both you and me. In this episode, I do an recap of my goals for 2015 and then I tell you everything you can expect for this podcast in 2016. I share several goals I have for the year in four different categories of goals: Business, Financial, Personal and Marriage. I hope that this inspires you to write down some goals for the year, if you have not done so already, that will get you one step closer to living the life you envision for yourself and your family and that you deserve to be living right now.   Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR113

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