New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 126:47:32
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The New Class Rising Podcast was created for the struggling Middle Class who had always followed the "right" path but who now finds itself Downsized by Debt and a failing Economy. Learn about Economic topics that will help you understand how to preserve your wealth and hear from real entrepreneurs who now enjoy living the New Class lifestyle, so that you too, can make the jump!


  • 052: Bonnie Cribbs: What it takes to Succeed in a Network Marketing Business

    20/10/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    To be Middle-Class is to be 'Average'. It's average INCOME followed by an average LIFESTYLE, producing average RESULTS. [TweetThis] For those of us who've made it to the Middle-Class today, producing average results is not what has got us here. So why is it that once we actually make it to the middle-class, we tend to settle or to believe that we have "arrived". In this episode you're going to be learning from Bonnie Cribbs who is a rising Network Marketing Super-Star. He shares his Journey with you, how he got to where he is today and what you need to do, to do the same.     Show Highlights Bonnie Cribbs discussion on Business and what it take to succeed in Business and Network Marketing. Lean more about Bonnie at Gold and Silver Buyer Club - Buy Gold and Silver with me.   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 051: Don't Have Any Business Ideas? Start Here

    14/10/2014 Duração: 01h28min

    The most frustrating thing that can happen to anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur, is to have no business ideas! [TweetThis] If you find yourself in this situation right now, this episode is specifically for you.  I learned of this specific business industry sort-of by mistake but it has proven to be the key stepping stone to many of the skills that I now have an an Internet Entrepreneur.   Show Highlights Discussion on what I learned from my speech at the Houston A&M Club Traditions Lunch. The Valuable lesson I learned from Benny Hsu this morning from his Podcast - Get Busy Living. My Thoughts on the September 2014 Jobs Numbers and other Economic Data. Where to Start if you have no Business ideas Discussion and my 4 Reasons Why this is the best place to start. Gold and Silver Buyer Club - Buy Gold and Silver with me.   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 050: Top 3 Reasons the Middle-Class Does Not Buy Gold

    06/10/2014 Duração: 01h13min

    I've often mentioned on this podcast the importance of owning Gold (and Silver) to protect yourself from the Inflation that is being produced by the Federal Reserve today and to protect yourself from the massive rise in prices that will be coming back to the United States when Governments around the world start dumping their dollars in pursuit of physical and tangible assets. Yet, a larger percentage of the Middle Class does not buy gold or silver. Why? As business owners, we want to make more money. So why is that most are not willing to protect it? [TweetThis] On this episode, I cover the Top 3 Reasons why most Middle-Class Americans and Internet Entrepreneurs do not buy gold. Show Highlights Discussion on Dropbox upgrading me to 1TB of Storage. The 3 Reasons Why the Middle-Class Does not Buy Gold. Gold and Silver Buyer Club - Buy Gold and Silver with me.   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 049: Does Your Back Have to be Against the Wall to Create Success?

    25/09/2014 Duração: 29min

    I've ofter heard those stories of entrepreneurs who were grinding it away and struggling to make things happen in their businesses.  Then all of a sudden they were laid-off from their day-job or perhaps the learned they had a baby on the way and all of a sudden they were driven to produce results from a whole different perspective, and then that's when they had their major break-through.  Is that what it takes?   Do we have to have our backs against the wall to be have that major breakthrough in our lives or businesses? [Tweet This] I have my own thoughts on this and in this episode I explain my reasoning.  Show Highlights Why I traded in my fully-loaded 2013 VW Tiguan for a beater car. Why Arnold Schwarzenegger used to cut off his shirts to show off his stomach.    Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 048: 4 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Cannot Allow Your Wages to Gain Purchasing Power

    22/09/2014 Duração: 50min

    Since the Great Recession the Federal Reserve has been creating massive amounts of Inflation to fight the Deflationary effects that resulted - the Fed believes Inflation is a good thing. The truth is - It is! For them.  The Fed and the Government absolutely hate deflation and are doing everything in their power to fight, not because it's a good thing for you but because it's a good thing for their agenda, even though deflation is a good thing for people who are on set wages - like the poor and the elderly. And even you.  Deflation is what actually allows you to be able to buy more things even though you may not have necessarily had in increase in your wages or your salary. Well, the Fed is fighting that very thing, as we speak. They don't want you to have the things. They want to keep them all of themselves and there is 4 specific reasons why. Although the Fed fights Deflation and produces massive Inflation "For the Central Banks of the world the debate is over. Gold is Money - nothing else." [Tweet This]   S

  • 047: Will You Succeed in Business? Keep Dreaming.. No Seriously!

    18/09/2014 Duração: 53min

    As Entrepreneurs we sacrifice this more than probably anything else in our lives. We buy into the trendy idea that "Those who work the hardest and who can work the longest are the ones who reap all of the rewards in business". Sure - as an entrepreneur you're going to have to put in some skin in the game but sacrificing this one thing can actually hurt is more than help us as entrepreneurs.  It can prevent us from being able to focus, identifying mistake faster, making better and faster decisions and probably more importantly, it can prevent us from retaining the will power that is so critical to anyone who has decided to embark on an entrepreneurial journey. What am I talking about? Sleep. It turns out that sleep is not only important for your health but it's critical for your ability to learn. #NewClassRising #047 [Tweet this] This is a must listen for anyone who struggles with the idea that to be better in business, they need to work more and sleep less.  If this is you, you could not be anymore wrong.   

  • 046: My Biggest Tip for Getting out of Your Comfort Zone

    15/09/2014 Duração: 47min

    Society and the World is often robbed of greatness because people are not brave enough to speak and stand for what they believe. New products are never built, new services are not offered, new ingenuity and new software products are never delivered because of the FEAR that paralyzes the people behind the thoughts and ideas. Are you robbing the world of something today? Is your fear of becoming the next best-selling author, software developer, product creator, service deliverer or public speaker preventing you from actually taking action on those goals? On this episode I share with how to identify that fear that's keeping you in your Comfort Zone Is your fear just telling others that you're going against the Herd and that you will become a successful entrepreneur? #NewClassRising [Click to Tweet] And my #1 tip for breaking out of the comfort zone that's keeping your from achieving greatness.   Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 045: Jake Ball: How His Passion for Reading Led Him to Create a Business through Children's Books

    11/09/2014 Duração: 01h09min

    On this episode I interview Jake Ball from  Jake is a former Congressional Staffer who started his first day in Washington D.C on 9/11/01. We all know and very vividly remember what happened 13 years ago to the day and he spent the next 12 years in Congress until he could't take anymore. He knew he had a passion for Reading and the Arts and had the idea to revolutionize and disrupt the way Children Book Fairs were held. He knew that if he could share his passion for books and introduce a 21st century book fair model, he could build a real business that could allow him to change his way of life. The best business ideas are hidden within your Passion, and it never hurts to add some market disruption! #NewClassRising #045 [TweetThis] In this episode, we get into his story and Jake shares all of his lessons learned, along with inspiration for you to take action on.   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:   

  • 044: (Cont.) College Grads and Minimum Wage Workers of Today - The One Thing They Have in Common

    09/09/2014 Duração: 53min

    On this show we are continuing episode 043's discussion not he similarities between the minimum wage workers and the college graduates of today.  Today I focus more on the reason the discussion regarding minimum wage workers and their apparent discontent with today's economy. Furthermore, I cover what these two groups have in common and why America's middle class needs to pay attention to what's happening here.  Today's College Graduates and Minimum Wage workers have ONE Thing in Common! Do you know what it is? #NewClassRising #044 [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 043: College Grads and Minimum Wage Workers of Today - The One Thing They Have in Common

    08/09/2014 Duração: 50min

    One of the reasons the middle class is disappearing is because they are leveraged up to  their necks in debt and Student Loan Debt is definitely a big part of that problem.  Today however, aside from having mountains of  student loans to repay, almost 1 in 2 college grads is leaving college and is not finding work that requires a college degree - yet, so many of them continue to think College is worth it. Why? Also, today Minimum Wage workers have decided that they've had enough and mass protests are happening all over the country in a fight for $15 per hour.  The gap between the rich and poor is widening more and more and middle-class and poor are getting poorer! [TweetThis] Believe it or not, I believe that these two stories and these two groups - minimum wage workers and college grads - have a lot in common.  In this episode I share with you why I believe that is the case and why it's important for you to pay attention to what is happening even if you don't fall into either of theses categories. Hit Me Up

  • 042: The Guilt of Making Money as an Internet Entrepreneur

    04/09/2014 Duração: 55min

    Believe it or not something that a lot of entrepreneurs go through is the guilt of actually making money as entrepreneurs. This might sound somewhat irrational but there is a very specific reason why this happens and if you've worked a job your entire life before switching over to starting a business, you're especially susceptible.  This guilt of making money can actually paralyze you in your tracks and can pretty much derail you completely. [TweetThis] On this episode, I cover why this happens, how it happened to me, and how you can overcome it. Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 041: The Business Lesson I Learned 8,700FT Above Sea-Level

    01/09/2014 Duração: 24min

    Today is Labor Day here in the States and exactly one year ago I had a pretty big epiphany after I had made it to the very top of the highest mountain in Texas - Guadalupe Peak, which sits 8,700 feet above sea-level.  It's changed the way I look at business and has had an incredibly powerful impact on how I look at my journey as an entrepreneur.  On this episode I share both that story of going on this hike and how it's changed how I operate in my business and this journey I am on.  You will never, ever doubt your Journey in Business again after listening to this episode! #NewClassRising #041 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis]  This episode is especially important if you are starting a business now or if you have already started and have had a few bumps a long the way. Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 040: Trajan King: The Business of Launching Start-ups

    28/08/2014 Duração: 01h04min

    Have  you ever wondered what it takes to launch a Start-up? On today's show our guest, Trajan King, shares how he went from Corporate employee to being involved in 15 different Start-ups and how the lessons learned throughout his journey have now allows him to become a successul entrepreneur that can carve out his living anywhere in the world. Ideas are abundant. It is the Execution that matters! #NewClassRising #040 with @TrajanKing and @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 039: Middle-Class Income is on the Rise... Really?

    21/08/2014 Duração: 01h05min

    It is August 2014 and according to new economic data it appears that the average Middle-Class American is earning more money than he was just 2 years ago - income being up by about 3% since 2011. Granted, the Middle-Class is not as earning as much as they were in 2009, at the "end of the Great Recession" but they're almost there. You're supposed to believe that if you're in the Middle-Class you're somehow better off today than you were in 2009 #NewClassRising #039 [TweetThis] I know that you're smarter than that Rising Class and I am here to debunk this propaganda that you are somehow better off today, not because I wasn't to be a cynic, but because I don't want you to be taken advantage of.  In this episode I tell you exactly why the Middle-Class is not only more worse off today than they were in 2009 but why they are poorer today and why they will continue to get poorer. Of course, I am not a pessimist and I don't just share bad news without offering a solution. The great thing is that there is a solution t

  • 038: Your Inner Circle is Made of These 5 People. Which One's Do You Need? Which Can You Live Without?

    18/08/2014 Duração: 42min

    Podcast Movement 2014 in Dallas TX was an absolute blast!   I am back in the New Class Rising studio and on this podcast I share my biggest take-away from that whole conference and also I share with you the 5 types of people that we are all going to encounter throughout life, and which one's you need to spend the most time with.  You'll never keep these kind of People in your BizCircle after learning about the 5Rs of Relationships! #NewClassRising #038 @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: 

  • 037: Jason Hart: Finding Your Unique Value Proposition and Being the Disruption your Life Needs

    14/08/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    Do you know what your USP (Unique Value Proposition) is?  Do you know what it takes to be the disruption that you need in your life that will get you to be the Entrepreneur that you want to become? On this episode Jason Hart breaks down how to do all of this and Why he is on a mission to awaken as many people as possible to what he now knows.  Disruption in the Market is just as vital as the Disruption within yourself! #NewClassRising #037 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: 

  • 036: Why the Federal Reserve Has No Choice but to Steal your Money

    12/08/2014 Duração: 01h52s

    If there was ever a doubt in your mind that the Dollar as we know it today would cease to exist and reign supreme in the world economic markets, this is the episode for you. The U.S dollar has a currency crisis staring at it right in the face and so few people actually know it. What's worse is that many of those that know it, don't understand why this is going to happen. In this episode, I explain precisely why we are headed towards a currency crisis and furthermore, why a massive wave of Inflation is coming to the U.S in the near future.  If you've ever wondered whether or not to buy gold and silver, as I've often recommended, you'd be crazy not to after listening to this podcast. The Federal Reserve has no choice but to steal your money faster than ever before! #NewClassRising #036 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: 

  • 035: 2Q14 GDP, July Jobs and Other Economic Data. What Does it All Mean for You?

    07/08/2014 Duração: 56min

    Last week while I was on vacation we received 2 key pieces of economic data that, at face-value, would seem to indicate that we actually are having a real economic recovery here in the US. The truth is that the underlying data and anecdotal evidence proves we are worse off today than we were just 5-years ago. In this episode I break down this data and discuss what it means for the Middle-Class.  Economic growth is dependent on cheap money from the Fed. Take it away and there goes your "Recovery" #NewClassRising #035 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 034: My top 4-Tips for Staying Productive in your Business

    04/08/2014 Duração: 45min

    I am back in the office after an incredible vacation in Playa Del Carmen Mexico and I am ready to get back in 'Production' mode.  On this episode I am sharing with you my top 4-tips that I have for staying 'Productive' in your business so that you can be successful. I am also sharing with you an event that happened to me in Mexico that really led to understand that you and me have a 'responsibility', not just to be entrepreneurs but, to be successful in business!  That's right! You owe it to the world to be successful in Business. Your failure robs humanity of upliftment! #NewClassRising #034 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 033: Collecting Payments and Delivering the Goods - Sales Page System Pt.4

    31/07/2014 Duração: 40min

    We are wrapping up the 'Sales Page System that Generates Passive Income' Series here on the podcast. On this episode I go over the very final 2 key elements to creating that online sales page that is going to allow you to sale your products and services - Collecting Payments and Delivering the Content.  More than anything this episode is going to help you understand how this process takes place because the beauty of it all is that these 2-steps are all automated. Systems and Automation is the key to Passive Income in the Online Business space! #NewClassRising #033 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:  

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