Liquid Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 650:49:30
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Live weekly teaching on God & life, culture & faith from! Liquid Church is a creative, contemporary Christian church - find out more at


  • The Power Of Prayer | Breakthrough Part 3

    22/01/2023 Duração: 37min

    As we seek breakthrough from God in this season of prayer and fasting, some people feel their storm has actually gotten WORSE, not better. They feel discouraged and uncertain. Did you know that Jesus actually warns us about this? Because the enemy (yes, we mean satan), doesn’t want you to see a breakthrough in your life. He will do anything he can to throw you off course. He will put storms in your path. He will tell you to just give up. He will tell you to go back to that old habit or addiction. Our challenge is - Don’t let him! So, how do we fight back? With prayer! James 5:16 says “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” When you pray, our God listens. Remember, satan is not sitting on the throne! God is! So, let’s start praying with FULL reliance on God each day. Think about this: How different would our marriages look if we went to God every single evening and cried out that we couldn’t do it without him? In what ways would our mental health change if we went to God daily and said my

  • Ask God For A Breakthrough | Breakthrough Part 2

    15/01/2023 Duração: 40min

    Maybe as you look at what God has for you in 2023, you see a long list of oppositions. A long list of circumstances. Of unanswered prayers. A long list Of GIANTS that just seem impossible to defeat on your own. Honest moment: What is your giant this year? Where do you need God to intervene? Where do you need breakthrough? Maybe it’s a struggle with infertility that leaves you feeling lonely and sad and longing for a child. Is it in your marriage? What once was filled with life and friendship has grown cold—and now it needs a fresh kindling? Is it a financial situation? Last year you said you would get out of debt, but here you are even further in the red. Maybe it’s a diagnosis or a health condition for you or a loved one that feels overwhelming. Here’s the hope for you today - the giant may be bigger than you, but it isn’t bigger than our God. So, where do you begin? Seeing breakthrough starts with seeking God! Watch this message from Pastor Zach Taylor, and see how a season of prayer and fasting, can draw y

  • The Power Of Prayer And Fasting | Breakthrough Part 1

    08/01/2023 Duração: 39min

    Are you ready to hear God’s voice and experience His power in a fresh way? Breakthrough is a journey that unveils the power behind prayer and fasting. Fasting is actually an ancient spiritual discipline where you give up physical food for a season for a spiritual purpose. As a way to detox your body, unclutter your mind, and open your heart more fully to God! The Bible says your Body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Fasting—giving up certain food and drink in order to cleanse your body and create room for the Spirit—is one of the secret sources of breakthrough power throughout Scripture. Maybe you need a breakthrough in your health. Maybe you or a loved one is sick and needs God’s healing. Maybe you need a breakthrough in your family or marriage - there’s hard hearts that need softening. Or a relationship that needs repair. Fast about it!  How about your work?  Your business is tanking and you need a breakthrough idea! Or maybe you’re unemployed or seeking God’s direction for a new career? Fast for i

  • Choose To Be Humble | Christmas Eve 2022

    23/12/2022 Duração: 20min

    At Christmas we celebrate that Jesus chose to be born in the body of a tiny baby. The infinite God became an infant! Theologians call this the incarnation. The Son of God assumed a human body and a human nature. 100% God, but also 100% man. This is a display of true humility, which is the quality of lowering oneself in the service of others. Jesus literally chose to leave Heaven to come to Earth to save you. The great message of Christmas is that Jesus chose to humble himself to serve us. While on Earth, he fed the hungry, healed the sick, comforted the hurting, cared for the disabled, and washed the feet of His disciples. And then He gave his life for us: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -Mark 10:45. In this message from Pastor Tim Lucas, we learn about the beauty of humility - it’s not thinking of yourself less. It’s thinking about others more. Watch and learn how to walk humbly with God this Christmas! Christmas Eve 2022 | Pastor

  • Is Pride A Sin? | All I Want For Christmas Part 3

    18/12/2022 Duração: 36min

    We’re going to talk about our pride. Yes, you’re pride… because if we’re honest with ourselves, it is something that we all struggle with. If you reflect upon it, chances are that every time you stepped out of God’s best for your life, and took things into your own hands, it was a result of your pride. And, the bigger the pride, the larger and the harder the fall. But, this Christmas God is asking you to lay down your pride at his feet, and walk humbly with Him. So, how do you become humble? Humility is something you put on and practice! And there are two great ways to practice humility. #1) When you walk humbly… you give generously. When we give gifts or give up our time for someone else, we are saying that something, or someone is more important than us. #2) When you walk humbly… you gravitate towards gratitude. Every good, positive, and beautiful thing in our lives is not our doing or something we deserve, but a gift and a blessing from God. In this message from Pastor Zach Taylor, learn that when you walk

  • How To Be Kind | All I Want For Christmas Part 2

    11/12/2022 Duração: 36min

    How do you show people kindness in the most stressful, frantic, fast-paced, and anxiety producing season of the year? In the Bible a better word for kindness is mercy. Essentially mercy is when you don’t get what you deserve. You deserve to be punished, but instead you receive mercy… forgiveness…pardon. And God is merciful! He is kind! Thank goodness! Because if God was fair, you would get what your sins deserve! But, because God is rich in mercy, you get what you need, not what you deserve! God lives in a continual, ongoing state of mercy. It’s unending. That means, his mercy is always going to be there and it always has been there. It was there yesterday, it was there today and it will be there tomorrow. For our part, we need to make room for Mercy. According to Scripture, there’s a VERY DIRECT CONNECTION between our relationship with others - how much mercy and kindness we give them - and how much mercy God gives us! In this message from Pastor Kayra Montanez, be challenged to do two things: #1) Help anyon

  • Love The Poor | All I Want For Christmas Part 1

    04/12/2022 Duração: 42min

    At Christmas what does God want from us? After all, it’s His birthday! The bible actually answers this question in Micah 6:8: “What does the Lord require of you? Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” So, what does it mean to DO JUSTICE? Biblical justice requires three things. #1) Relationship: It’s impossible to have a relationship with God if you don’t have a relationship with the poor #2) Responsibility: To show special care for the vulnerable and oppressed. #3) Resources: You share a portion of the resources God’s given you, with those who need it most. God tells us that if we watch the back of the poor and oppressed… then God will have our back. And it works both ways. God says: You insult the poor, you insult me. If you ignore the poor, you’re really ignoring me! Conversely: If you are kind to the poor, you’re kind to me. The point is that Jesus is unlike every other deity in world religions because He identifies with the poor. Not with those at the top of the ladder - the rich, the powerful

  • Join The Clean Water Cause | Vision Sunday 2022

    27/11/2022 Duração: 34min

    This Vision Sunday message will give you a glimpse into the mission God is calling Liquid Church to in 2023. The theme for this year comes from Micah 6:8, which challenges the people of God to do 3 vital things: “Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.” We believe God is calling us to fulfill the Micah 6:8 vision in 4 key areas of practical need. #1) Feeding our homeless and hungry neighbors both here in NJ and around the globe. Justice begins on a basic level, and that means filling empty stomachs of hungry people. #2) Investing in the growth and discipleship of men, women, married couples, and millennials. #3) Investing in Digital Discipleship. Did you know that every week we have over 2,000+ people watch messages, livestream worship, do devotions, and participate in Small Groups at Liquid online? We want to care for them well! #4) And the cornerstone of Vision Sunday is providing clean water for the poor and thirsty. This is where our vision becomes GLOBAL. We want to reach around the globe to hel

  • Are You Ready For Jesus To Return? | Resilient Part 7

    13/11/2022 Duração: 35min

    How do you gauge your spiritual strength: are you thriving or surviving? Another way to ask this question: Is your tank spiritually FULL? Or are you running LOW? Is it time for an oil change? In the Bible, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Those who are wise have lamps full of fresh oil, meaning they are filled with the Holy Spirit and ready for the return of Christ. But, the fools have a lamp, but they are out of oil, meaning they lack the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. They aren’t ready for Jesus to return. In this message from Pastor Tim Lucas, we hear that the Modern American Church is asleep and unmoved by the chaos and sin that’s become a “normal” part of life. The church is desperately low on oil! Many Christians are not ready for the moment of Christ’s return - they are foolish and sadly, out of oil. Pastor Tim presents some convicting and challenging statements to viewers. If your Prayer life is more PATHETIC than POWERFUL-- it’s Time for an Oil Change! If you find yoursel

  • How To Pray | Resilient Part 6

    06/11/2022 Duração: 37min

    There are 3 types of prayers that can get you through the highs and lows of life and help you grow closer to God. If you practice these 3 prayers on a daily basis, you will discover that God is closer to you than you think. Watch this message from Pastor Zach Taylor and learn how to pray #1) God, Meet Me In The Mundane #2) God, Hear My Cry In The Crisis and #3) God, Speak To Me In The Silence. Most of us don’t realize how much God loves us! Did you know He’s crazy about you? He obsesses over you. He watches your every move. He talks about you to all his friends. He thinks you're cuter than you really are! He sees the best in you. And God has the healing, the resilience, and the strength that we need to face anything in this world. 130 times in the Scriptures, God is referred to as a Father. What that means is that overwhelmingly so, God wants you to know that you are his child and that he wants to take care of you! So, together let’s learn 3 key prayers to say daily so that you can connect with God and receiv

  • How To Be Free | Resilient Part 5

    30/10/2022 Duração: 34min

    Ever heard the expression “the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?” You have a weakness… maybe you’re dragging around anger or unforgiveness. Maybe it’s an addiction: to junk food, alcohol, pot, or porn. You want to be free of this weight on your shoulders and burden in your life. The Spirit is willing. But you just can’t seem to do it. The flesh is weak. In this message, Pastor Tim Lucas talks about “unconverted places.” The spaces and cracks in our lives that are not quite lined up with God’s best for us. We all have the capacity to sin - even if you’ve placed your trust in Jesus and call yourself a Christian. The good news is that God wants to set you FREE! Watch and discover how today you can begin walking in freedom and victory! Say goodbye to whatever it is that is dragging you down - it’s all part of our journey to becoming resilient. Resilient Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Resilient #Weakness #Freedom #Victory #Sin #Jesus #Christianity #ChristianChurch #LiquidChurch

  • Don’t Give Up | Resilient Part 4

    23/10/2022 Duração: 36min

    Developing resilience in our lives is all about relying on God for all of our needs. The world around us tells us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps - that we don’t need anyone or anything else, just grit and determination. But, God invites us to come to Him and promises that He will give us the strength we need. Thank goodness! Because as we walk through life, it is filled with too many burdens and heartaches. God offers to carry those for you! Being RESILIENT is about RELIANCE on God! But, let’s be honest - does the rest that God promises feel out of reach? You’re tired and worn out by whatever burdens you’ve been carrying. You want rest, but it seems unlikely. In this message, Pastor Zach Taylor will encourage you - “don’t give up!” Whatever troubles you are facing, your story is not done, because God is not done with you! With Jesus, you can find the resilience you’re looking for. Resilient Series | Pastor Zach Taylor | Liquid Church #Resilient #Burdens #Strength #Jesus #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • How To Release Anxiety To God | Resilient Part 3

    16/10/2022 Duração: 48min

    What burdens are you carrying? Maybe you have concerns for your children. Or your aging parents. Maybe it’s your marriage that keeps you up at night. Or you’re dealing with a new medical diagnosis. We all struggle with anxiety - some concerns are small and others feel like the weight could crush us. Here’s the good news: Jesus can be trusted to CARRY YOUR CARES! You can lay down everything that you’re struggling with at the feet of Jesus. In this message, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches us how to release anxiety to God and effectively trade our stress for God’s strength and peace. This is a core practice that every follower of Christ must master in order to be resilient. It’s called “benevolent detachment.” In prayer, you must release whatever is burdening you into the hands of God and leave it there. If you’re going to live in a world filled with so much heartbreak, this skill is a must. You can release your cares and concerns into the hands of a loving God… and leave the outcome up to Him. If you struggle with anx

  • Find Inner Strength | Resilient Part 2

    09/10/2022 Duração: 45min

    if you had to complete this sentence: My heart is weighed down by _________. What would you write? What worries are bogging you down in this season? Is it finances? Your children? Your marriage? A relationship? Your career? Loneliness? Life is full of challenges that can leave us feeling depleted, weary, and weak. So, how can you develop the inner strength you need to push ahead? Jesus knew that we would need to replenish our souls… with HIS inner strength. That’s how we maintain deep reservoirs of resilience that give us the ability to bounce back in challenging times. The strength we get from Jesus is “the strength to prevail.” This is not physical strength, like endurance. This is not optimism and looking on the bright side. This is not feeling refreshed by taking a vacation. This is a supernatural inner strength that only God can give you. It strengthens your heart, your mind, and your spirit! In this message, Pastor Kayra Montanez teaches us how to tap into the strength that prevails by turning every har

  • Stand Firm | Resilient Part 1

    02/10/2022 Duração: 40min

    How are you doing? Really? Are you weary, distracted, and depleted? If you feel like you’re just getting by with no capacity for extra, you are surviving, not thriving. And you’re not alone. The last 3 years have been brutal: a global pandemic, racial unrest, political division… you get the idea. That overwhelming stress and exhaustion is NOT what God wants for you! The good news is you can develop resilience. Resilience is inner strength to endure and push through hardship. It’s physical, emotional, and spiritual toughness. It’s GRIT! In this message, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches us about resilience: what it is, why you need it, and how to get it. Because when you have resilience you are able to stand firm even when the whole world is being shaken. You can stand up to cultural pressure, economic uncertainty, job loss, or a health crisis. And the secret to standing firm is being rooted in the love of Christ! When that happens, you develop confidence, you feel peaceful, and you can tap into a supernatural strength

  • Stand For Something

    26/09/2022 Duração: 41min

    Your family, friends, coworkers and even the barista at Starbucks - they are all judging your behavior. If you consider yourself a Christian, then everything you do, every word and action, every social media post, the way you respond to people, your attitude, even the way you drive reflects upon Jesus. You tell people about your faith based on how you live. So, our goal as Christians is to be irresistible! You might be criticized for what you believe, but loved for your compassion and generosity. It’s time to do everything in our power to make people who feel far from God, feel welcome in the church. In this special message, guest speaker Dave Adamson, author of “MetaChurch: How to Use Digital Ministry to Reach People and Make Disciples,” explains how our friends and neighbors experience Jesus in YOU and everything you do. Watch this message from Liquid Church and discover how to let people know that Jesus is everything we say He is… by being everything He says we are! What Are We For? | Dave Adamson #Jesus #

  • Raising Up The Next Generation

    18/09/2022 Duração: 46min

    DescriptionAre you a parent or grandparent who feels like time has flown by quickly? Does it feel like it was just “yesterday” that your baby was a baby, and now they’re on their way to college? In this message, Pastor Tim Lucas shares each phase a child goes through at different seasons of life. He encourages you to embrace and enjoy every moment because time moves swiftly; remember, it’s just a phase. Raising Up The Next Generation | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Generation #Youth #Children #Scripture #Bible #TimLucas #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • God Desires What You Have

    11/09/2022 Duração: 25min

    Are you aware that God desires what you have? He has placed something significant into your hands--- it's time for you to give it to God and allow Him to use it for His glory! In Liquid Church's message, ”Bring Your Brick," Pastor Tim Lucas reminds you that you are a part of what God is building; His church. Jesus is bridging us together, brick by brick. You have a part to play! We all do! You have a distinct role, a gift that He has given you. God requires what you have. Bring Your Brick  | Pastor Tim Lucas, | Liquid Church #Gift #Power #Faith #HolySpirit #Gospel #God #LiquidChurch #TimLucas #Christiniaty #ChristianChurch

  • Are You Connected To The Power of God?

    06/09/2022 Duração: 38min

    There are times we may feel depleted and disconnected from God. First, you have to check your power source. When was the last time you plugged into the most incredible power: God’s power in you? In Liquid Church’s message,”Stay Plugged In,” Guest speaker Pastor Brendon Wilson encourages you to stay connected to God. If you have disconnected from God as your power source, it’s time to reconnect to God. Sometimes you may run low, and even Jesus had to recharge by spending time in God’s word, along with prayer and fasting. But there is good news for us: You can receive the power of God through the Holy Spirit by staying connected to the power source! Stay Plugged In | Guest Speaker Pastor Brendon Wilson, | Liquid Church #Connection #Power #Faith #HolySpirit #Gospel #God #LiquidChurch #BrendonWilson #Christiniaty #ChristianChurch

  • Do You Have Faith To Believe? | At The Movies Part 4

    28/08/2022 Duração: 44min

    Sometimes you have done everything possible to make your dreams a reality, but nothing seems to come from your efforts. As a result, you may feel like throwing in the towel on the idea of experiencing success. In part 4 of Liquid Church’s annual At The Movies series, Pastor Kayra Montañez explores the Biblical themes and lessons behind the inspiring movie American Underdog. Everyone has a dream, and it can be frustrating when it doesn’t happen in the timeframe you’d hoped. Don’t give up on your dreams. Grab hold of faith and believe God has a set time for your dream to come true. "This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film American Underdog which was produced by Lionsgate. No copyright is claimed for American Underdog and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law.” At The Movies Series | Pastor Kayra Montañez, | Liquid Church #Dreams #Faith #Hope #Football #Movie #Gospel #God #AtTheMovies #LiquidChurch #Kay

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