Liquid Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 650:08:40
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Live weekly teaching on God & life, culture & faith from! Liquid Church is a creative, contemporary Christian church - find out more at


  • High Definition Living pt 3: High Definition Faith

    29/01/2007 Duração: 44min

    Faith is NOT a private thing-- that's one of the great misconceptions of the spiritual life! In a world that values independence & self-reliance, we can be tempted to "go it alone" when it comes to growing spiritually. Yet, the writer of Hebrews warns that to "privatize" our faith is to cut us off from the environment where God stretches us the most-- in the community of life-on-life fellowship with other believers. Do you have traveling partners for your spiritual journey? Or are you a Lone Ranger Christian? Listen in as Pastor Tim describes God's design for growing your faith through authentic spiritual community. Part 3 of "High-Definition Living."

  • High Definition Living pt 2: High Definition Family

    22/01/2007 Duração: 43min

    Got family? According to Ephesians, the church isn’t just a building… it’s a family, made up of regular folks just like you and me who commit their time, talents, and treasures to living life God’s way. And if you’re a member of the family, you’ve got to spend time in a High Definition home -- one with five key environments, specifically designed for HD Living! Listen in as Pastor Tim leads a guided tour of God’s house. From the foyer to the kitchen, step inside and check out each of the five environments in God’s blueprint for living, growing, and loving as a member of His family. Part 2 of “High Definition Living.”

  • High Definition Living pt 1: High Definition Focus

    16/01/2007 Duração: 01h02s

    Do you live in HD? If your life were being transmitted through a TV set, what would it look like? A black and white set with a blurry image…or a hi-res screen with crystal-clear clarity and focus? Wherever you are on the spectrum, God provides a clear plan for upgrading to life in HD. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus makes two “high definition” statements that boil the Christian life down to its core – and highlight five “channels” that tune us into life with God. If you’re ready to upgrade to life in HD this year, listen in as Pastor Tim explores God’s game plan for bringing focus and resolution to the areas of your life that matter most. Part 1 of “High Definition Living.”

  • Rediscovering the Nativity pt 4: Who's the Reason?

    27/12/2006 Duração: 35min

    Christmas is the time for peace on earth and good toward men – right? We all have high hopes for the day to be picture perfect, but if we’re honest, family dysfunction and relational brokenness often leave us feeling more stressed out than serene. And in the midst of all of our concerns, the “Christ” in Christmas seems to evaporate. So is it possible to have a genuine, heartfelt day of authentic connection in the midst of all the craziness? In Matthew 1, we discover the answer – and it may surprise you! Listen in as Pastor Tim explores who’s really the reason for the season, and discover how to have a truly Merry Christmas.

  • Rediscovering the Nativity pt 3: What Wise Men Still Know

    18/12/2006 Duração: 53min

    Gifts can say a lot about how well we know the recipient. After all, it’s no easy task to find the perfect gift for an acquaintance you just met or distant relatives you hardly ever see. But when you truly understand who someone is, you can offer a meaningful gift they’ll actually appreciate. So, how well did the wise men really know Jesus? They traveled quite a distance to give him their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But were their presents the equivalent of a modern day gift card? Or were they more significant? As Christmas draws near, what kinds of gifts does Jesus value from us? Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the surprising meaning behind the gold, frankincense, and myrrh and find out what the Magi knew that first Christmas that wise men still know today. Part 3 of “Rediscovering the Nativity.”

  • Rediscovering the Nativity pt 2: No Ordinary Joe

    11/12/2006 Duração: 53min

    Everybody hurts. When Joseph learns his fiancé is pregnant with a child that isn’t his, he could have focused on his public humiliation and heartbreak. But instead of seeking payback for his pain, Joseph takes another route. In Matthew 1, we glimpse two qualities within this seemingly ordinary teenage boy that reveal exactly why God hand selected him to serve as Jesus’ earthly father. Listen in as Pastor Tim explores Joseph’s role in the Nativity story, and find out how his inner character reflects God’s heart for His people. Part 2 of the message series “Rediscovering the Nativity.”

  • Rediscovering the Nativity pt 1: Thoroughly Modern Mary

    06/12/2006 Duração: 47min

    There’s something about Mary. Or at least God thought so when He chose her to give birth to Jesus and launch His plan of redemption for the world. Why Mary? Young, poor, female, oppressed -- she had every strike against her. But in Luke 1, we learn a secret about her inner qualities that capture God's attention. Like Mary, we may feel insignificant. But if God can use an unmarried pregnant teen for an epic purpose, why not you? Why not me? Listen in as Pastor Tim shares Mary’s story and the true meaning of Christmas. Part 1 of the message series “Rediscovering the Nativity.”

  • Vertical pt 4: Hearing God's Voice

    21/11/2006 Duração: 01h07min

    Only “crazy people” hear voices, right? I mean, it’s one thing to believe that God hears our prayers-- but it’s something else to believe He talks back! In 1 Samuel 3, we find a story about a young boy who heard God’s voice and prayed a dangerous prayer: “Use me.” Two simple words that God finds impossible to resist. Ever feel like your prayer life is just a monologue instead of a back-and-forth conversation with God? Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses how to position yourself to hear God’s voice in Part 4 of “Vertical: Communicating with God.”

  • Vertical pt 3: Call Waiting

    15/11/2006 Duração: 56min

    Nobody likes to be a pest. But what happens when we get put on Call Waiting-- and our prayers seem to go unheard or unanswered? In Luke 11, Jesus tells us to hit the redial button-- to keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking. Why? Because our Heavenly Father-- far from being bothered by our repeated requests-- is often moved by our bold persistence! Listen in as Pastor Tim tackles the subject of unanswered prayer in part 3 of "Vertical: Communicating with God."

  • Vertical pt 2: Can You Hear Me Now?

    06/11/2006 Duração: 44min

    This past week, a bag of unopened & unread "Letters to God" were discovered off a beach in Atlantic City. Some of the prayer requests were comical (a man asking God to let him win the lottery, twice), others were heartbreaking (a distraught teen begging forgiveness for an abortion). Does God hear such prayers? Does He respond to our sincere requests? Or are they just an expression of our deepest hopes that-- in the end-- go unanswered... drifting out to sea-- like a lost message in a bottle? In Luke 11, Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. And what He invites them to pray for might surprise you. After listening to Pastor Tim's message, take a moment to POST YOUR #1 PRAYER REQUEST on the website. What would you ask God for if you were absolutely confident He was listening? Part 2 of the message series "Vertical: Communicating with God"

  • Vertical pt 1: Honest to God

    02/11/2006 Duração: 01h02min

    According to Gallup polls, more Americans will pray this week than will exercise, drive a car, go to work, or have sex! Nine in ten of us pray regularly, and 3 out of 4 claim to pray every day. We pray about all sorts of things: our jobs, families, money, relationships, health, and direction in life. Yet, most folks wonder: Does it make any difference? When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, it wasn't for magical powers, instant wealth, or trouble-free living. Rather, he invited them to connect with the One who already knew their needs. Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses how Prayer is about a relationship-- about an authentic, honest-to-God conversation between a Father and his beloved children. Part 1 of the message series "Vertical: Communicating with God."

  • Darren & Steph's Story

    24/10/2006 Duração: 06min

    Darren and Steph are two of the newest members of our church family at Liquid. This Fall, they found themselves in a situation where they needed God in their lives. And quick. Steph was pregnant, and she and Darren weren't sure where to turn. Enter God. At the invitation of a friend, they visited Liquid where they experienced something they weren't used to in a church: acceptance and grace. Not condemnation, but care and hope. Darren decided to give his life to Christ that night... and he and Steph were married just 2 weeks later! We have a new family and much cause for joy at Liquid-- celebrate with us! Darren and Steph are just 2 of the many reasons "why we do, what we do" at Liquid. PRESS PLAY on the video below to experience their story.

  • Liquid HD - The Dream Begins

    24/10/2006 Duração: 01h29s

    Vi•sion (noun) - the ability to see something that doesn't currently exist; a dream; the act or power of anticipating what will come into being; an inspired future reality. Vision is a powerful thing. Especially for a church. Vision is a small word with a big meaning, answering questions like... "Why does our church exist? What's our mission? What makes us unique? What makes our church different? Not better, but different?" This Fall, Liquid announced its plans to LAUNCH-OUT as an independent, fully autonomous, non-denominational church in the new year. And we have a God-inspired Vision for 2007-- to become a "high-definition" church that brings God into crystal-clear focus for those who are far from Him. Listen in as Pastor Tim describes our Vision for "Liquid HD"-- becoming the kind of high-definition church only God can get credit for.

  • Begin Again: How to Start Over

    17/10/2006 Duração: 58min

    Love hurts. Is there hope for renewal after a relationship smash-up? How do you pick-up the pieces after a "Ground Zero" event like divorce? In the book of Nehemiah, God highlights the healing and recovery process by which He rebuilds that which has been devastated... and instills hope in the brokenhearted. Listen in as Pastor Tim shares God's words of hope for those ready to begin again. Part 3 of the series "Great Sexpectations."

  • Great Sexpectations: How to Make Marriage Sizzle

    11/10/2006 Duração: 01h04min

    Many folks believe that married sex inevitably goes flat once you log some miles on the odometer. But a sex life that "fizzles" is a red light flashing on your marital dashboard! God does not intend married intimacy to shrivel up and flicker out-- but rather to deepen and burn hotter in intensity over time! But that requires some work (as you might expect). How can married couples keep the "sizzle" in their sex life? Listen in as Pastor Tim opens up God's Word for a candid talk on sex & intimacy. Part 2 of the message series "Great Sexpectations."

  • RPMs: Recognizing Potential Mates

    05/10/2006 Duração: 57min

    How do you find a date worth keeping? Does God have anything to do with it? I mean, we all have our preferences ("Short, stocky male seeks tall, Amazonian goddess"), but what are God's priorities when seeking a spouse? In this insightful message based on Genesis 24, Pastor Tim shares God's design for godly relationships that go the distance. Part 1 of the current message series "Great Sexpectations."

  • I Want to Know What Love Is

    19/09/2006 Duração: 59min

    95% of all popular songs are about a 4-letter word: L-O-V-E. So you’d think there’d be more clarity on the subject! Single folks wonder what to look for in a spouse and if there is such a thing as “true love.” Married couples wonder how to keep love alive in a long-term commitment. And folks who’ve experienced relational heartache wonder if it’s worth ever opening their hearts to love again. What’s the nature of true love? What makes for a relationship that goes the distance? Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the R&B of love— in the story of Ruth and Boaz. Foreigner issues a challenge in their bighair anthem “I Want to Know What Love Is”-- and God has answered with a clear design for relational harmony in His Word. Part 5 of "Finding Faith in Rock-&-Roll" message series.

  • Help! I Need Somebody

    19/09/2006 Duração: 56min

    Nobody likes to admit they need help. Especially in a hyper-independent Western culture that values individualism above all else. Yet, God has told us from the beginning "It is not good for man to be alone" (Gen 2:18). To be sure, we were hardwired for community-- that's why connecting well with others is an innate desire of every human being. Is the Beatles' 1965 classic plea "Help! I Need Somebody" an admission of weakness? Or is it a statement of wisdom? Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the lyrics of both the Beatles and Ecclesiastes in this timely message. Part 4 of "Finding Faith in Rock-&-Roll" message series.

  • Finding Faith in Rock: Losing My Religion

    29/08/2006 Duração: 01h01min

    What's the difference between Religion and Spirituality? Ask the average person on the street, and you'll notice the mere mention of the word "religion" sends people running-- conjuring images of narrow rules, hollow rituals, and joyless living. Yet, many people consider themselves "spiritual" (whatever that means). What's the difference between being religious and being spiritual? And would it be such a bad thing if Christians "lost their religion" as the R.E.M. pop hit invites us? Maybe not. Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the difference between manmade Religion and authentic Spirituality in this eye-opening message. Part of the Liquid message series "Finding Faith in Rock-&-Roll: Glimpses of God in the Greatest Hits of All-Time."

  • Finding Faith in Rock: Where the Streets Have No Name

    23/08/2006 Duração: 56min

    "Heaven on earth," Bono sings, "we need it now." Is there any realistic hope for healing in this broken world in which we live? Well, U2 apparently believes so. Faith, hope, and love play integral roles in their most classic anthems, and none moreso than “Where the Streets Have No Name”-- the lead song from their 1987 masterwork album “The Joshua Tree.” The lyric speaks of deliverance— of a transcendent place beyond earthbound space and time. A place where the streets have no name... And perhaps are paved with gold? It’s the Hope of Heaven believers and agnostics alike dream about. Yet, is there more to heavenly hope than just the typical religious “pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die” stuff? Is there any basis to hope for “heaven on earth” as Bono sang... And Jesus taught his followers to pray? (Matt. 6:10) Absolutely, according to the incredible picture painted in the biblical book of Revelation. Heaven is crashing into earth as we speak— and the realities of God’s presence are closer than we think. List

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