Gun Freedom Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 429:54:01
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Gun Freedom Radio (formerly Gun Talk AZ) Is a Talk Radio Show on 960am The Patriot, here to bring you all the news in the word of guns, firearms and the Second Amendment.


  • GunFreedomRadio EP293 Gun Food with Patrick Collins

    17/03/2021 Duração: 52min

    Our guest today is Patrick Collins. Patrick is the CEO of, an economic, quick process, ammunition supply company and a contributing Owner of Georgia Firearms and Security Training Academy. Patrick is also very active in supporting gun rights on the Local, State, and National levels. 1) What is happening with the ammo supply in the US? And how can people train effectively when ammo is so scarce and expensive? 2) Finding the right Instructor / Trainer can be a process of determining not only skill level but also your own “fit” based on personalities. Do you have any thoughts on that? 3) Gun counter tales and myths can be legendary, and this is an area you specifically wanted to bring to our audience. Why is that? 4) Trying to determine which tool is best for the intended use is sometimes difficult, and that also includes the type of ammo. (Aluminum vs Steel vs Brass / Reman vs factory). 5) How bad is it when well-meaning people begin a sentence with: “What you need to buy is…”? 6) You are going

  • GunFreedomRadio EP292 Know Better Government with Erich Pratt

    15/03/2021 Duração: 01h27s

    Our guest today is Erich Pratt. Erich is the Senior Vice President for Gun Owners of America (GOA). GOA is a national grassroots organization representing more than two million Americans dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms. Pratt is the author of a civil government textbook, “The Constitutional Recipe for Freedom”, written to teach civil government to high school students. 1) Our 2A Rights are clearly under assault, and it certainly feels as though we are in an all-hands-on-deck DEFCON situation. Is that an overstatement or a fair assessment? 2) With over 8.5 million brand new gun owners across the nation since this time last year, why would now be the time for Politicians to take such a hard stance against our rights to keep and bear arms? It seems tone-deaf at best. 3) We cannot protect an inheritance we don’t know anything about. Is this why you wrote “The Constitutional Recipe for Freedom”. 4) What is GOA doing that is different from other 2A Rights Organizati

  • GunFreedomRadio EP291 Activating 2A Activism with Craig DeLuz

    12/03/2021 Duração: 52min

    Our guest today is Craig DeLuz. Craig is the President & CEO of 2A News Corporation. He is the Former Director of Legislative & Public Affairs for the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), and currently is the Host of Morning Coffee with Craig for the FPC. Craig also serves as the Director of Communications for Florida Carry & is the host The Gunshine State for FC. He is the spokesman and host of CRATV for the California Republican Assembly and is a 16 year member of the Robla School Board in Sacramento, CA; where he has served as Board President for 9 of those 16 years. 1) You have a foot on each coast in 2A Activism and Advocacy. And you wear a ton of different hats in that endeavor. What was the original driving force that caused you to be so involved? 2) With Federal Anti-Rights Bills like HR127 and HR30 being written can we possibly OVER-state how serious the assault on our 2A Rights is? 3) There are far too many people who think “someone else will do it”. And at a time when we are at all-hands-on-dec

  • GunFreedomRadio EP290 Freedom Not Fear with Kevin Sona

    10/03/2021 Duração: 51min

    Our guest today is Kevin Sona. Kevin is the Director of Special Projects for Florida Carry, which is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental civil right of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self defense as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. 1) You are lining up a big Freedom Not Fear Speaker event on Saturday, March 20th in FL. Tell us about that? 2) What are the biggest challenges you face in your (very large) State as it pertains to the 2A? Is it State or Federal infringements? Citizen apathy or unawareness? 3) How did you get involved in the 2A community? What is the main things that drive your advocacy? 4) Who on the 2A community inspires you? 5) You have created a few FB Pages. Tell us about those? -America Under Distress, City Tavern Talk and Guns and Sun

  • GunFreedomRadio EP289 Nulled to Sleep with Michael Maharrey

    08/03/2021 Duração: 58min

    Our guest today is Michael Maharrey. Michael serves as the national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, which is the nation’s leading source for constitutional education and state nullification of unconstitutional acts activism. While the establishment left and right continue to expand federal power, Michael’s organization’s goal is straightforward: Follow the Constitution: Every issue, every time. No exceptions, no excuses. 1) We have been hearing a lot about this word, nullification, but it seems that too many people don’t understand it’s purpose or meaning. - The action by a state not to enforce a federal law as improperly encroaching on the scope of state power. - specifically, the importance of the anti-commandeering doctrine (our primary nullification strategy) and the big movement we’re seeing to end enforcement of federal gun control. 2) A quick glance at our pocket Constitution tells us that the 10th Amendment is the section of the Bill of Rights that basically says that any

  • GunFreedomRadio EP288 Surviving An Unprovoked Attack with Mychael Waller Sr.

    05/03/2021 Duração: 43min

    Our guest today is Mychael Waller Sr. Mychael is the youngest, African American Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealer in Illinois. He is the C.E.O. and owner of his online gun store, Mj’s Firearms, LLC and Protect 1*, LLC, Outdoor Range and Training Facility. After surviving a self-defense shooting with his son, he had further motivation to become an advocate and trainer for gun safety and the freedom of law-abiding citizens to bear arms to protect themselves and their family. And he strongly encourages all firearm holders the importance of maintaining firearms training, education, and acquiring the skills necessary to survive. 1) The CCW Magazine 2) The Self-Defense shooting 3) Becoming an FFL dealer at 23 years old 4) Opening up an outdoor shooting range and training facility

  • GunFreedomRadio EP287 Babes with Bullets with Deb Ferns

    03/03/2021 Duração: 57min

    Our guest today is Deb Ferns. Deb is the author of Babes with Bullets and Founder of the Women’s Outdoor Media Association ( Deb shot a handgun for the first time at age 45 and was instantly “hooked” on shooting a variety of handgun competitions. And now mentors other women to help them discover their own passion and journey. 1) Why would a gal start shooting at age 45 and then start at national women’s shooting program at age 50? 2) Back in 2004 what was the “temperature” like for starting a women’s shooting program? From the industry, from the ranges, etc. 3) What kinds of changes and improvements in the Industry have you seen in the 17 years you’ve been involved in shooting sports? 4) When you started the WOMA, the Women’s Outdoor Media association, was there something specific that sparked it? 5) What is waiting in the future for Babes with Bullets going forward and the Women’s Outdoor Media Association going forward?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP286 Combat Quilter with Andrew Lee

    01/03/2021 Duração: 52min

    Our guest today is Andrew Lee. Andrew is an award-winning quilter and combat veteran known as CombatQuilter. He is a 3-time combat veteran with 19 years of combined military service, currently serving in the TN National Guard. Andrew's many convoys, missions, and events while deployed to Iraq have resulted in him having PTSD. After trying many coping unhealthy mechanisms that just left him emotionally detached and unsatisfied in life, a random comment about taking a couple's quilting class by his wife Kristy, changed his life forever. 1) How did you get started in quilting? And how does quilting help you and others deal with PTSD? 2) Tell us how you were able to design, create and sew your award-winning Iwo Jima Memorial Quilt from the cab of your big-rig truck? 3) How many Quilts of Valor have you made and awarded? 4) What is your most memorable quilt of valor awarded? 5) Your future quilting plans include a Veteran's Quilting Retreat Center?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP285 How Far Can They Go? with Danny & Cheryl Todd

    24/02/2021 Duração: 30min

    Our guests today are US! Our co-hosts, Danny and Cheryl Todd, discuss whether or not our Senators and other "Leaders" can be trusted to implement new and even more restrictive laws over firearms and those who own them. We recently witnessed the trial of an American Citizen where seated Senators actively manufactured and doctored evidence to be used against that Citizen. These are some of the same people who want to bring forth Red Flag Gun Laws, Universal Background Checks, prohibitive and discriminatory taxes and fees, and other means to separate American Citizens from their Second Amendment Rights to keep and bear arms. Dan and Cheryl discuss both HR127 and HR30. Under HR127 the "Leaders" who have written and sponsored would: Establish a publicly-searchable gun registry containing your most private information Require you to petition an anti-gun Attorney General for a "license" to possess firearms & ammunition Further force you to obtain "firearms insurance" from the federal government at a cost of $80

  • GunFreedomRadio EP284 Sociology and the 2A with John Age

    22/02/2021 Duração: 58min

    Our guest today is John Age. John is a researcher and the host of The Anomic Age, a weekly show where he interviews guests covering a range of topics from religion and government corruption, to vaccines and media manipulation.  With a ravenous appetite for the truth, John focused heavily on the events of the 1990’s such as Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine, etc. that shaped and paved the way for many to willingly give up their Rights.  His dogged pursuit of the truth led him to create The Anomic Age in 2018, where he continues to share the truth with others each week. 1) Tell us about the name you chose for your show. What does Anomic mean? - from anomy or anomie—a term from Émile Durkheim. Basically, it means alienation and purposelessness experienced by a person or a class as a result of a lack of standards, values, or ideals. - Émile Durkheim, French social scientist who developed a vigorous methodology combining empirical research with sociological theory. He is widely regarded as the

  • GunFreedomRadio EP283 The Constitution and The Law with Sheriff Mark Lamb

    19/02/2021 Duração: 01h04min

    Our guest today is Sheriff Mark Lamb. Sheriff Lamb was elected as the 24th Sheriff of Pinal County to oversee an Arizona county the size of Connecticut. As a constitutional conservative, Sheriff Lamb is a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights and the enforcement of all of our laws, and he is determined to protect the rights and freedoms of the people whom he serves. 1) Too many of us do not understand the role of a Sheriff and the important distinction that a Sheriff is not hired or appointed, but is elected by the people he or she serves. Can you talk to us about that? 2) We’ve been hearing a lot about something called The Citizens Posse Program. What is that and why has it been so popular with your constituents? - The Citizens Posse Program offers a training course designed to show residents the reality of Police Work. In this four hour course, participants will learn the basics of constitutional law, search and seizure, basic firearm safety, home safety, and the use of force. There will also be a

  • GunFreedomRadio EP282 Consent of the Governed? with Dave Kopp

    17/02/2021 Duração: 44min

    Our guest today is Dave Kopp. Dave is the president of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), which is where grassroots activists take a stand, working at the Arizona legislature, to get strong pro-rights bills written and passed into law, while stopping bad bills. The AzCDL is the only Arizona civil liberties organization to get pro-rights bills introduced in every Legislative session. 1) The 2020 Election brought our State of AZ some new changes in the people serving in our Capitol. How does that change in personnel impact the challenges to our 2A Rights? 2) Article II, Section 2 of the Arizona Constitution states that “All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.” There are two key issues in that one sentence. Are either of them still true? 3) Thankfully some of the Bills and Initiatives that get written do not get passed. How can AZ Citizens with jobs, kids,

  • GunFreedomRadio EP281 The Knife Drawer vs the Gun Safe with Sue Ritter

    15/02/2021 Duração: 55min

    Our guest today is Sue Ritter. Sue is the Development Director for Knife Rights, America’s grassroots knife owners’ organization that is leading the fight to Rewrite Knife Law in America™ and forging a Sharper Future for all Americans™. Knife Rights’ efforts have resulted in enacting 33 bills, repealing knife bans in 23 states and over 100 cities and towns, as well as numerous court victories. Sue has over 40 years of management experience as a Development, Operational and Marketing professional including regulatory compliance, financial management and strategic planning. 1) What is Knife Rights? 2) Why do you say Knife Rights is the Second Front in Defense of the Second Amendment™? 3) Every home across globe has a drawer in their kitchen filled with sharp cutting tools. We train our children from the earliest age how to safely and responsibly interact with those tools. Yet, when it comes to guns people somehow don’t understand that the exact same education and familiarity can keep our children safe around

  • GunFreedomRadio EP280 Do Victims Even Have Rights? with Nikki Goeser

    12/02/2021 Duração: 46min

    Our guest today is Nikki Goeser. Nikki is the author of “Stalked and Defenseless: How Gun Control Helped My Stalker Murder My Husband in Front of Me.” Nikki is a survivor of a deadly crime in a gun-free zone where she lost her husband at the hands of a stalker. And the current prison system is allowing this Stalker to continue to harass her from his prison cell. 1) Please give us a brief background on the horror that you lived out at the hands of a Stalker. 2) What is the current status of this man’s incarceration and his potential to get out of prison? 3) How can you possibly feel that he is reformed and that you could possibly be safe, since he has continued to harass you from a tax-payer funded prison cell?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP279 Is Freedom Still A Thing? with Marc J Victor

    10/02/2021 Duração: 47min

    Our guest today is Marc J Victor. Marc owns the Law Firm, Attorneys For Freedom, and is an Arizona State bar certified specialist in criminal law who has been zealously representing clients in serious state and federal criminal law matters for well over twenty years. As a long time freedom activist, Mr. Victor is regularly invited to speak to audiences across Arizona on a variety of issues including ending the drug war, the rights of gun owners, the free market, criminal justice issues as well as a variety of other criminal law related issues. 1) This past year has seen a lot of our freedoms given away and taken away. How have you seen that impact the clients who are coming your way at Attorneys For Freedom? 2) You will be our Platinum Sponsor and one of our Speakers at the 2021 Rally to Celebrate and Protect our 2A Rights on Saturday, February 20th at the AZ State Capitol from 10:am – 2:pm. Why do you think these kinds of gatherings are important? 3) If you had one thing you wanted to impart to the 8 mi

  • GunFreedomRadio EP278 Gen Z and the 2A with Austin Smith

    08/02/2021 Duração: 49min

    Our guest today is Austin Smith. Austin is the National Field Director of Turning Point Action, the sister organization to Turning Point USA and he is the Chairman of the Maricopa County Young Republicans. Austin grew up hunting and fishing, and firearms have been a part of his life since he was born. He believes the second amendment is still the most consequential right we have to fight for every day. 1) Watching the “news”, one might think that young people – Millennials and Gen Z-ers – have lost connection with the Constitution and the 2A. When you interact with these young and future voters, what is your impression of them? 2) Being politically active or having a cause seems much more popular than when past generations. What was the main influence in your life to become not only active in politics, but in Conservative politics?  3) You were very active in Students for Trump, working to re-elect Donald Trump and Republicans down ballot across the country. Will that “Students For” organization continue

  • GunFreedomRadio EP277 2A Media in the Age of Censorship with Paul Lathrop

    05/02/2021 Duração: 01h00s

    Our guest today is Paul Lathrop. Paul is the Deputy Director of New Media for the Second Amendment Foundation ( He started his work in second amendment media as the owner and co-executive producer of the Polite Society Podcast on the Self Defense Radio Network ( and now produces several shows on a regular basis. Paul is also the creator of Amm-Con, which is the Alternative Mass Media Conference. This conference is for Podcasters, Bloggers, YouTube creators, and anyone else in new media that has a connection to the 2nd Amendment Community. 1) First of all, Congratulations on retiring from one career and sliding beautifully into the next! Fortune favors the workaholic! Tell us about your new role at the SAF! 2) I have titled this episode 2A Media in the Age of Censorship. How are you navigating the shifting sands of where we are “allowed” to utter words of liberty and gun ownership? 3) The annual Amm-Con event is designed to help bloggers, podcasters, etc to network and to learn from

  • GunFreedomRadio EP276 Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally with Mike Sullivan

    03/02/2021 Duração: 51min

    Our guest today is Mike Sullivan. Mike is the vice-president of Riders United for a Sovereign America (RidersUSA). Mike has been involved in grass roots activism for more than a decade. He is a firm believer in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and government BY the people. He has been a strong pro-gun rights activist and supporter of the right to keep and bear arms. Mike has been a supporter of many charitable causes in the biker community and although not a veteran he is also very active in many veteran related causes 1) 2A Activism: What is it? And do you think it differs from 2A Advocacy? - Why all Americans need to be involved and what can you individually do to make a difference. 2) In what ways do you see the anti-gun right groups trying to re-brand the "gun control" narrative? 3) Rallies have recently gotten a black-eye in the Media and it seems there is a push to try to make people afraid to participate in these kinds of gatherings. Let’s talk about what actually goes on at the

  • GunFreedomRadio EP275 Can We Talk? with Dan & Cheryl Todd

    01/02/2021 Duração: 48min

    Our co-hosts, Danny and Cheryl Todd, share a little bit about themselves on today's show. They talk about where their interest in 2A Advocacy came from. As self-employed small business owners they wear many hats individually and as a couple, and while they work very closely together in the various areas of their multiple businesses, their backgrounds and training are as individual as they are. Cheryl went the traditional route of gaining a college education with degrees in Psychology and Counseling. Danny has always learned by rolling up his sleeves and "doing". Who inspired them? Where did their entrepreneur spirit come from? What were two of Cheryl's biggest lessons from college? What was it about sweeping floors and climbing stairs that impacted Danny so heavily? Why do they care so much about our Constitutional inheritance?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP274 The Second Amendment Foundation with Alan Gottlieb

    29/01/2021 Duração: 50min

    Our guest today is Alan Gottlieb. Alan is the Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF). The SAF is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Alan is also the author or co-author of numerous books including “Things You Can Do to Defend Your Gun Rights” and “Assault on Weapons: The Campaign to Eliminate Your Guns”. 1) Alan, you are in a unique position in that you know the history of the efforts that gun-prohibitionists have tried in the past and you are actively in the courts all across this nation to protect our 2A Rights from them currently. What do you see on the horizon, as we enter into the years of the Biden / Harris Administration? 2) SAF recently put out a Press Release about a lawsuit against the BATFE concerning the Arm Brace issue having to do with APA Violations. Can you elaborate on that for us? 3) You have hired a new Media Marketing Manager, Brad Parscale, and I am seeing the SAF advertisements appearing on

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