
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 320:13:07
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A look at the ethical and religious issues of the week


  • Elvis, Canvey Island Jews, The Olympic effect

    17/08/2016 Duração: 44min

    This week, it is the anniversary of Elvis's death on August 16th 1977. Ted Harrison - author of a new book called 'The Death and Resurrection of Elvis Presley' talks to Caroline Wyatt about how the cult of Elvis is now taking on some of the characteristics of a religion. The Rev Ravi Holi (Anglican vicar and Elvis impersonator) describes a funeral at which he dressed as 'The King of Rock 'n Roll'.The Rio Olympics are a "huge missed opportunity" to improve the lives of the country's poorest, according to the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD). Cecilia Lorio - CAFOD's Brazil Programme Manager - and Rio based journalist Shannon Sims discuss the possible Olympic legacy on the Brazilian people.The spiritual leader of Bahrain's Shia majority - Ayatollah Isa Qassim - goes on trial this weekend. Opposition activist Zainab al-Khawaja talks about her imprisonment at the hands of the Bahrani authorities. Trevor Barnes reports on the Orthodox Jews who have moved to Canvey Island to create a new community.On

  • Women deacons, Faith and comedy, Friends Ambulance Unit at the Somme

    14/08/2016 Duração: 43min

    Pope Francis has set up a panel to study whether women can serve as deacons. We debate if this is a move that will lead to changes in the role of women in the Catholic Church with Professor Tina Beattie and Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith.In the first 6 months of the year there was a large increase in anti-Semitic incidents. Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum tells us it's time for a zero tolerance policy on hate crime.Reporter Bob Walker has walked the world's most northerly pilgrimage route across Sweden. Along the way he met refugees from around the world who are now living in remote villages and towns there.Canadian comic Ali Hassan is in Edinburgh with his show 'Man Interrupted'. He explains how he gets gags from his Muslim culture without causing offence.During WW1, many Quakers joined the Friends Ambulance Unit as an alternative to fighting. Hazel Southam hears how they worked on ambulance trains ferrying the injured from the front to hospital.The National Council of Churches in India will hold a day of protest next week ag

  • World Youth Day, Erik Satie, Life after ebola

    31/07/2016 Duração: 43min

    Last week, Edward Stourton profiled evangelical Christian Mike Pence who is Donald Trump's running mate. This week he takes a look at Catholic Tim Kaine, the man on Hillary Clinton's ticket. Journalist Jay Michaelson describes how Senator Kaine's faith has shaped his politics.Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen of being behind the failed uprising. Philip Kemp reports on the abuse that his followers in the UK are now suffering.The president of the Atheist's Foundation of Australia - Kylie Sturgess - explains why she is encouraging people not to write 'Jedi' on the upcoming Australian census.Live from the Living Islam Festival, Rabbi Laura Janner Klausner, Senior Rabbi to the Movement for Reform Judaism, and Sughra Ahmed,Chair of the Islamic Society of Britain, debate whether or not Christianity deserves its place as the state religion.Two years after Ebola was declared an emergency in Liberia, Chloe Brett the Director of Street Child has just returned from Monrov

  • Rio Archbishop, Church PokeStops, Trump's religious sidekick.

    24/07/2016 Duração: 43min

    Terrorism is a major concern for the organisers of Rio's Olympics due to start in less than three weeks time. So is the city's high levels of violent crime. The Archbishop of Rio, Dom Orani Tempesta, was recently caught up in a gun battle there. He spoke to our reporter, Bruce Douglas. World Youth Day has been described by one commentator as sort of Olympic Games of the Catholic Church. It's the largest regular youth gathering in the world. This year it's being held in Krakow in Poland, home one former Papal superstar and about to welcome another - Pope Francis. Jonathan Luxmore will be there. "Educate Together" run 77 primary and 4 secondary level schools in the Republic of Ireland and demand is said to outstrip supply. It also runs one in Bristol and plans to open more. What are these schools are doing differently? Kevin Boquet went to Bristol for the last day of term to find out. Donald Trump has chosen his running mate, Indianan Senator Mike Pence, and unlike Mr Trump, Mike Pence knows his Bible and asks

  • Sunday in Nice; Canada's disputed sacred islands; The Jewish vinyl Jewkbox

    17/07/2016 Duração: 43min

    Services will be held in churches across France to remember those killed after a lorry ploughed into crowds celebrating Bastille Day. William Crawley talks to Fr Peter Jackson is from Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Nice and lives close to the terrorist attack.This week a new Prime Minister entered Number 10. The daughter of an Anglican priest, Theresa May joins the list of world leaders with a strong religious upbringing. Dr Eliza Filby, author of 'God and Thatcher' and Wendy Alexander, former leader of the Scottish Labour Party and a daughter of the manse, discuss how faith has influenced politic leaders.Kendall House in Gravesend was once a Church of England care home for young girls. It was shut in the mid 80's. One former resident tells William how she was drugged and abused over a two year period there. The Bishop of Rochester, James Langstaff, responds to the findings of the review he commissioned which said the Church's response to allegations about abuse at Kendall House was, "woeful and inadequate".

  • St Olav's Way, C of E vision for education, Jewish intermarriage

    10/07/2016 Duração: 44min

    Ed Stourton talks to Dallas Morning News reporter Naomi Martin about the mood in the city. Later in the programme, he interviews black pastors from the areas where police killed two black men. The United Reform Church has become the first major Christian denomination to allow same sex marriage in its churches. We talk to Lee Battle who has had her own wedding on hold waiting for this moment. Bob Walker follows St. Olav's Way - a 400 mile pilgrimage route which ends at Nidaros Cathedral in Tronheim where Norway's patron saint St Olav is buried.A new report by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research has shown that marriage between Jews and non-Jews is at a record high prompting fears about the effect that 'marrying out' is having on the Jewish population in Britain. Rabbi Aaron Goldstein and Rabbi Dovid Lewis discuss the new research.On Wednesday, students from schools across the country travel to the Houses of Parliament to take part in a debate on what they want from their religious education classes. Two of

  • Shrouds of the Somme, Anti-Semitism Report, A Chaplain's Week at Westminster

    03/07/2016 Duração: 43min

    Following the EU referendum there has been an upsurge of racism towards minority groups in the UK. Bishop Richard Atkinson, Co-Chair of the Inter Faith Network tells Edward why he is concerned about these incidents.After a difficult press conference to launch a report into anti-semitism in the Labour Party, Edward asks Jonathan Arkush, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and John Mann MP if the report's recommendations are enough to rebuild relationships.The Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin is Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. She tells Edward about a dramatic week at Westminster and her pastoral role in the Palace.On the 1st July 1916, Walter Shaw of the 15th West Yorks Regiment was killed at The Somme. We hear his final letter to his sweetheart Ethel and the reply he never received. In Exeter, Trevor Barnes attends the opening of the '19240 Shrouds of the Somme' exhibition. Artist Rob Heard has hand-made a small figurine to represent every man killed.Aung San Suu Kyi has asked the United

  • Bob Holman, Lindisfarne dig, Referendum and beyond

    26/06/2016 Duração: 44min

    William Crawley talks two people from the world of religion who campaigned to leave the EU about their vision for the future of Britain. Adrian Hilton from Christians for Britain and Saqib Bhatti from Muslims for Britain. He gave up a successful academic career to go and live on a council estate in Glasgow in order to help people living there. We hear about the life of Christian Socialist Bob Holman who died last week. 100 years ago Europe was gripped in war and the Battle of the Somme began. The Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin and Richard Clarke, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland, talk to William Crawley about their pilgrimage to the battlefields of the Somme this week.Monsignor Hector Henao reveals his role in helping to negotiate peace between the Colombian Government and the FARC Guerrillas. Winner of Israel's 2014 Masterchef Arab Israeli Dr Nof Atamna-Ismaeel talks about how she's bringing Arab and Israelis together through food. Geoff Bird has been to join the world's first cro

  • Flat-pack Byzantine church, John Sentamu, Muslim attitudes to homosexuality

    19/06/2016 Duração: 43min

    Trevor Barnes visits a Byzantine Church in Oxford constructed from a flat-pack dating back to 550 AD.Following the grief and disbelief caused by the murder of MP Jo Cox, the Archbishop of York - Dr John Sentamu - talks about the impact of her death.Pope Francis will be in Armenia in a few days time to visit a memorial dedicated to the 1.5M victims of what he described last year as "the first genocide of the 20th century." It is a trip which may further strain the Vatican's diplomatic relations with Turkey. John Allen - editor of the global Catholic website 'Crux' - will be travelling with the Papal party.The Bishop of Liverpool Paul Bayes talks publically for the first time on why he has changed his mind on the issue of sexuality.Susie Chidzik and twins Tomos and Ciaran Bevan have learning disabilities. They travel to Rome next week to take part in 'Living Fully', an event designed to promote debate on the role of disabled people in the Church. They chat to Edward about their faith and they are joined by the

  • Football, 1975 referendum, The Queen

    12/06/2016 Duração: 43min

    As the nation celebrates the Sovereign's 90th Birthday, Mark Greene - co-author of 'The Servant Queen and the King She Serves' - talks to Edward Stourton about the Queen's faith.There is currently a campaign in Australia to repeal a law which allows people to use a so-called 'gay panic' defence in murder cases; if someone makes a sexual advance, you can claim that was the reason you lost control and killed them. The growing demand to change this law is being led by Roman Catholic priest Fr Paul Kelly. Hazel Southam visits St Luke's Church in Wolverhampton - which is on the Church of England's top ten endangered buildings list - to investigate the problems faced by congregations who find themselves in charge of historic buildings.The Pan-orthodox Council taking place on Crete next week has been in the planning since the 1920s. In fact, the last one was held over 1000 years ago. Russian Orthodox priest Fr Cyril Hovorun explains why the alliance between the orthodox churches is so fragile.Rosie Dawson speaks to

  • Grandson of Hamas; Asylum report; Carly Paoli 'Ave Maria'

    07/06/2016 Duração: 43min

    In his first UK media interview, Ed Stourton talks to John Calvin, grandson of the co-founder of Hamas, whose conversion to Christianity meant he had to flee the Middle East.In 1964 Cassius Clay announced he had given up his name for Muhammad Ali and joined the Nation of Islam. Dr Dawn-Marie Gibson talks about how his faith influenced his life.Ed Stourton talks to the BBC's Bangkok correspondent, Jonathan Head, about what the arrests of monks at the Thai Buddhist temple with links to animal trafficking says about the state of Buddhist monasticism in Thailand today.Trevor Barnes investigates the findings of a report that claims the Home Office is rejecting asylum claims from converts to Christianity because officials are making basic mistakes about the faith and what followers should know.Why is Vimto, a soft drink from Manchester, such a big seller in the Gulf States during Ramadan? Kevin Bocquet reports.Sunday hears from Carly Paoli, the British mezzo soprano, whose version of Ave Maria will be the official

  • Review of Sharia courts, Scientology buildings vacant, Bells for BBC Music Day

    29/05/2016 Duração: 43min

    With less than a month before the referendum on Britain's membership of the EU, there's a debate growing about the role religious leaders should take when they engage with political issues. Jasvir Singh from the London Faiths Forum and journalist Quentin Letts discuss the role of religion in politics.Professor Mona Siddiqi tells Edward about the review of Sharia law in the UK that the Government has asked her to lead.Why are some historic buildings owned by the Church of Scientology lying empty after they were purchased ten years ago? Geoff Bird has been to see one of the properties in Manchester.In York, the Minster will be the setting for the 2016 Mystery Plays for only the second time in their 700 year history. Kevin Bocquet reports from the final rehearsals.We report on a ground-breaking study which explores links between religion and HIV disease progression. Gail Ironson is Professor of Psychology at the University of Miami.Tom Smith, lecturer in International Relations at Portsmouth University, explains

  • Jordan refugee camp, John Sentamu's pilgrimage, Sermon of the year competition

    15/05/2016 Duração: 43min

    Pope Francis has said that he is open to the possibility of ordaining women as deacons. Are the ranks of the Catholic Church's all-male clergy really going to open up to female members?Next week, two ministers battle it out in the annual Sermon of the Year Competition. They talk to Edward Stourton about their ministry and go head to head in Sunday's very own battle of the sermons.Hazel Southam reports from Jordan on a trauma healing programme that is being offered to tens of thousands of people who have fled the wars in Syria and Iraq.On Thursday, Scottish composer Sir James MacMillan is giving a speech to the Saltire Society in Glasgow in which he will argue that 20th and 21st century composers have never given up their search for the sacred in an increasingly secular society. He explains to Edward his reasons for this belief.Last February, Charles Maung Bo became Myanmar's first-ever cardinal. For many years he has spoken out against the persecution of religious minorities in his country and now that there

  • Katy Perry, Digital legacies, Christian music

    08/05/2016 Duração: 43min

    "The more we understand religion, the better able we are as a result to engage religious actors, the more effective our diplomacy will be in advancing the interests and values of our people".US Secretary of State John Kerry said this in a speech last month. Shaun Cassey is his Special Representative on religion in global affairs, he talks to Edward Stourton about his goal to achieve this.The BBC's Reagan Morris reports on the elderly nuns who are taking on pop superstar Katy Perry, as well as the Los Angeles Catholic hierarchy.How much has the anti-Semitism row cost Labour votes in the recent elections? Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg discusses this with Edward Stourton and whether the party can rebuild their relationship with the Jewish community he represents.Many people have a will but how many have considered their digital legacy? Ahead of Dying Matters Awareness Week Kevin Bocquet reports on the growing issue of dealing with death in the online world.The Bloody History of Bible Translations - Harry Freedman di

  • Politics and anti-Semitism, The Christian convert, Have faith in Leicester City FC

    01/05/2016 Duração: 44min

    As two Labour politicians are suspended for making anti-Semitic remarks, William Crawley asks if we have a clear understanding of what anti-Semitism is. David Feldman - Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism and Claire Fox from the Institute of Ideas debate.If Leicester City win at Manchester United on Sunday they will have won the Premier League against all the odds. Bob Walker hears how fans of all faiths have been brought together by this epic journey.There have been protests in Turkey after a senior politician suggested that the country should have a religious constitution. Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul.Professor Anthea Butler remembers the American peace activist, poet and Jesuit priest Fr Daniel Berrigan who has died at the age of 94.An international group of bishops, priests and nuns have written to Pope Francis urging him to change the Vatican's "medieval" practices for investigating unorthodox views. Fr Brian Darcy tells us why he signed the letter.Butterfly and Blood is a musical perform

  • Is sushi permitted at Passover? Prince the Jehovah's Witness, The row over religious education in the UK

    24/04/2016 Duração: 43min

    For 1000 years, Ashkenazi Jews have been forbidden to eat foods classed as 'Kitniyot' (e.g. rice, corn, beans, legumes) during Passover. But now authorities in the US have lifted this ban which means that Ashkenazi Jews can eat a variety of foodstuffs from Sushi to Popcorn. Charles Carroll reports.This week, the Foreign Office issued advice for LGBT people travelling to the US because of new 'religious freedom' laws allowing individuals and institutions to deny services to LGBT customers on religious grounds. Concerns have been raised about the All Party Parliamentary Group on RE which has removed the promotion of non religious world views from its remit. Kevin Bocquet investigates.For a number of years, he was referred to as 'The artist formerly known as Prince' but did you know that he was also formerly known as a Jehovah's Witness? Not many people in the UK were aware that pop superstar Prince - who died this week - was a member of this church or that his music reflected his Christian faith.The Vatican has

  • Shakespeare's religion, Pope in Lesbos, What do Muslims really think?

    17/04/2016 Duração: 44min

    Presenter William Crawley hears reaction to Pope Francis' visit to Lesbos, and explores the significance of the joint approach to the migrant crisis by the Catholic and Orthodox churches.Ahead of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death, Trevor Barnes reports on the religion of Shakespeare's England, and the influence of the Bible on his language.This week's Channel 4 documentary "What British Muslims really think", has been heavily criticised by members of Muslim communities for putting across what they see as a skewed picture of Islam in Britain. The programme's executive producer Samir Shah and author and activist Shelina Janmohamed discuss.Liz Leonard examines the current religious landscape of Scotland, in light of the recent Scottish Social Attitudes survey which suggests that most people in Scotland are 'not religious'.What is it like to live in Britain as a member of the persecuted Ahmadi Muslim sect? Author Adil Khan profiles the history and beliefs of Ahmadis following the discovery of l

  • The Pope and the family, God and the Gulag, Justin Welby's parentage

    10/04/2016 Duração: 43min

    As the Panama Papers continue to shine a light on the off shore world, Edward Stourton talks to Robert Paterson, Bishop of Soder and Man, about whether tax avoidance is ever morally acceptable.Geoff Bird reports on the little known story of Francis Asbury, the English-born former blacksmith's apprentice who is credited with putting American Methodism on the denominational map.Pope Francis' much anticipated Exhortation on the Family was published Friday. Does it fall short of marking any real change or amount to a call for the transformation in the attitude rather than doctrine of the Church? Edward is joined by Madelaine Teahan, Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald, Bishop Peter Doyle and the Guardian's Joanna Moorhead.There is no change on the ban on divorced and remarried Catholics taking Communion in the Exhortation. But the document does urge couples and the Church to take marriage preparation seriously. Bob Walker reports on what it means and whether it works.In the on-going anti-Semitism row in the L

  • Cathedral money makers, Donald Trump and the religious right, Managing Britain's mosques

    03/04/2016 Duração: 43min

    Revelations that senior members of two mosques in Scotland have held office in a proscribed organisation have raised fears of a 'power crisis' in some British mosques. Edward chairs a panel to discuss and debate these concerns.Deans from Anglican cathedrals gather in Liverpool for their annual conference next week. On the agenda, how to use the cathedral space to maximise revenue. Kevin Bocquet hears how pop concerts help bring in funds for salaries and roof repairs.Jasvinder Sanghera is the founder of Karma Nirvana, a charity that supports victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour based abuse. She tells Edward how her story contributed to the BBC 1 drama 'Murdered by my Father'. Support groups: publicity-shy Alawite community in Syria have released a document setting out their views on the future of the country, refusing to support President Bashar al-Assad, who is himself an Alawite. Professor Michael Kerr explains why they have done this now.The Anglican Consultative Coun

  • How to remember the Easter Rising, Methodist Conscientious objectors, Religious freedom in India

    13/03/2016 Duração: 43min

    Religious and ethical news.

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