Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Scientific Proof of Psychic Phenomenon

    02/07/2015 Duração: 54min

    Have you ever met someone with whom you had an instant connection? It feels like you've known them your whole life, and you slip into a familiar relationship that is deeper than should be possible for a new acquaintance. Or maybe you've had a deja vu experience where you feel like a certain situation has happened before or you've been to a particular place before when in fact you haven't. Or, at least not in this life. We explain these experiences away as interesting or nice or odd, but we rarely think of them as people and places from past lives coming into our present life. We feel like we know them or have experienced them because our soul knows the connection and carries it deep inside of our physical bodies. Because many of us are skeptical about psychic phenomenon, reincarnation and energy healing, we tend to marginalize them. Truly, they are more powerful than what we consider normal. Please join us Thursday to learn the scientific evidence that makes the unbelievable real.

  • Healing From The Spiritual Realm

    25/06/2015 Duração: 56min

    Symptoms: alternating chills and hot spells. Diagnosis: cold or flu. Treatment: Take medicine. That's what our culture teaches us is the only logical explanation. But what if, just what if, it isn't a cold or flu and the medicine isn't the solution? What if we switch the lens through which we look at symptoms and understand that the person is experiencing a releasing of negative emotions and fears through the chills and is being healed with loving warmth from the spiritual realm? A trained medical professional, or even a conscientious mom or spouse, would go to the medicine cabinet. More and more, however, people like myself and Mary DiSano are understanding physical symptoms from a spiritual perspective. Even well-respected trained physicians like Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel and Larry Dossey know through scientific evidence that physical symptoms are not always what they appear to be. Please join us Thursday when Mary shares her personal story of healing through the spiritual realm.

  • Child Abuse: Identify and Intervene

    18/06/2015 Duração: 56min

    Children, who grow up in families where there is abuse of any kind, are victims. It doesn't matter if they are the targets of the abuse or if they witness it. And it doesn't matter if the abuse is drugs or alcohol or physical, mental, sexual or emotional abuse. The scars can last a lifetime unless someone recognizes their pain. Often schools label these children as slow learners, learning disabled, ADD or ADHD or trouble makers. The children act out for attention, join gangs, get into drugs or sex or they get very quiet in an attempt to be invisible. It’s hard for them to hear the teacher when all they can hear is the yelling or beating from the night before. They can even be good at hiding the abuse out of fear or a misguided desire to protect the family or the victimized parent. Schools are not always safe places for children living with abuse, whether they're in low income or wealthy neighborhoods. Join us Thursday to learn how to identify children in toxic homes and how to help.

  • Yes, Boys Must Cry

    11/06/2015 Duração: 56min

    How often were you told: Don't cry. You're fine. It doesn't hurt. That's enough now. Pull yourself together. Don't be a crybaby. Or maybe even: Stop crying or I'll give you something to really cry about. I'd like to think that this doesn't happen anymore, but I know better. Boys get a much heavier dose of this kind of training than girls do. We have a distorted idea of what it means to be strong. The truth is that strength develops by allowing ourselves to feel. That's what it means to be human. We must learn for ourselves and then teach our children that feelings are normal. It is not only OK to cry, it is necessary. Tears actually have a healing chemical in them. It's part of our body's wisdom and innate drive to heal. Strength is when we come out the other side, knowing that we can handle more than we ever thought possible. We must be open to all of our feelings, including pain in order to feel empathy and love. Join us Thursday to learn the importance of feeling in healing abuse.

  • From Charm to Harm

    04/06/2015 Duração: 57min

    My first boyfriend was so very charming. I couldn't believe that this handsome, smart guy, who was studying law, would be interested in me--a high school student. My parents thought that he was the son they never had. We were all living in a wonderful fairy tale until he tried to empty my bank account, stole money that my father had given him to buy supplies for my sister's wedding and to top it off, he wasn't even enrolled in Law School. He had us all fooled. The charade included taking me to his law class, where the professor called on him to give a detailed answer and all of the students greeted him. I still haven't figured that one out, but I know he wasn't a student there because my parents ignored the fact that their friend's son, who was enrolled there, had never heard of my boyfriend. The class was too small for them to not know each other. We all ignored the clues until we couldn't any more. Please join us Thursday to learn more about emotional abuse and stopping the cycle.

  • Prophecies To Help You Be Prepared

    28/05/2015 Duração: 55min

    Prophecy? Didn't that end in Biblical times? No. As we learned in our shows with Dr. Larry Dossey, psychic phenomena have been proven real. In fact, our December 18, 2014 show, Psychic Dawon's Predictions for 2015, is one of our most listened to on-demand shows as are Larry's shows on March 20, 2014 and February 12, 2015. If you missed them, go to PaulaJoyce.com to listen. As both of these men know, psychic information is available to all of us. We have to believe it, acknowledge it and not be afraid of it. It is there to inform us and to help us connect more closely with the spiritual realm. New information is constantly coming through to us from our guides and angels. Most of us ignore it, are afraid of it or don't trust that it is real. Some, like Dawon, pay close attention and live their lives by it. When we are talking, my questions or comments often stimulate his ability to receive new information. This is exciting for us. Join the fun Thursday to learn what we need to know now.

  • Healing Addiction: 12 Steps and More

    21/05/2015 Duração: 57min

    Addiction and healing are words that you rarely hear in the same sentence. Yet, when I spoke with Rabbi Paul Steinberg about being on the show, that's exactly what I heard. And he should know because it has been his personal journey. When someone knows something from the inside out, they can see things that those who only have an academic understanding cannot see. This has been my personal experience with healing from abuse, which is also an addiction. We know so much now about the power of the mind to heal, the strength of community, the healing power of prayer and the importance of feeling love from the spiritual realm. Although Rabbi Steinberg approaches healing from a Jewish perspective, he has many residential and out-patient clients who are not Jewish. They resonate with his perspective and get well because he has what is missing from other treatment centers and methodologies. We all know someone who is addicted. Please join us Thursday to learn how they, or you, can truly heal.

  • Solving the Weight Puzzle

    14/05/2015 Duração: 57min

    Obesity has more than doubled since 1980. A shocking 39% of all adults are overweight according to the World Health Organization. The global percentages on obesity are multiplying at such a rapid rate that they currently rival world hunger. The problem in the United States continues to grow at an alarming rate. In 2012, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 69% of all adults were overweight. Many people have tried to solve this problem. Whole industries have grown up around selling books, packaged meals and exercise programs, all different and all claiming to have research behind them guaranteeing success. The fact is that how much we weigh involves much more than what we put in our mouths and which exercise regimen we follow. It's also about what we put in our minds and in our hearts. Looking at weight from the perspective of wellness, is the missing piece needed to solve the puzzle. Please join us Thursday to learn more.

  • The Truth About Bullying

    07/05/2015 Duração: 53min

    Bullying and mean girls are terms that we hear a lot. What no one admits is that mean girls is another way of saying bully and bully is a way of hiding the truth. It's all abuse. Yes, abuse is happening in our classrooms, schools and neighborhoods on an ongoing basis. We minimize it believing it's just a childhood phase. The problem is that these children grow up to be adults and the patterns of abuse that they have established continue into adulthood. The bullies even protect themselves from the truth believing that they've outgrown their childhood behaviors. Cliques and friendship clubs send a clear message to everyone that the people who belong are worthy and important and everyone else is not. Long after we've forgotten these childhood rejections they leave a mark on our self-esteem and our relationships. Schools, parents, coaches, camp counselors and anyone having responsibility for children need to help change this dysfunctional culture. Please join us Thursday to learn more.

  • Healing Familial Trauma

    30/04/2015 Duração: 55min

    Do your family stories include a lot of laughter and the retelling of good times? Or do the older members of your family refuse to talk about the past because it's too painful? Do your parents or grandparents express a range of emotions? Are they willing to face the difficulties and challenges in their family's history or do they tend to sweep everything under the rug, pretending that all is well? We live in a world where trauma from war, famine, disease, torture, persecution and/or natural disasters is in all of our family histories if we go back far enough. Most of us only have to look to the current or previous generation to discover family trauma. If the generation directly impacted by the trauma doesn't deal with it in a healthy way, it can be transmitted to the next generations until someone says: enough, it stops here. Until I spoke with Beila, I didn't realize how much my grandmother's deep sadness had affected me. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal familial trauma.

  • Take Charge of Your Health

    23/04/2015 Duração: 56min

    We've been taught to think of doctors as gods. They know our bodies better than we do. If we want to get better, we have to listen to their advice. They know the truth. We have learned to deny our own wisdom and to put ourselves solely in their hands. Sometimes this is the right choice, often it's not. We must change this pattern of ignoring what we know about our own body. We must take charge of our own health and stop denying that nagging feeling that something is wrong. Getting more than one opinion from medical doctors, alternative medicine practitioners and trusted healers and determining which course of action is best for you now is essential. Especially in this age of litigation, doctors depend more and more on tests that are often inaccurate and/or only tell part of the story. They often miss cancer until it is terminal. They choose to listen to the test rather than to the patient. Join us Thursday when world-renowned expert, Dr. Bernie Siegel, tells us to be our own advocate.

  • What Your Conscious Mind Doesnt Know

    16/04/2015 Duração: 57min

    Life can be confusing with conflicting voices vying for our attention. It's hard to know which voice will bring us the most success or happiness. Sometimes bosses, colleagues, friends, spouses, family members, physicians or counselors are not trustworthy, only have partial information, think they should protect us from the truth or simply just give us bad advice. And sometimes we have learned not to trust ourselves because others have convinced us that we don't make good decisions and that we should rely on them or that we aren't smart enough or competent enough to know what to do. How, then, do we make the hard choices? There is a path to seeing clearly. You just need a way to get to the information. Tarot decks, angel cards, runes, even Kabbalah decks can help guide us through our lives. The answers are there and they are reliable. Please join us Thursday to learn more about these tried and true tools, some of which have been guiding people for centuries.

  • Healing Trauma: What Really Works

    09/04/2015 Duração: 56min

    Yes, you can heal from trauma and abuse. Despite the prevailing belief that the best you can do is survive trauma, it is truly possible to heal, thrive and live life to the fullest. The language that we use is critically important because it sets the tone, the expectations and thus the results of the work that is being done. The problem with low expectations is that if you do what you've always done, you get what you've always gotten. We have learned a lot about healing from trauma, and it's time that we all update our knowledge and belief systems to accommodate the new research. Would you believe that yoga, Argentine tango, drama, writing, EMDR and neurofeedback are the new keys to helping people regain the joy, love, laughter and creativity in their lives? The brain does want to heal, and we now know how to support that healing. By nurturing the mind, body and spirit, we can break the cycle of fear engendered through trauma and abuse. Join us Thursday to learn how from the master.

  • One Mind: You Are Limitless and the Research Proves It!

    02/04/2015 Duração: 58min

    We live in a world that appears to be highly connected through the internet. Yet most of us feel alone, isolated and lonely. How would you feel if you really knew that your individual mind was part of a greater consciousness--if you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are all connected and that this is not just new age hype or wishful thinking? What if you felt loved, cared for and were able to give and receive compassion with ease? And, beyond that, what if you knew that you were limitless, that your mind could communicate with animals and with individuals around the world and even those in the spiritual realm? And what if miraculous healing is really possible for all of us? In Dr. Dossey's words, People who tune in to the One Mind are more likely to be happier, healthier, more creative, and wiser than those who do not. Join us Thursday to hear the research that has previously been buried in scientific journals and to learn how easy it is to open your mind to the One Mind.

  • Healing Trauma Through Spirituality

    26/03/2015 Duração: 57min

    When someone experiences a traumatic event or ongoing abuse, spiritual questions invariably emerge, like: Why me? How could God let this happen? Why am I suffering when the perpetrator is doing great? Isn't life supposed to be fair? People have varied responses from turning away from God or religion to moving closer to God in their search for answers and personal healing. I remember the year that Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, wrote a poignant open letter in The New York Times saying that he could no longer remain estranged from God. Although he still could not understand how God could let the Holocaust happen, he had finally made peace with God and by so doing was able to heal at a deeper level. All who have suffered through trauma must find their unique answers. Dr. Chris Courtois, a highly respected voice in the psychoanalytic community, was the first therapist who I heard talk about the need for spirituality in healing trauma. Please join us Thursday to learn directly from her

  • The Brain Wants to Heal

    19/03/2015 Duração: 55min

    PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury, are certainly not unique to veterans. As a group, however, they have the largest percentages of people suffering from these conditions. Because of the severity of their symptoms, a lot of attention has been focused on them, as it should be. Let's not forget, however, that a lot of other people go undiagnosed because they have not been in the Armed Forces. Often their war zone is at home or in their neighborhood or maybe at work. Because there are no guns, we don't look for the symptoms or recognize them. We think that it's only related to war. I hope that all of you listen carefully to this broadcast because you or someone you know is suffering from undiagnosed PTSD or TBI. The good news is that when properly identified, there are new methods which provide hope and healing where previously there was none. The brain wants to heal itself and can with the appropriate treatments. Please join us Thursday to learn more.

  • Fear: Friend or Foe?

    12/03/2015 Duração: 56min

    We all live with fear, but do you ever stop to think about when is fear your friend and when is it your enemy? Most of us just accept fear as part of who we are. We take pills to manage our anxiety, worry and depression or we numb ourselves with alcohol, drugs or work. Our unconscious, however, knows the truth, and it works overtime to try to get us to pay attention. The fears keep bubbling up to the surface whether we want them to or not. Often an unrelated event will trigger an old fear and we get anxious or angry or fearful without any awareness of the connection between the old fear and the current difficult feelings. As we learn to pay attention to how we feel in the moment, we can separate the past from the present and let go of irrational fears. We spend anywhere from 1 to 8 hours a day worrying, that's up to half of our waking hours, yet only 8% of our worries come true. That's a lot of unhappiness and wasted time and energy. Join us Thursday to learn how to overcome fear.

  • Optimal Health: Rest, Relax, Meditate

    05/03/2015 Duração: 56min

    Regardless of where we live, more and more of the world is adopting the western ways of doing rather than being. As this phenomenon grows, other parts of the world are beginning to experience the same health problems we do in the United States. Fast food restaurants have replaced leisurely meals, causing heart disease in France and diabetes in Italy. Work at the expense of family and meditation has led to a large increase of heart attacks in Japan. It's time to shift the balance and take the best that each culture has to offer in order to become a healthy world-wide community, with an emphasis on the word healthy. If all we value is productivity, we stand to lose more than we gain. Who will be around to enjoy the fruits of our labor if we are killing ourselves in the process? What values are we expressing at home and at work? What are we teaching our children? We must begin to allow ourselves time to rest, relax and meditate. Join us Thursday to learn how your life depends on it.

  • When War Comes Home: Hope For the Home Front

    26/02/2015 Duração: 56min

    The shocking and unnecessary deaths of American Sniper author, Chris Kyle and his friend, Chad Littlefield has brought into our living rooms what we try to put out of our minds. The war is over there we tell ourselves, but the fact is that the war comes home in varying degrees with every veteran, whether it's due to survivor's guilt, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, mental illness, addictions or loss of limbs. The impact of war is huge, and it affects all of us. The failure of the US Government to provide appropriate services to the soldiers who return home is also apparent here and is quietly on trial alongside Eddie Ray Routh. It's usually left up to the wives, girlfriends, mothers and other women in the returning soldier's lives to take care of them. By default, they are giving the care that professionals should be providing. They have no training, only their love to give. Join us Thursday to learn how one woman is making a difference by educating and supporting these brave women.

  • Healing When You Thought it was Impossible: What Western Medicine Doesn’t Know

    19/02/2015 Duração: 56min

    Remember when everyone thought that stomach ulcers were caused by spicy foods? That is, until scientists discovered that the main cause is a simple bacterial infection, and the second biggest cause is over the counter drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen. Many physical problems that the medical profession believes are incurable are like ulcers. Scientists just haven't isolated the culprit and thus assume that the condition is not treatable or cannot be cured. Nutritional chiropractors, like Dr. Lewis Cone, can treat and usually cure everything from autoimmune diseases, like Crohn's disease, Lupus and multiple sclerosis, to psoriasis of the liver, cancer, heart disease and more. Often the cause of the problem is something that hasn't been identified, like a particular fungus, parasite, bacteria, virus, a food sensitivity or toxic metal or chemical. Please listen to our July 17 podcast and then join us Thursday when Dr. Cone returns to share how the body wants to and can heal itself.

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