Building A Law Firm

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 123:57:35
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Building a Law Firm with Christopher Small is all about how to start, build, market, grow, scale, sell, manage, lead and create the life of your dreams with a law firm. Episodes will include interviews with successful law firm owners, social media experts, Facebook marketing experts, Google adwords experts, leadership experts, management experts, and anyone that can help us accomplish the goal of making your life as a law firm owner more profitable and enjoyable. Some of the people Id love to have on the show include Gary Vaynerchuk, Amy Porterfield, Lewis Howes, Russell Brunson, Mike Dillard, Tim Ferris, Jordan Harbinger, James Altucher, and anyone else thats got a powerful message. I have started two law firms successfully and know how hard it is to learn how to do things right. My number one goal is to fast track your success by taking the guess work out of starting and marketing a law firm.


  • 077: Multiple Practice Areas are Bad for Law Firms

    14/12/2017 Duração: 13min

    Multiple Practices Areas Are Bad For Law Firms I had a conversation with an Infinity Clients Workshop member last week that I just had to share here today. I was learning a little about his business when he told me he had three different practice areas. "I'm protecting against a down economy," he told me, seeing my disappointment. I told him I disagreed and then launched into the myriad of reasons why I was right. I wanted to share those ideas with you here today. Here are several reasons why multiple practice areas are bad for law firms... If you are interested in learning how to double your law firm revenue in 12 months and join a group of law firm owners crushing it, click here. If not, no big deal, continue on as is. We'll be here when you're ready.

  • 076: Repeating Your Law Firm SEO Content

    11/12/2017 Duração: 11min

    Repeating Your Law Firm SEO Content I was having a conversation with an Inner Circle member yesterday and we were talking about Law Firm SEO and how difficult it can be to create original content for your law firm. As we got into the discussion I realized I'd been making a fatal error in the way I approached law firm content creation. The key when it comes to law firm content creation isn't to discuss a new topic every single time, but instead to have a few common themes that you repeat over and over again. Law Firm SEO content is just like your message out there in the real world. It only gets consumed part of the time. It never gets old because it is consumed irregularly. People have a short memory when it comes to what they've heard. And if it's important to them and relevant it will be interesting even if they've heard it before. As you move forward and think about and plan your law firm SEO content, don't worry so much about originality when it comes to the themes you're discussing. Just mix up

  • 075: How to Create Instant Street Cred

    07/12/2017 Duração: 14min

    How To Create Instant Street Cred Got an email from Kareim the other day and this is what he said: One final question (promise!) and I'll get out of your hair: Since most estate planning clients are likely to be older, do you face a stigma, or apprehension from potential clients regarding your relative youth? Would the age difference between the "typical" estate planning client and a brand new lawyer fresh out of law school be a significant barrier to getting started and convincing one's clients that one is capable and competent? If you want to know the answer, and how to create instant street cred as a lawyer and law firm owner, listen in... Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with ALL of my free training on it. If you think it might help, click here and check it out..

  • 074: The Chicken Or The Egg In Business

    04/12/2017 Duração: 11min

    The Chicken Or The Egg In Business? I see this all the time when I talk to law firm owners. They want to have more clients, then NEED more clients, but they don't want to spend money on law firm marketing until they have more clients. It's a vicious cycle that never ends. There is one solution to this problem (you probably already know what it is) and one mindset hack to get the results you want (that you might not be aware of). To get both, listen in to the episode! Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with ALL of my free training on it. If you think it might help, click here and check it out..

  • 073: Why Are You Waiting For The New Year?

    30/11/2017 Duração: 08min

    Why Are You Waiting For The New Year? 2018 is right around the corner, and for a lot of you that is the perfect excuse to stop working and stop waiting. This episode is all about getting you to stop waiting and start taking action. Instead of waiting, write that blog post, start that podcast, go to the gym, make the right choice with your diet, call that network partner, and do whatever else it is that you should be doing RIGHT NOW. When it comes to 2018 goals for your law firm, it should be how much money you are going to make, and that's it. Everything else you can start right now. If you are interested in learning how to double your law firm revenue in 12 months and join a group of law firm owners crushing it, click here. If not, no big deal, continue on as is. We'll be here when you're ready.

  • 072: There are No Moral Victories

    27/11/2017 Duração: 08min

    There Are No Moral Victories> It's time for us to stop recognizing moral victories and rationalizing away the reasons we aren't doing the law firm marketing activities we should be doing. This episode destroys any excuses you have for not getting everything done you are supposed to. There are no moral victories... And, if you are interested in a lifetime membership to Infinity Clients Workshop click here to register.

  • 071: 10 Things I’m Thankful For Right Now

    23/11/2017 Duração: 21min

    10 Things I'm Thankful for Right Now Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of Thanksgiving I thought I'd do a special episode on the 10 things I am thankful for right now. If you are reading this right now, please don't skip over this episode. There is something special inside you won't want to miss. Remember, when times or tough (or when they are good) remembering what you are thankful for can be that anchoring element that gets you through... If you aren't a member of Infinity Clients Workshop yet then you are missing out on a ton of training and step-by-step help for your law firm AND a group of law firm owners just killing it. To check it out click here.

  • 070: How to Plug Your Biggest Law Firm Marketing Leak

    20/11/2017 Duração: 14min

    How to Plug Your Biggest Law Firm Marketing Leak Lawyers are known for something out there in the world, and it's not a good thing. This thing, coincidentally, has nothing to do with law firm marketing per se, but it's the symptom of a problem that affects your business directly and costs you money every single day. To find out what that thing is, to plug that law firm marketing leak in your business, listen to the podcast! Oh yeah, and if you listen long enough, you'll hear me reference a link to something that will help you fix this problem FAST. Click here to get immediate access to it!

  • 069: The Mistake Holding Back Your Law Firm Success

    16/11/2017 Duração: 11min

    The Mistake Holding Back Your Law Firm Success I was at a weekly happy hour I sponsor yesterday talking to some financial planners, and I felt like I'd stepped back in time... They were super excited about a bunch of marketing ideas they had, and they were telling me all about them. In total they had like 20 ideas... And they were trying to figure out how to execute all of them. I didn't tell them at the time, but they were in the process of walking into the biggest mistake I often see holding back law firm owners from success. If you want to know what that is, you need to listen in to the podcast! Now, if you want the step-by-step strategy I've got this laid out in one of the trainings inside the Infinity Clients Workshop (as well as an entire course on Facebook advertising). The only question is, are you going to take advantage of this or flounder around some more?

  • 068: The Fatal Law Firm Google Ads Mistake

    13/11/2017 Duração: 12min

    The Fatal Law Firm Google Ads Mistake I am working on a new law firm google ads campaign and was compelled to create this episode to right a serious wrong I am seeing over and over and over again. As part of my prep for my law firm google ads campaigns I always go and check out the competition (no I don't click through on their ads - I just copy and paste the URL into the nav bar). What I kept seeing made me feel really sad for the law firm that was running the campaign. They were literally letting thousands of dollars slip through their hands EVERY MONTH. The main problem with these law firm google ad campaigns was that they were forgetting one of the three parts of the sequence that result in new clients. Because they were completely ignoring this element, even if they had a great ad they were losing out on potential clients calling their law firm and eventually hiring them. I share that huge law firm google ads mistake, and more, in today's episode... If you are interested in learning how to double

  • 067: Should I Quit My Job and Start a Law Firm?

    09/11/2017 Duração: 11min

    Should I Quit My Job and Start a Law Firm? I was asked this question the other day inside the Building a Law Firm Facebook Group (what? you're not there? click here for access) and thought it would be a great podcast episode. The question basically is "I have a good job. I could just ride it out for another 20 years and then retire. Should I do that? Can you really make money starting a law firm?" I'm sure you know what my answer is (though it's probably not exactly what you'd think). The only way to get the full scoop is to listen in! If you aren't a member of Infinity Clients Workshop yet then you are missing out on a ton of training and step-by-step help for your law firm AND a group of law firm owners just killing it. To check it out click here.

  • 066: 10 Tips To Use Social Media To Get Law Firm Clients

    06/11/2017 Duração: 26min

    10 Tips To Use Social Media To Get Law Firm Clients I must admit, I'm really tired of seeing law firm owners use social media entirely the wrong way. Everyone I talk to tries out social media for a few weeks, gets no new law firm clients, and then writes it off as broken. The truth is, social media is a great tool to get new clients. The problem is that you are using it all wrong. Here are 10 tips to use social media to get law firm clients (if you want the details listen to the podcast). 1. Stop getting technical. 2. Start telling stories. 3. Start doing it consistently. 4. Use Personal/Business/Groups. 5. Be YOU. 6. Get controversial. 7. Agitate. 8. Participate/contribute. 9. Lead. 10. Run the marathon. That's your secret to getting law firm clients from social media. Now, if you want the step-by-step strategy I've got this laid out in one of the trainings inside the Infinity Clients Workshop (as well as an entire course on Facebook advertising). The only question is, are you going to take

  • 065: Telling Sign of Law Firm Failure

    02/11/2017 Duração: 08min

    Are You Doomed to Failure? I was on the road to a CLE when I recorded this episode and I was thinking about all of the lawyers and law firm owners out there that view CLE as a nuisance and I got kind of happy. See, I love CLE, and I gladly pay for a good one (and only attend conferences that are actually relevant to my practice area). The reason I do this is simple - I only have a limited amount of time in the day and in my life. I want to try to spend every minute I can getting better and moving forward. This CLE idea for me is more a microcosm of life than a specific discussion about the number of lawyers that just brush it off. If you are brushing this off then what else are you brushing off? In what other areas of your life and your business are you letting laziness win over doing the right thing? If you want to win in life as a person and a law firm owner you've got to start respecting every minute of your day. Rant over! If you are interested in learning how to double your law firm revenue in 1

  • 064: People Are Coming To Get You

    26/10/2017 Duração: 11min

    People Are Coming to Take Your Law Firm There is a storm brewing out there, an effort to subvert all of your work, and if you aren't ready to face it head on, it's going to gobble up your law firm and leave nothing left for you to live on. What I'm talking about here is your insistence on ignoring Facebook and Google as the new advertising channels for your business. And when you do that, you leave the door open for some new law firm owner (or some established one looking for new fresh ground) to come in and take over. You may not believe this, but neither did those attorneys making all of their money from the Yellow Pages. Neither did those attorneys relying only on word of mouth (when the Yellow Pages appeared). It's time for you to take control of your law firm and learn and understand these new marketing methods. Without them, you are putting yourself at significant risk... If you want to have a system for bringing in endless clients but aren't sure what to do, check out this free training I've g

  • 063: Successful Law Firm Advertising Timelines

    23/10/2017 Duração: 18min

    Your Law Firm Advertising Timeline Is Longer Than You Think... Yesterday I launched another Facebook Ads campaign, and I'm really excited about it. I'm excited to see if it works, I'm excited about the possibilities, and I'm excited for its success. But that excitement often results in making moves with my law firm advertising campaigns too quickly. This means I lose out on potential clients and potential feedback and data on my ads that could be invaluable moving forward. For that reason, today I want to talk about realistic timelines for your law firm advertising. To get right to the heart of it, you're going to want to give yourself at a minimum thirty days, and in most cases 60-90 days. You want your minimum budget to be at least the minimum fee you could get for the kind of case you are pursuing. And, you want to make yourself sit there and wait a bit so you can get some feedback on your ads and then make an informed decision about what to do next. The goal of law firm advertising... Goal number

  • 062: Your Law Firm Marketing Sucks Because You Aren’t Saying No To the Right Things

    19/10/2017 Duração: 06min

    When You Choose One Law Firm Marketing Activity You Are Saying No To Another As an estate planning attorney I tend to hang out with financial planners a lot. What makes that interesting is when we talk about business and what's working for each of us the answers are completely different. The financial services industry is so heavily regulated they don't have any choice but to pound the pavement and find new clients. We have it much easier and can use tools like the internet, direct mail, and pretty much anything else we can think of to attract new clients. But, even though we have a lot of choices, we can still flounder about if we are making the wrong choices. Case in point. I don't really go to happy hours anymore. I don't sponsor events. I don't go to events unless I'm genuinely interested in what's going on there (no "networking" events for sure). The reason I've started saying no to these supposed tried and true law firm marketing strategies is that they aren't nearly as effective as reaching o

  • 061: How To Avoid Distraction, Frustration And Fear When Starting Your Law Firm

    16/10/2017 Duração: 13min

    How To Avoid Distraction, Frustration, and Fear When Starting Your Law Firm If you're anything like me you have a big problem. You have really big goals and you want to accomplish them really fast. You have a great plan for getting there (if you don't then you should jump on this free training) but you are having trouble staying focused and motivated. There is a tendency for you to work hard on something for a couple of days or weeks and then lose focus and look for the next big thing to do or new tactics to implement. I used to be the same way. And then I had a mindset shift that changed all of that. I learned about the difference between lead indicators and lag indicators. Lag indicators are those big goals that we all have. Make $X dollars this year or this quarter. Sign up so many new law firm clients. And on and on. The problem with those indicators is that they usually don't happen until some time has passed. They LAG behind the work that needs to be done. This is where the frustration, fe

  • 060: The ONLY Way To Market Your Law Firm

    12/10/2017 Duração: 09min

    Stop Leg Humping And Start Leading. I'm in a mastermind group with a bunch of business owners making any where from $30K to $500K PER MONTH. All we talk about is sales and marketing and the mindset required to get to where you want to go. The other day we were in a group call and we were talking about leg humping. Do you know what that is? It's the process of chasing around potential clients and hounding them until you beat them into submission (signing up with you) or scare them away. In the group we were talking about how to stop doing that. The main way to stop doing that is to realize and believe and ACT like every person that walks into your door is just one of many who will be walking in in the future. No one client is so important that they MUST sign up. We then went on to discuss that the easiest way to get into that mindset is to create a situation where the endless stream of clients to your law firm is reality, not just a thought. Then we took it one step further and discussed how the easi

  • 059: How Much Time Should You Spend ‘On’ Your Law Firm

    09/10/2017 Duração: 16min

    If you are looking for the answer to the question posed in the podcast you're going to have to listen to the podcast... When I ask people how their business is going they usually say "okay." Then I ask them "what's your biggest challenge?" and they tell me "I'm working in my business too much instead of on my business." Sounds great in theory and it's really catchy, but it's bullshit. Here are 10 ways you can get more time to work on your law firm instead of in it: 1. Stop answering your phone. 2. Stop booking meetings without Acuity Scheduling. 3. Get off of Facebook (and everything else). 4. Stop listening and start doing. 5. No more research. 6. Bill flat fee/contingency OR raise your rates (or both) 7. Close your email. 8. Turn off notifications. 9. If it doesn't help your law firm, don't do it. 10. Stop being a baby and get to work. The fact that you don't have enough time is a consequence of your poor time management and decisions making, period. Start owning your time and you start open

  • 058: Three Reasons You Won’t Accomplish Your Law Firm Goals in 2017

    05/10/2017 Duração: 18min

    You will probably not reach your law firm business goals in 2017 Yep, I said it. I don't believe you will. And there are three reasons for that. Here they are. You Don't Write Your Goals Down When I started my law firm way back in the day I had goals. I just wanted to get some clients. That was it. And I didn't really accomplish what I was trying to do because I didn't get clear and write down exactly what I was going after. My guess is that you don't either. Now, though, I take it one step further. I don't just write down my goals and look at them throughout the quarter. I rewrite my goals every day. It's one of the reasons I've been so successful. And your failing to do it is one of the reasons you're going to fail. You Have Fake Goals I can't tell you how many people I talk to that tell me their goals are one thing and then their idea of a perfect life is another. They are not mutually exclusive. Your goals should be moving you toward your perfect life. If you only need $30K/month to live the li

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