Quantum Conversations

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 773:57:16
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Quantum Conversations are brought you by Acoustichealth.com to Empower, Inspire and Enlighten listeners and raise the vibration of the planet during this great shift in the ages. Join us for consciousness-expanding conversations focused on creating New Earth. Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.galeyLike Healing Conversations on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcousticHealth?pnref=lhc


  • Quantum Conversation with Alicia Power - When Light Moves Mountains

    04/12/2019 Duração: 01h51min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/34NM1n0 Access Alicia's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/poweroffer Alicia Power works with High Level Creator Beings and today she is here for another Quantum Conversation to reveal how reality is formatted beyond our expectations. When we cry or are deeply upset, we sometimes call out for help from our Spirit Helpers. (Maybe always!) Yet when we are living our everyday lives, feeling happy and fulfilled, do we set our daily intention with our Spirit Mentors – to create the day you ‘hope’…. This lecture directly from Alicia’s Creator Being Spirit Mentors will shed light on how our vibration ‘intends’ – no matter what our inner state.

  • Quantum Conversation with Dr. Monique Hunt - Ancestral StoryClearing

    26/11/2019 Duração: 01h28min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2OjAhmr Access Monique's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/moniqueoffer Ancestral StoryClearing is a spiritually-grounded, profound healing technique that empowers you to connect, repair and nurture relationships with your wise and loving ancestors. This practical, ceremonial process allows you to access the supportive guidance and wisdom of your lineage ancestors directly and reclaim the gifts that are your birthright. Your Ancestors are ready to help you achieve your 2020 vision. Learn which Ancestors are available to support you and how to access their guidance.

  • Quantum Conversation with Mary Rodwell - Expressions of ET Contact

    25/11/2019 Duração: 01h27min

    Join Mary Rodwell for a Mastery Empowerment Course: Open & Activate Your Multidimensional Awareness: http://bit.ly/maryrodwell Learn More about this Episode: http://bit.ly/2XNkSOl Many people around the world, from all walks of life, believe themselves to be in regular contact with beings from off-planet. Mary Rodwell is a trained nurse, midwife and therapist who has worked with thousands of cases of people having these remarkable experiences. They are not products of over-active imaginations, rather, they are real and happening to normal, healthy people. Some people are aware of it, but many are completely unaware because ET encounters occur in numerous ways. Mary’s research shows that ‘classic’ Abductions and the more ‘subtle ‘ forms of Contact are the experience of a multidimensional universe. Sheoffers some explanations, as well as information, to encourage personal exploration of this reality and to explore what Contact may mean for us all.

  • Quantum Conversation with Patience Parker - Bridging the Spiritual and Physical Worlds

    22/11/2019 Duração: 01h36min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2XAxzw1 Access Patience Parker's Special Offer of Readings & Sessions: http://bit.ly/patienceoffer Introducing Patience Parker, a Medium blessed to assist those seeking healing by connecting with their loved ones who have passed over. Patience is a clairvoyant, and Divine Spirit works through her to communicate with your guides and answer your questions regarding your past, present & future. Patience will take live callers and answer questions. She is a medical intuitive and energy healer, and the last 15 minutes of the show will include a group healing with a Guided Visualization.

  • Quantum Conversation with Arcturus Ra - We are Human & ET

    20/11/2019 Duração: 01h22min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2OvrxsB Access Arcturus' Special Offer of Photonic Light Tools: http://bit.ly/arcturusoffer Starseed Ambassador Arcturus Ra shares his personal awakening and his remembrance of being an Arcturian Scientist & Starfleet Commander and how he has stepped into his mission on the planet. He also shares his knowledge of the mysteries of the Universe, how to bio-hack yourself into see other dimensions, where we go at night when we sleep and much more fascinating information about his (and our) ET heritage.

  • Quantum Conversation with Boris Aranovich - The Tibetan Healing Miracle

    16/11/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    Learn More about this episode: http://bit.ly/379P2jf Access Boris' Special Offer on the Tibetan Healing Miracle http://bit.ly/2qldnlt

  • Quantum Conversation with Meg Benedicte - Living In 5D

    15/11/2019 Duração: 01h11min

    Access Meg's Special Offer http://bit.ly/megoffer We are with Quantum Activator Meg Benedicte who takes us deep into the conversation of living in 5D. It’s a New Earth grid we are anchoring to, and Meg shares more on how we access the 5D earth plane through our Heart Vibration. We must unlearn the dysfunctional 3D patterns and programs, contain our own personal space and stop empathing others. Living in 5D also means living in accordance to Universal Law of Soverignty. It is in the 5D where we Master the Ego, and thus, eliminate parasitic behavior and relationships. Learn how to open the flow of Abundance and many more 5D tip

  • Quantum Conversation with Lori Spagna - 5D Activations

    14/11/2019 Duração: 01h26min

    Access Lori Spagna's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/loriactivations During this QCTV episode, we will learn about and receive support to: Awaken and activate your dormant DNA for your highest potential Learn about your Sacred Key Codes hidden in your dormant DNA Integrate Soul Fragments Clear, heal and resolve your genetic make-up in your DNA (including EVERY illness and dis-ease) Shift your consciousness from the 3D consciousness paradigm to the 5D consciousness paradigm Learn to calibrate yourself into your higher wisdom Awaken your dormant DNA & your Dormant Potential including your INNER SOURCE of Infinite Gifts, Talents and Abilities Strengthen Your Alignment with our True Source ~ Divine Creator Light Integrate the tools of 5th Dimensional Consciousness Receive support, guidance and assistance during your Ascension process

  • Quantum Conversation with Matthew John - Heal Family And Relationship Karma

    13/11/2019 Duração: 01h46min

    Learn More about this episode http://bit.ly/2XaZcf6 Access Matthew John's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/matthewjohnoffer You’ve probably already heard that you actually chose your crazy family, but it’s likely you haven’t yet figured out why. Could you really have chosen your abusive father or your mentally ill mother? Could you really have chosen a brother who backstabbed you or a sister who hasn’t spoken to you in a decade? The reasons why your soul chose your specific family aren’t always clear, however if we take a deeper look at the dynamics of family karma, we can make the connections and figure out why your soul planned out things as it did. Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer Matthew John will clearly explain how the soul plans its incarnations and how family dynamics are planned.

  • Quantum Conversation with Kara Goss - Embodying Higher Levels of Consciousness

    08/11/2019 Duração: 01h33min

    Learn More about this episode: http://bit.ly/2WRxiod Access Kara's Special Offer: Multidimesional Soul Light Healing Remote Session http://bit.ly/karaoffer Do you ever feel like holding a balance between raising a family and spiritual practice is nearly impossible at times? Feeling as though you have to sacrifice either your spiritual practice or your families needs? Multidimensional Healer Kara Goss, mom of four, knows the challenges involved with navigating the spiritual awakening and attempting to maintain the everyday needs of her family. In this Quantum Conversation, Kara will share her story of parenting on her spiritual journey.

  • Quantum Conversation with Lauren Ellis Galey New Frontiers In Sound Healing with Plant Music

    05/11/2019 Duração: 01h39min

    Go here to learn more: http://bit.ly/qcplantmusic Enjoy this Plant Music Sound Healing Quantum Conversation with Lauren Galey, who shares on her work with plant music over the past 8 years. Listen to the music of the plants, including flowering orchids, blooming Christmas Cactus, Elephant Leaf and even the Dolphins. Learn about a new Aromatic Sound Healing tool. The consciousness of each plant is expressed in musical songs that elevate our spirit and align us with the Higher Self. The energetic frequency of plants is captured by using a MIDI synthesizer which creates musical notes revealing the music of the plant. The result is high frequency music unique that sings to the heart and attunes to the Soul, or Higher Self. Plant Music Remedy attunes us to higher vibrations and the Divine Voice inside

  • Quantum Conversation with Christine Esdaile - Transcending Your Matrix

    25/10/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/32LLeSF Access Christine's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/esdaileoffer Transcending Your Matrix is an exploration of how the thinning of the veils is impacting light workers in the 3-4D transition into 5D Mastery. While many today are reaching higher states of consciousness on a daily basis, it’s not uncommon to also still be finding yourself with the fragments of duality consciousness still in play. No judgment here, everyone has a different journey and some have taken on the karmic task to do an extensive cleanup for the collective on many different levels. We will be looking at the five different types of archetypal trauma to help you understand your journey and transmute programs, traumas, thoughts and emotions into the gold of holding a stable frequency of Christed Unity Consciousness.

  • QCTV with Xi Earthstar Healer - Galactic Shamanism

    23/10/2019 Duração: 01h12min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2BwbCEe Access Xi's Advanced Lightworker Special Offer: http://bit.ly/earthstaroffer In this QCTV episode, Xi shares her personal stories as a inter-planetary grid-worker and gatekeeper, working predominantly in the collective psychical realms. Through sharing her fun adventures interacting with higher-dimensional beings, the astral military, and psychical mass mind control technologies, she hopes to inspire others in Activating our Super Powers, and engaging in Timeline Bridging. We’ll talk about cultivating and using of our higher (psychic) sense capabilities to heal, clear and restore distortions and degradation in our consciousness, spirit and DNA caused by life in the false controlled matrix. Planetary sexual enslavement = hijacking of creativity. Sexual energy = raw creative life force energy. Creative energy = what perpetuates and creates realities. The systems of domination and hijacked this creative energy from humans and our planet, through high l

  • Quantum Conversation with Tony Sayers - Hybrid Implant Subordination 2

    22/10/2019 Duração: 01h23min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2pMpAPr Access a Personal Healing Session with Tony: http://bit.ly/tonyoffer We are taught from school that the physical realm is all there is, that we live in just a three dimensional World. Nothing could be further from the truth as humans are basically blind and can only see a tiny bandwidth of what we call visible light. The fact is we live in a multidimensional with a lot else going on around us in the same space, and the closest dimension obviously being 4d. Within this dimension, there are many distorted consciousnesses that like to feed on human negativity, fear, and low vibrational energy, see it as their food. This is the reason that there is so much fear and negativity in this World as this consciousness needs it to survive. Different forms and different levels of attachment can get in on people and drain their energy, loop negative or even suicidal thoughts, and basically cause disruption in our lives. Drugs, alcohol (they call them spirits for a re

  • Quantum Conversation - 5D Accelerated Light Healing With Macaya Miracle

    17/10/2019 Duração: 01h18min

    Learn More about this episode: http://bit.ly/2IVDe9Q Access Macaya's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/macayaoffer Join us for a QCTV episode with Macaya Miracle and learn techniques that will clear your energy field and open you to your Spiritual Gifts and Abilities. We’ll be livestreaming with Macaya for one hour, then join us in the After-Party to ask Macaya your questions! Scroll down to see the New Earth Membership options and join us in the After-Party! In this Quantum Conversation you’ll: Clear Your Energy Field and Heal Your Physical Body Receive a 5D Accelerated Light Healing Ascension Activation Open Up Your Spiritual Gifts and Abilities

  • Quantum Conversation with Aileta Grace : Embodiment with Archangel Raphael And Louise Hay

    15/10/2019 Duração: 01h47min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/33x4IdH Access Personal Channeling Sessions with Aileta in her Special Offer: http://bit.ly/ailetaoffer We are all feeling something rather sensational right NOW. All points of divine reference confirm we are in the midst of a great unfoldment … the divine embodiment of our great spirit. The opportunity we possess for the resulting mystical insights calls us into acting from the highest possible levels of divine human experience and service to one another. What is divine embodiment and how does that translate into our daily lives? How do our encounters with the world around us affect our individual divinity and growth? The goal to become purified vessels of divine Christed love has been the bedrock of our spiritual journey. Still, we are evolving as conscious and conscientious humans, who face routine obstacles and challenges that “seemingly” are in direct contradiction to the well BEING our divine mastery has already conferred upon us. To be Human is to endure.

  • Quantum Conversation with Nora WalksInSpirit - Your Soul Essence

    27/09/2019 Duração: 01h20min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2mVBPbb Access Nora's Special Offer with personal session and audio activations: http://bit.ly/NoraOffer The Times of Abundance of Growth and Change and Courageous Outcomes to flow through all is about to unfold on this Planet. They have said that this is a year 2019 a Year of Mastery is also a year of Light Strand Alignments to assist in Activating a Balance of Harmonic Vibrations within the true Soul! So, IF we are to Transfigure and move into the 5th Dimensional Consciousness throughout the balance of 2019, we will all have to move into a Conscious state of Alignment and Balance of our existing thought forms and unstable energies will transition and begin to Transmit these Higher Harmonic Vibrations of LIGHT upon all. During this Gathering of Light Souls with Nora, she will empower your ESSENCE of LIGHT to flow through you and take you on a journey to feel the Soul within you.

  • Quantum Conversation with Shelley Young: TwinFlame Soul Connections

    23/09/2019 Duração: 01h39min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2Qg3JwF Special Offer from Shelley Young http://bit.ly/ShelleyOffer2 As the world continues to shift and evolve, so will our relationships, and more twin flame / soul connections will be drawn together. These relationships are activating, intense, uncomfortable, beautiful, moving, confusing, amazing, indescribable, and profoundly connected. Up until now, the number of these relationships that have moved into full union have been few and far between, but I believe we are now in a space where not only will more people be meeting these deep connections, they will be able to shift out of the old 3D models into pioneering new and sustainable higher vibrational relationships

  • Quantum Conversation with Judy Cali - Anastasia & The Ringing Cedars Of Russia

    19/09/2019 Duração: 01h19min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2Avijpz Access Judy's Special Offer Package: http://bit.ly/JudyOffer JOIN THE AFTER-PARTY and become a New Earth Creator Member: https://www.acoustichealth.com/qctv-membership/ Judy will channel Anastasia & any other Surprise Guests for a Personal Group Message & each person on the Call & Replay will receive a Healing Blessing from Anastasia. Judy integrated her Ascended Master Self as Anna, Mother Mary’s Mother also recently as The Ambassador of all The New Children & also many other Integrations in the last 2 years. Judy will also be offering an Anastasia Custom Prayer with an MP3 including a Ringing Cedar Activation for those scheduling a session. You will leave this Webinar smiling & forever changed if you truly listen with your Heart.

  • Quantum Conversation with Dawn Crystal: Sonic Episode for Anti Aging with Sound Vibrations

    10/09/2019 Duração: 01h40min

    Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2ZQpW8X Access Dawn Crystal's Special Offer Package Here: http://bit.ly/2N9ueS4 This program brings Preventive and Remedial energies for vitality using “Source Energy Frequencies” of wellness to create A New You!!! Dawn designed this program for “Everyone” No Matter what age you are or what chapter in life you are in, this Program is for You! All frequencies in this Program are down-loaded directly from Source through Dawn Crystals Voice! Feel your body, mind & spirit shift to a higher healing vibration in only “Minutes”!!!

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