Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 42:54:24
  • Mais informações



Songwriter and author Charlotte Eriksson -- The Glass Child -- lets you in behind the glass. Raw and honest conversations, essays, spoken poetry and journals exploring the subjects of growing up, change, loneliness, living as a nomad, missing people, loving people. How to live with uncertainty. What is home? What is anxiety? What is happiness?I wanted to turn my life into my art. My very existence into a poem. This is my story it might not always be easy, but it will always be beautiful.


  • Everything changed when I forgave myself for all the things I could not be

    25/08/2020 Duração: 03min

    I’m trying to both love myself and grow myself. Everything changed when I learned to honour my body instead of fighting it. When I learned to take care of it, like a precious castle to protect this weary heart. To stop harming it, punishing it for looking like this or that, feeling like this or that. I don’t look like they all told me I had to, but I’m healthy and strong and vital. That is enough. Everything changed when I forgave myself.

  • Losing people you love

    29/07/2020 Duração: 08min

    We never lose love. We never lose people. We carry it all with us and build our character from soft beautiful feelings and memories until we’re so completely built up of poetry and love that it’s all shining through us, making everyone around us a little gentler and kinder too. That thought makes me smile. And maybe you have a role model in your life, that you know personally or only from a distance. You admire his or her guts, achievement, strengths and wisdom. No matter if this person is still around or not, you can take the feelings, the inspiration, the motivation that person gave you and forever carry it with you. Make his energy a part of you and radiate it to everyone you meet. Eventually, you will become such a role model for someone else, too, and isn’t it a beautiful thought to know that you will share that light and energy forward. Making this world a little brighter and more active. You can say goodbye to people without losing the beauty they gave you. We never lose love. We never lose people.

  • Are you pleasing or serving people? A personal lesson.

    04/07/2020 Duração: 21min

    You can work on yourself as a human being so much and you can grow yourself and you can work on your music and create a beautiful song with the most amazing video and artwork and you hold this and you think this is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever created. and you put it out and there will be someone writing to you saying, “this changed my life”, and at the same time there will be another person saying, “this is so bad, you should stop doing music”. you can not escape this. this is going to happen, it happens to me all the time. the negativity very often takes over. if you get one positive message and one negative, you’re gonna think about the negative, sadly. the art is learning to speak to the ones that get you and bypass the ones that don’t...

  • Highs and lows and the comfort in knowing they’re there.

    04/06/2020 Duração: 07min

    I think I’ve had the best 3 weeks in a very very long time. I thought progress would be feeling more stable, having a consistent state of mind that does not sway depending on the weather but I’m having such low lows and peaking highs nowadays and I’m kind of enjoying it. The day feels like the darkest end or it’s completely magical. Anyway, I’m enjoying it and I write a lot and sing a lot and hurt a lot and love a lot and I’ve met a lot of new people those weeks who don’t look at me like I’m someone lonely and sad and I think that makes all the difference.

  • Life as an Independent Artist

    13/05/2020 Duração: 56min

    What does it actually mean to be an independent creator (artist, author, photographer...) and why did I become one? In this episode I share my own story of how I built my little career and how you can too ♡

  • How I get through hard times

    21/04/2020 Duração: 45min

    In this episode I share a technique I’m calling “gifts to future me” to get through hard times

  • Visualization for mental health

    14/04/2020 Duração: 40min

    Visualisation is the most powerful tool I have ever found and it has helped me change my whole life, my own self-image and also heal my mental health. In this episode I’m sharing my own view on what it is and how I use it for clarity, health and future thinking. Join me for the instagram live stream every Sunday evening!

  • A summer in Lisbon

    11/04/2020 Duração: 04min

    LISBON, 5 Aug, 2018. I keep putting myself in solitary places, for the pleasure of it, I think. A brown-eyed boy said hi in Swedish, so I looked down and walked away. The heat is so constant, it’s like a wall as I open the window each morning. The heat, it consumes my senses and there is not place enough for sadness or cold. I bought a black dress with a bare back, wander in sandals and wear no make-up. I let my hair blow free and I only sing before 6am on wild streets or in front of the ocean, where no one can hear. They drink sangria at 2pm here, smoke cigars and go to the beach. I walk with a notebook and a collection of poetry under my arm, ignoring texts and emails, pretending I might stay. Pretending I’m not on the run, pretending I live somewhere. My mom asked me how long I’m staying and I replied “i miss you too”. I could stay here. I could find myself a job, make some friends, find a home near the beach where I would walk every morning. Meditate, slow down and serenade the drinkers at night by the

  • I’m recording an audiobook!

    28/03/2020 Duração: 19min

    Two weeks ago the whole world was advised to not leave our homes because of the corona virus currently ranging this planet. I will spare you the story about my first anxiety filled days and instead say that I found a way to actually turn this into the most beautiful time for me. I feel so inspired to finally have time to create all the things I’ve put off for so long, because I’ve been busy. One of the things I’ve been wanting to do for years now, is to record audiobook versions of all my books. I simply haven’t done it yet because I didn’t have time. It’s a big project, recording one podcast episode which is just one writing, takes me around 4 hours. Record, edit, and distribute it. So you can math, a whole book is a commitment. But I’m so so happy to say I started with my first book “Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps” last week, and I love it. I’m half way through, then there’s a lot of editing, and then I’m ready to release my very first audiobook. To hype it up with you, I

  • I went to LA! Here’s what I learned…

    15/02/2020 Duração: 10min

    I’ve felt strong lately, but even on days I feel strong and happy, excited about my future, I find myself holding on to people. Past relationships I can’t let go of or temporary friendships I wish lasted longer. I’ve found myself feeling disconnected from people, like I can’t really reach them, and I’ve tried to solve this by over-connecting, wanting to be there all the time. Know what they’re doing, what they’re thinking, what they’re feeling.. it sounds insane and obsessive, and it is. I know this, but this is me being honest. So this is what I’ve learned… Because my own life has felt so empty and uninhabited I’ve taken every opportunity I’ve found to “move in” to someone else’s life. In every relationship I’ve had, I’ve moved in to their lives. Leaving my own behind. I’ve taken on their routines and habits, interests and circle of friends because I’ve had none of my own. And when the relationship ends I keep finding myself helpless and lonely, desperately trying to stand up on my own, because it’s not

  • 6 Things I Learned in 2019

    27/12/2019 Duração: 22min

    1. Clarity and vision are everything: When you’re clear on what kind of life you want to live, what kind of person you want to be, and what you want to achieve the next couple of months … you can say no to everything that doesn’t align with that life. You can stop chasing people who don’t align with your future vision. You can stop spending time on jobs or tasks that won’t bring you closer to those accomplishments and that life. This can be applied on everything. On your work and career, creative projects, health, relationships and friendships. If you know what sort of life you want, with each new relationship you can simply ask yourself: “does this relationship align with that future vision?” If you’re offered a new job or project to take on, ask yourself “will this job enable me to become the me I’m visioning? Does it align with the life I’m trying to shape?” 3. You can be in love all the time, with everyone and everything, because it simply makes you feel good. I was heartbroken for a year after my last

  • Meditation with Kelly Smith (Yoga For You)

    20/12/2019 Duração: 27min

    Since I started practicing yoga & meditation a couple of years ago my life has completely changed. It healed my anxiety, made me calmer, more patient and ultimately happier. In this episode I'm talking to meditation teacher Kelly Smith from the Yoga For You podcast about all things meditation! Follow Kelly + listen to her podcast! IG: Come find me online:

  • I'm still on my way

    21/11/2019 Duração: 05min

    A writing from my book "Another Vagabond Lost To love" ♡ // "People keep asking what I do for a living and I keep answering that I don’t believe in making a living. That it’s a concept that has been twisted. I tell them I believe in making a life and money is a distracting object if there’s anything left at the end of the day, and I just want to go on well. Make it through the day. So I smile and raise my glass and they laugh and take my hand, saying “here’s to the youth!” pointing at me. And I might just be young and naive for I still believe in the freedom of choice of how to spend your life. So they toast to the youth, who still thinks she’s free, and that’s all fine by me. Today was a great writing day and on great writing days nothing can bother me. The way my world feels balanced when I can create something out of nothingness. Wait, let me take it from the beginning: I woke up to a grey sky and I was gloomy and worried, like I often am, and I never sleep very well for I dream of him and them and all

  • Scarlett Ward [Poet & Spoken Word Artist]

    09/11/2019 Duração: 42min

    I'm talking to UK poet Scarlett Ward about writing, publishing, creating a book and spoken word! Scarlett was nominated for Best Spoken Word Performer in the UK 2019, and she has a new poetry collection out called ACHE, published by Verve Press ♡ Follow Scarlett!

  • Guided Meditation to Release & Let Go

    31/10/2019 Duração: 17min

    This is a 15 min guided meditation that will help you release and let go of anger, sadness, missing or past grudges. Just sit down somewhere peaceful, close your eyes, and let my voice guide you ♡ If you want me to do the meditation with you, here is the official video that I filmed a bit outside of Barcelona:

  • How to find clarity every morning: Journaling & Planning

    11/10/2019 Duração: 10min

    THREE QUESTIONS I ASK MYSELF EVERY MORNING: As part of my morning ritual, I sit down with my journal and answer three questions: 1. What one thing, right now, if done well and executed, would bring me closer to my most important goal in 6 months. One thing. What one thing would do the most for that goal, right now. 2. What is stealing my focus right now, things that make me feel like I wouldn’t be able to fully consume myself in that previous one thing we just talked about. 3. Question number three: How do I want to do the things I will do today? What I mean with this is: The other day I had a meeting with someone I could potentially work with for the promotion of my album. I felt anxious and nervous, like always, started doubting myself and freaked out in my head. But I asked myself in the morning, HOW do I want to do that meeting? Well, with confidence, with calm, excitement and a lot of inspirational energy. Now that made me feel different. Today I knew I was going to record this podcast, and I asked

  • Nate Maingard [Modern Troubadour & Songwriter]

    21/09/2019 Duração: 49min

    Welcome back to a relaunch of my life (and podcast!) A relaunch of absolutely everything. I entered this new era by launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund my new 4th full-length album and fifth book. Today, as I am recording this intro we are 21 days into the campaign. You have until October 9th so join this journey, and when the campaign stops, that’s when the real journey behind. Everyone who joins the campaign now will by entering the Kickstarter enter a whole year of new music, new videos, behind the scenes footage, studio diaries, new writings, the book and a lot more. My goal is that you will hold my new album in your hands in a year from now and feel proud, knowing that it wouldn’t exist without your support and help. You are my co-creators: Anyway, this is me welcoming you to a new era, a new chapter, a new season in life. We’re leaving things we have outgrown, people we might have outgrown, and make place for places and people that align with us

  • New Era: Kickstarter launch for album #4

    01/09/2019 Duração: 14min

    Become a co-creator of my new album here:

  • Q&A Episode: Writing Hacks, Social Media, Swedish music.

    29/04/2019 Duração: 49min

    In this episode I'm sharing my million dollar writing hacks (i wish), who I am as a friend, what I think about social media and my favorite Swedish artists. Love and coffee to you all♡

  • Time Heals All Wounds

    29/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    So I died many times that year. In the cold, in the storm, on the run or on the drunk for my heart did not want to beat but kept on beating anyway, and my pain was as real as real can be, and I tried to learn and deal and run and feel, but nothing really worked. I built a comfortable home in my sorrow and settled into a quiet living. No sparks or grand gestures, just a simple daily hymn to comfort. The leaves fell off the trees and coloured this city in all kinds of pretty, and some days that was enough to make me smile at least a little bit, within. I can’t quite recall how, when or why, but the passage of time really does heal what seems impossible to heal. The daily task of getting by adds up to weeks and months, and you will find yourself a little more at ease one day, some days, if you just keep going. Keep doing, keep being. One day, when the spring wakes up and the air is crisp, you will catch yourself smiling, thinking “that felt good,” and you will laugh again, suddenly more often than not, and one

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