Mid-days With Lauree

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 29:50:50
  • Mais informações



Lauree "Lo" Austin is Definitely Raw, Kinda Funny, and 100% Heart!


  • Valentine's Day Love Stories - Doug and his wife, Julie

    12/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    With Valentine's Day just a couple days away, we thought it'd be fun to share with you how we met our spouses and celebrate the love that God has given us through our marriages. Here is Doug's story of how he met his wife of 33 years, Julie.

  • Valentine's Day Love Stories - Lauree and her husband, Brian

    12/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    With Valentine's Day just a couple days away, we thought it'd be fun to share with you how we met our spouses and celebrate the love that God has given us through our marriages. Here is Lauree's story of how she met her husband, Brian.

  • I Heard This From A Pastor And It Literally Stopped Me In My Tracks

    12/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    I was out for a walk the other day and something I heard from a pastor stopped me in my tracks... literally.I was listening to a podcast from Pastor Timothy Keller and he had this quote that just blew my mind. He said "God will either give you what you asked for in prayer or he'll give you what you would have asked for if you knew everything that God knows." That's the type of goodness that will blow you off your feet.We may not know what is best, but God does and either way, he is going to give us what is best from his perfect perspective. More of you, God. Less of us. That is our prayer.

  • Sacrifice Is Real Love

    11/02/2021 Duração: 02min
  • Praying For The Tragic Crash In Fort Worth

    11/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    As a community and family here at KCBI, we just wanted to take a moment to pray for those affected by this morning's crash that took place this morning in Fort Worth. We empathize with the families who are experiencing waves of emotion as they're walking the journey of unexpected loss. We pray that the Lord will make his presence felt when we don't have the words to say and that he would give comfort and strength to those in need of it today and in the days ahead. Would you join us in prayer?

  • 4 Tips On How To Make Zoom Meetings More Bearable

    10/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    We're stuck with Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future so we dug up some tips on how to make them more bearable for everyone involved.Zoom (or video conferencing in general) has become a permanent fixture in our lives and if were being dragged into video meetings, might as well do it with a little etiquette. Experts have come up with 4 housekeeping tips that will make your Zoom experience more bearable for everyone involved.1. Be on time. This one is pretty obvious and a tech columnist for the Wall Street Journal said that some bigger businesses are putting some pretty strict rules on their video calls like denying access to anyone who is more than 5 minutes late! 2. Always Activate Your Camera. Whether it was a bad hair day or your secretly getting other stuff done around the house, we've all been guilty of having our camera off. But your co-workers and bosses will take you more seriously if they can see your face. 3. Don't Pick Up Your Device And Move Around. It's downright distracting. 4. If You Have A

  • Rebecca Carrell Joins The Afternoon Show To Talk Heart Strong Faith 2021!

    10/02/2021 Duração: 07min

    Rebecca Carrell from Mornings with Rebecca & Burns joins Lauree and Doug to let you know what you can expect at this year's Heart Strong Faith Women's Bible Conference!

  • Producer Josh Has Given Up Sports For An Entire Year And It's Not For The Reason You Think!

    10/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    Our awesome producer here in the Afternoons, Josh, has done something pretty radical for him: He's vowed to give up sports for an entire year, but it's probably not for the reason you think! Here's what he had to say when he took to his social media:"So this is crazy for me, but I’m just going to go for it. Starting February 1st, I’m quitting sports for 1 whole year in search of a more intentional life. From February 1st, 2021 to February 1st 2022, I’m avoiding sports all together. A sabbatical of sorts.This includes the NBA (Mavericks), MLB (Rangers), NFL (Cowboys), NHL (Stars), and my new found love of the WNBA (Wings). Also the NFL, NBA, and MLB draft. *contemplates this decision as I’m writing this* Really trying to go cold turkey. For anyone who knows me, you know sports is one of the biggest things in my life and has been for as long as I can remember. Sports has the unique ability to allow us to escape from real life for a while and be unified in our favorite teams, but I need to prove to myself that I

  • What Is The Celebration Hour?

    10/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    Maybe you're new to KCBI and the Afternoon Show and you're wondering "what is this celebration hour thing?" Well, here is the heart and origin behind this hour of time where we celebrate with you what God is doing in your life!

  • Lauree and Doug Can't Agree On The Best Frozen Pizza On National Pizza Day

    10/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    Today, February 9th, is National Pizza Day which is a glorious but we've got one problem: Lauree and Doug disagree on which frozen pizza is best.

  • 2 Words That Will Improve Your Marriage

    09/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    What we have for you are 2 words that will make for a happier marriage, backed up by research."Thank you." Simply remember to show gratitude when you spouse says or does something that you appreciate and you take notice. It's that simple. Don't believe us? The journal "Personal Relationships" said the more that we show gratitude in our marriages, the more happy we'll be and the more valued our spouse will feel."I know, this sound like total common sense but let's put it into action and reap the benefits!

  • That's From Where?? Things You Won't Believe Didn't Come From Texas

    09/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    We have a lot reasons to be proud to from Texas, but there's a couple things we're bragging about that we may need to slow our roll with.What is something that is from Texas that you're proud of?

  • "Whatever It Is That You're Into, You Can't Outrun The Love Of Jesus" One Woman's Brave Plea To Her Hijacker

    08/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    Recently I read a story of a car hijacking that took place in Hot Springs, Arkansas and my reaction wasn't what I thought it would be.This woman is just out running errands in Hot Springs when she sees two men running towards her car after what was a failed attempted robbery. They jump in, put a gun to her head, and just tell her to start driving. As she's driving them to the ATM, she starts talking to her hijackers about Jesus and turned on Christian radio which started playing the same songs as you'd hear on KCBI. Good news is this woman is safe and as she shared her experience with the news station she shared this line, "I just started to sing these songs and I was telling them about Jesus and I turned to this man in the back and told him 'Whatever it is that you're into, you can't outrun the love of Jesus.'" The reason my reaction to this story surprised me is because I found myself identifying more with with the man in the back than the woman driving. But I began thinking how this man's life is messy jus

  • God Will Outlast Every Destroyer Of Your Happiness

    08/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    I know this is out of the blue, being the middle of day and all, but God will outlast every destroyer of your happiness. "God is faithful..." it says in 1 Corinthians 1:9 and the one who's arms wrap around all of this mess in our lives, he's not moody or erratic or tired. But rather, he's steady, confident, trustworthy, patient, and determined. What ever it is that's making you weary because you're using all your energy trying to solve it, let God keep watch as we find rest today.

  • There Is Power In The Word "Yet"

    05/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    I once saw a woman curled up in a corner in a ball of worry and anxiety. The solution? A 3 letter word that changed everything.Years ago, I was going through an accreditation to become a coach, someone that helps people move from point A to point B in their lives. In these classes, they would ask for volunteers to sit in front of the class to help with demonstrations and one particular night this lady decided to volunteer with some very real urgency. Turns out, this woman was an empty-nester and her husband was quick becoming disabled, so there were some things she was wanting to work through. What she quickly learned was this wasn't counseling and no one was going to be giving her answers to her problems. Instead, the instructor began asking her questions which led to series of "I don't know's" each one more frantic then the last. You could physically see the anxiety setting in, not only in her voice, but in her overall demeanor. The instructor then stopped and asked the woman if he could make a suggestion o

  • Believe It Or Not, There Is Mercy In Judges

    04/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    You sure wouldn't think you'd find mercy in a book called "Judges", but that's exactly what you'll get!If you've read the Old Testament, then you're familiar with the theme of the people of Israel ending up in bondage and time after time, God will offer them a way out, but they wanted to do things there way. There's this beautiful part in Judges 10 where the Israelites pleaded to God to do with them what he pleases as they got rid of the idols and foreign gods among them and chose to serve the Lord. Here's the mercy: it says that he could bear Israel's misery no longer.God can't bear our misery even when we're the cause of our misery and if we're honest, a lot of the time, we're the creators of our own misery. God loves you with a tender, everlasting love that I hope you'll allow yourself to believe today.

  • Celebrating 5 Years Of Hardship With A Brand New Home

    04/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    We love to celebrate what the Lord is doing in your life and today we celebrate with a friend who has been through some hardship. After 5 years of financial burden, job and personal loss, the Lord has blessed this friend with the ability to move into a brand new home!!Make sure to join us each weekday at 5pm for the Celebration Hour with Lauree & Doug here at 90.9 KCBI! And if you have something to celebrate, give us a call at 214-787-1909 or download the KCBI App and leave us a voicemail telling us how the Lord is working in your life!

  • What Really Happens At Heartstrong Faith Women's Bible Conference?

    04/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    Doug has never been to the Heartstrong Faith Women's Bible Conference because.. well he's not a woman. But if you're a woman and you also have never been to the Heartstrong Faith Conference, Lauree fills you in on what you can expect from this amazing weekend!

  • A Renewed Perspective On A Verse Of Comfort

    03/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    You've probably heard this verse before, but I hope when you hear it today it falls on you in a new way of encouragement.Psalm 119:105 says this: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."In the midst of world, it's hard to feel like there's clarity of what is straight ahead. It feels like we're zigging one moment and zagging the next. More than ever, my prayer to God is just for clarity. As I pondered on this verse the visual that came to my head is if you've ever been camping the lamp for our feet is the equivalent of lighter. It doesn't give off a lot of light, but it's step by step and you're constantly checking back into that light to make sure you're able to take that next step in the way that God's word is to us. Yet the juxtaposition for the light of the path of like daybreak, a flood light pouring in.So in a world that is confusing and everchanging, God's word guides us step by step as it walks with us in an intimate manner; At the same time, it's giving us the big picture of God's kingdo

  • God Doesn't Just Forgive Our Sins, He Cancels Them

    03/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    Man-made religion is something God wants no part of and that includes our own track record.God isn't sitting around with a little notebook keeping track of all our sins to know just how many times we've messed up. That's what religion does, but not God. Here's what the gospel says: when you trust in Christ, God has cancelled the record of your sins and he remembers your sins no more. God is a lover and a forgiver, not a keeper of wrongs.

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