Father Simon Says

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 85:22:45
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Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.


  • Father Simon Says - September 16, 2024 - Tradition

    16/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    (3:20) Bible Study: Jas 2:14-18 Father Distinguishes between the different “works” which are referenced in the bible. 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 Father talks about a custom which seems to have existed called the “love feast” Lk 7:1-10 Father talks about the toughness of Centurions (21:18) Break 1 (22:02) Letters: How do you deal with discouragement? What is the definition of race? Who was the Centurion from yesterday’s readings? Father answers these and more questions. (37:17) Break 2 (38:04) Word of the Day: Tradition (42:05) Phones: Mark - Did the devil know he was assisting for his own demise at the crucifixion? Krista - I saw a video about how he's going to be a minister, and how Constantine started a national religion and full of hate.   How to talk to people who believe that? Dean - What would happen if priest spill consecrated wine.  How to clean, as it's hard to get every drop. Maritza - thank you for his show.   Prayer request for my brother.

  • Father Simon Says - September 13, 2024 - Attending Weddings

    13/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    (3:27) Bible Study: 1 COR 9:16-19, 22B-27 How do you properly kill a chicken? Father explains.  Lk 6:39-42 Father shares the word in Greek for Gospel. (22:56) Break 1 (24:33) Letters:  Father talks about Agape Love and what it means to not eat meat sacrificed to other gods. Enjoy some humor about the gospel reading today. Father also answers the question: "Are all religions the same?" (35:59) Break 2 (37:01) Word of the Day: Stewardship (38:32) Phones: Al - If my child or grandchild is not getting married in a Catholic Church, could I still to go to the wedding? Dennis - A friend who's leaving the faith, b/c he read about a supposed family that created Christianity and Jesus?   What do you think? Mary - Thank you, Fr. Simon! His comments about attending non-Sacramental functions resonated and helped me, as my oldest daughter is having a same- sex ceremony and we're one of the few not attending. Madison - Why do we have fingers, hearts of saints, relics?

  • Father Simon Says - September 12, 2024 - Meat Diets

    12/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:29) Bible Study: 1 COR 8:1B-7, 11-13 Father shares fascinating facts about the diet of people from the ancient world. LK 6:27-38 Are Christians pacifists? (22:45) Break 1 (23:55) Letters: Is race determined by skin color, where is the reference to Purgatory in the Bible, and is the phrase “you fought me until you knew me” in the Bible? (35:10) Break 2 (35:51) Word of the Day: Knowledge and Mind (38:49) Phones: Joe - Did BVM keep her pregnancy secret from St. Joseph, b/c it seemed like he found out when she was showing? Samantha -My children attack me all the time and say horrible things to me.  I got guardianship for my grandson, and they attack me ever since.  I pray for them, but don't want them in my life.  Is that a sin? Teresa - My husband's uncle is close to dying.  He was raised Catholic, but his wife is not Catholic.  I'd like him to receive last rites, but my husband says I shouldn't say anything.  What do you think? Martha - My elderly mother had an abortion 40 years ago, a

  • Father Simon Says - September 11, 2024 - Grounds for Annulment

    11/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    (3:27) Bible Study: Lk 6:20-26 Father discusses the contradiction in Jesus' statement 1 Cor 7:25-31 Why is this reading upsetting? Find out here. (20:00) Break 1 (22:11) Letters: Father talks about the interpretation of old and new wine skins in the Bible, and what does it mean that Jacob wrestled with a man? (32:38) Break 2 (33:42) Word of the Day: Good (36:20) Phones: Nicole - How do I find out what relic is in my Church altar if the parish priest doesn't know?  Do you think the diocese knows? Brian - I'm legally divorced with my ex-wife, and working on an annulment.  I'm currently seeing another woman, and we both want to get married in the Church.  Is it okay for us to live together, me in the garage, and living brother/sister until the annulment is complete.  And I still want to take communion in the meantime. Ralph - The two words are similar, monstrance and monstrosity; What do you think about that, and where it comes from? Val - My daughter is engaged to a Greek Orthodox, could

  • Father Simon Says - September 10, 2024 - True Ecumenism

    10/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    (4:15) Bible Study: 1 Cor 6:1-11  What does it mean to judge, which Paul is talking about in this reading? Lk 6:12-19 Father talks about what is meant when it says that Jesus spent the night in prayer. (21:40) Break 1 (23:10) Letters: Father shares whether or not only Catholics can go to heaven, the differences between Catholics and Protestants and what true ecumenism is. (36:12) Break 2 (37:49) Word of the Day: Level Ground (39:21) Phones: Mary - You said yesterday that slaves were fellow Christians and had rights, could you clarify that? Nicole - How do I discern the heart vs. the mind? Patty - Luke 10:17: About 72 returned rejoicing, but some Bible accounts say 70.  Could you explain? Paul - What is the status of St. Gregory of Palamas (Eastern saint) as he had a debate with Barlaam, and they argued about the energy and essence distinction. How St. Gregory of Palamas viewed in the Orthodox Church?

  • Father Simon Says - September 09, 2024 - Paul and the Corinthians

    09/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    (4:13) Bible Study: 1 COR 5:1-8 Father talks about how people probably saw someone living with his father’s wife in those times. Lk 6:6-11 Father explains why the Jews were furious when Jesus healed on the Sabbath. (23:14) Break 1 (24:01) Letters: Father shares some thoughts on the Church in Africa, and he answers why is the age of reason for receiving communion at the age of 7-years-old, and what does the word Didymus mean. (36:35) Break 2 (37:18) Word of the Day: Ephphatha (40:59) Phones: Mac - A panel fell off the wall, right after someone died in that room.  What does he think about that? Jennifer - I'm a little afraid of having children because of health reasons; what do you think?   Terence - Catechism, 675, the Ultimate Trial of the Church, what is that?

  • Father Simon Says - September 6, 2024 - Crock-Pots and Hairbrained Theories [ENCORE]

    06/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    Enjoy this awesome encore show about today's readings from September 2, 2024 Bible Study: (3:58) 1 COR 4:1-5 Is St. Paul the head butler?  LK 5:33-39 What is a wineskin?  Letters: (22:10) Could Mary have said no to the angel Gabriel?  Do you need to process in with the cross?  Word of the Day: Servant (31:32) Callers  (34:42) – Can God cause anyone to sin?  (39:47) – The Crock-Pot was made by a Jewish man so he could make Cholent (41:16) – Are Jews today the same Jews back in Jesus’ time? (49:41) – Should I get a new Godfather for my child now that I’m a strong Catholic?

  • Father Simon Says - September 05, 2024 - Church Politics! [ENCORE]

    05/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    Check out this awesome encore show about today's readings from September 1, 2022 Bible Study: (2:13) 1 Cor 3:18-23 Church Politics! Lk 5:1-11 What does God want?  Letters (21:14) When can a priest deny someone absolution?  Did Our Lady receive Holy Communion?  Listener has difficulty with her friend’s Bible Study Word of the Day: Deceive  Callers  (35:55) –  What do you think of Pentecostalism? (38:53) – How was it possible for sin to multiply if God created everything? (40:45) – Can the devil read your mind? (42:32) – Thank you for all your advice! I’ve been listening to you for a long time! (44:52) – Latin translation help 

  • Father Simon Says - September 04, 2024 - Agape

    04/09/2024 Duração: 50min

    (1:44) Bible Study: LK 4:38-44 Father explains this passage in a very thorough way. 1 COR 3:1-9 Father shares what weapons to use to solve divisiveness in the church. (22:57) Break 1 (24:33) Letters: Father clears up some misunderstandings people had when listening to his show, the meaning of the word the Kingdom and does getting paid to babysit on Sunday does not keep holy the Sabbath. (33:18) Break 1 (33:42) Word of the Day: Agape (36:50) Phones: Jane - I had an abortion what do I do now? Matt - my priest said in remembrance and not in remembrance of me. Does this make it invalid? Gloria - does the body do with the soul when we die and in confession is the guilt forgiven or just the sin? Isaac - my father-in-law is dying, and I was wondering if you could say a prayer for him

  • Father Simon Says - September 03, 2024 - Authority

    03/09/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:49) Bible Study: Lk 4:31-37 Father talks about the heart of God. 1 COR 2:1-5 Father talks about the need for prayer in preaching the Gospel LK 4:16-30 Father shares the reason the Jews wanted to kill Jesus in these readings. (25:29) Break 1 (26:09) Letters: Does adult and adultery come from the same word, how can someone lose salvation with unconfessed mortal sin and is it a sin to pose as a model for a college art class? (36:16) Break 2 (37:22) Word of the Day: Authority (38:43) Phones: Drew - Question about the blessing said the consecration? Robby - What are some examples of charity in the Bible?   Money root of all evil, but is it love of money? Suzy - Last rites?  I called the last rites for my mom and they said they wouldn't be able to b/c she wasn't conscious?

  • Father Simon Says - August 30, 2024 - Foolishness of God

    30/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:30) Bible Study: 1 Cor 1:17-25 Father sheds some light on Paul.  Mt 25:1-13 Father goes through this passage step by step. (20:21) Break 1 (21:27) Letters: Father answers what the best text for the bible is and other word plays from words from Chick-fil-A to Adultery. Strange conversation, but fun! Break 2 (39:05) Word of the Day: Foolishness (40:26) Phones: Joseph - how can we love our priests better and not just see them as sacrament dispensers? Therese - Is it true that divine mercy is the sacrament of Confession? Young Thomas shares an email asking about the psalms and Vatican 2

  • Father Simon Says - August 29, 2024 - Politics of Herod

    29/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:47) Bible Study: Mk 6:17-29 Father talks about the Herodian family. They were not good people. (18:25) Break 1 (19:40) Letters: Do you need to go through Chemotherapy in order to preserve your life, what is penance really and why is the Catholic 10 commandments different from the Protestant 10 commandments? Father answers all of this questions and more. (35:34) Break 2 (36:11) Word of the Day: Delighted (38:49) Phones: Cathy - call no man your father. Can you explain more? Jennifer - My family rejects Vatican 2. How do I explain this to them? Roe - Can a minister to the homebound bring multiple hosts to someone? Do they really stay consecrated the whole time?

  • Father Simon Says - August 28, 2024 - Saint Augustine

    28/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (3:42) Bible Study: 2 THES 3:6-10, 16-18 Father talks about the dispute at the time of the content of this letter. MT 23:27-32 Father talks about what the word hypocrite really means. (22:27) Break 1 (24:13) Letters: Father shares what it means to be a doctor of the church, how can you reconcile needing to eat the body and drink the blood and the Church teaching of being able to receive both species with one or the other. (36:50) Break 2 (38:07) Word of the Day: Prosperity (39:22) Phones: Shirley - you shall not make for yourself an image for yourself anything Anna - who are the dead referred to in the creed - to judge the living and the dead Caroline - Is it valid if the priest uses the old way to consecrate the host?

  • Father Simon Says - August 27, 2024 - Can Non-Catholics be Saved?

    27/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (3:26) Bible Study: 2 THES 2:1-3A, 14-17 Father talks about the end of the world! MT 23:23-26 Father talks about hypocrites, hopefully he isn’t talking about you. (18:57) Break 1 (19:51) Letters: Father explains the difference between LORD and Lord in the bible, readings appropriate for a celebration of life and what the Church teaches on non-Catholics going to heaven (32:49) Break 2 (33:31) Word of the Day: par-oo-see-uh (39:52) Phones: Stan - what bible and study guide would you recommend? Jason - Can you explain more about that passage from psalms that you were just talking about? Gloria – Did they use the word Christian in the bible?

  • Father Simon Says - August 26, 2024 - Wives Submit?

    26/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:23) Bible Study: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12 Father talks about the significance of this song  Mt 23:13-22 Father explains why Jesus had stern words for the scribes and Pharisees. Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 Father talks about the readings from yesterday especially the phrase “subordinate” (27:03) Break 1 (28:45) Letters: Father talks about what is needed in order for a priest to celebrate Mass, why would Paul say he is chief among sinners and what we will experience at t Judgement of the Lord (36:36) Break 2 (40:31) Word of the Day: A pun (41:40) Phones: Mike - who was St. Paul writing to in gal and do you believe that he was the one writing the letter to the Hebrews? Noelle - Can you talk about the part that says no one hates their body in yesterday’s reading Pete - since Mary was without sin, what gifts did she get during Pentecost? Mary - The umbrella of orders children under mother, mother under husband. What about sister in laws? what do they owe other sister in laws?

  • Father Simon Says - August 23, 2024 - Dry Bones

    23/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:05) Bible Study: Ez 37:1-14 Father talks about dry bones Mt 22:34-40 Who is my neighbor (20:47) Break 1 (21:37) Letters: Father answers if Aromatheopy is in line with the Catholic Church. Talks about who is like the son of Man and who is the son of Man and answers what the will of God is. (34:17) Break 2 (35:07) Word of the Day: Unapipito (38:49) Phones: Erica - What does he know about Catholic Charities of America, I haven't seen any presence, almost a nonexistent thing. Dan - I play piano at Church, I always heard communion song is supposed to start when Fr. receives communion himself.  B/c I'm playing throughout the whole time, I can't get communion.  But I get communion on the weekdays, is that fine? Nathaniel - What is the job and role in the parish of a married deacon, and how do you know if you're being called? John - Shama, the first instance I found of Shama was in Genesis.   What do you think?

  • Father Simon Says - August 22, 2024 - Gregorian Chant

    22/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (1:46) Bible Study: Ez 36:23-28 Father talks about the religion of Judaism and what you probably didn’t’ know about it. Mt 22:1-14 Father explains what the wedding garment is in this passage. (21:22) Break 1 (23:19) Letters: Father talks about a passage from Jeremiah and how we should be careful with interpretations of passages to our times, how we should define ourselves in our relationships and what it means to lay down in green pastures?   (39:42) Break 2 (40:56) Word of the Day: Caesar (42:51) Phones: Michael - Would like to thank him for all he's done and for being on the air. Mary - He mentioned yesterday about Latin Chants, where could I find them? Mark - I went to confession yesterday, it felt rushed, it was outdoors.   Should I go back again? Jill - Books to recommend about Judaism?

  • Father Simon Says - August 21, 2024 - Good Shepherds

    21/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:29) Bible Study: Ez 34:1-11 Father talks about the biblical nature of the hierarchy of the Church Mt 20:1-16 Father talks about the meaning of the word Justice (21:49) Break 1 (23:58) Letters: Father talks about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, is adultery a sin against the future, and were Arians saved back in the time when Arianism was widespread? (34:18) Break 2 (34:57) Word of the Day: Hoy and restful (38:42) Phones: Ted - Does he know anyone, priest or religious who could see souls today, like Padre Pio used to do? John - I learned recently that St. Augustine is the patron saint of gambling? Ricardo - How much more difficult is it being the Pope, considering how difficult it is to be a bishop? Mary - john 6, and how could explain to a protestant friend that Jesus is not speaking figuratively? Cindy - Is it a sin to watch something from Joel Osteen?  It was his church show.  I was just curious. Dan - Question about the mysteries of the rosary?

  • Father Simon Says - August 20, 2024 - New Age

    20/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:00) Bible Study: Ez 28:1-10 Father talks about the dying fabrics. Don’t worry it is relevant to the readings today! Mt 19:23-30 Father explains how to become a king. (20:42) Break 1 (32:02) Letters: Father talks about the importance of standing up for the truth and what that means and shares his opinion on the current election. (38:05) Break 2 (44:17) Word of the Day: New Age (46:37) Phones: Arnold - I have an invitation to my granddaughter's wedding, and it's a civil ceremony, she invited me.  Should I go or not. David - The way he was describing the feminist movement, I've never heard it that way before,  could he expand on that a little bit. Arnold - I have an invitation to my granddaughter's wedding, and it's a civil ceremony, she invited me.  Should I go or not.

  • Father Simon Says - August 19, 2024 - Doom and Gloom

    19/08/2024 Duração: 51min

    (2:50) Bible Study: EZ 24:15-23 Father tackles this very challenging reading DEUTERONOMY 32:18-19, 20, 21 Father shares how we need to do things from God rather than doing things for Him. MT 19:16-22 Did Jesus deny His divinity in this passage? (24:48) Break 1 (25:47) Letters: Father talks about purgatory and judgment and he answers when salvation occurs in our life. (40:51) Break 2 (41:44) Word of the Day: Hope (43:45) Phones: David - Could you comment on modern day Anti-Semitism?   I'm reading more and more in the media, the people who are truly anti-Semitic, but seem fairly true.  What should I do? Eileen - Greek Orthodox, do we recognize the saints they hold up?

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