Pathways To Fitness

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 11:26:51
  • Mais informações



Welcome to the Pathways To Fitness podcast where we'll be talking about topics related to Health, Business, Relationships & Faith.There are key areas of life where growth requires being intentional. This podcast is about building our "fitness" in these areas. Every other week we have conversations, and conduct interviews that help our community to improve their level of fitness in multiple areas, by listening to real people discuss their experiences on these topics. If you're ready to hear from real people that have made significant and real strides in life, and be inspired by their stories this is the show for you.


  • MPP 014 - Pre-Election Discussions

    02/11/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    In less that 14 hours it’ll be Election Day 2020 in the United States of America. We’re in what is arguably the most divided and tumultuous time in our nation’s history since it’s birth in the mid-1700s. As a global community we’ve all weathered COVID-19, extreme political divide, racial tension and cries to defund our law enforcement. Even through all of what seems like an insane dream this year I’m still optimistic and hopeful that our greatest days are just ahead of us. I know that this is in-fact true because my Christian faith and it’s Holy book, the Bible tells me so. The Bible is loaded with prophesy that actually foretold a lot of what we’re experiencing in real-time and even what’s to come. It’s clearly spelled out in the pages of the Bible and we’re watching it unfold.  For believers it’s an exciting time. For non-believers or those still searching it could be a potentially frightening time with little hope. I encourage you to be hopeful. In this episode we actually don’t talk about prophesy or any

  • MPP 013 - New Podcast Name, Guns & More

    29/10/2020 Duração: 44min

    We're shooting the breeze about a variety of things in this podcast episode.  1. Why we (Jon really decided

  • MPP 012 - Exercise Target Stimulus and Scaling

    28/08/2020 Duração: 31min

    If you've ever been involved in a race (whether competitive or leisure) you've probably experienced the phenomenon of how different the perceived difficulty of that race is based on if you know the route and what to expect, or you have no idea what to expect.  When we know what to expect and what our target is, it's amazing how much easier (even if by perception) the task is. If you've run a 5K before and you went out to walk or drive the course before the race, you'll notice that it doesn't seem quite so difficult. On the reserve side of that example, if you have no idea where you're going, if there are hills up ahead or other obstacles, you may find it harder.  In this episode we discuss the benefit of a coach or trainer giving you an idea of the target stimulus of a workout and also a target that you should be aiming for. This plays an important mental role in an athletes achievement of that intended stimulus.  We also discuss the incredible benefits of scaling a workout appropriately so you reach an inten

  • PTF 011 - The Difference Between Nutrition and Exercise

    12/10/2019 Duração: 49min

    In this episode we discuss why your ultimate vision for your health, fitness or physique goals may be eluding you even though you "eat healthier" and workout more!   What if the answer is in how you are looking at, and what you're expecting from those two different things (nutrition and exercise)? 

  • PTF 010 - Mental Health: Let's Talk About It

    07/09/2019 Duração: 53min

    Mental Health can be delicate topic that some may not feel comfortable talking about, but it’s a topic that I feel is very necessary discuss.  I myself have dealt with my own bouts of depression and anxiety in different seasons of my life and I’m sure some of you listening may be able to relate as well. I fully believe that freedom in general is found by bringing things to light and just having honest, inquisitive conversations. In this episode I sit down and talk with two professional therapists, Marissa Wells and Kim Johnson, who are business partners and co-own SALT Counseling and Consultation.  We have a casual conversation where I ask them things about their profession that I was curious about and I hope this helps to educate you as the listener and hopefully demystify counseling in general. None of the topics discussed in this interview should be considered medical advice of any kind. If you need medical assistance or have an emergency of any kind please dial 9-1-1 and request assistance.   Find out mor

  • PTF 009 - The Recipe For Manifesting Dreams

    23/07/2019 Duração: 01h02min

      In this episode of Pathways to Fitness, we talk about some practical approaches to seeing our inner-most desires and dreams become reality.  Jon discusses his morning routine and how he believes that nurtures and essentially works toward manifesting the dreams he has. Resources mentioned:  Rachel Hollis: Dave Hollis: Start Today Journal Jon uses:   [Jon here:] Dreams and goals (which are not exactly synonymous) are some of my very favorite things to talk about. Like, I can get annoyingly JAZZED about discussing this topic with people.  I love to talk about my dreams, but also encourage others in their dreams. I’m a natural encourager in this area.   As an entrepreneur, dreaming is simply built into my DNA. The term “dreamer” I think has often been synonymous with “unfocused” or “unrealistic”, but I think dreamers are a more accurate reflection of our creator and Heavenly Father, God.   Step outsid

  • PTF 008 - Jason Ackerman (Own Your Eating/Best Hour Of Their Day)

    01/07/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    Our guest for episode 008 has a laundry list of accomplishments in both the Crossfit world, but especially from a business perspective. Jason Ackerman is a Crossfit Level-4 coach as well as a member of the Crossfit HQ Seminar Staff. He's part of the team that trains Crossfit Level-1 and Level-2 coaches.  Jason has been in the fitness industry since 1995. He earned his Crossfit Level-1 certification in 2007 and joined the Crossfit HQ seminar staff in 2013 after multiple attempts and internships (this guy is determined)!  He was the founder of Crossfit Albany in New York's capital city, and one of his claims-to-fame in the "Crossfit world" is the record figure that he sold this business for (some reports were that it was near or right at a seven-figure deal!) He is the founder of "Own Your Eating" with his wife Roz. Own Your Eating's mission states, "Our mission is two-fold: end the misery of dieting for good and help as many people as possible achieve an extraordinary quality of life with some simple changes t

  • PTF 007 - Crossfit Curious? What To Expect As a Functional Fitness Newbie!

    05/06/2019 Duração: 47min

    Crossfit can be intimidating to some folks if all they know about it is what they see on the Crossfit Games (The Crossfit Games are the Crossfit World Championships I guess you could say). Look at the Crossfit Games like you would compare Major League Baseball to a Co-ed Softball league. One is NOT like the other and shouldn't be approached in the same way.  For 99.9% of us who don't compete on the elite level, Crossfit is meant to be a fitness methodology that incorporates various functional movements (movement that mimics things you do in everyday living i.e. sitting down, standing up, picking something up off the ground, lifting something up overhead onto a shelf, etc...) in varying rep schemes and intensities, with the goal of attaining an individuals peak fitness by keeping the body constantly guessing at what's coming next.  In this episode David and Jon talk about what new-comers to Crossfit could expect of their first experience, what they should look for in a gym (also referred to in the Crossfit wor

  • PTF 006 - Embrace Running and Become More Fit

    23/05/2019 Duração: 47min

    Running is as foundational practice that we as humans are naturally designed to do. In early history we ran to chase down food or to stay alive by running from something or someone higher on the food chain. Now we run for transportation, for enjoyment (yes, people actually run because they like it) or to improve our fitness and aerobic capacity.  In this episode David and I discuss the fact that many "fitness enthusiasts" try to avoid running, why David has been incorporating more running into his programming personally and for clients and the many benefits that running can have on our overall fitness level.  A great resource for run programming and just increasing aerobic capacity in general is Chris Hinshaw's . 

  • PTF 005 - Increase Aerobic Capacity You Will - Interview w/ Fitness Jedi Master - Chris Hinshaw

    07/05/2019 Duração: 42min

    Guest: Chris Hinshaw Crossfit HQ - Subject Matter Expert (Aerobic Capacity) In this episode we are honored and a little giddy if we're being honest, to have Crossfit HQ, Subject Matter Expert in the discipline of Aerobic Capacity, Chris Hinshaw as the very first guest on the Pathways to Fitness podcast.   We just wrapped up a weekend course with Chris that helped us understand aerobic capacity in a more tangible way. We honestly felt like we'd sat through a doctoral level class at the end of this course, but the way in which Chris Hinshaw is able to explain it all just makes so much sense. He gave all of us in attendance actionable knowledge that we could immediately take home and implement.  For example, before heading to the Aerobic Capacity course at Crossfit Mayhem (yes Mr. Rich Froning's gym), David (our co-host) had tested his 1 mile run time at around 7:21. After we returned home from the course, David retested

  • PTF 004 - Body Image Issues.....Not Just For Women

    24/04/2019 Duração: 34min

    "Body image" is the way that someone perceives their body and assumes that others perceive them. This image is often affected by family, friends, social pressure and the media. Approximately 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body shape. Realistically, only 5% of women naturally possess the body type often portrayed in American media. The Alliance for Eating Disorder Awareness reports that between 2.4 and 3.6 million men suffer from eating disorders today.  A 2016 survey on male body image found that 20 percent to 40 percent of men were unhappy with some aspect of their looks, including physical appearance, weight, and muscle size and tone. Source Article     

  • PTF 003: You Are Programmed To Be Poor

    09/04/2019 Duração: 54min

    When you read something like "You Are Programmed To Be Poor", or "You're Not Living the Life You're Capable Of", what kind of reaction does that evoke in you? What emotions are stirred when you contemplate that possibility?  In our culture we are passively (not overtly) conditioned to be results/success oriented. We aren't encouraged to experiment or test things to see what works and what doesn't through failure. F-A-I-L-U-R-E is considered a bad word and something that we are to avoid at all costs.  What if though, it is through those failures, those failed experiments, that we discover our true calling.... our purpose...the very things that make us come alive? In this episode we talk about pushing past fear and the trained aversion to failure, in order to live a truly inspired and fulfilling life.    If you want to watch the full video that we pulled this Robert Kiyosaki audio from you can find it here:    To connect with us follow us on http://instagram/pathwaystofitness Please

  • PTF 002: Scale vs. Performance - What’s The Best Way To Determine Fitness Success?

    26/03/2019 Duração: 51min

    Getting lean, losing weight, adding muscle, bulking up, getting tone…. These are all phrases we’ve heard people say or maybe even said ourselves. These are very general statements that pertain to our fitness, or maybe more accurately, aesthetic goals. They can be complicated and frustrating at times to judge success towards, AND the way we judge our success can heavily impact how motivated and focused we remain on the goal. In this episode we talk about the difference between looking at the scale for our reassurance of success, versus the idea of focusing on our bodies performance and functional ability for signs of progress. We also talk about how the body reacts to what is essentially yo-yo weight loss. David tells us about his experience with losing over 100 pounds on multiple occasions, and how his body reacted differently to massive amounts of weight loss based on his different approaches.   Please be sure to follow us on instagram and share your questions, comments or show ideas.   https://www.instagram

  • PTF 001: Introducing the Pathways To Fitness Podcast

    16/03/2019 Duração: 30min

    On this 001 episode David and I introduce the podcast and ourselves. We talk a bit about what to expect out of this podcast and a little bit about who we are individually and a little about our background.  We hope you'll join us for future episodes and chime in with your comments and questions.    Be sure to subscribe in your favorite podcast platform and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.