The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 991:45:36
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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.


  • TMHS: 087: How To Gain Weight In A Smart, Healthy Way And Why Being Underweight Can Be Dangerous

    26/01/2015 Duração: 01h10min

    Being that our modern society has an epidemic of diabetes and obesity, it may surprise a lot of people that anyone would be interested about finding a way to gain weight. It may also come as a surprise that many people are unknowingly struggling with health problems as a result of being underweight or having a body fat percentage that's too low. What abundant health is, as with many things, it's uncovering that perfect balance for oneself. Abundant health is finding that "sweet spot" where your energy is high, your physical body is functional and strong, and you feel good about who you are. So, whether you desire to tip the scale up or down, you're going to get a lot of value out of today's show in understanding HOW the process of weight gain happens, things that encourage it, and things that can block it from taking place. If your goal is to gain some healthy weight, then this episode will change your life and give you the specific areas that you may need to ensure in order to make it happen. If your goal is

  • TMHS 086: How To Create A Sleep Sanctuary And Get The Best Sleep Ever

    21/01/2015 Duração: 48min

    We spend approximately 1/3 of our entire lives in a bedroom. That's a long time to be anywhere... This is what makes your bedroom such a special place. And the environment in this room, whether you realize it or not, has a huge impact on your health and longevity. How can a room actually dictate your health? To put it simply, humans are a direct product of their environment. Our brains are constantly creating and strengthening neuro-associations to the places we are the most (i.e. your bedroom!). This helps to automate our behavior. So, basically your bedroom has you programmed like a robot. That's right, you're sort of like a robot. Not as cool as Terminator 2, but not as clunky as the robot from Short Circuit. In all seriousness, your brain has evolved constantly looking for ways to automate things to free up mental energy. Your bedroom setup will inherently influence your behavior, and if great sleep is a behavior you want to take part in, then listen to this closely. There are certain things you're about

  • TMHS 085: 15 Healthy Travel Tips - How To Stay Fit, Healthy, And Energized While Traveling!

    14/01/2015 Duração: 55min

    Traveling can be a sticky health situation. Airports, restaurants, hotels, hopping around from place-to-place, and long periods of being cooped up in a car or airplane can all have different challenges associated with them. Today, you're about to be equipped with the ultimate travel guide to maintain your health, fitness, and energy while traveling. What's the point of traveling and enjoying yourself if you come back tired, sick, depressed, or mad at yourself because you've put on a few pounds? How about you come back with energy, recharged, and ready to take on your life with a renewed intensity! The information and strategies you're about to learn will become a part of your life for many years to come. You'll actually be surprised at how easy it is to maintain your health (and make it even better!) with these healthy travel tips in your possession. Use these wisely, have fun, and bring me back a souvenir. :-) In this episode you'll discover: What small strategies to implement BEFORE you travel to ensure yo

  • TMHS 084: Biggest Health, Fitness, And Lifestyle Lessons Of 2014 And What You Should Implement In 2015

    07/01/2015 Duração: 01h18s

    You likely won't get to your destination if you have the wrong map. Each and every year people all over the world set out to change their lives in honor of the New Year. It's a fresh start; a chance for something better. Yet, the reality is that most of us fall well short of what we resolved to do. But, is this a bad thing? I'm here to share with you today that it's not a bad thing at all. It just takes some minor shifts in your approach to accomplish more than you thought possible and make this the best year of your life! Today's powerhouse episode will take you through the best of 2014. We'll highlight the biggest lessons, the biggest breakthroughs, and make it clear exactly what you need to implement in 2015 to achieve the things you want. Real success resides in your ability to do things that actually work (go figure!) and then applying these things on a consistent basis until you achieve what you set out to do. First, we'll dive into the things that work. Next, we'll breakdown how to do these things cons

  • TMHS 083: Mastering Your Body And Spreading Positivity Through Movement - With Travis Brewer

    31/12/2014 Duração: 58min

    The word ninja was once used to designate someone highly trained in martial arts (masked, deadly, and absolutely nothing to do with mutant turtles). Currently, if you look up the definition of ninja, you'll see that it's used in a slightly different way. A ninja in our world today is defined as a person who excels in a particular skill or activity. You can be a ninja at cooking desserts, a ninja at dancing, a ninja at videos games, and the list goes on and on. It's just about having the audacity to develop the skills necessary to be great. That's why I'm here to tell you that you, yes YOU, have the capacity to be an %$#-kicking ninja! What better way to become a ninja than actually learning from a ninja yourself? My guest today is someone who has excelled in numerous skills, and has been able to transform this mastery into many areas of his life as a result. He was actually a semi-finalist on the television show American Ninja Warrior that highlights some of the most elite all-around athletes in the world. An

  • TMHS 082: Stop Comparing Yourself, Gain True Happiness, And Achieve Body Freedom - With Madelyn Moon

    24/12/2014 Duração: 45min

    One thing is for certain: you will fall in love in this lifetime. You will be head over heels, you will sacrifice anything, and you will see a beauty that words can't describe. For many of us, we will fall in love many times... But the question is, will you ever fall in love with the most important person of all? Our society has been programmed to think that we are all incomplete. We need a love story with Tom Cruise and Rene Zellwegger to remind us how incomplete we are, and if we just find that special person it'll be alright. The truth is, you always have been, and always will be, the answer you've always needed. You are complete unto yourself. You have a level of perfection that no one else can achieve... because you are a totally unique phenomenon. You deserve to be loved deeply by the most important person of all. --> YOU. Can you do that? Can you honestly say that you love yourself as much as you truly deserve? If not, then this may be one of the most important moments in your life. Today we have on Ho

  • TMHS 081: Tips For Dining Out At Restaurants, Family Get Togethers, And How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays

    17/12/2014 Duração: 01h02min

    The word 'restaurant' is derived from the French word restaurer which means to restore. It was originally used in France in the 16th century to describe a thick, inexpensive soup sold by street vendors that were storied to restore your health. Fast forward to today... The word restaurant now means that I'm probably going to end up bloated and questioning why I ate so much. Most of the restaurants in the U.S. are geared towards having a party in your mouth by any means necessary. If that means extra sugar, so be it! Extra trans fats and rancid oils, bring it on! Little bits of nutrition, but big chunks of chemicals, additives, and preservatives, let's go! They want your business, which is fine, but the way they go about doing it is far from the concern of restoring your health. Is this all restaurants? Of course not, but until the recent wave of more health conscious cooking, most restaurants were operating in the nutritional dark ages. Fortunately, today we have access to so many amazing restaurants and vario

  • TMHS 080: Protect Your Sex Hormones! 10 Ways To Boost Testosterone Naturally (Essentials For Men's AND Women's Health)

    10/12/2014 Duração: 58min

    Experts call it “estrogen pollution”. We are living in an era where we are bombarded with estrogenic compounds, and the health effects are extremely disturbing. This is a problem for all of us. Both men and women have estrogen receptors. These receptors are present throughout our entire bodies, from our brains to our reproductive organs. If your body is in balance, then you are producing the correct amount of estrogen endogenously (within yourself) and it’s fitting nice and snug into those receptor sites and life is good. The problem is, our exposure to xenoestrogens (foreign estrogens from outside of yourself) are at an all-time high today. These xenoestrogens can fit right into the receptor sites for estrogen in your body and “turn on” programs that more estrogen will encourage. For men this could mean lowered sex drive, accumulation of fat on the butt and hips, gynecomastia (man-boobs), shrinking of the reproductive organs, and many other red alerts. For women this could lead to estrogen dominance which en

  • TMHS 079: How To Get Your Body Organized, Eliminate Pain, And Be Ready To Run - With Dr. Kelly Starrett

    03/12/2014 Duração: 01h08min

    One of the biggest mistakes in conventional medicine has been the disconnection between psychology and movement. The health of your brain, nervous system, and endocrine system are all intimately tied to your ability to move. A lack of natural movement creates stagnation in your mental, physical, and emotional health. But, what is natural movement anyway? And what are the things that are hindering our ability to move naturally? Well, get ready, because Dr. Kelly Starrett is here to dissect these things for you and give you clear, comprehensive strategies to be the most healthy, functional person you can possibly be. It's been said that if you're the smartest guy in the room then you need to find another room (in order to keep elevating yourself). Well, Kelly is running out of rooms to be in because he is often the smartest guy in the building. His humble and cool demeanor wouldn't tell you that. Yet, it becomes pretty clear after talking with Kelly for a while that he can see and understand things about the hu

  • TMHS 078: How Taboos Control Your Life: Your Teeth, Your Clothes, Your Sexual Desires & More - With Daniel Vitalis

    25/11/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    It's even taboo to talk about taboos. Even though we may not realize it, our social taboos are able to keep us imprisoned within our own minds. Don't you want to know what invisible forces are governing the way you think, feel, and function on a daily basis? Don't you want to know why you do what you do? Well, even if you did, it's very difficult to find out what they are because they are usually a "blind spot" in our consciousness. I'm not talking about science fiction, and Neo waking up from a dream within The Matrix. I'm talking about science fact, and how our perception of reality is largely governed by beliefs that we never got to choose ourselves. Could your faulty beliefs be causing you to struggle and fail repeatedly in your life? This is where a teacher like Daniel Vitalis come in... He can instantly redirect your focus to help you see the things in your life that are hiding in plain sight. I often say that our relationships are the #1 most influential factor on our health and happiness. Why this epi

  • TMHS 077: Our Roots. Our Planet. Our Future. ~The Origins Movie With Dr. Pedram Shojai

    19/11/2014 Duração: 41min

    It's pretty clear that we have changed. Only a few generations ago, chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were seen in only a small percentage of the population. Today, some statistics show that more than three-fourths of the western world are afflicted with one of these major illnesses. The question is... How did this happen? We are so much more advanced in our technology, but, collectively, we are in the Stone Age when it comes to the health and vitality of our bodies. As a matter of fact, our Stone Age ancestors had this dialed in better than we do. Images of Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble do not give our origins justice... I'm pretty sure no one has ever eaten a brontosaurus burger, but I've seen plenty of people eat Double Whoppers. In the new movie Origins, we get the inside look at how we lost touch with our natural state of well-being. We finally get an explanation of what happened, and how we ended up entrenched in disease. But, more importantly, we get a map on how to get bac

  • TMHS 076: Natural Treatments For Depression - Share This With Everyone You Know!

    12/11/2014 Duração: 01h07min

    It may be jarring to know that seven out of 10 people in the U.S. have been prescribed a drug over the past year. It may be more surprising to know that one out of every 10 people are now taking an antidepressant; among women in their 40's and 50's, that number is one in four. The rates of depression have skyrocketed over the last two decades, and the trend is steadily rising. Many experts believe that this is due to a myriad of reasons, but the go-to treatment for practitioners thus far have been SSRIs and other antidepressant drugs. Though depression is a very real and substantial issue, more and more data is coming forth that physicians are moving too quickly to medication. A study published in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics found that nearly two-thirds of the patients who had been given a diagnosis of depression within the previous 12 months did not meet the criteria for clinical depression as described by the psychiatrists’ bible. The lead author of the study, Dr. Ramin Mojtabai, said that,

  • TMHS 075: Fitness Confidential - With America's Angriest Trainer Vinnie Tortorich #NSNG

    05/11/2014 Duração: 47min

    Since its inception, the movie industry has heavily influenced the behavior of our culture. Most notably, Hollywood is unmatched at setting the bar for how we strive towards our health and fitness goals. What guy wouldn't want to swipe the look of Hugh Jackman in X-Men: Days of Future Past? (Minus the bushy sideburns, of course). Chris Evans, Jason Statham, Brad Pitt, and Mark Wahlberg are some notable names that have guys around the world rushing to the gym after a new movie comes out. For the ladies, Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Biel and many others have inspired women to take their health and fitness more seriously. The interesting thing is that these Hollywood figures, who most people have never actually met, are far more influential than any family member who's preaching to you to get in shape. Hollywood motivates us. It is what it is. Now, this has given birth to the concept of the "Celebrity Trainer". The individual trusted with the responsibility to bring out the physical bes

  • TMHS 074: 5 Tips To Overcome Any Obstacle You're Faced With - Get Better Health, Finances, Relationships, And More!

    22/10/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    True wisdom is learning to become friendly with obstacles. Challenges, problems, and unexpected obstacles are all inherent in the development of a human being. We can choose to tussle with them a bit, complain about them constantly, or we can find a way to break through them. Consistently looking for the challenge, and knowing that you have everything you need within you to overcome it, is part of long-term happiness and fulfillment. The reality is that many people retreat when they are faced with challenges they think are beyond them. Tail between the legs, white flag; the whole nine yards to show they have given up. We have to come to a conclusion at some point that the challenges in our lives aren’t there to break us, they are actually there to develop us in ways that we never knew were possible before. You have gifts, talents, capacities, skills, ideas, and so much more that are dormant within you unless you have the right stimulus to bring them out. Why come up with an idea to improve the quality of your

  • TMHS 073: Hydration And Water Masterclass - Best Water Filter, Best Bottled Water, And Critical Water Facts

    15/10/2014 Duração: 59min

    There's a Slovakian proverb that says, "Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine." Water is at the very basis of human health and longevity. Far more valuable than food, going without adequate hydration sets in motion a ticking time bomb of physical depression and symptoms of disease. You may be shocked to find that water has been clinically documented to improve everything from diabetes, to high blood pressure, to arthritis pain, and everything in between. But how can water be this effective? It's just... well, water, isn't it? Today you're going to learn the truth about the significant impact that water has on your health. You're going to learn about the various methods of treating water, where they succeed, and where they come up incontrovertibly short. In this masterclass on water and hydration, you're going to find out how water actually gets into your cells in the first place, and how mismanaging this process can leave you more sick and thirsty than you can imagine. Most importantly, this m

  • TMHS 072: The Truth About Birth Control, Balancing Stress, And The Hormone Cure - With Dr. Sara Gottfried

    08/10/2014 Duração: 01h40s

    Hormones are everywhere. They are in and around us. They give us life. They generate communication between every cell in our body. They are essential in creating order... and they can also create some pretty epic chaos if we're not careful. Much like a misinterpreted communication between people, abnormal hormone function can cause your body to "fight" within itself. Now, I don't know about you, but I subscribe to a low drama diet, and I'd much rather have a civil environment within my body. I don't want hormonal back-slaps happening. I want to feel good. I want to feel empowered and healthy, and understanding the role of hormones is the ultimate key to having this manifest in my life. So the question is: How do hormones get out of balance, and what are the things we need to know to get them back on track? There is no better person on the planet to answer these questions than Dr. Sara Gottfried. This brilliant Harvard/MIT-trained physician is a superstar when it comes to helping you identify your hormonal iss

  • TMHS 071: How To Grow Stronger From Stress, Live More Fulfilled, And Do Work That You Love - With Pat Flynn

    01/10/2014 Duração: 53min

    The work you do for a living matters. It matters to your health, it matters to your relationships, and it matters to your overall success. The work you choose to do each day is not something to take lightly. Sometimes life can sweep us up, and we end up spending our days doing things that we don't enjoy. We all know that sometimes we've got to "do what we've got to do", but when does doing what we've got to do actually come to an end? Research shows that poor job satisfaction and high work stress elevates your risk of depression, heart disease, obesity, and even early death. As crazy as it may sound, the data shows that disliking your job can actually kill you (take that job! Oh wait, I'm the one who dies...), so wouldn't now be a good time to do something about it? Whether you are doing work you enjoy, but feeling trapped by it, or not yet doing work you love, and looking to make a change, this episode is going to be eye opening for you. Today you'll get to learn from the brilliant man behind the brand Smart

  • TMHS 070: How To Accomplish Any Goal You Want, Overcome Addictions, And Reframe Your Thinking - With James Swanwick

    24/09/2014 Duração: 42min

    Many people in our modern world have this romantic idea that we're always supposed to have what we want. Most of us have never stop to realize that not having what we want is often at the root of our unhappiness. I'm not talking about fantastical delusions like wishing you had a spaceship, wishing you were besties with Kanye West AND Taylor Swift (that would make for some interesting conversations), or wishing you were richer than Scrooge McDuck, swimming in a vault of money. These are all far out fantasies... What I'm talking about here is something more tangible. We all want to be loved. We all want to feel supported. We all want to feel safe and healthy. We all want to know that we truly matter. These are not misguided desires, these are all human nature. But, it's the way we go about achieving these things that cause us so much pain and frustration. Is there work you really want to be doing, but can't seem to make it happen because of your current circumstances? Are you as healthy as you want to be? Are y

  • TMHS 069: Super Nutrition And Total Human Optimization - With Aubrey Marcus

    17/09/2014 Duração: 52min

    If we're going to be successful in the field of nutrition, then we've got to come to the realization that EVERYTHING you put into your body has an impact. Whether you're eating a walnut or a doughnut, it will change every cell in your body at some level. Food is truly that powerful. It's time we start to leverage this to look and feel the way that we want. I often tell people that food isn't just food, it's information. And we need to start asking questions like: What kind of information am I putting into my body? Before you make a decision to eat a food, take a supplement, or take a drug, just take a second and contemplate what this substance is commanding your body to do. Are you making a food choice that is commanding your body to secrete more insulin than it can handle, store more fat, and damage your metabolism? You can literally command your body to do this with a bottle of Mountain Dew. Are you taking a synthetic supplement that will overstimulate your nervous system and make you think that you have mo

  • TMHS 068: Boost Your Fat Loss With These 5 Tips For A Healthy Liver

    10/09/2014 Duração: 53min

    You're going to be shocked to find out how much your liver function impacts your body's fat loss (or lack thereof). Your liver is often referred to as the "second brain" of your body, and for good reason. Your liver has responsibilities in regulating hormone function, assimilating nutrients, and handling insulin, just to name a few. All of these functions are critical to your health, and all of these functions are also critical to your metabolism. When looking to lose body fat, we tend to jump to the "external" things we can do, not understanding that fat loss is really an inside job. It's the function and performance of your body's major fat-burning organs that will tell the tale of your fat loss long-term. We need to do everything in our power to support these major organs in being as healthy as possible. This is really the key to losing fat and keeping it off. Today you're going to discover how to enhance the function of a member of the royal family of fat loss organs. Long live the liver! Enjoy! In this e

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