The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 991:45:36
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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.


  • TMHS 067: 5 Health & Performance Tips For Entrepreneurs (And Anyone Interested In High Performance Overall!)

    03/09/2014 Duração: 45min

    Whether you consider yourself an entrepreneur or not, there are facets of your life that you need to run the lead on. You may be the CEO of a major organization, or the CEO of your house and kids. The word entrepreneur comes from the French word entreprende which means 'to undertake'. When you undertake the responsibility of being the boss, it's essential that you know how to keep your health and energy up to par. Many entrepreneurs don't do well because they don't feel well. Many more entrepreneurs have no idea about the profits and impact they're leaving on the table because they don't have the energy to move on opportunities when they present themselves. As a matter of fact, they are missing on opportunities left and right because they can't even see them in the first place! There is a story of a man walking along who was always frustrated, irritated, and in poor health. He tripped over something sticking up out of the ground, and cursed at it as he stumbled to catch his balance. He never looked down, just

  • TMHS 066: How Food Impacts Your Genetics And 4 Steps For Reaching Your Highest Genetic Potential

    27/08/2014 Duração: 44min

    I remember R&B artist Genuwine had a hit song called "In Those Jeans" a few years back. Though the spelling is different from the genes we're talking about here today, the objective is still the same. Let me explain... The song is about getting in the jeans of the hottest person possible. Sexually charged: Yes. Unintentionally scientific: You better believe it. We all want to get in the genes of our most vibrant, healthy and attractive self. Understanding that you do, in fact, have the power to change your genetic expression is one of the most important discoveries you'll ever make. Our society has been indoctrinated with this idea that your genes control everything about you. Your genes are the governing entity that will determine your health and longevity, and even control your success in life to a large extent. This is called genetic determinism, but it's really the best free pass ever to give up on yourself. Overweight: Can't control it, it's my genes. Diabetic: Can't control it, it's my genes. Cancer

  • TMHS 065: How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence And Transform Your Relationships - With Jordan Harbinger

    20/08/2014 Duração: 52min

    Do you consider yourself an intelligent person? What about an emotionally intelligent person? Your answer to the first question better be, "Yes!" (you're reading this empowering information aren't you... sheesh). Your answer to the second question better be a stronger, "Yes!" or at least, "I'm definitely working on it." What is emotional intelligence, and why is it important? Emotional intelligence encompasses so much that it's impossible to drill it down into a simple meaning. Rather, I'll share with you two of the most profound components of it. Emotional intelligence is being able to feel how you want, when you want, and to guide your own behavior accordingly (that's part one). Emotional intelligence is being able to monitor other people's emotions, and to utilize that emotional data to influence and navigate relationships (that's part two, and it's definitely in the secret sauce). We are often indoctrinated with the belief that the environment will dictate how we feel. We live in constant reaction mode be

  • TMHS 064: Exercise Success Secrets, Optimizing Hormones, And Beating Depression - With Ameer Rosic

    13/08/2014 Duração: 43min

    To be the best, you need to learn from the best. We can avoid so much of the typical struggle period in getting what we want if we simply follow those that have come before us. Why try and reinvent the wheel when we're not just rolling, but flying now? If you're going to play at a high level, you've got to have the audacity to immerse yourself in the best, cutting-edge information. With The Model Health Show I strive to deliver the most potent, engaging, and useful information possible. I also strive to bring you the best of the best in their respective fields so that you get the wisdom straight from the source. Today you're going to learn from one of the best. Ameer Rosic is my guest today, and he's here to share some of the most valuable exercise and nutrition information that you'll ever come across. Simple, effective, and yours for the taking. Just check out all the greatness you're about to learn. In this episode you'll discover: How Ameer ended up behind bars and the transformation it caused in his lif

  • TMHS 063: Why You Need To Detox, Bulletproof Your Kidneys, And Sleep For Success - With Sheleana Jennings

    06/08/2014 Duração: 43min

    Everyday the vast majority of your body's energy is used to digest, assimilate, and eliminate the resources you consume. The resources I'm speaking of are the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, and the air that you breathe. Today, we only experience a fraction of our body's true potential energy. So much of our energy is being tied up in digesting food that our bodies are unable to do the deeper house cleaning that we truly need. Your body's first priority is to handle the food that's coming into it because that's your cellular frontline. What comes in your mouth can take you out of this life fast, so your immune system and other support must be present in your gut and on guard at all times. Add to that the fact that today we have endless meals being thrown in there and we've got a serious energy siphoning happening. Most of us don't know the art and science of eating lightly or fasting for even a short time period. For many of us, breakfast is being pushed through by lunch, is pushed through by dinner, is

  • TMHS 062: Deadly Calories, The Truth About Fruit, And Exercise Hacks With Jonathan Bailor

    30/07/2014 Duração: 51min

    Can losing weight really be that difficult? Isn't it as simple as eat less, burn more, and you'll see that scale move, or did we all just miss the memo? Millions of people worldwide struggle with conventional weight loss methods each year, and less than 10 percent of them keep the weight off long-term. Logically speaking, there is a glaring hole in the way that standard diet and weight loss information is being disseminated. The system is broken. Badly broken. And in order to take back control of our health, we have to shift our attention to things that truly matter. Our misguided focus on controlling calories as the means for weight loss has resulted in rates of obesity and diabetes skyrocketing in the last few decades. Today it's time to make a change, and expose The Calorie Myth for good! Our guest, New York Times Bestselling Author Jonathan Bailor, is here to share game-changing insights about weight loss, exercise, food cravings, and a whole lot more. In this episode you'll discover: Why cutting or addi

  • TMHS 061: 7 Fat Loss Herbs That Really Work (And Supplement Mistakes To Avoid!)

    23/07/2014 Duração: 58min

    Whenever you hear "billion dollar industry" your ears should perk up automatically. With the supplement industry banking billions of dollars each year, there are more and more products hitting the store shelves all the time. More money in play, and more unregulated claims, means someone is usually getting screwed along the way. That somebody is you, the consumer. So, which fat loss herbs really work? And how do they stack up to the other lifestyle factors like diet, sleep, and exercise? Today you're going to find out the surprising truth about these 7 fat loss herbs, plus critical supplement information that will help you make better decisions for a lifetime. In this episode you'll discover: Why most fat loss herbs don't actually work. The medicinal herb clinically shown to block your body from producing more fat. How caffeine works in burning fat (this is must know information!) Why your unique metabolism determines how caffeine will work for you. Why some sources of coffee can be dangerous for your health.

  • TMHS 060: Improve Your Skin Naturally, Clear Up Acne, And 7 Tips To Have The Best Skin Ever!

    16/07/2014 Duração: 56min

    Have you ever heard the saying, "First impressions last a lifetime"? Whether it's true or not, we make snap judgements about people upon meeting them for the first time. It's built into us as an evolutionary advantage to be critical, recognize patterns, and to observe the health and safety of those around us. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are judging and being judged with each and every person that we meet. And the very first thing that people see when in close contact with us is the health (or lack thereof) of our skin. Our skin is a symbol of vitality. It is the outermost representation of what's going on with our overall health. On the surface level we want clear, radiant skin to be more attractive to the world around us. On a deeper level our skin can be an indicator of potential (or even chronic) health problems. Our skin isn't just something superficial to look at, it's one of of best resources for monitoring our internal health and well-being. Today you're going to learn about your skin in a

  • TMHS 059: How To Live And Eat Healthy With A Busy Lifestyle - With Sarah Fragoso

    09/07/2014 Duração: 47min

    Many people feel that their busy schedules can be overwhelming at times. And it's typically during the overwhelm that the not-so-good decisions are made with what we eat, drink, and participate in. To quote the wise sage Morpheus on this one, "Welcome to the real world." By the way, if you haven't seen The Matrix yet, drop down and give me 20 pushups because that's just unacceptable... Okay, now you may read on. :) Life isn't going to be slowing down any time soon. There will always be something to do, someplace to be, and someone that needs your time and energy. The big "ah-ha" message to takeaway from all of this is that you literally cannot manage time. Time is just going to happen, you can't do anything about that. But what you can do is manage YOURSELF, and therein lies your true power. I've brought on a very special guest to share with you some strategies to help you navigate this world of never-ending responsibilities and take full control of your health and well-being. Now, don't forget to add family

  • TMHS 058: How The Work You Do Impacts Your Health And Happiness - With John Lee Dumas

    02/07/2014 Duração: 38min

    Health is much bigger than finding a diet and exercise program that work well for you. Your health is something that's always in flux... it's holistic, multi-dimensional, and far beyond a banana and some sit-ups. One of the biggest pieces of health that's unwisely overlooked is happiness. That's right, your level of happiness has a huge impact on your health for many powerful underlying reasons. For starters, research published by the Harvard University School of Public Health shows that happiness and an overall optimistic attitude cut the risk of heart disease in half for 6,000 study participants who were tracked over a 20 year period. Another study that included more than 3,000 people over the course of 8 years found that happier people maintained better physical health and mobility as they aged. And this is only half the story... This same study also found that the unhappiest participants were 80 percent more likely to develop physical impairments as they aged. Unhappiness caused a sustained activation of

  • TMHS 057: 7 Tips To Influence Your Friends And Family To Live A Healthier Lifestyle

    25/06/2014 Duração: 47min

    When we truly love someone, we want to see them thrive. We want the best for them, and we want to see them happy. In our world today, too many people are struggling day-to-day with their health. They are barely surviving, let alone thriving. And often times they have no idea things can change, or no motivation to do anything about it. It can be one of the hardest things in life to see someone you love struggling with their health… especially when you know just how good it can actually be. Today you're going to find out some powerful ways to help motivate your friends and family to take better care of themselves. Sometimes it's not the message itself, but how it's delivered that can make all the difference in the world. That's why today you're also going to learn what NOT to do when communicating with the people you care about if you really want to effect change in their life. This is essential stuff, and very powerful… so use the forces for good young Jedi. In this episode you'll discover: Why we feel a deep

  • TMHS 056: How To Improve Your Memory, Read Faster, And Access Your Superhero Powers

    18/06/2014 Duração: 43min

    What if you were able to read an entire book every day of your life? Can you imagine how much knowledge you'd have access to? And can you see how valuable you'd become as a leader in business as well as your personal life? It's well known that we're only using a small fraction of what our brains are capable of. There is so much that the human mind can achieve if we only knew how to access it, and today you're going to learn the first steps. My guest is a world-renowned learning expert, who does, in fact, read a book a day. He will share with you how he's no more extraordinary than you are, and how it's just a matter of learning some basic tools to access your superhuman potential. In this episode you'll discover: How someone with learning difficulties became a world-leading memory expert. How school teaches us what to learn but not HOW to learn. Why extremely successful leaders and celebrities look for ways to improve their brain. How Jim Kwik ended up on a airplane with the cast of X-Men: Days of Future Pas

  • TMHS 055: Why We Age - What Will Make You Age Faster - And How To Stay Younger, Longer

    11/06/2014 Duração: 43min

    Have you ever wondered why you look radically different from when you were a 1-year old baby? I mean, what happened?! Was this big 'ol body really contained within that little body? Today you're going to find out how we actually age, and demystify most of the taboo subject of aging. We're also going to discuss, in-depth, what can actually accelerate your aging process, and cause you to decline in function much sooner than you are genetically wired to. Plus, we're going to get into the good stuff and talk about the latest anti-aging research. You're going to learn newly discovered secrets that actually hold the key to possibly turning back the clock and revealing a younger, healthier version of you. Get ready, because this is powerful! In this episode you'll discover: How specific structures within your body can tell you how long you're going to live. Why your DNA is able to "print out" different copies of you (this is a MUST KNOW!) What the Hayflick Limit is and how it impacts the life of your cells. Why you

  • TMHS 054: Sleep Smarter - The Connection Between Sleep, Sex, Income, And Fat Loss

    04/06/2014 Duração: 40min

    Initially I was surprised to find out that poor sleep quality has been linked to financial debt and lower income. In our culture, we're led to believe that in order to be successful you've got to burn the midnight oil, keep working hard until you make it, and you can always sleep when you're dead. And there lies the problem. According to the research, if you're not more mindful of your sleep quality, your chances of dying prematurely can skyrocket. And not only that, the very money that you're sacrificing sleep to make, will be the same money you pay to try to get your health back again. Today is a powerhouse show that's going to help you optimize your sleep, be more productive, and add more vitality into your life. You're going to learn incredible insights about the connection between sleep and sex, how sleep is the secret to long-term fat loss, plus a whole lot more. Fair warning: This may cause you to have the best sleep ever! In this episode you'll discover: Why we tend to sacrifice sleep for other thing

  • TMHS 053: Getting A Mindset Makeover, Food Cravings, And Food Separatism With Alex Jamieson

    28/05/2014 Duração: 45min

    Everyday, people all over the world are adopting a healthier lifestyle. More people are going vegan, paleo, primal, or "real food" than ever before. What's causing this cultural shift is: 1) people are sick and tired of being sick and tired and 2) beliefs about food bind us together, create communities, and communities inherently grow. With the internet eliminating the borders of people sharing ideas, beliefs, and insights, these communities are expanding rapidly. Even though the health conversation has exploded worldwide, different views by different communities can bring people together AND tear people apart. We're going to talk in depth about this today. We're also going to talk with our special guest, Alex Jamieson, about her experience being a part of the Oscar nominated film Supersize Me. She's going to share the intimate effects it had on her life, as well as our culture at large. We're going to cover food cravings, raw vs. cooked food, mistakes people make on diets, plus a whole lot more. Get ready, b

  • TMHS 052: Exercise & Sports Injury Healing And Prevention

    21/05/2014 Duração: 48min

    There is no such thing as a welcomed injury. When you're rolling along enjoying your sport or exercise, an injury can make you out-of-sorts, in pain, and even depressed. So, what do we need to heal quickly from an injury? And better yet, what do we need to do to prevent more injuries in the first place? That's what we're covering in today's show. You're about to learn how my recent run-in with pain can become your path to bulletproofing yourself against injury. Today I'm going to share with you some of the best tips I've learned from the world's top physical therapists, and tiny things you can do that will make all the difference in the world. Whether you were injured in the past, dealing with an injury now, or just looking to be healthy and active way into the future, you're going to receive some valuable tools in this episode. In this episode you'll discover: The painful injury I unknowingly caused myself to have over 10 times. Why practitioners usually look in the wrong place when you have an injury.

  • TMHS 051: The Answer To Cancer - With Bestselling Author Ty Bollinger

    14/05/2014 Duração: 44min

    I recently gave a short presentation in front of a group of over 7,000 people. They were all there as cancer survivors, or the loved ones of those who've survived or who have lost their fight. This event really sparked something in me. To witness a sea of people all coming together for one purpose, but to not know what the cause of this disease is really broke my heart. Honestly, I have spoken for audiences big and small; high pressure situations and euphoric situations alike. None of those instances phased me much. But this event made it difficult for me to speak. I wanted to yell, and scream that this doesn't have to happen! I wanted to take each person by the hand, sit them down, and talk about how we can end this struggle, and make a better life for our future generations. Instead, I had just a few minutes to give them some hope... And to give them something valuable to walk away with to better the chances in their fight. Well, I know that fighting is not the road to take. It's bigger than a fight. It's s

  • TMHS 050: How To Change Your Taste Buds, Find Fresher Foods, And Kill Parasites

    07/05/2014 Duração: 42min

    You're going to be shocked when you find out what some food manufacturers are doing with your food. How do we know our food is actually safe, and who can we trust? We're going to dive into these topics today, as well as many other powerhouse tips and strategies to be as healthy as possible. A big part of success in long-term health is actually having a deep desire for healthy foods. Some people crave broccoli, while others crave donuts... What makes the difference in what foods you're driven to eat? You're about to find out today. We're also going to go into seven specific tips to change your taste buds. You're going to learn how to establish a healthy palate and actually desire more life-giving foods. So, whether you're a "seasoned" health veteran, or totally new to the game, you're about to discover lots of amazing things to help you spice things up. In this episode you'll discover: How parents can unknowingly create poor eating habits for children. My 25-year salad story (this is my ultimate confession).

  • TMHS 049: The Wild Diet And Smart Exercise With The Fat-Burning Man Abel James

    30/04/2014 Duração: 38min

    Have you heard of The Wild Diet? Are you interested in exercising less, eating more, and having a better body as a result of it? Well, today we're welcoming the Fat-Burning Man, Abel James, to the show. Abel is the host of one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the world. He features many of the top health experts on the planet (including yours truly :)) who come on to share their very best stuff. Abel has been a real spark maker in the health field the last few years. He's created an amazing platform to have these important conversations, and talk about the intelligent direction we really need to taking things. You're going to find out the interesting story about how Abel got started in all of this, and what Ninja Turtles and house fires have to do with it. Plus, we're also going to discuss Abel's own personal health practices while running a successful business and sharing his message with the world. In this episode you'll discover: Why changing your body composition and health might be easier than

  • TMHS 048: You Can't Touch This! The Benefits Of Massage Outweigh Medication

    23/04/2014 Duração: 41min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're looking at the many benefits of massage therapy. Massage has been clinically proven to help reduce depression and anxiety, improve hormone function, and boost the immune system. There are very few treatments that have such a wide array of benefits, and the history of massage itself may surprise you. Massage therapy is documented in some of the most storied ancient traditions (which you'll learn about today). Yet, even though it has a rich history, and it's clinically proven to be effective, massage has it fallen out of practice in modern medicine. Today you're going to understand why, and how massage is making a huge comeback in treatment for health and wellness. There are many forms and "styles" of massage to choose from. I've personally experienced deep tissue massage, Thai massage, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish massage, and even massage derived from Ayurveda. They all have unique aspects, but they all provide tremendous value when administered by a trai

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