John G. Sutton

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Psychic World with John Sutton - Wednesdays 8 PM Pacific 11 PM EasternWhat dreams may come Are you seeking guidance Do you doubt life Psychic World is where paranormal mysteries, supernatural and psychic phenomena are decoded by one of Britain's top psychic-mediums and clairvoyants John G. Sutton. Precognitive visions, dreams, voices from beyond the veil, ghosts, spirits, elemental beings and most importantly your fate and fortune are seen. The incredible psychic John G. Sutton is your host ...


  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton and his Co-Host Countess Starella: Haunted Houses - Is your house haunted?


    many people believe that they have a ghost in their home. John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will be discussing the idea that phantoms and apparitions are something more than figments of the imagination. John has over thirty years experience of investigating the paranormal and Starella is a native of the Voodoo city New Orleans.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton and his Co-Host Countess Starella: Poetry of the Soul - the Power of Poetry


    Do you have a favorite poem that seems to touch your soul? John G. Sutton and Countess Starella are considering the power of poetry to inspire and enrich our lives. From an early age John found himself almost entranced by the mystical magic of poetry and recalls reading 'Silver' by Walter de la Mare as a boy and being fascinated by the way the imagery moved his mind. Starella has used poetry in her personal meditation classes and believes that reading poetry aloud changes the atmosphere and alleviates tension. You can call in and discuss your own favorite poem or any matter that may be causing you concern. John and Starella will welcome your call.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Peak Experiences - Are you living your life on Auto-Pilot?


    Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Countess Starella are looking at the way most of us allow ourselves to meander through our days almost as if we are being controlled by some invisible being programmed to take us from point A to point B without us having to pay any attention. John has studied with the famous philosopher and author Colin Wilson who says that our lives should contain Peak Experiences that make us aware that we are alive. Countess Starella has had a lifelong belief that each day must contain her best efforts and that is how she lives her life. You can call in and discuss your personal problems with John and Starella, they will be pleased to help you find a way to enjoy Peak Experiences yourself. Make that call.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Hollywood Legends - Steve Rowland joins John G. Sutton and Countess Starella to talk about his amazing life.


    Steve Rowland the star of many Hollywood films and a recording artiste, record producer and author has a new TV series being filmed based on his fast selling book Hollywood Heat: The Untold Stories and in this show he will be telling John and The Countess all about his incredible experiences working with the likes of Chuck Conners, Elvis Presley, Led Zeplin, P. J. Proby and many of the top pop groups of London's swinging sixties.Is Hollywood haunted? John was there in 1999 and produced a psychic show on Hollywood Blvd. at The Vogue Theatre which was, he says, full of many discarnate spirits. The Countess featured on stage at various venues in Hollywood where she performed alongside such famous artistes as BB King. You are invited to call in and speak with John and The Countess so make that call.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Soulmates and Twin-Flames - Do you believe that there is in this world one true love for you that is your eternal 'soulmate'?


    John G. Sutton and the amazing Countess Starella will be looking at the meaning of true love inviting you to call in to discuss this with them. John has been married for almost 44 years and says he found his 'Twin-Flame' lover at the age of twenty though he states that his wife Mary had known he was the one since she first saw him delivering her newspaper when he was just thirteen years of age. Countess Starella met her true love the Russian Count under a mystical, magical moon and says as soon as their eyes met in the moonlight she recognized him as her everlasting soulmate. You can call in and talk direct to John or Starella and ask them to use their developed psychic powers to look at you and your personal love life. Make that call.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Superstitions - Do you believe in bad luck?


    Have you ever made a wish on seeing a shooting star? Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will be looking at superstitious beliefs and discussing if there may be any logical basis for them. John says that he has always believed that for him spiders bring good luck and recalls how a little spider dropped on to his right hand immediately before he received a telephone call offering him a publishing contract. Countess Starella was living in Russia when she saw a strange formation of birds circling above her home, she watched amazed as they suddenly turned and flew as one heading west. That same day she received news she was to return to the USA. You can call in and speak with John and The Countess about your own superstitions or just ask a personal question. John G. Sutton and Countess Starella are waiting to help so do call.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Mythological Mysteries - John and his amazing co-host the incredible Countess Starella will be looking at what may lie behind some of the myths of ancient cultures such as the Gree


    John has visited many of the world's most celebrated spiritual locations which are featured in the works of ancient philosophers and writers such as Plato. In the ruined palace at Knossos on the Greek island of Crete John tuned in his psychic powers to the mysterious Minotaur, a creature half man-half bull that was imprisoned in a labyrinth. Countess Starella visited numerous sacred sites in Japan where she encountered the discarnate spirits of Japanese Warriors whose sworn duty was to protect the divine Emperor. You are invited to call in and ask either John or Starella your questions and they will be delighted to help you using their developed psychic powers. This is a show that will make you think.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Countess Starella: Do You Believe in Superstitions and Omens? Call-in and ask your questions.


    There is a widely held superstitious belief that if a cat crosses your path then good or bad luck will follow, but it is not so simple as that it seems to depend on whether the cat crosses from right to left or left to right. Plus is it a white cat or a black cat? You just have to know your superstitions. John himself has always held a belief that spiders bring good luck, especially if one lands on your hand it means money is coming. Countess Starella has a long fascination with birds and believes that if a bird taps on your house window it is a bad omen. But on a positive note Countess believes that seeing an owl in flight indicates great good fortune in time ahead. John and the Countess will be discussing superstitions and omens so do call in and ask your questions. You can discuss personal matters or ask about your own favorite superstition.

  • Psychic World with Host John G. Sutton and Co-Host Countess Starella: Celebrity Ghosts - film stars, pop singers, presidents, royalty, and famous writers all move on from this material world into the next dim


    There is no death what there is in fact is another world, another dimension where in our etheric or spirit bodies we survive with our personalities intact. This week Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will be looking at what happens when individuals who in this life were famous pass over into the next world. Do they maintain their celebrity status? John has personally encountered the discarnate spirits of numerous famous and infamous people. Countess Starella met in life the film star Vincent Price and after his passing she encountered his spirit in her kitchen when she was cooking and he gave her some advice on the preparation of the meal. You are invited to call in and ask John or the Countess about their experiences or ask about your own personal issues. Psychic World is all about you.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Spirit Guides with Co-Host Countess Starella


    John G. Sutton and Countess Starella this week look at the widely held belief in Spirit Guides. John states that since the passing of his father Frank Sutton he has seen his materialized spirit many times and hears his voice offering guidance. Countess Starella says her Guides include her late husband a Russian Count and many famous musicians in the spirit world who guide her on a daily basis. You can call in and ask John or The Countess about your own spirit guides or any other personal question.

  • Strange Reports of Haunting in Houses and Ancient Castles with Co-Host Countess Starella


    John G. Sutton the UK based psychic-medium has personally investigated many seriously haunted houses and says that in his experience, discarnate entities that in life committed horrible crimes such as murder, may not accept their appointed place in the next life and therefore become trapped between two worlds. Countess Starella has toured the world investigating paranormal phenomena and was once involved in a mysterious case of a poltergeist haunting in a mansion house on the outskirts of Moscow. You will be astounded by John's account of visiting Loch Ness in Scotland and encountering a phantom within the ruins of Urquart Castle there on the shores of that vast lake. Do you believe in ghosts? Listen this week to Psychic World and maybe call in to tell John G. Sutton or Countess Starella about your personal experiences of ghostly happenings. Or call in and ask your questions about anything you believe John or The Countess can help you with. Make that call.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: The Inexplicable Power of Absent Healing with Co-Host Countess Starella


    John G. Sutton and Countess Starella will this week be looking at the incredible and seemingly inexplicable power of absent healing. That is healing which is carried out by a gifted healer using only prayer or the projected power of thought by telepathy. Absent healing, John says, means exactly that, the subject receiving the healing power is not present and may even be at the other side of the world to the individual transmitting the invisible and intangible force that heals. Countess Starella believes that certain individuals are given this amazing gift to help heal the sick. She says there is no scientific evidence to support the claims made for the success of absent healing but anecdotal evidence is incredibly strong. Both John and The Countess say that absent healing, or any other form of alternative help for sickness should only be used in conjunction with accepted medical practices carried out by a trained certified practitioner. You are invited to call in and discuss this subject with John and The Cou

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Haunted Cities - John and His Co-Host Countess Starella take a Look at Paranormal Phenomena in Two of the Worlds Most Haunted Cities


    John will be discussing his personal experiences of ghosts and mysterious sightings in and around London the capital city of Great Britain. John will explain how he encountered a phantom he believes may have been the ghost of Jack The Ripper in Mitre Square the site of one horrible unsolved murder. Countess Starella is certain she met the earth bound phantom of a long dead Voodoo Priest as she walked through the moonlit streets of New Orleans one late November night. You are invited to call in and ask your questions. There is no need to be afraid....honest.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Paranormal Pets - Britain's most respected psychic clairvoyant John G. Sutton and his amazing co-host Countess Starella will be looking at the astounding world of paranormal animal


    Dogs and cats that can apparently see the future and take action to protect their owners. Ghost pets that appear and communicate with their former owners just as they did in life. John G. Sutton is the author of the international best selling book Psychic Pets that contains many strange supernatural stories of animals involved in paranormal adventures. Countess Starella has experienced numerous instances of pets returning from the world beyond and she once encountered the ghost of a long gone wolf howling at the moon on the outskirts of Moscow. If you have ever owned and loved a pet and wondered will they be waiting on the other side to welcome you, then you simply must listen in to John G. Sutton and Countess Starella as they discuss Paranormal Pets. You can call in and speak to either John or The Countess direct. Remember this show Psychic World is all about you.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton and his Co-Host Countess Starella: Creative Powers and Gifts. We are all born with them - learn how they can be developed.


    John G. Sutton and his co-host the incredible Countess Starella will be looking at how people with creative powers can use these to their best effect. John is himself an internationally published author and poet, Countess Starella is a trained Jazz and Blues singer, they will be telling you how they tuned in to their own creative energies to achieve success. John says: People have personal powers, gifts that they are born with that really can be developed and used to bring happiness and achievement, you can do it if you try. The Countess believes that each one of us has something very special to bring to this world and all can discover their individual powers if they just dare to dream. You are invited to call in and discuss your hopes, aims and ambitions with John and The Countess, ask your questions and discover the truth that is seen by their amazing psychic insights. You really can make that call.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-host Countess Starella: Elemental Beings....Do the Fairies Believe in You?


    Psychic medium John G. Sutton and his co-host the amazing Countess Starella will consider the concept that it is not so much if you believe in the fairies but more do the fairies believe in you. John has spent the last four years investigating the remote wilds of England's Lake District in the county of Cumbria UK searching for elemental beings such as Goblins, Elves, Fairies and Gnomes. He has accumulated hundreds of photographs that he believes are good evidence that within the woodlands, streams, lakes and waterfalls of Cumbria there are numerous areas where elemental beings exist. In this weeks show John and the amazing psychic lady Countess Starella will be taking you on a journey of discovery into the wonderful world of fairies where mystical magical beings reside and yes they do believe in John and the Countess but do they believe in you? Do call in and ask your questions

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton and Co-Host Countess Starella: Thaumaturlogical Healing or Healing by Unseen Powers


    John G. Sutton and his amazing co-host the incredible psychic Countess Starella will this week be looking at Thaumaturlogical Healing. That is healing conducted without recourse to any accepted medical or physical intervention, in other words by mysterious seemingly magical or miraculous means. John himself has been given the astonishing power to help by projecting healing vibrations to those seeking relief from illness. John says that anyone who is sick should seek proper accepted treatment from a certified medical practitioner and always follow the professional advice given. The healing by unseen powers will, he believes, help and it is perfectly harmless as there is no physical contact made. Countess Starella believes that her own healing powers help those in need through a change in their energy field brought about by her brilliant voice. You can call in and speak with John or Starella and ask your questions about healing or any subject that is close to your heart. This show is all about you, your hopes,

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: SPIRITUAL MUSIC - Can Spirits Compose or Perhaps Inspire Songs? Co-host Countess Starella


    One of Great Britain's most respected psychic mediums John G. Sutton with his co-host the amazing Countess Starella will be examining the hypothesis that discarnate entities write songs through gifted psychic mediums who act as a channel. Historically the classical music composer Mozart composed his first full orchestral symphony at the age of nine years, he was an incredible musical prodigy. It was not simply that Mozart created music, he composed in a completely new style of contrapuntal complexity that before him had never been heard. There is a theory that Mozart suffered from what we now term Tourettes Syndrome and he was known to have a scatological sense of humour. So prodigious was his output of music that it took many years to actually catalogue his work following his early death at the age of 35. John G. Sutton suggests that Mozart's astounding ability was not learnt a step at a time, as evidence shows he was teaching his teachers by the age of just 7 years. John's hypothesis is that Mozart was a ch

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Love dreams of love come true? Co-host Countess Starella joins John


    One of Britain's top psychic mediums John G. Sutton along with the amazing Countess Starella will be looking into the spiritual truth behind this concept. To dream of being in love with someone you know is a clear sign that you subconsciously yearn for romance. If you dream of being in love with a friend it can mean that this interpersonal relationship is strong and mutual trust and respect exists in abundance. However if you dream of being in love with a close relative, such as a brother or sister, the omens are far less positive as such a dream foretells the forthcoming fermentation of close kin complexities and conflict. Not all people are able to recall with any degree of clarity their dreams but for those that can the messages within may help to open a door to enhanced understanding of the mystery of life and what lies beyond. John G. Sutton and his astounding co-host Countess Starella invite you to make that call and ask your Love Dream question or whatever else you would like to ask.

  • Psychic World with John G. Sutton: Alien Visitations with Co-Host Countess Starella


    This week Psychic World asks are we, citizens of planet Earth, being visited by Alien Beings? Join one of Britain's top psychic mediums: John G. Sutton and his wonderful co-host Countess Starella as they will be discussing the idea that beings from beyond our Earth are visiting and possibly interacting with us. John has himself been witnessing UFO sightings since he was a boy in the year 1957 when his father stopped the car they were traveling in and pointed out strange lights moving in the sky above a hill in the county of Lancashire UK. John's father advised he must never speak of what he had seen, no doubt because as a serving Police Officer he did not want to risk the ridicule. Countess Starella has seen many inexplicable flying objects in the skies around the world and once saw a huge UFO in the city of Moscow in Russia. John believes that Aliens have been visiting and interacting with human beings since time began. You can call and discuss this subject or ask your personal questions to either John G. Su

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