Mylife: Chassidus Applied

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 365:22:53
  • Mais informações



MyLife: Chassidus Applied Podcast by Simon Jacobson addresses the personal and emotional needs of our community by answering the most pressing questions of our lives -- from the perspective of Chassidic thought. The podcast demonstrates how the Torah provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Get unlimited free downloads of MP3 recordings o


  • Ep. 513: What Can We Do Differently and Better This Elul to Ensure That 5785 Will Be a Great Year?

    16/09/2024 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:How can Elul help us during these trying times?  What can we do differently and better this Elul to ensure that 5785 will be a great year?  Can you explain in practical terms how I can connect to the king in the field?  Why don’t we find Elul and its special customs mentioned in the Talmud or the Rambam?  What is the proper translation of kesiva v'chasima tova?  Did the Rebbe say that his favorite prayer is modeh ani?  13 Elul  15 Elul  18 Elul  As an introverted artist uncomfortable with reaching out to curators and galleries, what more can I do to get my art out there?   What does the opening verse teach us?  What is its connection to Elul?  If the curses in this week’s chapter are really deep hidden blessings, why do we read them in an undertone, and no one is called up to that reading?  Why does it take 40 years to truly understand the Torah and have a complete relationship with Hashem?  What more can we do to release

  • Ep. 512: How Do We Respond to Arguments Claiming That Jews Are Racists?

    09/09/2024 Duração: 01h05min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:How does Elul empower us today?   How can we ensure that the 13 Divine attributes of compassion radiating this month manifest in our collective and personal lives – in helping secure the release of the hostages, in bringing us blessings in our livelihood, health, children etc.?  Should we buy lottery tickets this month?  What accounting (cheshbon ha’nefesh) should we be doing during this month?   Is Elul initiated from above or from below?  Why is it the “king” and not the “queen” in the field?  Is everything in Judaism centered around men?  How does the Alter Rebbe’s example relate to our times when kings don’t go out into the field?  Should leaders be going out into the “field”?  Why do we blow shofar every day in Elul in preparation for Rosh Hashana and don’t eat matzah every day for a month in preparation for Pesach?  Why do we pray at a tzaddik’s resting place during this month?  How is this reconciled with the prohibition of “praying t

  • Ep. 511: Enlisting in the IDF How should we defend ourselves from antisemitic attacks? 

    03/09/2024 Duração: 01h05min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does the month of Elul teach us today?   How Elul empowers us with strength in threatening times?  Which names describe the month of Elul?  What is the meaning of the “king is in the field”?  What specific things should we be doing during this month?  What unique power and energy does this month have?  What is its historical background?  60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays  Is this month an opportune time for receiving blessings to have children?  What can prospective parents do during this time to manifest these blessings?  How is this month connected with the geulah?  Who initiates the effort in this month – we or G-d?  What is the meaning of ani l’dodi v’dodi li?  What responsibility do we have in these times of challenge and war?  Would it be wrong and considered a lack of emunah to move into a bunker for the next few years and come out after the wars end?  After the great divine revelation at Sinai how could the

  • Ep. 510: Will War in Israel Ever End?

    28/08/2024 Duração: 01h07min

    MyLife Chassidus Applied: Where YOUR questions are answered Donate now: For recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier. Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Will war in Israel ever end? 01:34 • How should we react to the latest events in Northern Israel and Lebanon? 08:27 • What can we do? 09:30 • Did the prophets predict today’s war? 11:14 What does the transition from Av to Elul teach us today? 17:24 • How do these months empower us to turn challenges into opportunities and growth? 17:37 • Where do we see today the transformation of darkness to light? • Is a known adversary during the riots in Crown Heights in 1991 now supporting Israel? How do we bring light and truth into a world full of lies? • How do we overcome the appalling lies being propagated today? How can we not be disheartened and depressed by it all? • What can we do to advance the truth? • Does light automatically dispel all types of darkness, includ

  • Ep. 509: What Can We Do to Wake Up People Who Have Been Brainwashed by a False Narrative?

    19/08/2024 Duração: 01h04min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does the 15th of Av teach us today?   How does the cycle from destruction to rebuilding help us navigate the extremes in our times?   Why is this day such a great holiday, comparable to Yom Kippur?  How do we reconcile the great holiday of the 15th of Av with the rule that we must diminish in joy when the month of Av arrives?  Why did we break the axes on this day, and not just put them away to be used the next year?  I don’t see the Beis Hamikdash on Shabbos Chazon. What am I doing wrong?  Who will build the Third Temple?  How is this parsha connected to Moshiach?  Why is the time before Moshiach called “ikvesa d’meshicha”?  Should we be concerned that our lack of unity may negatively impact today’s events?  What can we do to increase unity?  How can we help steer Muslim fundamentalists to change course and live peacefully with their neighbors, as the Christians ultimately learned to do after centuries of aggression?   Before Mos

  • Ep. 508: What Does Tisha B’Av Teach Us Today? Is Israel Still the Safest Place on Earth?

    12/08/2024 Duração: 01h11min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does Tisha B’Av teach us today?    How does it empower us in difficult times?  What is its psychological application?  How do these days, and the general Jewish calendar, reflect the cycles of life?  Why are different prayers designated to different times of the year?  How do we explain Rabbi Akiva laughing when he saw destruction?  Is it appropriate for a family not to celebrate a child’s birthday in the month of Av?  Is someone born during this time of year destined to negative experiences, G-d forbid?  Why do we fast?  When was Moshiach born?  What is the connection between the sin of the scouts and the destruction of the Temple?  What was the difference between the sins that caused the destruction of the first and second Temples?   Why was baseless hatred the primary cause for the Temple’s destruction?  What can we do to increase unity?  Why does lashon hara affect the one spoken about?  How far are we from Moshiach’s comi

  • Ep. 507: Should We Be Afraid of Our Enemies Threatening Us?

    05/08/2024 Duração: 01h09min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What do the Nine Days teach us today?    What is the Rebbe’s unique approach to this saddest time of the year?  How does this period help us face challenges?  How does Rosh Chodesh Av empower us?  Can we expect that the sadness of this period will be transformed to joy?  Should we be afraid of our enemies threatening us?  What is the best way to fight our enemies?  What can we learn from this assassination in Tehran, in a private place?  Are we allowed to celebrate the deaths of our enemies?  Can we desecrate their graves?   What does the Torah say about offense being the best defense?   What should be our reaction to Israeli soldiers being arrested for abusing Hamas terrorists?  Why do we have an enemy that wants to destroy us in every generation?  Why isn't there greater emphasis on fighting radical Islam and its mandate to take over the world?  Did the Rebbe comment on the Islamic Revolution and Khomeini?  Should we st

  • Ep. 506: Should We Be Concerned About Kamala Harris Becoming President?

    29/07/2024 Duração: 59min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What do the Three Weeks teach us today?    How does this time period help us get through challenges?  Can we connect the latest tragic rocket attack killing 12 children and teens to this time of year?  Who is the destructive angel Ketev Meriri that is unleashed during the three weeks, and what can we do to protect ourselves from him?  Can we expect that the sadness of this period will be transformed to joy as the joy of Simchat Torah was transformed to tears on October 7th?  What is unique about the three Shabbosim of the Three Weeks?  Does fear of G-d include trembling?   What is the meaning of Matos and Masei, and what is the significance of their coming together?  Is Judaism rigid or fluid?  How do these Torah chapters empower us in the Three Weeks?  Are those living comfortably outside of Israel like the tribes of Reuven, Gad and half of Menashe?   What can we learn from this parsha about taking booty from Gaza?  What is the signif

  • Ep. 505: Should We Admonish Someone Who Is Not Keeping Torah and Mitzvos? Two Stories from the Frierdiker Rebbe

    25/07/2024 Duração: 01h04min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does 17 Tammuz teach us today?    How do the Three Weeks reflect the twists and turns and ups and downs of our life cycles?  Since Rabbi Akiva laughed because he saw that the destruction of the Temple is really a step toward its rebuilding, why do we mourn during the Three Weeks?   What do we learn from the breach of the Jerusalem walls?  What does Yerushalayim mean, and what is its message?   What lessons can we derive from Pinchas’ zealotry?  Should we be aggressive with someone who behaves immodestly?  Should we admonish someone who is not keeping Torah and mitzvos?  What is the significance of dividing the land by lots?  What can we learn from the daughters of Tzelafchad on how to address unfair situations in an appropriate and respectful manner?   Can we learn from Balaam that at times we may need to receive blessings from the “other side”?  Is it appropriate to express anger at G-d for allowing the events of October 7th? 

  • Ep. 504: How Should We React to the Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump?

    15/07/2024 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:Why is there so much upheaval and instability in the world today?  Is it a result of us being in transition from golus to geulah?  How did the Rebbe respond to the attempt against President Reagan in 1981?  What does it teach us about the state of today’s society and education?  Did the Rebbe embrace the US Presidents honoring and proclaiming the Rebbe’s birthday as National Education Day?  Should we run away from this country?  What should we do to repay and publicly praise Hashem for the miracle of saving Trumps life?  What can we learn from the fact that the actual freedom came a day later than the verdict?  If G-d could protect the Jews from Balaam, why didn’t He protect from Hamas?  Who is the worst enemy of the Jews?  What lessons can we derive from Pinchas’ zealotry?  What is the deeper meaning behind Moshe hitting the rock instead of speaking to it?  Is it possible that the tragic events of October 7th and the taking of

  • Ep. 503: How Should We Approach the 30th Anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz?

    08/07/2024 Duração: 01h06min

    MyLife Chassidus Applied: Where YOUR questions are answered Donate now: For recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier. Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: • What does Gimmel Tammuz teach us today? 0:55 • How should we approach the 30th anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz? 06:30 • What can we learn about Gimmel Tammuz from Joshua stopping the sun from setting on this day thousands of years ago? 15:00 38:00 • Can we explain why the geulah has not come all this time? 40:48 • Can we apply ben shloshim l’koach to giving us special strength this year to overcome any last obstacles that are holding back the final geulah? 17:14 • Did the Rebbe give us clear instructions on what to do after Gimmel Tammuz? 21:20 • Is there a reason the rabbis didn't mark this day as one of mourning or celebration (like Lag B’Omer)? 26:55 • Can we say “yom hilula” regarding Gimmel Tammuz? 28:50 • Was there any last instruction from the Rebbe before Gimmel Tammu

  • Ep. 502: How Should We React to the Israeli Court Ruling Forcing Haredim to Join the Army?

    05/07/2024 Duração: 01h13min

    MyLife Chassidus Applied: Where YOUR questions are answered Donate now: For recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier. Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What does this time period and Torah portion teach us today? • What do we learn from Chof Ches Sivan? 04:40 • Why does this day signify the beginning of a new era in history? 04:40 • What do we learn from Parshas Korach? 10:05 • What lessons do we derive from the Korach episode about leadership and uniting under one leader? 13:00 • What is the significance of Aaron’s rod sprouting almonds to prove that G-d chose him to be the high priest? 20:15 • Why did Korach want to be the high priest? 22:40 • Will he be a high priest in the future? 24:58 • What’s the story with Dasan and Aviram? 29:08 • What do we learn from the haftorah? 29:53 • How do we explain why the Jews so readily received the Torah but opposed entering the Promised Land incited by the scouts? 33:43 How should w

  • Ep. 501: Are Our Prayers Helping Free the Hostages and Win the War in Gaza?

    24/06/2024 Duração: 56min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this time period and Torah portion teach us today?    How do we apply the journey of the Jewish people in the wilderness toward the Promised Land to our life journey?  What do we learn from the sin of the scouts about facing the challenges in our life’s journeys?  What can we do during today's war and unrest to not repeat the same mistake as the scouts?  After the sin of the scouts, why were the Jews not given a chance to do teshuva?  Is it possible that the Geulah will be delayed due to our mistakes today?  What do we learn from lighting the menorah until the flames rise on their own?  What is the deeper meaning behind the Jews’ complaining that they want meat?  Is Canada different than the USA?  Why not conquer all of Gaza and settle it with Jews?  Are we allowed to launch missiles from our backyards into Gaza to help the war effort?  Should we try to shower the Gazans with kindness?  Should Israelis living near the b

  • Ep. 500: How Should We React to the Rescue of the Four Hostages?

    16/06/2024 Duração: 01h02min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: MyLife: Chassidus Applied Episode 500  Tribute to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky a”h  How should we react to the rescue of the four hostages?  What happened on this day 3336 years ago?  Why is it important for us to honor it?  What is Torah?  What is Torah from G-d's perspective?  Why was the Torah not given at the beginning of creation?  Why is it called Mattan Torah? Why is G-d giving us a gift?  Why did the Jews have to restrain themselves for three days before Mattan Torah?  Why don’t we dance with the Torah on Shavuot as we do on Simchat Torah?  Did we receive the Torah willingly or were we coerced?  Why is saying naaseh v’nishma considered such a big thing?  Why were crowns placed on the heads of the Jewish people at Sinai, and why did the angels and not G-d Himself place these crowns on their heads?  What is the significance of a crown (keser)?  What is the difference between the two levels of Keser, arich and atik?  How d

  • Ep. 499: Should We Be Concerned That America Will Turn Against Jews?

    04/06/2024 Duração: 01h03min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:MyLife 500 campaign  What assets and resources do we have to face life’s challenges?  The power of Torah and Chassidus   Transition from Iyar to Sivan  Rosh Chodesh Sivan: Like one man, with one heart  Bamidbar  Bechukosei  Omer  Should we be concerned that America will turn against Jews, and begin planning our exit strategy?  Can we compare events today to events that happened in Europe during the 30’s?  When do we escape danger and when do we remain?  How could the Frierdiker Rebbe visit Israel and then leave from there?  Should we be looking at the events of October 7 as deeper blessings hidden in the curses?  If the Palestinians turn out to be from the lost twelve tribes would we welcome them?  What should our reaction be to the Trump verdict?  Are we allowed to pray for him?  What does this time-period and Torah portion teach us today?  Is it significant that a group climbing Mt. Everest brought a Sefer Torah with the

  • Ep. 498: How Does Rabbi Shimeon Bar Yochai Help Us Deal with Our Present Challenges?

    26/05/2024 Duração: 01h10min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:MyLife 500 campaign  What does Lag B’Omer teach us today?  How does Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai help us deal with our challenges?  Why is this day so special?  What is the source that Lag B’Omer is the day of Rashbi’s Hilula?  Why can we listen to music and make weddings on Lag B’Omer?  Did the Rebbe suggest that we visit the Ohel on this day?  Is there an alternative for someone who can’t go to the Ohel?  Why don’t we celebrate with a parade on other special days of the year?  Why is there a custom to light bonfires on Lag B’Omer?  How could the students of Rabbi Akiva defy their teacher’s cardinal rule about loving another?  Why did the students of Rabbi Akiva die in an epidemic – does not respecting another warrant the death penalty?  Why do we say Lag B’Omer, but don’t say Tu B’Av?  Should we be relying on the segulos associated with Lag B’Omer?  Segulos don't seem to work for me. What should I do differently?  What can we learn fr

  • Ep 497: Should We Move to Israel Due to Fears of Rising Antisemitism?

    20/05/2024 Duração: 59min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What lessons and empowerment does this time-period and Torah portion offer us in facing today’s war?   What is the significance of the period between Pesach and Shavuos?  What does the month of Iyar teach us?  What is the connection between Rafah and healing?  What do we learn from Pesach Sheni?  How does counting the Omer help refine and strengthen us?  Weeks of Netzach and Hod: What are netzach and hod and what are their functions?  Behar: What does a “mountain” teach us?   Do the laws of Yovel apply today?  Beis Iyar  How to fight a war with a l’chatchila ariber attitude?  Who was the Rebbe Maharash named after and what do we learn from that?  Should we induce labor to give birth to a child on an auspicious day like Beis Iyar?  What do we learn from the soldiers that were tragically killed by “friendly fire”?  Is Israel the safest place on earth?  How do we reconcile the Rebbe’s statement that Israel is the safest place in the

  • Ep. 496:

    13/05/2024 Duração: 01h09min
  • Ep. 495: How Should We Respond to the Rebbe’s Call: “Do Everything You Can to Bring Moshiach”?

    06/05/2024 Duração: 01h10min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this time-period and Torah portion teach us today?   How does Pesach continue to empower us as we conclude Nissan?  How could we have celebrated Pesach with a free heart when our brothers and sisters are being held hostage by our enemies? Any advice on how to address my heavy heart?  Why did the liberating energy of Pesach not help the hostages be safely freed from captivity Don't they also deserve to have been free to enjoy the seder with their families?   Is there a prayer with which we can complain to G-d when He hurts us, just as there is the Hallel prayer to praise Him when He is kind to us?  Can we refrain from praising Hashem when our families are in danger?  What is the significance of praising G-d?  How can we say that Chizkiyahu did not say praise when he certainly said Hallel that Pesach?  Why was the tribe of Ephraim killed for leaving Egypt 30 years earlier? What did they do wrong?  What is a synopsis of the Rebb

  • Ep. 494: How Do the Miracles and Redemption of Pesach Empower Us in Facing Our Current Challenges?

    02/05/2024 Duração: 01h16min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does Pesach teach us today?  How do the miracles and redemption of Pesach empower us in dealing with our current challenges?  What is the main theme of Pesach?  Is it the joy of freedom from slavery or the lessons in humility from eating the matzoh?  Why don’t we do a thorough internal cleansing of any chometz left in our bodies before Pesach?  What is the best way to run a Seder?  Is it better to have an enjoyable experience even if we compromise some of the more stringent details?  Why are we constantly reminded that we were slaves in Egypt and idol worshippers when we’re not supposed to remind someone of their past sins?    Is the Egyptian exile a deeper concealment than that of the tzimtzum harishon?  Why are we not all wealthy today as the Jews were when they left Egypt?  Why are matzos, and Pesach food in general, so expensive? Is there a spiritual reason for this?  Is that why we call matzah “the bread of the impoverished”?! 

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