Mylife: Chassidus Applied

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 365:22:53
  • Mais informações



MyLife: Chassidus Applied Podcast by Simon Jacobson addresses the personal and emotional needs of our community by answering the most pressing questions of our lives -- from the perspective of Chassidic thought. The podcast demonstrates how the Torah provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Get unlimited free downloads of MP3 recordings o


  • Ep. 453: What Lessons Can We Learn From the Intense Smoke Recently Engulfing the East Coast?

    12/06/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to Parshas Shelach  Lessons from Chof Ches Sivan  What lessons can we learn from the intense smoke recently engulfing the East Coast?  If a kind act below generates the divine attribute of chesed from above, does that mean that an unkind act generates unkindness from above?  What is Chassidus “standing on one foot”? 

  • Ep. 452: Should Pictures of Women to Be Published in Religious Publications?

    05/06/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Sivan 15  Lessons from Parshas Behaalotecho  Why would someone become a nazir? Follow-up  Summer  Should pictures of women to be published in religious publications?  G-d and nature 

  • Ep. 451: How Do We Address an Issue Without Personalizing It?

    29/05/2023 Duração: 01h13min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Post Shavuos  End of Sefirah  Lessons from Parshas Nasso  How to deal with estrangement between parents and children? Follow-up   Was the Rebbe loving? Follow-up  How do we address an issue without personalizing it?  What criteria do you use is discussing any given topic?  What would you advise someone whose public statements were misunderstood? 

  • Ep. 450: Was the Rebbe Loving?

    23/05/2023 Duração: 01h17min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Shavuos  What exactly is the Torah and what happened at Mattan Torah?   When was the Torah written? Did it always exist just as G-d always existed, or did G-d write the Torah when He decided to create the world?  Does the Torah contain all of G-d's knowledge, or just the parts that relate to creation and to us?  If we were able to travel to a distant planet, would we be responsible to observe Torah and mitzvos there, or was the Torah only given on Planet Earth?  Was the Torah written all at one time or did it evolve and grow as a document and get edited into what it is today?  What exactly was given at Sinai – the written or the oral Torah?   Why is there a written and an oral Torah?   Why was it okay for the rabbis to write down the oral torah when it was prohibited to do so?  Why then can’t we change other prohibitions?  Can there be mistakes in the oral Torah?  Since rabbinic Judaism in the oral Torah is fi

  • Ep. 449: How Should I Deal With a Daughter Who Hasn’t Spoken With Me for Years?

    15/05/2023 Duração: 01h13min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Bamidbar  Did the Rebbe suggest that people should visit the Ohel on Lag B’Omer? Follow-up  The students of Rabbi Akiva  When Moshiach comes will there be a coronation ceremony like they made for King Charles of England but on a much grander scale?  Parents and children  Sholom Bayis  Can we ask for wealth? Follow-up  What should be our attitude toward healing methods, like chakra energy healing, which may originate from other spiritual or religious disciplines?    Is there any truth in other spiritual schools of thought? 

  • Ep. 448: Why Is Lag B’Omer an Auspicious Time for Parents and Children to Reconnect?

    08/05/2023 Duração: 01h11min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Lag B’Omer  Lessons from Behar-Bechukosei  Why is G-d not responding to us and bringing the Geulah as he did to the Jews who cried out “why are we deprived?!”  Jewish Soul  How should we deal with difficult children? With children who reject their parents?  Why is Lag B’Omer an auspicious time for parents and children to reconnect? 

  • Ep. 447: Do We Always Have a Second Chance? Is There Hope After We Have Been Deeply Wounded?

    01/05/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • What is the unique work we need to do during this time period? • How is discussing the weekly parsha and time we are in part of applying Chassidus to our personal lives? • Chassidus applied to Pesach Sheni o Do we always have a second chance? o Is there hope after we have been deeply wounded? • Lessons from Emor o Is the Torah basically an instruction manual for how to live and operate in the physical world? o What personal message does this parsha offer us? o What is the best way to discipline children and students? o How do we discipline with love? o What is the story with the son of Shlomit? Why was he so mistreated and

  • Ep. 446: What Is the Significance of Tiferes She’Btiferes and L’Chatchila Ariber?

    25/04/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Beis Iyar o Who was the Rebbe Maharash named after? 01:20 o What is the significance of his birth on tiferes she'btiferes and the connection to l’chatchila ariber? 05:14 o What do we learn from the Rebbe Maharash? 11:20 • Lessons from Acharei Kedoshim o What personal message does this parsha offer us? 25:00 o How do we experience high levels of spirituality while integrating it into our material lives? 25:40 o Since only a soul in a body can perform mitzvos, why do we say “acharei mos kedoshim”? 27:39 • Chassidus Applied to Iyar o What is unique about this month? 20:40 o Is this an opportune month for heali

  • What Should We Do to Honor Chof Ches Nissan?

    17/04/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Post Pesach What opportunities do we have at the end of Nissan? Why don’t we say a version of al ha’nissim on Pesach? How do we explain that 4/5 of the Jewish people died during the plague of darkness? Why was prayer rejected as an option when the Jews were stuck between the Egyptians and the Red Sea? What is the source of the custom of Moshiach’s Seudah on the eighth day of Pesach? What is the difference between Seudas Dovid Malka Meshicha on Motzei Shabbos and Moshiach’s Seudah on Acharon Shel Pesach? Did the Jews build the pyramids? How does the redemption from slavery in Egypt over 3,000 years ago help us today to climb out of physical boundaries and limitations and become better people? What are the four levels or stages of geulah? Is there a fifth stage? Why can’t Rabbis today undo the ruling about kitniyos on Pesach? Why don’t Rabbis prohibit the use of foods that look like chametz? In what areas of our lives can we

  • Ep.444: Best Response to the Recent Discord in Israel? Invite a Jew You Disagree With to Your Seder

    03/04/2023 Duração: 58min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Yud Alef Nissan o How should we honor this special day? o Did the Rebbe say that the best birthday present he would like to receive would be an increase in learning Torah? o Should we put more emphasis on learning the Rebbe’s maamarim? o What were some of the important telegrams the Rebbe Rashab sent to the Rebbes parents before and after his birth? o What happened to the art and gifts the rebbe received at Yud Alef Nissan farbrengens? • Can you teach a class on how hanochos were written and published? • Lessons from Tzemech Tzedek’s Hilula on Yud Gimmel Nissan • Lessons from Rambam’s birthday on Yud Daled Ni

  • Ep. 443: How Should We Deal With Our Child Who Wants to Marry Someone More Modern?

    27/03/2023 Duração: 01h13min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Nissan, Tzav and Shabbos HaGadol o What unique energy radiates during this time? o What personal lessons does the parsha offer us? o Why is the Shabbos before Pesach called the Great Shabbos? o How does Shabbos HaGadol play itself out in our lives? • What insight can you give into the recent upheavals in Israel, with the right-dominated government creating reforms and having thousands of people protesting them? • Should we be concerned with the threat of Russia and other countries using nuclear weapons? • What do I do next after finishing reciting Kaddish for my late mother? • How should we deal with our child who wan

  • How Should We Address the Recent Controversy Around Women Becoming “Halachik Advisors”?

    20/03/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Chof Zayin Adar  Did the Rebbe give us any hints or do anything unusual before Chof Zayin Adar?   What are we supposed to do after the Rebbe’s stroke?  What were the Rebbe’s last public words before Chof Zayin Adar?   What lessons can we learn from the occurrences of the painful years of 5752-5754 after 27 Adar? How did it affect you? Lessons from Beis Nissan  Please give a short summary and discuss a few innovative ideas of the Rebbe Rashab?  Did the artist Marc Chagall visit the Rebbe Rashab?  Would it be appropriate for our yeshivos to have art and music classes so we can help develop talented artists in our community?  Chassidus Applied to Vayikra   Why is the alef of Vayikra smaller than the other letters?  Why doesn’t it say who called Moshe?  What is the spiritual significance of the various types of animal, grain, and incense Temple offerings? And how do we accomplish that today?  What

  • Ep. 441: How to Resolve Differences Between Spouses?

    13/03/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: How do we increase in the joy of Adar after Purim? What work is required from us in the days between Purim and Pesach? Chassidus Applied to Vayakhel-Pekudei and HachodeshWhat lessons do we learn from the combination of Vayakhel and Pikudei? What is the first thing they did inside the Mishkan? What is the connection between the new moon and the Egyptian exodus? Chassidus Applied to 25 AdarThe creation and birthday of the world The birthday of the Rebbetzin How to resolve differences between spouses?What can I do about my spouse being emotionally unavailable? How can I bridge the gulf created between me and my spouse due to us not being on the same religious level? How do I maintain sholom bayis when my spouse is doing things that I find questionable? What can I do if I love my husband but don’t respect him? How do I avoid going into survival/fight mode when my wife criticizes me? Is Yoga kosher? Follow-up:Can we ask for wealth? Psychedelics W

  • Ep. 440: How Do We Perform the Requirement to Drink on Purim? What Is the Torah/Chassidus View on Plant Medicine and Psychedelics?

    06/03/2023 Duração: 01h14min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: •Chassidus Applied to Purim What is the primary message and lesson of Purim?Why was it important that the miracle be manifest and concealed in nature? Why does the miracle of Purim not cause us to refrain from saying tachnun in the month of Adar?How did Haman justify the killing of all the Jews due to one man, Mordechai, refusing to bow to him? What is the best response to anti-Semitism? Why did Haman’s daughter defend the Jews? Why is the holiday named after the lots Haman drew? Is it a good time to buy a lottery ticket? What is the concept of v’nahapoch hu? Is the Rebbe’s offer on Purim 5715 for wealth still relevant today? What can we learn from Vasht

  • Ep. 439: How to Treat a Child Who Has Wandered Away?

    01/03/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to 7 Adar What lessons do we learn from Moshe’s birth and passing? Why is Moshe relevant to us today? What can I do if I feel incapable of facing my challenges and difficulties? • Chassidus Applied to Tetzaveh: What lessons do we learn from this portion? • If the Torah is G-d’s absolute truth, how is it possible to ask two rabbis the exact same question and get two completely different answers? • How to treat a child who has wandered away from Yiddishkeit? What to tell my other children? • How do I do teshuva for a terrible sin? • Is the ego good for anything? • How does prayer work?  What are its dynamics? What does Chassidus say abou

  • Ep. 438: How Can We Be Joyous When Faced With Difficulty?

    20/02/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: Chassidus Applied to Adar What opportunities does this month offer us?  Why is the entire month one of joy?  How can we command one to be joyous – can emotions be forced?  What is true joy and is it our natural state?  How can we be joyous when faced with difficulty?  What is this month’s sign and tribe? Chassidus Applied to Terumah What lessons do we learn from this portion? Why do we need a physical Holy Temple? How do you build your home into a Mishkan and Mikdash? What is the significance of all the materials used in the Temple building? Since they were in middle of a desert, where did they get the wood to build the Mis

  • Ep: 437: What Are the Main Lessons of Chof Beis Shevat?

    13/02/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    Submit your question now at, or email:  WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES:  THIS WEEK'S TOPICS:  • Chassidus Applied to 22 Shevat – 35 years o What is some of the history of Chof Beis Shevat? o How did it impact the Rebbe? o What is the significance of this day and the number of the day – chof beis, 22? o What are the main lessons of this day? o Can you please share some interesting stories about the Rebbetzin? • When you are given something, take it • In Lubavitch all is good • Chassidus Applied to Mishpatim o Did the Rebbe farbreng on Shabbos Parsha Mishaptim 5748? o What is the connection between this Parsha and 22 Shevat? o What lessons do we learn from this portion? o Why is the chapter called Mishpatim?  • Yud Shevat: Did the Frie

  • Ep. 436: Does Torah Allow Using Ketamine and Psilocybin for Treating Trauma, Depression and Anxiety?

    06/02/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to 15 Shevat    o Did the Rebbe refer to the new year of trees as Chamisha Asar B'Shvat instead of Tu B'Shvat?     o What are the main lessons of this day?     o What do we learn from a tree?  • Chassidus Applied to Yisro    o How do the three major events of this book – the Exodus, Sinai and the Mishkan – reflect on our lives?     o What lessons do we learn from this portion?     o Why did Mattan Torah follow Yisro’s arrival?     o What are some of the innovative ideas that Yisro introduced?    

  • Ep. 435: What is Yud Shevat's Universal Message for the World?

    30/01/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Yud ShevatWhat is the mandate and main lessons of this day? What is the purpose of Chassidus and what is the unique role of the seventh generation? What is the central theme of Basi L’Gani and its message for our times? What is the primary idea of Basi L’Gani chapter 13, and the Rebbe’s key additions in 5723 and 5743? When a Rebbe says a maamar does he prepare for it or is the shechina speaking through him? Why did the Frierdiker Rebbe start enlarging the yud in the second name of his signature leading up to Yud Shevat? Can you share some of the details around the histalkus in 5710? Did the Frierdiker Rebbe wear two yarmulkes? Is it a Lubavitch minhag to wear a double-covering on the head? What did the Frierdiker Rebbe mean when he said “we have to polish the buttons”? What is Yud Shevat’s universal message for the world? Should we encourage non-Jews to follow their religion? Why did you not explain the Sheva Mitzvos to

  • Ep. 434: How Much Power Do We Have to Refine the Atmosphere Around Us?

    23/01/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Rosh Chodesh ShevatWhat is the significance of this month? What is its sign and corresponding tribe, and what lessons does it offer us? What is the connection between this month and Yud Shevat, the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe? Why are we all “water carriers”? Chassidus Applied to BoWhy does this portion combine both exile and redemption? What was the spiritual meaning behind the ten plagues? What is the significance of using a lunar calendar instead of a solar calendar? Is there a connection between sprinkling the blood of the Korban Pesach on the doorpost and mezuzas? What is today's equivalent to the slaughter of sheep, the deity of ancient Egypt? What is the meaning behind the mitzvah of Pidyon Haben, redeeming the first born? Can we sue modern day Egypt for reparations for the 210 years they forcefully enslaved us? What are some similarities and differences between the exile and redemption from Egypt and the current exile and fu

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