Building A Law Firm

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 123:57:35
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Building a Law Firm with Christopher Small is all about how to start, build, market, grow, scale, sell, manage, lead and create the life of your dreams with a law firm. Episodes will include interviews with successful law firm owners, social media experts, Facebook marketing experts, Google adwords experts, leadership experts, management experts, and anyone that can help us accomplish the goal of making your life as a law firm owner more profitable and enjoyable. Some of the people Id love to have on the show include Gary Vaynerchuk, Amy Porterfield, Lewis Howes, Russell Brunson, Mike Dillard, Tim Ferris, Jordan Harbinger, James Altucher, and anyone else thats got a powerful message. I have started two law firms successfully and know how hard it is to learn how to do things right. My number one goal is to fast track your success by taking the guess work out of starting and marketing a law firm.


  • 097: Mindset Secrets – Why I Love Law Firm Marketing

    26/02/2018 Duração: 11min

    Law Firm Mindset Secrets: Why I Love Law Firm Marketing I love law firm marketing. I love doing whatever I can to get new clients to come to my firm. And by the end of this episode I want you to love law firm marketing too. I wasn't always this way, though. In fact, far from it. Marketing felt a little sleazy to me. I thought it was a little weird injecting myself in people's lives who were having problems. Over time, however, things shifted. I began to it as my DUTY to reach out people I knew needed my help to let them know I was here and I was ready to offer my help if they wanted it. I began to embrace the process of branding and content creation so much so that other attorneys started hating me for it. They didn't like me because I was taking their business. And if you don't start loving law firm marketing, someone in your town, in your practice area, is going to start doing the same to you. AND, if you believe those old geezers that tell you you should just do good work and the clients will come

  • 096: Email Marketing Secrets: ONE Thing That Makes All the Difference

    22/02/2018 Duração: 06min

    Email Marketing Secrets: ONE Thing That Makes All the Difference If I asked you to list a few things that you think might be this ONE thing that I'm talking about you'd probably come up with some ideas. Make sure the headline is catchy. Check your analytics and make sure they are getting opened. Start with a story and then go from there. Don't make them too long. Always end with a call to action. But, when it gets right down to it, there is ONE thing that will make all the difference when it comes to your email marketing efforts. Without this one thing none of the other things matter. Without this one thing you will NEVER see the success you could see with your email marketing campaigns. What is this one thing? Sending the damn email every week, no matter what. If you aren't sending emails right now, this seems so easy. But once you write something, once you prepare it to be sent to the world to be read and judged, hitting that send button gets a lot harder. All of a sudden the excuses start crop

  • 095: Mindset Secrets – Embrace The Monotony Of Success

    20/02/2018 Duração: 11min

    Law Firm Mindset Secrets: Embrace the Monotony of Success If there is one lesson that I've learned over the years that has had the most profound effect on my business it is this: business success takes time. It takes waking up day after day, having a plan, and executing on that plan, knowing that it's going to work, but knowing that for it to work IT TAKES TIME. That's why this mindset secret, embrace the monotony of success, is worth an entire podcast episode. If you are starting a law firm or you've owned your business for a long time, the truth is still the same - it's the daily activities that you execute consistently over time that make the difference. The ONLY difference between the new law firm owner and the established law firm owner are the daily activities they are doing (because, as we all know, what got you here won't get you there). Today I want you to know this: you can succeed, you can own a successful law firm, you can have a successful life, you can reach a point where you stop worryin

  • 094: Mindset Secrets – Stop Playing By The “Rules

    15/02/2018 Duração: 07min

    Mindset Secrets: Stop Playing By the "Rules" All of us live by unwritten "rules" we tell ourselves. "I don't have enough experience to enter this market." "I look too young to be taken seriously." "Credit cards are dangerous and should never be used." "If my peers don't think highly of me then I must not be that good." "If I charge a lot for my services and make a lot of money I am a bad person." These "rules" exist only in your head. The sooner you release yourself of these rules and start living the life you want and deserve, the sooner everyone in your life becomes better. For a more complete breakdown of this concept, make sure you check out the video/podcast! Cheers. Christopher Small P.S. - Still stuck? Come and check out Infinity Clients Workshop and hang with other successful law firm owners AND get the strategies and tactics I've used to build m own successful law firm. Click here to learn more about ICW.

  • 093: Facebook Ads Secrets – The Path to Clients for Your Law Firm

    12/02/2018 Duração: 10min

     Law Firm Facebook Ads Secrets: The Path to Clients for Your Law Firm If you are starting a law firm or struggling with your law firm you probably know you should be doing some sort of law firm advertising but your not sure what to do. You know (or you've heard) that Facebook can be an amazing source of clients but your not sure how it works, what the process is like. Today that all changes. I'm going to break down for you the path to law firm clients using Facebook ads. The truth is, it's as simple as: 1. Pixel 2. Content 3. Website 4. CTA That's all you need to know. What it ISN'T, and a mistake I see all the time, is a billboard looking advertisement to try to get people to call you if they need help. It isn't a statement touting your experience, or your expertise, or your aggressiveness. Facebook is a place to build relationships. It's a place to teach. It's a place to interact. Get these things right and your Facebook advertising efforts will take off for your law firm. Cheers. P.S. - W

  • 092: Google Ads Secrets: Avoid This Costly Mistake

    08/02/2018 Duração: 08min

    Google Ads Secrets: Avoid This Costly Mistake At some point after starting a law firm you are going to realize something: there is a ton of money to be made by using Google Ads. Realizing it, and making it work for you are, unfortunately, very different things. I know because I've seen this from law firm owners time and time again when it comes to google ads (and pretty much everything else that is new). And avoiding this costly google ads mistake will not only save you money but it will MAKE you money. What am I talking about? I'm talking about trying to get too fancy too fast. I'm talking about trying to have everything perfect before you hit the go button. I'm talking about wasting time working on your law firm google ads campaign when you could have something out there actually attracting customers. It's often the difference between success and failure. It all comes down to action. Cheers. P.S. - Want more awesome Google Ads tips and strategies, including EVERYTHING I use in my own law firm adv

  • 091: Networking Secrets – Two Questions I Ask Everyone

    05/02/2018 Duração: 09min

    I love networking. It makes me a lot of money. But I used to suck at it. I used to hate it. And part of the reason for that was that I didn't know how to approach it correctly. I was looking for the wrong things. I was talking to the wrong people. I was having meeting after meeting with seemingly no results. And then I realized, I was asking the wrong questions. Networking is a lot more about finding people that are congruent with you and your goals and your plans than it is about finding someone that can send you business. When I realized that my network improved dramatically. And yours can too. The two questions I ask everyone I am considering to be a part of my network are: 1. What is working for you in your business. 2. What are your goals. To find out why, listen in to the show. Cheers. P.S. - Want my complete networking system? It's all inside Infinity Clients Workshop, a place I created to house everything I do step-by-step to help you make your first six figures, or your next. Click here t

  • 090: The Secret to Great Law Firm Advertising

    01/02/2018 Duração: 09min

    The Secret to Great Law Firm Advertising For at least the first two years of starting my law firm I did ZERO law firm advertising. I survived heavily on SEO and luck, I think. And, I believe my law firm growth suffered because of that. Today I wanted to talk to you about the secret to great law firm advertising. It's something I discovered after a lot of wasted time and money, so hopefully after reading or listening to this you won't make the same mistake. The secret to law firm advertising is this - start simple and add layers as you gain additional expertise. Pretty simple right? Yet most of us try to get too complicated too fast and the end result is wasted time, wasted money, and no results. Start simple. Put that first law firm ad up, and watch the phones start to ring. No, it won't be crazy busy, but it will pay for itself. And as you get better at law firm marketing your calls will increase, your potential client quality will improve, and your bank account balance will grow. Just get started.

  • 089: Cheap Law Firm Does Not Equal Efficient Law Firm

    29/01/2018 Duração: 07min

    Cheap Law Firm Does Not Equal Efficient Law Firm I saw someone in the Facebook Group talking proudly about being a true solo, a true one man law firm, and looking for help and guidance on how to make that set up even more efficient. I felt too bad to bust his chops right there in the group, so I'm doing it here on this episode of the podcast. The truth is, you cannot run your law firm on your own. Sure, you can start a law firm as a one man shop. I did that myself. But as soon as you have some cash coming in the door that needs to be reinvested in the business in the form of systems and people to help you do the one thing you MUST be doing as a law firm owner. What's that one thing? Selling the shit out of your services. This podcast is all about letting go of the belief that cheap equals efficient so you can start and build a law firm that will sustain your dream life. Cheers. P.S. - I can help you get on the short road. Come and check out Infinity Clients Workshop and hang with other successful law

  • 088: Five Law Firm Owner Networking Mistakes

    25/01/2018 Duração: 18min

    5 Law Firm Owner Networking Mistakes I talk to law firm owners all the time and I hear and see networking mistakes all the time. Today I wanted to talk about five law firm owner networking mistakes I see, and how to fix them. Because this is a post for a podcast, I'm just giving you the five. If you want the details, you have to listen! 1. Continuing to take bad meetings. 2. Keeping score. 3. Using it as your primary source of business. 4. Trying to have sex on the first date. 5. Using it as an excuse to not advertise. Bottom line here is this: learn how to network the right way, and then do it. Do not make these law firm owner networking mistakes. Cheers. P.S. - I can help you get on the short road. Come and check out Infinity Clients Workshop and hang with other successful law firm owners AND get the strategies and tactics I've used to build m own successful law firm. Click here to learn more about ICW.

  • 087: Law Firm Advertising Myths

    22/01/2018 Duração: 17min

    Law Firm Advertising Myths The other day I had lunch with a financial planner buddy of mine. We were talking about what was working and what wasn't in our businesses. He doesn't like advertising because it's hard (not just the regular hard - they have a ton of regulation to deal with). I love advertising because it's amazing. And you probably hate it because you buy into the myths of law firm advertising. Why myths? Here are the three law firm advertising myths I talk about in the podcast: 1. There are no sure things. 2. Success has to require 100%+ returns on investment. 3. It has to be complicated to work. If you want to know more about these myths, listen to the podcast. Cheers. P.S. - I can help you get on the short road. Come and check out Infinity Clients Workshop and hang with other successful law firm owners AND get the strategies and tactics I've used to build m own successful law firm. Click here to learn more about ICW.

  • 086: The Two Roads To Law Firm Success

    18/01/2018 Duração: 09min

    The Two Roads to Law Firm Success I just got back from a vacation to Cabo San Lucas (with no kids!) and had some time to reflect on where I'm at and where I want to go. I also had some time to think about what's gotten me to where I am today. And I came to a realization. For a long time I'd been on the long road to law firm success. This is the road where you make progress little by little, sometimes not at all, and really feel frustrated as you move throughout your life as a law firm owner. No one wants to be on this road. Lately, though, I'm finding myself consciously making decisions to try to get myself on the short road to law firm success. This road is faster because it utilizes leverage. This road is faster because you have the time to do the work that needs to be done to grow the business. This road isn't without it's own risks. There is no such thing as risk-free ownership. The thing is, though, is that the downside to the short road and the long road are the same - failure. And, actually

  • 085: How I Got People To Exercise

    15/01/2018 Duração: 09min

    How I Got People To Exercise This episode isn't really about exercise at all. It's about how the people you hang out with have a profound influence on your world, your actions, and your success (or lack thereof). This is a can't miss episode. Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with ALL of my free training on it. If you think it might help, click here and check it out..

  • 084: Why Every Lawyer Should Operate as an LLC

    11/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Why Every Lawyer Should Operate As An LLC These new Trump tax changes have thrown every one for a real doozy, but it got me to thinking... There's this old song by Jay-Z and he says something to the effect of: "I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man." And with these new changes that is now more true than ever. In today's episode I talk all about why every lawyer should operate as an LLC. You don't want to miss it. Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with ALL of my free training on it. If you think it might help, click here and check it out..

  • 083: How to Brand YOU (personal branding for lawyers)

    08/01/2018 Duração: 13min

    How to Brand YOU (personal branding for lawyers) I was asked the other day in my Building a Law Firm Facebook group ( about creating a personal marketing plan for the year. At first I was like "what is this guy talking about?" And I actually asked him (or someone did). He said he was an associate attorney at his firm and was responsible for bringing in business. He wanted to create a plan that would create a situation where people would call him specifically when they had a problem (as opposed to calling the firm). That got me thinking about personal branding for lawyers and I thought it would be an interesting topic to run through (here's the punchline - you are doing the same stuff you'd be doing for your law firm, except it's you in the place of your firm). Nevertheless, this was a pretty cool thought exercise and forced me to modify out loud some of the things I've discussed in the past. Enjoy! Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with AL

  • 082: 5 Moves for Law Firm Failure in 2018

    04/01/2018 Duração: 11min

    5 Moves for Law Firm Failure in 2018 I have bad news. For most of you, you are going to look back at 2018 and be EXACTLY where you are now. It's not for lack of trying. It's not because of the market. It's because you are going to make these five moves over and over and over again throughout 2018 and they are going to stunt your law firm growth. But it doesn't have to be that way. Law firm failure doesn't have to be the norm. Step one is to listen to this podcast, take some notes, and then do what you need to do to get to where you need to go. Cheers. Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with ALL of my free training on it. If you think it might help, click here and check it out..

  • 081: My Law Firm Goals for 2018

    01/01/2018 Duração: 12min

    My 2018 Law Firm Goals... It's January 1, which means it's time to talk about law firm goals for 2018. For me, the big yearly goal is easy - it's to double my law firm. Where the magic happens is trying to back into that result down to the daily level so I can make sure every day I'm working on and moving toward my big goal. For this one, if you want the deets, you'll just have to listen (but I GUARANTEE you if you do listen you'll get some gold nuggets out of this one). Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with ALL of my free training on it. If you think it might help, click here and check it out..

  • 080: The First Step To A Six Figure Law Firm

    28/12/2017 Duração: 11min

    The First Step To A Six-Figure Law Firm Today I wanted to give you something that you could implement with your firm RIGHT now that will immediately add value to your day and your business. I learned this lesson the hard way with my first law firm startup and it took me upwards of 12 months to execute this step. With my new law firm it was the FIRST thing I did right out of the gate. What was it? I made sure I never had to answer the phone ever again. And I mean never. Why is this so important? First, it makes sure your work is never interrupted. Your efficiency is going to skyrocket. Second, it makes sure I don't ever have to talk to marketers - they are screened out and directed to email me. Third, it makes sure I never play phone tag again. I use Conversational Reception, but there are many other people out there (these are the best I've used, and I've tried a lot). Here's a link to them (non-affiliate). When you take this step you will look more professional, yo

  • 079: The Best Time To Plant A Tree…

    21/12/2017 Duração: 08min

    Stop Looking Backward and Start Getting to Work There is an ancient Chinese proverb that goes something like this: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. It always happens to me around this time of year. I start looking back at the year to evaluate what went right and what went wrong. And often I find myself dwelling on what COULD have been. "If only I'd done 'x' things would have been crazy." "I can't believe I didn't fully integrate 'y' like I wanted to - I really missed out." This episode is all about one thing - figure out what the one thing you can do right now to get you and your law firm back on track and start doing it today. Cheers. Want some FREE help with your law firm. I've put together a page with ALL of my free training on it. If you think it might help, click here and check it out..

  • 078: A Simple Facebook Law Firm Marketing Strategy

    20/12/2017 Duração: 09min

    A Simple Facebook Law Firm Marketing Strategy I've been doing a lot of thinking and planning for 2018 and I've decided that I want Facebook to be a big part of that plan. In looking around at what was working for other people (not in the legal industry) I noticed that they were doing some pretty ninja stuff to market and brand their firm (really more brand than market). I thought I'd share one of these strategies with you in case you wanted to implement it in your own Facebook law firm marketing plan. It's pretty straightforward, but the gist of it is this: we need to be using every piece of content in as many ways as possible - including spreading our voice to the world via Facebook. The process is simple: (1) you create a video; (2) you upload it to Facebook; (3) you boost it to your audience. Rinse and repeat. The goal is to get people to interact with your content, to share your content, and come to know you as THE person in your space. You can do this with as little as $50/week and make a huge imp

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