Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 152:28:52
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Retired Navy SEAL, best selling author of Unbreakable: A Navy SEAL's Way of Life, Silver Star awardee, and founder of Embedded Leadership training. Thom Shea interviews extra-ordinary people who share their training, stories about real life and how to rapidly increase your performance and sustain a dynamic culture. "We are in the business of developing People." http://www.unbreakablelessons.com/


  • 104. The Ultra Marathon: The Basics of the impossible goal with Ben Light

    18/01/2019 Duração: 01h10min

    Your Impossible Goal simply isn’t. Maybe the basics are the real means to become successful. Ben Light is an accomplished Ultra Marathon runner, because he masters the basics of running. Step by step, process driven, hard work, goal oriented is the testament to achieving the Impossible Goal. Mindset is part of the step by step process. Having committed partners, as Ben mentions is literally the glue that binds each piece together. Listen as Ben shares the critical point of success being “having a great partner”.  Learn the 13 Unbreakable Lessons Follow Ben on Facebook at Ben Light or Ultralight007 and in Instagram.   Support Ben on his next Impossible Goal of Fastest Known Time through the Pyrenees Mountains next fall.

  • 103. High Achievement: People Fail in the Middle with Thom Shea

    14/01/2019 Duração: 14min

    For those participating in the Unbreakable Training and currently doing the 21 day challenge, I personally congratulate you for being committed to your life starting with your health. It actually takes a high level of bravery to commit to a goal. It takes boldness to actually do three things a day that matter to you. It takes someone Unbreakable to actually do three things a day for 21 straight days. This podcast Why People Fail in the Middle is the second in a series to discuss in an open forum the secrets behind success. I have taught over 1000 clients about the fundamentals of success and find this lesson the most critical one. And if you are watching or listening you can track and watch people go through lesson one either on Unbreakable Lessons or on facebook at Unbreakablelessons or at unbreakable community. The first episode was a broad discussion of the lesson and the pitfalls and to do the lesson you must first have a goal you actually are wanting to attain in the next 60 days and to select 3 simple t

  • 102. 21 days to win with Thom Shea

    07/01/2019 Duração: 17min

    I have spent a lifetime starting over or starting a new project or starting a new business or even starting a new mission planning cycle in combat. Today’s podcast is about how to start a project, how to start anything. Today marks the 7 day point into a 21 day start up method, I was taught long ago. The bottom line upfront is that it really takes 21 days to initiate transformation. It takes 21 straight days for you to get out of your own way. It takes 21 days for your body to accept the new changes you are adding. It takes 21 days for your brain to learn a new subject. It takes 21 days for you to accept a new partner or lover. It takes 21 days. No short cuts, no excusing your self, no hacks. And, I am inviting you to also join us on the 21 day challenge if you are committed to making a transformation in your life this year. The method is Simple, but not easy. The simple part is writing down these things. Now I ask you to take time and determine a goal you really want in your physical life. Something measurab

  • 101. Content Marketing Strategy for Better Conversion with Thom Shea

    04/01/2019 Duração: 47min

    Leverage to Scale CEO discusses the video marketing methods to grow business.  Learn how to connect here. If you want to create human connection in a digital world, there's one way to do it - and that's video marketing. It's never been more important (and challenging) to make your clients, customers and prospects feel heard, loved and valued. Automation has saved us time, but it's come at the cost of sacrificing personal connection. In today's marketing world, quality beats quantity. It's more important to impact the right people - those you want to serve and build real relationships with. Amber Vilhauer (NGNG Enterprises, standing for NoGutsNoGlory) has developed a content marketing system called Leverage To Scale that puts the power back in your hands. You'll save countless hours while consistently publishing more engaging content, getting greater exposure in an increasingly competitive online space and conditioning your audience to see you as an industry leader. Not only will you connect, you will convert.

  • 100. A Warrior’s Holiday Story with Thom Shea

    23/12/2018 Duração: 07min

    Each year man celebrates the holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas as the birth of Yeshua Hamashiach (known as Jesus) or you celebrate the winter solstice or you celebrate the closing out of a year, the time is meant to celebrate. This holiday season is a time to lay down your issues or grievances and to give. I would like to share a story I tell my kids around the hearth or fireplace every year to remind them. I bet none of you have heard this story. In case you were not aware of the true story of who we call santa clause and the reindeer. We all think we know but you don’t. The story of the reindeer is the story of uniting War and Peace, of woman and man, of hard and soft. As you can imagine the herculean task of unite the two factions. Yet, the true gift of the holiday season is to unite the good and bad, the naughty and nice.

  • 99. Stop Working Out. You play too small.

    17/12/2018 Duração: 13min

    Listen, I am sorry that you think working out 3 days a week has any value in your life. Going to a gym to simply work out for the sake of working out is the biggest killer to real health. What is missing is you need a real, tangible definable Goal that you are working toward. Going to the gym just to go is like putting money in your mail box because it is like saving money. Neither are of value to you. Buy Unbreakable for Christmas Here are the numbers and reasons people do physical things starting with the worst answers to the best. Just want to get out and do something.             - listen is your body so unimportant to you that you cannot plan its growth. Y           our body is dying without a goal that it is fighting for and all you do is take it        out for a walk like a dog. It makes me feel better.             - Do you know why it feels good. Because there is a drug being produced      internally, that is better than heroine. And this one won’t kill you. I like routine.             - This

  • 98. Overcome the Five Fears with Thom Shea

    10/12/2018 Duração: 10min

    Five Forms of Fear Fear is learned. Fear is real for those who practice fear. Fear has killed more men and women than any disease or event. Fear is how most people deal with failure. Fear is the most seductive mistress. Fear will always overpower the greatest of forces because fear lies in the shadows of every bright event. Sign up to overcome fear Over the past 50 years I have heard many acronyms of FEAR. I think they are all funny.             Forget Everything And Run             False Events Appearing Real             Finding Excuses And Reasons             Failure Expected And Received             Forget Everything About Reality Pick one. I laugh at all of these because FEAR is the most prevalent emotion experienced by all of us, everywhere. The working definition I use is simply that FEAR is a emotional learned response to a problem you face. And in the short of it, fear and problems arise at the same time. Every single problem you will face in your life that is left incomplete will devolve into f

  • 97. Stop Being a Victim. Defeating Your Bully with Stacy Shea

    02/12/2018 Duração: 27min

    It is December. The Christmas holiday season is upon us. Christmas trees are pooping up all over the place, lights are going up and school is winding down for the kids and end of your stresses are ramping up for business owners. Christmas in the Shea clan is always a time to be together, to celebrate our lives and accomplishments and be a family. We all like to sit around the table each night talking about the ups and downs and experiences we have had. Lately the topic of Bullying has come up. It strikes me as odd because I don’t see bullying around me simply because I personally defeated my being a victim long ago so it was a surprise to hear about the topic in my kids schools and in my wife Stacy’s political campaign work. Since I am no one’s victim I am surprised, so as you listen to Stacy and I discuss both the Bully paradigm and victim-ology we pray you powerfully find a way forward and not as a victim. Take action and begin the challenge of the www.UnbreakableLessons.com Follow Us: Facebook Twitter Inst

  • 96. Transformational Growth or Disruption

    24/11/2018 Duração: 17min

    This weeks Unbreakable Podcast is for both individuals or companies committed to growth in 2019. There is fundamentally little difference between an individual or a company regarding looking at growth in 2019. I can tell you from personal experience it is not more complicated for a company to grow. The number of people or volume of products doesn’t make growth more complicated. Individual growth is far more complicated because the complexity of ego and emotional attachments truly are harder to adjust.   So why discuss growth in 2019 now while we are still in 2018. In short because January is too late. Once 2019 hits and is underway, without preparing for new growth now in 2018, you will simply be making 2018 more effective by a factor of 10%. Oddly, that is what most organizations look to do each year … improve by 10% on last years accomplishments. If that is where you are personally or as an organization the rest of the podcast isn’t for you.   As you look at 2019, the first aspect of 2019 is a time honored

  • 95. Staying Calm Under Pressure

    17/11/2018 Duração: 19min

    As I grow older, as I, personally, take on new nebulous endeavors, as I train leaders and high achieving men and woman across the nation, one subject comes up more than others. Pressure. Stress. Whatever name you call how you encounter the world you are dealing with. This week’s podcast is to maybe pass on something relevant from my experiences that will help. And, since, Jill in particular asked me that exact question, I will stumble through an answer. By the way, my answer will probably disturb the hell out of you. It isn’t intended to but I come from an environment as a SEAL and a combat Vet, and now a turn around consultant, where if you cannot unravel how you perceive the environment you literally will not make it too long. Pressure is all an interpretation of your environment. That is all it is. How you see or filter your environment is always, always, always divided into 5 parts: The reality of the facts coming at you (I must add here that this is really the key to it all). If there were 100 people in

  • 94. Diversity of Choice.

    11/11/2018 Duração: 20min

    Setting aside the politics of Veterans Day, setting down which side of the tracks you may be on, Veterans Day is a recognition of the profound effect the choice we do have in the United States to actually defend or not defend our country.   Veterans Day is simply a celebration of choices, maybe it is a celebration of the liberty to actually make a choice that our founding fathers fought and died to provide us. So, as you listen to today’s podcast, as you do your particular thing and express your self in the ways you have chosen, let me share from a veteran of war’s point of view the choice to defend the country. Diversity All who served come from the same diverse background and up-bringings as do all Americans. This point of reality is often missed in the rhetoric of media discourse. Vet’s come from every nationality, both sexes, and all orientations. We are from broken and also strong families, rich and poor, some are orphans, so are from generations of veterans.

  • 93. No Way Out Situations and Simple Steps to Win with Thom Shea

    04/11/2018 Duração: 16min

    Imagine if you will you were faced with no way to win, no way out, and overwhelming odds not in your favor. What would be your next action or step?  Learn how In the world that surrounds most of us that thought, that circumstance scares us from even thinking about it. Most of us would avoid that situation all together. Few people have the presence of mind and guts to consider … what would I do? The concept of the no win scenario however is a concept winners solve on a constant and consistent basis. People who shy away from the concept of looking at the no win scenario … lose. And of all the things successful people do that sets them apart from the rest is simply to put themselves openly in no win scenarios as a means to find a way.  

  • 92. Raising a Warrior Daughter with Thom Shea

    30/10/2018 Duração: 19min

    Many of you lately have asked us to discuss how we raise our kids as warriors and what it is like for us to have one of our kids at one of the military academies. We get so many that Stacy and I have reflected often on the experience of raising kids and what we have done that is of any value.  13 warrior lessons I would have to start with defining a warrior. There are two types of warriors: those in war, and those who are forward leaning and openly willing to make it through adversity to achieve a goal. Since kids are not really at war, I reflect on the latter definition to describe raising warriors. For me, and if you as a mom or a dad don’t agree, than so be it, parents are responsible to teaching their kids to lean forward into life, to deal with adversity well, and to play in a bigger cause than self serving smallness. The raising of a young child into an adult and on to being a warrior in their life is very hard. Combat is easier. You as a parent are responsible to getting it done. You must model the beh

  • 91. 4 Traits of Successful Leaders with Thom Shea

    23/10/2018 Duração: 14min

    The search for the traits that successful people have, agnostic of industry or even gender seems to be the going trend. You don’t have to have a secret decoder ring or spend a life time getting on degree after the other to find the common leadership traits. The 4 are evident everywhere you look. Knowing what they are and actually acquiring each trait as a thing you do each day however it not simple. Simple but not easy is the phrase I have found to be true throughout the pursuit of higher level of performance in leadership. Here is what I have found to be true and if you have found others please email me at engage@adamantinealliance.com. Mission focus and clarity of purpose. Intentionality and targeting Skills acquisition and consummate learners. Never give up mentality

  • 90. Overcoming self-imposed limits with Thom Shea

    16/10/2018 Duração: 17min

    We all have limits. Whether they be physical, intellectual, financial, relationship, or spiritual limits. In my search for my own performance in each, I have learned an odd thing regarding limits. Most of them are self-imposed. Sign up here for the 13 Unbreakable Lessons This past weekend was our 21st 24 hour leadership challenge to overcome the self-imposed limits leaders perceive they have. And, each leader did hit and over come their limits. I originally set up this challenge, which I discussed in my book, “Unbreakable: A Navy SEALs Way of Life” to encourage my children to learn the 13 most valuable lessons in life. I wanted them to be capable of having a great life in case I didn’t return home from combat. And, this lesson, Lesson Number three, I knew would open up their life in magnificent ways. Because, the reality of life is that if you cannot overcome your own self-imposed limits you are stuffed. You are stuffed to the frustration of past failures, you are stuffed to the opinions of others regarding w

  • 89. Morning rituals of successful people with Thom Shea

    07/10/2018 Duração: 14min

    Jumping right into this topic today, simply because the topic needs no flare. What do successful people do in the morning that makes them different? Having been a active part of the most successful military unit in history, I can tell you that every successful person, or company, or team actually does the same thing in the morning. And what they do differentiates them from failure. Take the 13 Unbreakable Lessons For brevity sake I will separate the activities into three parts: What they do; what they think about; and how they prepare. Write these items down and you too can actually use these three events in your life to great impact.

  • 88. Three ways to recover from loss with Thom Shea

    01/10/2018 Duração: 12min

    The topic that comes up most often for me over the past 28 years has been loss. Honestly, winning is not a huge topic. Because, few people win. Out of 100 runners there is one winner. Out of every business competing for the one contract there is one winner. In war there is only one winner. Everyone thinks they want to know how to win, but they soon discover that the first thing they experience is loss. Even the one out of a million who wins the first time, eventually faces loss. But no one thinks of loss and recover; they just want to win. That is the tragedy of winning: you must master losing…period. www.unbreakablelessons.com Here is the truth parents and bosses and leaders ought to be openly teaching the youth, the understudies, and the team, you are going to lose, you are going to hurt, you are going to go sideways, you are going to spend money ineffectively, you are going to make enemies. There is no avoiding loss, loss is the only for sure aspect of growth. Winning actually may never happen. But the onl

  • 87. Mitigating Risk and other four letter words with Rob Mitchell and Thom Shea

    26/09/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    Navy SEAL's mitigate risk by commitment to the end goal prior to knowing how to achieve the outcome.  Then simply by taking action instead of the common paralysis by analysis.  Mitigating risk only happens through solving the taking action instead of talking yourself out of taking action. You can follow us face book at Thom Shea Unbreakable and www.Thomshea.com . If you are brave enough to take on the 13 Unbreakable Lessons of transformational Leadership I challenge you to sign up for the lessons at www.Unbreakablelessons.com .

  • 86. 2 barriers to execution. The secret few can stomach with Thom Shea

    17/09/2018 Duração: 22min

    Thank you for joining the Unbreakable Podcast group of listeners. I am Thom Shea, author of Unbreakable: A Navy SEAL’s Way of Life and CEO of Adamantine Alliance. We are a group of SEALs dedicated to transforming your notion of what is not only possible in your life but in the lives of those around you. We have spent years thriving in chaotic situations and have developed a method of engaging people in order to win. We know people are capable of a great deal more than what shows up now days and lead people toward their highest level of performance. We rarely advertise our services, yet in light of today’s topic we all thought it a great opportunity to discuss the hardest point of performance in people. And, that point is Execution and the 2 barriers. If after hearing about Execution you would like to learn more or engage with us here is how: You can follow us face book at Thom Shea Unbreakable and www.Thomshea.com . If you are brave enough to take on the 13 Unbreakable Lessons of transformational Leadership I

  • 85. Quitting and the Damage it does to you with Thom Shea

    10/09/2018 Duração: 21min

    Learn how not to quit. Quitting is the single most destructive force in your life. Quitting will rob you of money, health, family, certificates of merit, and even deep faith.   Quitting is a disease. Quitting is easy.   Quitting is the more prevalent force I see in business, in athletics, in marriages, in school, and in the pursuit of your spiritual self.  Book Thom for a Keynote However. And I say however for a clear distinct purpose. However, quitting is learned and not quitting can also be taught. You can learn to not quit. The five key areas where quitting destroys you are your physical life, your intellectual pursuits, your wealth accumulation, your relationships, and your spiritual awaken. I hate to say it this way but people quit so often and in so many areas few know there is another way. There is Learn not to quit. Learn it early, learn it often and apply it all the time. Not quitting is a skill that atrophies rather quickly.

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