Retirement 360

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 180:58:43
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Catch Retirement 360 with Alan Mercurio, Kentuckian's highly acclaimed retirement and investment specialist. Gain true financial wisdom and advice aimed at educating you about all of your financial options when it comes to retirement so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Get information and education that can bring you peace of mind with your savings and retirement. Whether it's your 401k account, IRA, or an underperforming asset, Louisville's Retirement Coach, can answer your questions and make you more aware of issues that may affect you. So tune in every Sunday at 11am to catch Retirement 360 with Alan Mercurio and Tony Vanetti only on 840 WHAS!


  • Examining Earnings & Yields

    30/04/2018 Duração: 47min

    Founder and President, Alan Mercurio speaks with the host, Tony Vanetti. They cover topics like following the same financial footsteps as your parents, filing taxes, creating a secure plan that strikes back at volatility, and what to expect for healthcar costs.

  • 2018 Q1 Report

    16/04/2018 Duração: 46min

    Think of all the times you've put together a plan. Small things need a plan--a house project you swore you'd get to next summer, a fancy cake to impress your family at Thanksgiving. I'm sure you planned for the bigger tasks in life as well-what career you wanted, when to buy a house, whether to have kids or not. Did things always go according to the plan you originally set out? For most of us, the answer is a resounding, "No." What if you landed your dream job and ended up discovering you fit better elsewhere? Maybe the fancy cake ended up tasting awful, and you had to go back to the drawing board before placing it on the table. In short: life happens, plans change. This week on Retirement 360 with Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and Wealth Advisor Troy Bolton, we're going to be discussing how your retirement might face challenges even once you've gotten a plan together-but how you can be ready to face them. If you avoid adjusting your plans for what life throws at you, you'll only end up regr

  • Markets Increase

    09/04/2018 Duração: 46min

    As springtime gradually makes its appearance in the Kentuckiana area, many of us have started to think about what house projects we want to get done before winter comes around again. You've probably seen one of the many fix-it-up housing shows that have had a huge boost in popularity in recent years. The idea is generally the same across the board: a couple or a team of people purchase a "fixer upper" house. In the span of an hour the group rapidly transforms a rickety shack, run-down two-story, or cheerless split level into a housing masterpiece. While it's fun to watch, shows like these don't have time to go over the weeks of work or countless people who pitched in to finish everything that needed to be done. The projects they take on aren't things that can be fixed in a snap-and neither are financial problems if you don't face them head on. This week on Retirement 360 with Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio, we're going to be discussing how you can't ever let your retirement plan get to a poin

  • Stocks Drop as Tariffs Rise

    02/04/2018 Duração: 47min

    Easter is hopping closer and families will celebrate this weekend. Whether it's an egg hunt with your grandkids, ham and turkey with family and friends, or quiet time with a hobby you love, remember that these moments are what you want to replicate in the future. Live your life your way, today and tomorrow!

  • A Look Back

    26/03/2018 Duração: 49min

    American actor John Wayne once said that, "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." Most of us remember Wayne as one of the biggest stars of Western film in the 20th century, perpetually seated on horseback and riding off to fight the latest bad guy in a countless number of films. While well-known now, Wayne started off as a nobody. He picked up gigs as an extra throughout the 1920s and didn't hit in big until 1939 as Ringo Kid in Stagecoach. That's nearly twenty years of being paid peanuts to pursue his dream in the movies. Wayne didn't see it as a bad thing though-instead, no matter how shaky his prospects might be, he always got back in the saddle and kept going, knowing that the end goal was worth it. This week on Retirement 360 with Louisville's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio, we're going to be talking about how taking Wayne's approach and applying it to how you see retirement can help pre-retirees keep a steady course. We've all worked hard over the years to save as much as we can, b

  • Goldilocks Returns

    19/03/2018 Duração: 47min

    With spring just around the corner (if you pay no mind to the random snow we've been gifted the past few weeks), you'll find lots of things will be popping up soon. Flowers, Derby hats, allergies, and better weather are all bound to start making their appearances in the coming months---along with our beloved spring cleaning chores. While most of us are content to "get to it later" when it comes to house chores in the winter, we end up facing the music when springtime comes around. It might be tempting to adopt a winter attitude towards your financial health, but this week we're going to be discussing why it's important you start now-not later-on your financial spring cleaning. This week on Retirement 360 with Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and co-host Tony Vanetti, we're going to show you how basic upkeep on your accounts should be the first item on your to-do list this spring. Keeping up-to-date with new market trends like Bitcoin, figuring out how the new tax laws might affec

  • Volatile Markets Continue

    14/03/2018 Duração: 47min

    Anyone who has begun even the preliminary stages of retirement planning knows that you're going to have to face some challenges. Even just thinking about not having the promise of that weekly paycheck to get your bills paid can be worrying. But, as writer T.S. Eliot once wrote, "If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?" Retirement is something that has so many facets playing into it that it's impossible to just "wing it" and try for a quick band-aid solution. While it might be overwhelming to face down, your future self will thank you for the time and dedication you put towards building a solid game plan. This week on Retirement 360, Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and co-host Tony Vanetti will be discussing some tips to keep in mind when it comes to facing the challenges retirement planning can bring on. Market volatility, getting yourself and spouse on the same financial page, hidden fees, and looming tax changes all present potential problems your plan must be able

  • Interest Rates, Treasuries, and Inflation

    05/03/2018 Duração: 47min

    With tax season in full swing, many of us have our minds on our finances. This is the time of the year we reflect back on how things went for us-good and bad-in the markets. For those nearing retirement, it becomes an even more critical period as you approach the finish line of your working years. What we have in our pensions, 401(k)s, IRAs, and even just your savings account suddenly starts to matter a lot when we begin looking at replacing a paystub with money from our own investments. This can be overwhelming, sometimes even downright scary to think about-but there's no reason to panic. This week on Retirement 360, Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio, wealth advisor Troy Bolton, and co-host Tony Vanetti will be sharing some key insights on how proper planning can prepare you for leaving behind the workforce. Whether it's worries about potential "tax bombs" that might be waiting for you this tax season, the time frame you should have for retirement, or even how to figure out what

  • Interest Rates, Treasuries, and Inflation

    27/02/2018 Duração: 47min

    With tax season in full swing, many of us have our minds on our finances. This is the time of the year we reflect back on how things went for us-good and bad-in the markets. For those nearing retirement, it becomes an even more critical period as you approach the finish line of your working years. What we have in our pensions, 401(k)s, IRAs, and even just your savings account suddenly starts to matter a lot when we begin looking at replacing a paystub with money from our own investments. This can be overwhelming, sometimes even downright scary to think about-but there's no reason to panic. This week on Retirement 360, Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio, wealth advisor Troy Bolton, and co-host Tony Vanetti will be sharing some key insights on how proper planning can prepare you for leaving behind the workforce. Whether it's worries about potential "tax bombs" that might be waiting for you this tax season, the time frame you should have for retirement, or even how to figure out what

  • Special Update: Understanding Volatility

    19/02/2018 Duração: 47min

    When we're younger, we learn a hard lesson: life doesn't offer any solid guarantees. We can't hold up a signed contract when we lose the Little League game, or it rains on our birthdays, jabbing a finger at a spot where life promised us exactly what we wanted. Keep in mind this isn't always a bad thing either. Haven't we all just known something would go badly, but instead turns out okay? Just as we don't have any guarantees for something going right, we aren't guaranteed for things to go wrong either. It's a two-sided coin, and one we can't do away with. The only real answer is to make sure we have a plan in place to handle any circumstance-good or bad-that comes our way. This week on Retirement 360, wealth advisors Troy Bolton and Aaron Ulrich are going to be discussing how the financial world also doesn't offer guarantees-and why that's okay. Alongside co-host Tony Vanetti, we'll be discussing how the recent market turbulence is something we all have to expect in one way or another. Your retirement plan

  • Markets Slide as Bond Yields Rise

    13/02/2018 Duração: 25min

    With the recent market turbulence that’s been occurring off-and-on during the past week, this might be a good thought to think on: “Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing ‘til it gets there.” Penned by American humorist Josh Billings, it’s a quote that can apply to many aspects of life. Do you pull your steak off the grill when it’s halfway cooked? Or get partway through a job at work and then never finish up? What about a house project—would you paint half of your house, and then decide that’s good enough? The answer to all these questions is probably not. This same concept can be applied to the recent market hiccups. This week on Retirement 360, wealth advisors Troy Bolton and Aaron Ulrich will be discussing why it’s important to make sure you’ve got a plan you can stick to like a stamp, no matter what might come your way. Joined by co-host Tony Vanetti, we’ll be going over why it’s important to know the difference between minor market fluctuations and a

  • Stocks Jump Again

    05/02/2018 Duração: 47min

    With the big game coming up this weekend, a good majority of the nation's focus will be glued to their screens either watching the game or waiting for the halftime show to roll around. Snacks will be purchased, couches arranged for optimal viewing, and schedules cleared to fully enjoy the day. Amid all the snacking and quirky commercials though, there is something that many rarely think about. For the players, this is a day they have worked towards for years, probably even to back when they were first digging their cleats into a muddy high school field. Both teams are built up with people who have poured their time and dedication into something that mattered to them. No matter who you're rooting for on Sunday, this dedication is something we can admire-and also apply to our own dreams. All of us have goals or ambitions we work towards. Surprisingly though, many don't see retirement as something to which we need to really devote ourselves to. This week on Retirement 360, Kentuckiana's R

  • Stocks Up as Shutdown Looms

    30/01/2018 Duração: 47min

    The experience of worrying is, at one time or another, something we all go through. I don't mean casual uncertainties either- did they remember I said no tomatoes on my sandwich? Did I pack everything for the trip? Is it going to rain during a birthday party? Those concerns are usually just thoughts that pass by us in the day. Real worries are things that stick with you for months, sometimes years. We try and think through them, come up with a band-aid solution to buy us some time, or maybe even just stick them in a corner hoping they'll disappear. In the end though we all must face up to them, armed with a plan to put in place. It might sound simple but ultimately, that's the secret: the sooner you have a plan, the sooner you won't have to deal with the things bothering you. This week on Retirement 360 with Louisville's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and co-host Tony Vanetti, we're going to be showing our listeners plans to overcome some of the worries we hear about the most. Whether you

  • Retirement 360 Best Of 2017

    02/01/2018 Duração: 47min

    On the last weekend of the year - Retirement 360 with Louisville's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and host Tony Vanetti, will look back at some of the highlights that earned our greatests responses from listeners like you!

  • True Meaning Of Fiduciary

    27/06/2017 Duração: 43min

    When most people go to the grocery, they don't pick food marked as "suitable". The word "suitable" in and of itself gives off the air of something being just okay-not the worst, but not the best either. We all strive to have the best of whatever we're after in life-we aim for the highest of what we can afford and attain, rather than setting our sights on sub-par quality. For years though, many retirement agencies have just had to abide by something called the "suitability standard". This standard-as I'm sure you can guess-meant that the advisor didn't necessarily have to give you the best advice for you-they only had to give advice that was somewhat okay for you but, more importantly, whatever was the best advice for them. While the recent Department of Labor ruling that all retirement advisors must now follow a fiduciary standard and instead give advice on what is best for the clients instead, questions remain about what this really means for you. This week on Retirement 360 with Kentuckiana

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