Mark Levin Audio Rewind

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3652:09:03
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Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, Plunder and Deceit, debuted at number one on the New York Times Best-Seller list. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.


  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/14/20

    15/10/2020 Duração: 01h55min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, there is a huge breaking news story from the New York Post which is being censored by Twitter and Facebook. Newly discovered emails reveal that Hunter Biden introduced his father, the sitting Vice President at that time, to his colleagues at Burisma to leverage his influence to stop an investigation into the company. Soon after, VP Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in US loan guarantees unless the Ukrainians fired the special prosecutor that was investigating Burisma. The media will run with unvetted, unmanned sources, and books by authors that hate President Trump. The NY Post’s information has multiple named sources and actual emails to corroborate their report. VP Biden is on the record saying he's never had a single conversation regarding his son's business dealings. Then, author Peter Schweizer calls in to explain how Hunter Biden's claim to fame was access to the VP, his father. The media never stopped to censor or block false stories about Trump so that they

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/13/20

    14/10/2020 Duração: 01h58min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Americans must choose between liberty and tyranny. The Democrats do not embrace movements for the people, they are for the government. We the People must never accede to the terms of our economic and political surrender and servitude. Americans must never abandon their children and grandchildren to a dark and bleak future. Never accept a fate that is alien to the legacy we’ve inherited from America's ancestors. Never accept social engineering by politicians and bureaucrats who treat us like lab rats, rather than self-sufficient human beings. Those who choose tyranny will vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. The rest of America choosing liberty will vote for Donald Trump. Then, Biden has been sucking at the government teat for 47 years. Trump gave up his life of luxury to serve in Washington, meanwhile, Biden gave up nothing to make a living on the taxpayer's dime. Later, The New York Times printed that the experts believe the pandemic will end sooner than expected and the P

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/12/20

    13/10/2020 Duração: 01h56min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the individual mandate portion of the Obamacare law (Affordable Care Act) was removed by a vote in Congress at the behest of the President of The United States. Six justices are likely to uphold it for the sake of severability and with the individual mandate severed from the ACA, the law is likely to stand. The Democrats know this yet they turned today's hearing into a theatrical campaign commercial. Joe Biden is going to pack the Supreme Court and Congressional Democrats are subsequently intent on destroying it. Then, Anthony Fauci claims he's being taken out of context in the latest Trump campaign ad when he says that Trump's coordinated response was "impressive" and that the President has always "followed the science." Fauci was unequivocal in his statement to Mark Levin on "Life Liberty and Levin" during the height of the pandemic. Later, RINO's and other radical leftists like AOC and renowned communist Angela Davis are excited about a Biden Presidency and have signed on to en

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/9/20

    10/10/2020 Duração: 02h02min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump joins the show! Trump discussed how the suburbs are at stake if Democrats win in November and will advance their plan to jam high-rise public housing into suburban communities zoned for single-family homes. Trump said he feels strong following his recovery remarking that "you need to meet people to run a country, you can't just hide in the White House residence." Trump, then reflected on Joe Biden's inability to lead and his 47 years of poor political and foreign policy saying, "This is not Joe's prime time, let's not kid ourselves." Plus, Trump shared that he's seeing more enthusiasm now than he did in 2016, because voters don't want to vote with phony mail-in ballots. He said it's going to be really difficult to beat this enthusiasm, but Democrats cheat, so we have to work hard. Despite the attacks, Trump decided to take the lead on peace in the middle east. With three Nobel Peace Prize recommendations as a result of his leadership as President. He went on

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/8/20

    09/10/2020 Duração: 01h59min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the major difference in this election is that one Party wants to replace the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. While Mike Pence proved that he was qualified to serve as Vice President, Sen. Kamala Harris failed to even demonstrate that she was even qualified to be a U.S Senator. What's more, the Commission on Presidential Debates continues to move the goal post on its rules for upcoming debates. Similarly, Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues lobbying bogus threats of invoking the 25th Amendment on President Trump to remove him from office for mental illness. This will not happen. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls in and says that Pelosi knows this will not be a reality, and what's in question is whether she should remain Speaker. Making such egregious allegations just before an election begs the question of whether Pelosi has the mental capacity to hold the office of Speaker. Afterward, Gov Gretchen Whitmer is using a horr

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/7/20

    08/10/2020 Duração: 01h55min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, NBC's latest poll of registered voters, not likely voters, indicates that Joe Biden will defeat Donald Trump in a landslide. Does anyone really believe that? Republicans are outnumbering new voter registrants in key battleground states, yet these polls are indicating that Biden wins by 16 points, something that not even Barack Obama pulled off. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are taking cheap shots at the President for not agreeing with her blackmail scheme which would include Billions of bail-out dollars unrelated to the coronavirus relief bill. Pelosi wants to reward the cities and states that reward unions for political activity and this would have nothing to do with unemployment or business recovery or bankruptcy. This is a massive redistribution of wealth equivalent to the amount spent on the federal spending budget. Then, Kamala Harris has a stellar record on support for the Green New Deal which would eliminate our economic system as we know it. She supports the

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/6/20

    07/10/2020 Duração: 01h56min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats lack virtue and are exploiting the coronavirus. The media makes angels and devils of people, but former First Lady Michelle Obama will get a pass and won't be criticized for her hateful comments about President Trump. John Adams famously said. "Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul." Then, Kamala Harris wants Plexiglas at the VP debate to advance the Democrat narrative that Trump killed all of the people that have died from the viruses. But for President Trump, states that squandered their budgets and failed to prepare would have been short-handed on PPE, ventilators, and six Trillion in emergency stimulus cash. Plus, Stanley Kurtz joins the show to request that Nikole Hannah-Jones from the NY Times be stripped from any consideration for a Pulitzer Prize for her 1619 project. Afterward, Joe Biden's bigotry is on display again. This time he said he was able to stay sequestered in his home because some

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/5/20

    06/10/2020 Duração: 01h55min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the American media is corrupt. All they do is promote narratives to attack the president's response to the coronavirus as downplayed. Yet, it was President Trump that ramped up production of PPE, ventilators, deployed Naval hospital ships, passed immediate cash relief to citizens, and launched Operation Warp Speed (OWS). The OWS initiative has brought about numerous therapeutics and a possible vaccine in record time. That's not downplaying, that's taking decisive action. Then, in the three days that Trump was hospitalized, he's proved that a 74-year old man can be treated with Zinc, Vitamin D, Aspirin, and the new therapeutic drug Remdesivir on a 72-hour period and be released from the hospital. This just wasn’t' possible six months ago. So to suggest that Trump downplayed or delayed the response to this pandemic is insulting. Later, historically, experts have repudiated the concept of normalcy indicating that there is no practical way to contain the infection of a respiratory vir

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/2/20

    03/10/2020 Duração: 01h51min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, President Trump has been diagnosed with coronavirus and gave a thumbs-up as he waved and boarded Marine-1 helicopter to head over to the presidential offices at the Walter Read Naval medical Center as he recovers. Data for recovery is very strong. Despite this virus, Trump has worked 20 hours every day, dealing with challenges most presidents never have to confront, as well as running an election in which he travels to the states to earn the public's vote, all while dealing with an extremely hostile press, Democrat Party, and federal bureaucracy -- and it is truly remarkable he did not get this virus earlier. Despite his critics, those who work with Trump know that he follows the science and the advice of doctors, he social distances and wears a mask whenever appropriate. Then, Dr. Marc Siegel calls in to discuss the progress that's been made with different drug combinations that are being used to treat the virus. Siegel added that the president's use of these medications is a goo

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/1/20

    02/10/2020 Duração: 01h58min

    On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, it was Joe Biden that first broke the debate rules and repeated the same beleaguering behavior that he displayed throughout the debate. Video from Biden's 2012 debate with Paul Ryan shows over 85 interruptions by Biden. Biden has made a career using tactics to prevent his opponent from responding. Then, White supremacy is repeatedly pushed on President Trump to denounce, despite his 17 previous disavowals. As the election nears, leftists in the media and the Democrat Party are again attempting to frame Trump as a racist. Later, Democrats are trying to change the rules to replicate California across all 50 states. This would allow packing of the Supreme Court and increases their chances of gaining more senate seats as they target the District of Columbia. Ending the filibuster would quash debate and allow the passage of laws with little pushback if there is a majority. Similarly, ending the Electoral College would weaken the least populous states negating any reason for even bein

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/30/20

    01/10/2020 Duração: 01h51min

    On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, only one candidate called the other candidate names at the Presidential debate – Joe Biden. The Commission on Presidential Debates organized a poorly moderated debate. Biden is a brawler that doesn't use facts, he uses insults, lies, and interruptions. Biden failed to make the case of who he was, what he's done, and why he'd be a better President than Trump. Later, John Adams versus Thomas Jefferson was the birth of negative campaigning. Adams and Jefferson were friends but party politics played a heavy role at that time and a sitting vice president ran against a sitting president. Then, Biden has failed to criticize Democrat Governors for the deadly decision of putting patients that tested positive for Coronavirus in nursing homes which cost the lives of so many elderly Americans. Now, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo denied that this ever even happened.  Afterward, former FBI Director James Comey took the virtual hot seat in front of the US Senate Judiciary Committee where Comey mini

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/29/20

    30/09/2020 Duração: 01h57min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, even in their reporting, the New York Times reports that President Trump has paid more than $24 million in taxes through the alternative minimum tax, not just $750. Joe Biden benefitted from tax laws that he passed in the senate to avoid payroll taxes like the Medicare tax. Joe Biden is more concerned with the President's taxes than he is with your taxes. Biden will raise your taxes if he wins in November. Later, newly declassified information provided to Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham indicates that in late July of 2016 US intelligence agencies obtained information that then-candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign was planning to embroil the campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump in a scandal with Russia. This information was presented to then-President Obama by CIA Director John Brennan. It was also revealed that the FBI knew back then that this unverified information was prepared by a former Russian spy. Finally, Dr Rich McCormick calls in to discuss his campaign for Geor

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/28/20

    29/09/2020 Duração: 01h54min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the media's timing of President Trump’s tax returns is incredibly well-timed to influence the first Presidential debate. The corrupt New York Times has refused to release their documents which were obtained illegally. The NY Times seeks to impact this election and remove a president they disagree with. This activism is political campaigning, not a free press. Then, Joe Biden and his wife exploited an S-Corporation loophole to avoid paying payroll taxes on speaking fees. These IRS codes were passed when Biden was a voting member of the Senate. While his family enriched themselves by selling Biden's name to Russians, Ukrainians, and the Chinese. Later, Religion cannot, must not, be used as a disqualifier to prevent anyone from serving in public office. However, many Democrats are pushing their anti-Catholic bigotry in their politics and through their partners in the media. Democrats, including Speaker Pelosi and Biden, will do anything to sabotage Judge Amy Coney-Barrett. These part

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/25/20

    26/09/2020 Duração: 01h55min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the Obama-Biden administration is responsible for the biggest political scandal in American history. Newly filed court documents include FBI employees messaging one another admitting that "Trump was right" about being set up by rogue FBI leaders. They were also said to have a "get-Trump" attitude when investigating President Trump and advisors in his inner circle like Gen. Michael Flynn. Afterward, Sidney Powell, the attorney for Flynn, joins the show to discuss the latest court filing. Powell expects more documents to be declassified before the next oral argument over the government's and the defense's request to dismiss charges against Gen. Flynn.  Then, Joe Biden tells troops to "clap you, stupid bastards" at a 2016 speech at the al-dhafra airbase. Biden went on to insult the group further calling them a "dull bunch" and “slow.” Later, Trump has released a new Platinum plan to support African Americans including designating the KKK and ANTIFA as terrorist organizations. Finally

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/24/20

    25/09/2020 Duração: 01h57min

    On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the response from Republicans should be - of course, the President will accept the peaceful transition of power, which the Democrats refused to do in 2016. But first, we have to make sure there is a transition of power given the institutionalized corruption and vote fixing that is going on in battleground states. Democrats are the ones who are changing election laws in these battleground states. Democrats are telling Joe Biden not to concede on election night if he is losing. Democrats are practicing for scenarios that they will trigger should they lose the election, they have no intention of accepting a Trump victory. Later, Democrats are preparing a bill to limit Supreme Court justice terms to 18 years. This is similar to what Mark proposed in the Liberty Amendments. The constitution will have to be amended to do this, this cannot be done by statute. Then, Sen Lindsey Graham calls in to talk about his Senate race in South Carolina and his thoughts on Trump’s Supreme Court nomi

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/23/20

    24/09/2020 Duração: 01h54min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, no officers were charged in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, who was killed after her boyfriend shot at police officers serving a warrant on him. Sadly, the media misinforms the masses, and those that prey on the misinformed stoke further division. Then, Democrat Judges are on the move to help Joe Biden in battleground states. In most cases, a single Judge in various states including Pennsylvania are redefining election day for political purposes. This is antithetical to the federal Constitution which grants each state's legislature such power. Later, it’s the opinion of this program that the Democrats will soon launch a public relations campaign to demand that any justice that President Trump appoints must recuse themselves from anything regarding the 2020 election. Similarly, former President Obama and other demagogical Democrats are warning that the election isn't about Joe Biden it’s about democracy itself. Afterward, Governor Ron DeSantis calls in to discuss how voter regis

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/22/20

    23/09/2020 Duração: 01h55min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, there is no indication that there will be any serious focus on international affairs or national security at the first presidential debate with President Trump and Joe Biden. Instead, there will be a focus on racism, the coronavirus, the Supreme Court, and mail-in voting, according to Axios. Later, Vice President Mike Pence joins the show to warn Americans of how important and decisive it was for Trump to have suspended travel from China. Pence also reiterated how big of an achievement it was for the United States to be roughly a month away from having the first coronavirus vaccine in the world. The media is dangerous and has celebrated and encouraged the disassembly of America. The Democrats say they love Justice Ginsburg but they refuse to listen to her. Even Ginsburg was against packing the Court for partisan purposes. Additionally, Rep. Matt Gaetz has called on the Florida Attorney General to look into Mike Bloomberg paying off $20 Million in back fines so that convicted felo

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/21/20

    22/09/2020 Duração: 01h56min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats seek to destroy the core principles and liberty of America. Nothing in the Constitution supports anything that the democrats are demanding. Nothing. Nominating a Supreme Court Justice in an election year has occurred on 29 other occasions and the sitting president filled the vacancy. That's 23 of 45 presidents who have obeyed the duty to comply with the constitution. Yet the Democrats insist that President Trump break this historical tradition for their partisan political benefit, or risk more riots. Then, Marxism and adherents of communist philosophy like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Chuck Schumer seek to eliminate opposition so that their party can pursue absolute power. They are making a move on our system of government, by eliminating the filibuster, eliminating the electoral college, and taking over the Supreme Court. Later, leftwing radicals continue attacking the history of America by pushing the 1619 project and packing the Supreme Court with leftwing activis

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/18/20

    19/09/2020 Duração: 01h57min

    On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WABC host Rich Valdes, Mr. Call Screener, fills in for Mark. The government didn’t build America – we the people did. The people used the free market to build the America that we love! You don’t look to the government to provide for you when you’re thankful for and able to receive the blessings that America offers. When was the last time you heard a leftist thank God for America? Also, a poll shows that most people want ‘Blue Lives Matter’ laws to protect police. Cops need to be protected because they have a target on their back thanks to the democrats. Democrats no longer support law and order and we are paying that price. Then, Joe Biden and the Democrats have not been a friend to Hispanics and Puerto Rico. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is part of the reason that Biden is suffering from a lack of Hispanic support. Later, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away at 87 from metastatic pancreatic cancer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/17/20

    18/09/2020 Duração: 01h53min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the first legal shot has been fired in Pennsylvania at the 2020 election. Mail-in voting catches steam in 10 states and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled that the state can count ballots for up to three days following the election and that mail-in ballots can’t be discarded over a signature. In effect delaying election night for all of America. There needs to be immediate action by the PA state legislature to stop this. Later, Joe Biden fails to support Israel's sovereignty and his democrat friends are politicizing a coronavirus vaccine. Despite the experts guaranteeing that they are not cutting corners on safety and would never release an unsafe vaccine. Afterward, Pastor Darrell Scott joins the show to discuss his new book, Nothing to Lose: Unlikely Allies in the Struggle for a Better Black America. Pastor Scott shared the President's achievements for Black Americans and the importance of school choice. Finally, Leo Valentin, the Congressional candidate for Florida's 7t

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