Lean Body Buffalo Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 14:03:27
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Our focus is to help influence the way you move, eat and think about YOUR Health and Fitness.


  • 10 Reasons Why You MUST Lift Weights Over The Age of 40

    26/07/2023 Duração: 05min

    1- It slows age-related muscle loss and increases muscle mass and quality. We all lose muscle as we age, but we need it to stay strong enough to function in daily activities, not to mention to travel, enjoy sports, and play with grandkids. 2- Resistance training burns fat. Think it’s all about cardio? Wrong. So many people want to lose weight, and if you’re one of them, then you need to be lifting. 3- Weight training improves balance -- both when standing still and when moving, thus lowering the risk of falls. 4- It eases arthritis pain. 5- It lowers blood pressure. 6-It fights obesity. 7-Strength training fights osteoporosis. This is an extra motivation for women, who lose a small percentage of bone mass each year after menopause. 8-It fights depression among older adults. 9-It prevents dementia, including Alzheimer’s. 10- It prevents Parkinson’s Disease. 11-Weightlifting helps you sleep better. 12-It helps your self-esteem and appearance. 13-It can improve memory and mild cognitive impairment. 14-Strength t

  • 5 Reasons to Start Exercising

    19/07/2023 Duração: 04min

    Feel Better About Yourself. Starting a new fitness program will help improve and increase your confidence and self-esteem. Improves Your Mood. Nothing helps improve your mood like a good workout Reduces Your Risk Factor For Certain Diseases. Heart Disease and Diabetes and certain cancers. Osteoporosis etc. Reduce Those Unwanted Pounds. Ignite your metabolism Improves longevity. Lifespan and Healthspan Need help getting started? Visit www.fatlossbuffalo.com to learn more

  • 3 Reasons Why You Need To Start Your Fitness Journey Now.. Right NOW

    15/07/2023 Duração: 04min

    3 Reasons Why You Need To Start Your Fitness Journey Now.. Right NOW ( And 3 Ways We Can Help)

  • Basic Fat Loss Math

    21/06/2023 Duração: 05min

    Would you like to be 50 pounds lighter just 12 months from now?  Can you image how you would look?  You’d look like a whole new, younger person.  It’s actually much easier than you think, and I’m not talking about invasive, costly surgery, or grueling routines.  All it takes is losing one pound each week. One single pound.  Let’s break it down mathematically. A pound is 3,500 calories—spread that over 7 days and you need a 500-calorie deficit each day to lose 1 pound in a week.  Your 500-calorie deficit can be done by a combination of increased calorie exertion (exercise) as well as a decrease in calories consumed (eating less). First, record your normal weekly exercise – look at everything from walking to participating in sports to exercising in the gym. This is your starting point. From here you’ll need to burn an additional 3500 calories on top of your normal weekly exercise.  If you don’t currently exercise, then any new activity will count towards your 3500-calorie weekly goal.  Second, record your norma

  • Weight Loss Resistance Syndrome (WLRS) and Your Fat Loss Results

    14/06/2023 Duração: 04min

    Weight loss resistance syndrome (WLRS) is a term used to describe the difficulty some women over 40 may experience when trying to lose weight. This syndrome is often attributed to hormonal imbalances, changes in muscle mass, and a slower metabolism that typically occurs as women age. It is also associated with other factors such as stress, poor sleep, and unhealthy eating habits. A slow metabolism can make it harder for women over 40 to lose weight because it refers to the rate at which the body converts food into energy. As women age, their metabolic rate tends to decline due to various factors, including a decrease in muscle mass and hormonal changes. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so having less muscle mass means that the body burns fewer calories at rest. Hormonal changes also play a significant role in weight loss resistance for women over 40. As women approach menopause, estrogen levels decrease, which can lead to increased fat storage, particularly around the abdomen. Additionally, low

  • Making The 2nd Half of 2023 Better Than The 1st

    07/06/2023 Duração: 08min

    What are you going to do differently in the 2nd half of 2023Are you going to reduce your stress level? Are you going to improve your diet? Are you going to take exercise more seriously? Or will you allow the Summer to pass by without changing a thing? If you haven't put any thought into it, then do so now. The cool thing about a Summer is that it gives us the opportunity to reflect over our life, to acknowledge where we are and where we want to be headed. If you would like to be headed in the direction of improved health, lowered weight and increased strength, then here are 17 suggested changes for you to apply this summer: 1) Exercise 2 more hours each week than you did in 1st half of 20232) Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.3) Drink less alcohol.4) Sign up for one of my time-tested fitness programs.5) Stop drinking and eating artificial sweeteners.6) Use heavier dumbbells.7) Eat less bread, or even eliminate gluten from your diet.8) Train for a 5K, 10K or a marathon.9) Eliminate corn syrup

  • 5 Workout Secrets

    31/05/2023 Duração: 04min

    If having a lean and sculpted body is your goal then I’ve got good news for you: follow these 5 Workout Secrets and your goal will quickly become a reality. These secrets aren’t secret in the sense that you’ve never heard them before, because you likely have heard them. The secret is that by faithfully following each and every one of these 5 steps your progress will become automatic and your results will be guaranteed. Workout Secret #1: Consistency is KEY If you want a fit body then exercise MUST be a consistent part of your life. You can’t exercise hard this week and then take the next two weeks off and expect to see results. Results come from consistency. Workout Secret #2: Set ATTAINABLE goals Let’s be realistic here, you aren’t going to lose 20 pounds in a week. That’s not an attainable goal! Those who achieve the most amazing body transformations do so by reaching a series of progressive, attainable goals. If you would like help in determining what an appropriate, attainable goal would be for yourself t

  • 5 Simple Steps for Achieving Any Goal

    24/05/2023 Duração: 04min

    If you're not happy with your body then your workouts have lost focus. What is your immediate goal? If you don't have a ready answer then chances are good that your motivation is low and it has resulted in a lack of results. I know from firsthand experience that operating without a goal will get you nowhere. Sure, you may still be exercising regularly and eating mindfully but without that concrete goal your efforts will yield little results. 1. Setting your goal You want to be in "better shape" but that's so vague. Dig deeper. What specifically do you wish you had now that you don't? To drop 3 dress sizes. To lose 2 inches of arm fat jiggle. To melt 4 inches from your waist. To be able to run 3 miles without stopping. 2. Define your timeline Now that you've determined exactly what part of your body isn't up to par, tie that goal in with a specific timeline. When you have a timeline to measure your progress against, you'll find that achieving your goal becomes an e

  • Fight Age-Related Muscle Loss (and IGNITE your metabolism!)

    19/05/2023 Duração: 03min

    As you age your muscle mass naturally dwindles. This process, called sarcopenia, begins as early as 20 and can ramp up to .4 lb loss in muscle each year starting at age 40. There is a solution to fight off sarcopenia and to maintain your muscles: exercise your muscles with an assortment of resistance training modalities. Consistency is key – the muscle building benefits of each workout ends after about 48 hours.  Keep challenging your muscles and they will repay you with ageless strength! Call or email today to get started on a program that will keep your muscles young. Let’s do this!

  • 3 Anti-Fitness Habits (Are these holding your fat loss results hostage?)

    15/05/2023 Duração: 05min

    The following 3 habits will result in weight gain faster than you can say 'anti-fitness habits.' Break these habits quickly. Drinking Calories. Soda pop, coffee drinks, smoothies and fruit juices are filled with calories. Since liquids won't give you a 'full' feeling, these drinks slide by without notice of how many extra calories you're getting. Stick with water to avoid extra calories.  Not Exercising. Skipping the gym day after day, week after week, and month after month will lead to muscle loss and a reduced metabolism. Exercise 3-5 days per week to keep your muscles strong and metabolism high.  Eating a Heavy Dinner. Eating a large heavy dinner sets you up for weight gain. Instead of eating the majority of your calories late in the day, spread it out over the entire day. Feel like it makes sense to talk about your health and fitness goals? Lets chat. Grab your complimentary session HERE and start your fat loss and fitness journey tomorrow!

  • Fitness Success After 40 | The Truth About Your Metabolism

    01/05/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    Fitness Success After 40 | The Truth About Your Metabolism When it comes to metabolisms, some work fast, and some work slower. That's all there is to it though, right? Wrong. There are countless factors that play into how the metabolism works, how fast it works, and what triggers this increase or decrease. To put it simply - our metabolism works like a thermostat. Unfortunately, just like a thermostat, our metabolisms can become damaged over time from harsh diets and lifestyles, like chronic low-calorie dieting. Without using all the technical talk or boring you, our bodies have a natural BMR (basic metabolic rate). If we mess with this natural process within our body, like not eating enough calories or over-exercising, then we start to mess with our personal thermostat that we've been talking about this whole time.If you aren't eating enough calories to sustain your body's basic needs, your body starts adapting to make up for the loss of energy, which means slowing the metabolism down...

  • The Invisible Fat That Be Hurting Your Health

    28/04/2023 Duração: 02min

    oday’s focus is a biggie because even though you can’t see it, it can have a major effect on your health… And that’s belly fat. There are two basic kinds of belly fat … The “pinch-an-inch” type that’s just under your skin, called subcutaneous fat And the fat deep inside your body that you CAN’T see, called visceral fat   It’s the second type we’re going to talk about today. Having some of that deep visceral fat is healthy because, among other things, it can help protect your organs.  But too much of it can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. You can get a buildup of visceral fat because of your genetics and/or lifestyle factors like stress, diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, etc.  Here’s a quick test to see if you are at risk: Grab a tape measure and measure around your waist. Divide your waist size by your height (using either inches or centimeters for both calculations). A healthy ratio is no more than 0.5 (for both women and men).   If you’re not where you want to be, the great news

  • Fitness After 40… The Rules Have Changed

    26/04/2023 Duração: 04min

    Remember when losing weight and dropping inches was so much easier in your 20's and 30's... It just seemed like the weight just fell off. However, now the rules have changed. What worked then simply doesn't work anymore. After 40 your body begins to change. Your metabolism cahnges. Heck... we change! So you have to change the way you approach your health and fitness. In today's episode, I outline what you need to focus on to achieve the results you desire (and deserve!) Curious to learn more.. Lets chat. Go HERE for a complimentary session

  • Don’t Believe These 5 Myths

    24/04/2023 Duração: 06min

    Nothing irks me more than when I hear these 5 myths. It frustrates me because I know it can sanatorium your results. Listen in as I put to test 5 fat loss myths

  • 4 Tips To Jumpstart Your Fat Loss Journey

    21/04/2023 Duração: 03min

    Losing fat, dropping fat after 40 can be a challenge. What used to work doesn’t work anymore. It’s time to change the way you approach your health and fitness. Listen in as I explain. I’ve outlined the 4 steps below to get you back on the fitness fast track. Step One: Get Focused. Your crazy weekend happened. You ate things from your “never eat these” list, you drank more that you should have, but now it’s over. Draw a line in the sand. The bad eating stops now. If you’re serious about your fitness goals, then this weekend was the exception, and not the rule. Maybe it was your birthday, or your friends and family were gathered for a celebration, and the peer pressure to partake in unhealthy food was too much for you to resist. Don’t beat yourself up for falling off the fitness wagon this once. Simply get back up, dust yourself off and get re-focused. Leave the past, and your slip-ups, in the past. Step Two: Get Hydrated. While bad eating can take on many forms, the end result is most often dehydration and

  • Restart Your Results In 5 Steps

    17/04/2023 Duração: 05min

    Feeling like you’re not getting the results you desire? Or perhaps you’ve slipped a bit in your fat loss journey! No worries. Here are 5 steps to get you back on track.

  • Fitness and Fat Loss Audit

    10/04/2023 Duração: 02min

    Have you ever been audited? NO I’m not talking about from the IRS! I mean a fitness audit! You see, ask yourself these 3 questions every few weeks to make sure you are on track.

  • Suffering from a slow, sluggish and stalled metabolism? Do this!

    03/04/2023 Duração: 03min

    As we age our metabolism begins to suffer. We burn less calories throughout the day, our energy levels are zapped and it becomes nearly impossible to lose weight. Listen in as I give you 2 things you can do ASAP to jumpstart your metabolism

  • Think (INSIDE) The Box For Fitness and Fat Loss Results

    22/03/2023 Duração: 04min

    Trying to lose weight and get fit is about following the basics. The foundations of real, lasting and simple results. Listen as I explain what I mean. Curious to learn more: www.fatlossbuffalo.com

  • Don’t Confuse “Active” With Fit

    30/11/2022 Duração: 03min

    Confusing the 2 can be misleading snd actually slow your results. Know the difference. Curious to learn more? www.fatlossbuffalo.com

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