Bernie Landoz - How We Control A World Of 6b People

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3:55:53
  • Mais informações



Conspiracy Theory is just a theory? This podcast series is the audio track from the abridged version of Bernie's series of videos on how he and his various constituents control governments and societies throughout the world.


  • What it's like actually going to Washington

    20/10/2016 Duração: 08min

    Bernie, the obnoxious, but no BS lobbyist, investor, and master manipulator, describes the real environment in the capitol building, and prepares us for the long, difficult task we have ahead of us if we want to create any real change.

  • Dirty Secrets of Lobbying

    20/10/2016 Duração: 14min

    Bernie, the obnoxious, but no BS lobbyist and investor, was asked by the Climate Mobilization group to help out with their efforts to get people mobilized to put pressure on Washington to pass legislation to support policies fighting climate change. Bernie fired back with his illumination of the way things really work in Washington and the need for grass root organizations to get very organized, focused, and practical - and partner with business, despite their disdain for such activities. Watch Bernie vomit out his vitriol on Washington, Grass Roots Movements, and the American Culture.

  • 24) Evolution and Intelligent Design

    13/11/2010 Duração: 02min

    Bernie discusses how the debate over Evolution and Intelligent Design highlights the Orchestrator's role.

  • 23) Controlling Sex and Sexuality

    13/11/2010 Duração: 19min

    The most powerful and important control tactic of all.

  • 22) Other World Pyramids

    13/11/2010 Duração: 06min

    We have been examining the Fat Dumb and Happy Pyramid structure. We now examine other pyramid structures throughout the world and consider how they interact with each other and what this may mean for the future of globalization and what our role is in ensuring stability.

  • 21) Controlling Education

    13/11/2010 Duração: 16min

    School is one of the most important control mechanisms, creating good lifelong members of the pyramid. School is primarily a socialization mechanism, and tactics we use to pound upon children to drive them to the state we want are discussed. Additional topics to socialize children are reviewed: ensuring History is boring, neutering children’s leadership potential, promoting low energy states, using No Child Left Behind to marginalize the most intelligent children, and feminizing the male child. We must use tactics to protect our own children against this environment.

  • 20) Culture Control Strategies

    13/11/2010 Duração: 09min

    General strategies such as driving emotional immaturity, frustrating people, encouraging a white collar criminal mindset, attacking the parenting function are reviewed. Details on how we go about doing this are provided in later videos.

  • 19) Debt and War

    13/11/2010 Duração: 02min

    The British perfected the art of war over hundreds of years to control nations and extract resources. The Americans have evolved to a more clean approach - which they use when they can instead of war.

  • 18) Evolution of Religion

    13/11/2010 Duração: 09min

    A brief summary of the evolution of religion throughout history. How we use religion today to control people and voting patterns, while also fragmenting and disrupting any true spiritual movement.

  • 17) Controlling the Government

    13/11/2010 Duração: 22min

    Tactics to distract people so they don’t pay attention to what the government is really doing on our behalf. This is a classic example of leverage - use pre-existing social movements to distract the population. How political parties evolve. The instrumental role of political parties in our control tactics. Tactics we use to control the election process so we always have our people in power to achieve our objectives. How powerful labels and branding is at distracting people. For example, Liberal vs. Conservative and other ways parties are branded. The importance of keeping things vague, pork (promises to your voters), and the importance of fear and war. Orchestrator level thinking: Don’t forget that we are putting on a show. Bernie answers the question was 911 a conspiracy. He emphasizes that we Orchestrators must be clear about the world around us, and live with positive energy so we don't contribute towards problems created by dogs and sheep.

  • 16) Controlling the Media

    13/11/2010 Duração: 10min

    First we look at a very brief history of News/The Media, and how that is interwoven in the creation of the American Dream and Mindset. A reminder that the Media is a money making business, while also being ideal at controlling people. Tactics we use to control the population’s mindset and drain their resolve so they don't ask too many questions or create any real change. Tactics we use to ensure that the management inside the media conglomerates act in the manner that we need them to in order to achieve these objectives. Tactics to allow you to twist the truth while not telling a lie. The relationship between the Media and the Government. The role of the Orchestrators at keeping the pyramid tuned.

  • 15) Nature of Corporate Ownership

    13/11/2010 Duração: 06min

    Bernie discusses the difficulty in keeping The Miracle / Pyramid together. Even the founding fathers of the United States were overwhelmed and frustrated by the difficulties in managing the system. The majority of companies in the United States are owned by the “Market” resulting in human beings not being in a position to ensure the stability of the system. Many large companies are owned by wealthy individuals, families, and the government, but these are largely outside the US. The primary nature of ownership throughout the world is reviewed including the unique challenges that United States faces.

  • 14) Addiction

    13/11/2010 Duração: 03min

    The importance of addiction to drugs, substances, and distractions to sustain the pyramid is discussed - anti-depressants, ADD, diabetes, junk food, and welfare. A corporation has the power to start at childhood and create lifelong addictions either directly or through agents, due to it’s longevity beyond a human life.

  • 13) Hollywood

    13/11/2010 Duração: 05min

    Because of the importance of the media and entertainment at controlling and maintaining the Fat Dumb and Happy Pyramid, the history of Hollywood is quickly reviewed. Also discussed is how this is changing in the Internet World and what we need to do to maintain control and reduce the risks to the stability of the system.

  • 12) Ideal Industries

    13/11/2010 Duração: 10min

    An ideal industry is one where a lot of money is being spent, but it’s difficult to measure quality. Environmental technologies were discussed, but additional markets and technologies are reviewed. The key strategy is to focus people on simple perception and decoy or distract them away from the complexity of whether the product or your actions are producing any real value. The futility and foolishness of trying to sell the best products that make sense when everybody else is selling perception is discussed. General principles across several industries are discussed, then specific examples. Security is a particularly good example of an ideal industry because of the amount of money being spent in security and the extreme difficultly of measuring the difference between good and bad security - especially in a public forum. We previously review biometrics which is an example of a great money maker. The example of electronic voting machines is reviewed here, and is an example of a business that didn't go as well.

  • 11) Green Tech

    13/11/2010 Duração: 04min

    The Marketing principles of selling perception and creating a crisis apply to ALL markets, regardless of how critical or complex (e.g. lipstick vs. environmental technologies). The complexities of understanding where energy comes from, the total cost / carbon footprint is discussed, and our need as investors and orchestrators to understand what is real and what is not, despite the ignorance of the market, in order for us to manage risk to our portfolios. Several technologies are reviewed, some good for the environment, some bad, but all money makers. For more detailed information see my Blog Entry. This is a very long blog entry; it is also available as a short Kindle book; search for "Bernie Landoz - Going Green with Electric Cars: Energy Policy or Just Sexy?"

  • 10) Post WWII Consumer Culture

    13/11/2010 Duração: 04min

    The evolution of the consumer culture is reviewed as it’s the backbone of the stability of the Fat Dumb and Happy Pyramid. A crisis existed after World War II – the communist threat had to be counteracted with another crisis that we created. The primary mechanism of this crisis is using advertising, branding, and entertainment to drive low self esteem into the American consumer to get them to spend money. This ultimately results in a climate where perception rules, regardless of the market. Selling lipstick is essentialy no different from selling high tech environmental technologies.

  • 09) History of Money

    13/11/2010 Duração: 08min

    Why is gold so magical. The evolution of gold into money. The creation of money from nothing. The evolution from the village to the King to the Puppet King to Capitalism to the threat to stability from Globalization. The differences between those focused on gold vs. those focused on building an economy. Where is the god of money today, do we need a new god.

  • 08) Our True Nature

    13/11/2010 Duração: 05min

    Bernie concludes the first Part of the series by commenting on the fundamental drivers of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Heaven or hell is right here on the Earth, you get to choose. You have to understand the pyramid and respect it. Bernie leaves you with the question – Who are you, and do you have the strength to see the truth.

  • 07) Protecting Yourself

    13/11/2010 Duração: 05min

    How we make sure we stay in an enlightened state and don’t get infected by the very same tactics and bad energy we use to control people.

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