Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #411 Overcoming Depression

    19/12/2023 Duração: 07min

    The Israeli song לצאת מדיכאון is perhaps the song that best describes how an entire nation is feeling at this moment. It’s an appropriate time to talk about דיכאון, depression, and its root. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Atem yod’im ma ha-derech hachi tova latset mi-dika’on?” – Do you know what is the best way to get out of depression? – אתם יודעים מה הדרך הכי טובה לצאת מדיכאון Dika’on – Depression – דיכאון Dik’onot – Depressions – דכאונות Latset mi-dika’on – To get out of depression – לצאת מדיכאון Lehikanes le-dika’on – To fall into depression – להיכנס לדיכאון Lo nichnasti le-dikaon mi-ze – I took it easily – לא נכנסתי לדיכאון מזה Ze shir optimi, ze lo shir medaké – This is an optimistic song, not a depressing one – זה שיר אופטימי,זה לא שיר מדכא Ha-matsav medaké – The situation is depressing – המצב מדכא Ledaké – To depress, oppress – לדכא Medaké – Depressing – מדכא Ledaké mered – To crush a rebellion – לדכא מרד Ledaké regesh/regashot – To suppress an emotion/emotions –

  • #410 Release Me

    12/12/2023 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word לשחרר means to release, to free. It is used often when speaking about the hostage crisis in Gaza. How else do we use לשחרר, and how do we say it in the passive? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Leshachrer – To release, to free, to liberate – לשחרר Israelim kor’im la-memshala laasot hakol kedei leshachrer et ha-hatufim me-hamas. – Israelis call on the government to do whatever it can to release the hostages from Hamas. – ישראלים קוראים לממשלה לעשות הכל כדי לשחרר את החטופים מהחמאס Meshachrerim tsvi la-teva – They release a deer back into the wild – משחררים צבי לטבע Hem meshachrerim tsabei yam la-teva – They release sea turtles back to nature – הם משחררים צבי ים לטבע “Lo meshachrer otanu” – It doesn’t liberate us – לא משחרר אותנו Ts’chok meshachrer – Liberating laughter – צחוק משחרר Shachrer oti – Let me go, cut me loose – שחרר אותי Yalla, shachrer oti – Come on, let me go – יאללה, שחרר אותי Milhemet ha-shichroor – The 1948 war – מלחמת השחרור Hufshat shichroor –

  • #409 When Will They Be Released?

    28/11/2023 Duração: 09min

    “When will the hostages be released?”, מתי הם ישתחררו, is what everyone in Israel is asking themselves. This week we saw the release of some of the hostages taken on October 7th. Guy explains how we talk about it in Hebrew. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Et hishtachrarti” – When I got released – עת השתחררתי Hu hishtachrer – He got released, he was liberated – הוא השתחרר Hem hishtachreru – They were released – הם השתחררו Hem mishtachrerim, hen mishtachrerot – They are being released – הם משתחררים, הן משתחררות Ha-im hem yishtachreroo ha-yom? – Will they be released today? – האם הם ישתחררו היום Matai ata mishtachrer/at mishtachreret/atem mishtachrerim- When will you be done with your military service? – מתי אתה משתחרר/את משתחררת/אתם משתחררים Ani rak rotse lehishtachrer – I just wants to go home – אני רק רוצה להשתחרר Lehishtachrer me-ha-tsava- To get out of the army service – להשתחרר מהצבא “Kol ha-anashim amru li, ‘ma be’emet, al ma hishtachrart?’ – Everybody told me, why wer

  • #408 Keep On Smiling

    14/11/2023 Duração: 09min

    Especially these days, it’s important to keep on smiling and to try and stay optimistic. Guy explains how to smile in Hebrew. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Hiuyooch male shinayim – A smile full of teeth – חיוך מלא שיניים Hiyoochim mezuyafim – Fake smiles – חיוכים מזוייפים Raper/it – Rapper – ראפר/ית “Toda, he’eleta hiyooch al panai” – You brought a smile to my face – העלית חיוך על פניי Lehaalot hiyooch al pnei mishehu – To bring a smile to someone’s face – להעלות חיוך על פני מישהו “Mefazeret hiyoochim” – She spreads smiles – מפזרת חיוכים Dofek hiyoochim – Flash smiles – דופק חיוכים “Hu amar et ze be-hiyooch” – He said it smilingly – הוא אמר את זה בחיוך Lehayech – To smile – לחייך Hiyachti el mishehu/mishehi – I smiled at someone – חייכתי אל מישהו/מישהי Hayech/techayech, haychi/techaychi, haychu/techaychu – Smile (imp.) – חייך/תחייך, חייכי/תחייכי, חייכו/תחייכו “Hu yatsa mechuyach me-ha-pgisha” – He came out smiling from the meeting – הוא יצא מחוייך מהפגישה Haychan – Someon

  • #407 Words of Encouragement

    07/11/2023 Duração: 08min

    In time of war, we need to cheer one another up. How do we cheer on and provide words of encouragement to those around us in Hebrew? Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Idood – Encouragement – עידוד Shir idood – An encouragement song – שיר עידוד Milot idood – Words of encouragement – מילות עידוד Ha-keren le-idood yozmot hinoochiyot – The fund for promotion of educational initiatives – הקרן לעידוד יוזמות חינוכיות Ha-keren le-idood + noun – The fund for promotion of X – הקרן לעידוד + ש.ע Anachnu rotsim le’oded et ha-morim ve-hatalmidim – We want to encourage the teachers and students – אנחנו רוצים לעודד את המורים והתלמידים Lachshov mi-huts la-tavniyot – To think outside the box – לחשוב מחוץ לתבניות Le’oded (like lesovev, lefotsets, le’otet) – To encourage – לעודד, כמו לסובב, לפוצץ, לאותת Me’odedot – Cheerleaders – מעודדות Me’oodad – Cheered up, encouraged – מעוּדָד Ha-chayalim me’oodadim – The soldiers are in good spirits – החיילים מעוּדדים Ani me’oded haver atsoov

  • #406 Words of War

    24/10/2023 Duração: 08min

    Israel is at war. There are a few words that we hear on the news all the time — words you should absolutely know. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Retsu’at aza – The Gaza Strip – רצועת עזה Retsua la-kelev – Leash for a dog – רצועה לכלב Otef aza (Ha-otef) – The area bordering with the Gaza Strip – עוטף עזה, העוטף Yeshuvey otef aza – Villages near the Gaza Strip, inside Israel – ישובי עוטף עזה Matach kaved shel raketot – Heavy barrage of rockets – מטח כבד של רקטות Az’aka, az’akot – Sirens – אזעקה, אזעקות Mamad (merchav mugan dirati) – Protected space within the apartment – מרחב מוגן דירתי Miklat, miklatim – Bomb shelters – מקלט Pikud ha-oref – Home Front Command – פיקוד העורף Harugim – The killed – הרוגים Ptsoo’im – The injured – פצועים Hatufim – Kidnapped – חטופים Bnei aruba – Hostages – בני ערובה Mehablim – Terrorists – מחבלים Ne’edar, ne’edarim – Missing – נעדר, נעדרים Hamal – Tactical Operations Center, War room – חדר מלחמה, חמ”ל Tarchish – Scenario – תרחיש Ha-tarchish ha-

  • #405 You’re in Our Thoughts

    17/10/2023 Duração: 08min

    What can you write to your family and friends in Israel during these difficult days of war? What’s appropriate at this moment? Guy has some ideas. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Letaksher im haverim ve-krovim – Communicate with family and friends – לתקשר עם חברים וקרובים Ve-eich lehabi’ah de’agah ve-tmicha – And how to express concern and support – ואיך להביע דאגה ותמיכה  Shamati ma kara – I heard what had happened – שמעתי מה קרה Shamati ma kore ba-aretz achshav – I heard what is happening right now in Israel – שמעתי מה קורה בארץ עכשיו Atsoov – Sad – עצוב Kol kach atsoov – It’s so sad – כל כך עצוב Ze nora – It’s horrible – זה נורא Ze bilti nitpas – It’s inconceivable, unimaginable – זה בלתי נתפס Ze lo ye’amen – It’s unbelievable – זה לא ייאמן Ze matsav machrid – It’s a terrifying situation – זה מצב מחריד Ein li milim – I have no words – אין לי מילים Nigmeru li ha-milim – I ran out of words – נגמרו לי המילים Ani do’eg nora – I am terribly worried – אני דואג נורא Anachnu do’

  • #404 War

    10/10/2023 Duração: 08min

    Israel is at war. Guy explains the word מלחמה and others from the same root, לחמ, that we hear on Israeli news coverage. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Milchama – War – מלחמה Milchama ve-shalom – War and Peace – מלחמה ושלום Milchemet ha-olam ha-rishona, ha-shniya – The First/Second World War – מלחמת העולם הראשונה, השנייה WW2 – מלחה”ע ה-2  Mivtsa – Opeation – מבצע Lochama elektronit – Electronic warfare (lamed alef) – לוחמה אלקטרונית Lochama ba-terror – Counter-terrorism – לוחמה בטרור, לוט”ר Lochamat cyber – Cyber warfare – לוחמת סייבר Milchemet Todaa – Psychological warfare – מלחמת תודעה Milchemet yom ha-kipurim – The Yom Kippur War – מלחמת יום הכיפורים Lochem – Fighter/combatant – לוחם Lochem, lochemet, lochamim, lochamot Lochamei esh (Kaba’im) – Firefighters – לוחמי אש Lochemet esh – Female firefighter – לוחמת אש “Lihyot lochem esh ze avoda mesukenet” – Being a firefighter is a dangerous job – להיות לוחם אש זה עבודה מסוכנת “Ze matschik she-at omeret lochem esh ve-lo loch

  • #403 I Need Some Self-Discipline

    03/10/2023 Duração: 07min

    There are quite a few words in Hebrew, like משמעות (meaning) and משמעת (discipline), that are connected to the root שמע (to hear) even though it might not seem like it at first sight. Let's go over some of these words together. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mashmaoot – Meaning – משמעות Mashmaoot ha-shem – The meaning of the name – מה משמעות השם Ma mashmaaoot ha-mila/ha-mishpat – What is the meaning of the word/sentence – מה משמעות המילה/המשפט Ma mashmaoot ha-shir/ha-pasuk/ha-mila – What is the meaning of the poem/verse/word – מה משמעות השיר/הפסוק/המילה Vechulei – Etcetera, Etc. – וכו’, וכולי “Al techapsi mash’maa’ooyot ba-shamayim” – Don’t look for meanings in the sky – אל תחפשי משמעויות בשמיים Mashma’oot, mashma’ooyot – Meaning, meanings – משמעות, משמעויות Kefel mashma’oot – Double meaning – כפל משמעות Mishmaat – Discipline – משמעת Mishmaat ba-kita – Discipline in the classroom – משמעת בכיתה “Hayiti betucha she-mishmaat ze lo ha-kivoon” – I was sure that discipline wasn’

  • #402 Animal Sounds in Hebrew

    19/09/2023 Duração: 12min

    If you didn’t grow up as a child in Israel, chances are you don’t know the sounds animals make in Hebrew, nor the verbs we use to describe them. Guy to the rescue. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Miao – Meow – מיאו Leyalel – To wail, to complain – ליילל Dai leyalel! – Stop complaining – די ליילל Klavlav – Small dog (kelev katan) – כלבלב Hav-hav – Woof-woof – הב-הב Kelev nove’ah – Dog barking – כלב נובח Ha-klavim novchim ve-ha-shayara overet – The dogs bark but the caravan goes on – הכלבים נובחים והשיירה עוברת Tsif-tsif/tsvits-tsvits – Chirp-chirp – ציף-ציף/צוויץ-צוויץ Tsiporim metsaytsot – Birds chirping – ציפורים מצייצות  Letsayets – To chirp/tweet – לצייץ Tarnegol – Rooster – תרנגול Cookoorikoo – Cookadoodledoo – קוקוריקו Ha-tarnegol kore – The rooster crows – התרנגול קורא Kri’at ha-tarnegol – The rooster crow – קריאת התרנגול Tsfarde’ah mekarkeret – Frog croaking – צפרדע מקרקרת Mekarkeret li ha-beten – My stomach is grumbling – מקרקרת לי הבטן Kirkur – Croaking – קרקור Dvo

  • #401 Animals

    05/09/2023 Duração: 09min

    We have many expressions with animals in Hebrew. Like, איזה חמור הייתי. Which ones can you use day-to-day and which ones can get you in trouble? Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ein haya kazot – No such thing – אין חיה כזאת Eize hamor ani – I am so stupid – איזה חמור אני Eize hamor hayiti – How stupid I was – איזה חמור הייתי “Naavod kmo hamorim” – We’ll work like donkeys – נעבוד כמו חמורים Ani oved kol yom kmo hamor – I work everyday like a dog – אני עובד כל יום כמו חמור Ya kelev – You dog – Ya Kalb (Ar.) – יא כלב Ya kelev, ata nose’a shuv le-hul? – You’re going abroad again, you dog? – יא כלב, אתה נוסע שוב לחו”ל Kalba – Bitch – כלבה Lihyot chilbot – To be enemies – להיות צ’ילבות Ma, aten chilbot achshav, lo medabrot achat im ha-shniya? – So are you enemies right now, you’re not talking to each other anymore? – מה, אתן צ’ילבות עכשיו,לא מדברות אחת עם השנייה Kor klavim – Freezing cold – קור כלבים  Hayei kelev – Dog’s life – חיי כלב Po kavoor ha-kelev – This is th

  • #400 Eat Your Vegetables

    15/08/2023 Duração: 11min

    In Israel, the person who runs our neighborhood vegetable stall, the ירקן, is an important figure. Guy explains why. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Yerakot – Vegetables – ירקות Yarkan – Vegetable seller – ירקן Yerek – Greens – יֶרֶק Haser li yerek – I am missing my greenery – חסר לי ירק Hanut yerakot, yarkaniya – Vegetable shop – חנות ירקות, ירקנייה Mishlo’ach yerakot habaita – Vegetables delivered home – משלוח ירקות הביתה Sal yerakot organiyim – Organic vegetable basket – סל ירקות אורגניים Hanut ha-yerakot ha-schunatit – Neighborhood vegetable shop – חנות הירקות השכונתית Agvaniyot – Tomatoes – עגבניות “Bo, bo, shamarti lecha”, “Bo’i, bo’i, shamarti lach” – Come here, I kept this for you – בוא, בוא, שמרתי לך / בואי, בואי, שמרתי לך Efshar lit’om? – Could I taste? – אפשר לטעום Kartonim – Cartons, boxes – קרטונים Kama ze? – How much is it? – כמה זה Kama ha-melafefonim? – How much are the cucumbers? – כמה המלפפונים Yesh yoter yafim/yafot? – Do you have nicer ones? – יש יותר יפ

  • #399 Face to Face

    08/08/2023 Duração: 11min

    The Hebrew word פנים means face, and on its face, an ordinary and simple word. But there’s more to it in spoken Hebrew, including little things about its proper use. On this episode, Guy covers mafia talk, some politically incorrect uses of פנים, and a tourism campaign from the 1950’s. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Panim – Face – פנים Bi-fnim – Inside – בפנים Ba-huts – Outside – בחוץ Panim el mul panim – Face to face – פנים אל מול פנים Panim el panim – Face to face – פנים אל פנים Yesh’cha panim yafot, gever, lo haval? – You’ve got a pretty face, dude. Wouldn’t it be a shame if something were to happen to it? – יש לך פנים יפות, גבר, לא חבל Yesh lach panim yafot, lo haval? – Such a shame, you’re so pretty – יש לך פנים יפות, לא חבל Panim meyuchadot – Unique face – פנים מיוחדות Panim me’anyenot – Interesting face – פנים מעניינות Panim nefuchot – Swollen face – פנים נפוחות Tipul panim – Facial – טיפול פנים Tipulei panim – Facials – טיפולי פנים Facial massage – Isuy panim – עיס

  • #398 Who’s Putting the Kids to Sleep?

    04/07/2023 Duração: 10min

    The Hebrew word להשכיב means, to put something or someone in a horizontal position. Read that sentence again and you’ll understand why this episode is not suitable for children. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehashkiv – To put to rest, to put someone to bed – להשכיב “Kama kesef hishkavta al ze” – How much money did you spend on this – כמה כסף השכבת על זה “Eich ani matslicha lehashkiv et ha-ktanim kshe-yesh gdolim ba-bayit?” – How am I able to put the little ones to bed when I have older kids at home? – איך אני מצליחה להשכיב את הקטנים כשיש גדולים בבית Lehashkiv et ha-yeladim lishon – Put the children to sleep – להשכיב אותם לישון Lehashkiv tinok al ha-beten – Lay a baby down on its stomach – להשכיב תינוק על הבטן “Hishkavt oti be-eser” – You tucked me in at 10 pm – השכבת אותי בעשר Kmo eize tinok – Like a baby – כמו איזה תינוק Tashkiv oti lishon – Put me to sleep – תשכיב אותי לישון Tashkiv oti, tashkivi oti, tashkivu oti – Tuck me in (imperative) – תשכיב אותי, תשכיבי אותי, תש

  • #397 Only the Finest Goods

    20/06/2023 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word סחורה means merchandise. When sellers in the fruit and vegetable markets shout סחורה אלף-אלף, what are they saying? And how do we say drug trafficking and drug dealers in the language of the Bible? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Socher – Trader, merchant, dealer – סוחר Socher rahitim – Furniture merchant – סוחר רהיטים Diamond dealer – Socher yahalomim – סוחר יהלומים Socher cocaine gadol – A big cocaine dealer – סוחר קוקאין גדול Socher samim, socharei samim (pl.) – Drug dealers – סוחר סמים, סוחרי סמים Sachar – Commerce, trade – סחר Sachar be-samim – Drug trafficking – סחר בסמים Hu sachar – He traded – הוא סחר Sachar hogen – Fair trade – סחר הוגן Kashrut musarit – Moral kashrut – כשרות מוסרית Sachar chuts – Foreign trade – סחר חוץ Mischar – Trade – מסחר Ha-sachar/Ha-mischar ben ha-medinot – The trade between the countries – הסחר/המסחר בין המדינות The trading day – Yom ha-mischar – יום המסחר Ha-mischar ba-bursa be-NY nisgar be-aliyot she’arim – Trading on the

  • #396 Shopping in Hebrew

    13/06/2023 Duração: 11min

    Where do you go shopping? How do you pay? And what do we say to a friend who just bought something new? Guy explains shopping in Israel. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Kniyot, shopping – Shopping – קניות Metsiot – Findings, good deals – מציאות Mutag, mutagim – Brand name product – מותג Mutag ha-bayit – Home brand – מותג הבית Logo, logo’im – Logo, logos – לוגו, לוגואים Mutsar – Product – מוצר Mischar – commerce, trade – מסחר Socher – trader – סוחר Socharim bi-mnayot chul? – Do you trade in foreign stocks? – סוחרים במניות חו”ל Mediniyoot ha-hachlafa – The exchange policy – מדיניות ההחלפה Duchan, duchanim /basta, bastot – Stands (in the market) – דוכנים, בסטות Hanoot, hannoyot – Shop, shops – חנות, חנויות Reshet hanooyot – Chain – רשת חנויות Snif – Branch – סניף Hanoot yad shniya – Second hand shop – חנות יד שנייה Makolet – Grocery store – מכולת Pitsutsiya – Corner store – פיצוצייה Hanooyot nochoot – Convenience stores – חנויות נוחות Ani ba-super – I am at the supermarket – א

  • #395 My Calendars Won’t Synchronize!

    06/06/2023 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word for calendar is יומן. Our calendars used to be made of paper and hung up on the wall. But today, most of us have gone digital. That means all our events have to be synchronized across our many devices. So what does היומן לא מסונכרן mean? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lua’ch shana – Calendar – לוח שנה Yoman – Calendar – יומן Lu’ach ha-shana ha-ivri (ha-lu’ach ha-ivri) – The Jewish calendar – לוח השנה העברי, הלוח העברי Yomana shel Anna Frank – Anne Frank’s Diary – יומנה של אנה פרנק Yoman ishi – Personal diary – יומן אישי Yoman Google – Google calendar – יומן גוגל Tistakel/tistakel/tistaklu ba-yoman – Check out the calendar – תסתכל/תסתכלי/תסתכלו ביומן Samti ba-yoman – I put it in the calendar – שמתי ביומן Sagarti lanu pgisha – I scheduled a meeting for us – סגרתי לנו פגישה Tistakel ba-yoman ba-telefon – Check out the calendar on the phone – תסתכל ביומן בטלפון Ha-yoman lo mesunchran – The calendar is not synchronized – היומן לא מסונכרן Synchronize – Root ס.נ.כ

  • #394 I Haven’t Seen You in Ages!

    23/05/2023 Duração: 07min

    What should we say in Hebrew when we see someone we haven’t seen for a very long time? How about someone who just got back from an extended stay abroad? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Baruch shuvcha – Welcome back (m.) – ָברוך שובך Baruch shuvech – Welcome back (f.) – ברוך שובךְ Baruch shuvcha, chaver – Welcome back, my friend – ברוך שובך, חבר “Shalom rav shuvech tsipora nechmedet” – Welcome back, cute bird – שלום רב שובך ציפורה נחמדת Baruch ha-shav, brucha ha-shava, bruchim ha-shavim, bruchot ha-shavot – Welcome back – ברוך השב, ברוכה השבה, ברוכים השבים, ברוכות השבות Baruch ha-ba, brucha ha-ba’ah, bruchim ha-ba’im, bruchot ha-ba’ot – Welcome – ברוך הבא, ברוכה הבאה, ברוכים הבאים, ברוכות הבאות Idan – Era – עידן Lo ra’iti otcha/otach idan ve-idanim – I haven’t seen you in ages – לא ראיתי אותך עידן ועידנים Lo nifgashnu idan ve-idanim – I haven’t seen you in ages – לא נפגשנו עידן ועידנים Yovel – Jubilee – יובל Yovlot! – It’s been ages – יובלות  Ma ze, efo at? Ma ze, efo ata? –

  • #393 Aim High

    02/05/2023 Duração: 12min

    To aim, to tune, to intend, to really mean something. The Hebrew equivalent of these verbs all come from the root כ.ו.נ, a root which has many interesting uses in our spoken language. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mi mechaven et ha-tnu’ah – Who is directing the traffic – מי מכוון את התנועה Lechaven ekdah le-ever mishehu – To aim a gun at someone – לכוון אקדח לעבר מישהו Az ani akhaven le-shmone kazé – I’ll aim to get there at eightish – אז אני אכוון לשמונה כזה Eich Lechaven gitara – How to tune a guitar – איך לכוון גיטרה Lama ata mekhaven namuch? – Why are you aiming low? – למה אתה מכוון נמוך Oh wow, hem mekhavnim gavoha – They are aiming high – הם מכוונים גבוה Mekhuvan – Tuned, deliberate, aimed – מכוון Tslil mechuvan – “Tuned tone” – צליל מכוון Psanter lo mechuvan – An out of tune piano – פסנתר לא מכוון Ekdach mekhuvan le’ever mishehu – Pistol aimed at someone – אקדח מכוון לעבר מישהו “Atem yod’im le-mi ze haya mechuvan” – You know who it was aimed at – אתם יודעים למי זה

  • #392 Which Direction Is the Wind Blowing?

    18/04/2023 Duração: 09min

    The word כיוון means direction but it’s got many different uses in day-to-day Hebrew. In this episode, Guy talks about wind direction, career trajectory, prayer orientation and so much more. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Kivoon – Direction, bearing, orientation – כיוון “Kol kivoon she-bo halachnu” – Every direction in which we went – כל כיוון שבו הלכנו Kivoon ba-kariera – Career trajectory – כיוון בקריירה Kivoon ha-ktiva be-ivrit hu mi-yamin li-smol – The direction of writing in Hebrew is from right to left – כיוון הכתיבה בעברית הוא מימין לשמאל Kivoon ha-ruach – The wind direction – כיוון הרוח Kartis be-kivoon echad – One way ticket – כרטיס בכיוון אחד Ma ha-kivoon ha-klali? – What’s the general direction? – מה הכיוון הכללי Kivoon ha-tfila? – The direction of prayer – כיוון התפילה Achi, yesh’cha kivoon? – Dude, do you know where to get weed? – אחי, יש’ך כיוון Dofek hiuchim le-khol hakivoonim – He is spreading smiles all over the place – דופק חיוכים לכל הכיוונים Yore/yora l

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