Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
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A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #371 I'm Scatterbrained Today

    06/09/2022 Duração: 10min

    The Hebrew word לפזר means to distribute, to spread, to dissolve, and is used in many different contexts including, לפזר את הילדים. Oh, and by the way, has anyone seen my phone? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Eich nachon lefazer et ha-kompost” – How to correctly spread the compost – איך נכון לפזר את הקומפוסט “Anachnu natchil lefazer et ha-kompost” – We’re going to start to spread the compost” – אנחנו נתחיל לפזר את הקומפוסט “Ani pashut mefazer me-al ha-lachmaniyot be-nedivut” – I simply sprinkle generously over the bread rolls – אני פשוט מפזר מעל הלחמניות בנדיבות “Hamon hamon parmigiano reggiano megorad” – A lot of grated parmesan – המון המון פרמיג’אנו רג’אנו מגורד “Ani pashut mefazer et ha-gvina kacha la-orech” – I simply spread the cheese like this, along the dough – אני פשוט מפזר את הגבינה ככה לאורך Lefazer et ha-yeladim la-ganim – Dropping off the kids at their respective kindergartens – לפזר את הילדים לגנים Lefazer la-misgarot – Dropping them off to schools – לפזר למס

  • #370 Marching Forward

    21/06/2022 Duração: 07min

    The Hebrew word לצעוד means to march. But it can also mean to walk or to advance. No wonder politicians love this verb! Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lits’od – To march – לצעוד “Gvirti Ha-nava” – My Fair Lady – גבירתי הנאווה “La-hatuna ets’ad ha-boker” – To the wedding I’ll march this morning – לחתונה אצעד הבוקר “Leolam lo Tis’adi Levad” – You’ll never walk alone – לעולם לא תצעדי לבד “Ani tso’edet ba-rhovot be-gav zakuf ve-ge’eh” – I march in the streets with a straight and proud back – אני צועדת ברחובות בגב זקוף וגאה “Anachnu tsoadim le’ever idan hadash” – We’re marching towards a new era – אנחנו צועדים לעבר עידן חדש “Aanachnu muchrachim lits’od kadima” – We must step forward – אנחנו מוכרחים לצעוד קדימה Anachnu hayavim lits’od im ha-zman – We must advance with the time – אנחנו חייבים לצעוד עם הזמן “Ani gam ba-derech, tso’ed” – I am also on the way, walking – אני גם בדרך, צועד Ani ba ba-regel – I am coming by foot – אני בא ברגל Tse’ida tsva’it – Army march – צעידה צבאית A

  • #369 Step By Step

    14/06/2022 Duração: 10min

    Tens of thousands marched in this year’s מצעד הגאווה, gay pride parade, in Tel Aviv, which gave us a good excuse to talk about the Hebrew word מצעד and its root צ.ע.ד. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mitsa’ad ha-ga’avah – The gay pride – מצעד הגאווה Mits’ad ha-pizmonim / ha-shirim – Hit music parade – מצעד הפזמונים / השירים Ha-mits’ad ha-shnati – The year-end top music hits countdown – המצעד השנתי Beit Meshuga’im – Madhouse – בית משוגעים Tse’ada – A march, a walk – צְעדה Tse’adat ha-Gilboa – The Mount Gilboa hike – צעדת הגלבוע “Tsa’ad tsa’ad hi mitkarevet” – She’s getting nearer, one step at a time – צעד צעד היא מתקרבת Rega, tsa’ad-tsa’ad, le’an ata memaher? – One step at a time, where are you rushing to? – רגע, צעד-צעד, לאן אתה ממהר Kama tse’adim tsarich lalechet be-yom kedei lishmor al ha-briut? – How many steps do you need to walk each day in order to keep healthy? – כמה צעדים צריך ללכת ביום כדי לשמור על הבריאות Tse’adim pshutim – Simple steps – צעדים פשוטים Eich li

  • #368 Don’t Bother Me

    31/05/2022 Duração: 10min

    The word מפריע means ‘bother’, and is used in polite sentences like, “סורי אם אני מפריע”. But politeness is not what you’ll find when searching for מפריע on Twitter. Guy explains and gives some examples from the Twitterverse.   Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon     New Words and Expressions: Mafri’a – Disturbing, bothering – מפריע MafRIah (m.), mafriAH (f.), mafri’im (pl., m.), mafri’ot (pl., f.) – מפריע, מפריעה, מפריעים, מפריעות Yeled she-mafri’a ba-shi’ur – A a kid who disrupts the lesson – ילד שמפריע בשיעור Mishehu she-ose balgan ba-shi’ur – Someone who disrupts the lesson – מישהו שעושה בלגן בשיעור Ze mamash mafri’ah – It’s disturbing – זה מפריע Ani mafri’ah? – Am I disturbing you? – אני מפריע Sori im ani mafri’a ba-emtsa – Sorry if I am bothering you in the middle of something – סורי אם אני מפריע באמצע Mafriah lachem? Az tafsiku lehagia. – Does it bother you? Then stop going there – מפריע לכם? אז תפסיקו להגיע Ze ma she-mafri’ah lecha ba-hayim? – This is what bothers you in life? – זה מה שמפריע

  • #367 Stir Fry, Anyone?

    24/05/2022 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word להקפיץ means to cause something to jump. But how else can we use it? Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ha-aba makpits et ha-tinok al ha-birkayim – The father is bouncing the baby up on his knees – האבא מקפיץ את התינוק על הברכיים Lehakpits et ha-regel – To move your foot restlessly – להקפיץ את הרגל Muzika makpitsa – Music that makes you jump, or dance – מוזיקה מקפיצה Shirim makpitsim – Songs that make you stand up and dance – שירים מקפיצים Wow hikpatsta/hikpatst oti’, – You made me jump, you startled me – וואו, הקפצת אותי Hikpits li et ha-fuse – He burned my fuse, made me angry – הקפיץ לי את הפיוז Ata yode’a ma hikpits oti? – Do you know what irked me? – אתה יודע מה הקפיץ אותי Lehakpits mishehu le-anshehu – To drive someone to a place nearby – להקפיץ מישהו לאנשהו “Yesh matsav she-at makpitsa oti la-tahana?” – Could you drop me off at the station? – יש מצב שאת מקפיצה אותי לתחנה Ata yachol lehakpits li et ha-sefer? – Could you bring me the book? – אתה יכול ל

  • #366 Diving Head First

    17/05/2022 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word לקפוץ means to jump. But its root has many more uses than just that. For instance, there's a common phrase that's used to describe the actions of a person who has no shame: להשתין מהמקפצה. The phrase involves a diving board and… urine. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Kol ha-yeladim koftsim rokdim” – All the kids are jumping and dancing – כל הילדים קופצים רוקדים Likpots (Coll.: Likfots) – To jump – לקפוץ Kafatsti rega la-super – I popped into the supermarket for a sec. – קפצתי רגע לסופר Ani kofets rega la-rofe – I am going for a quick doctors’ visit – אני קופץ רגע לרופא Kafats al ha-hizdamnoot – He jumped at the opportunity – קפץ על ההזדמנות Kafats kita – He skipped a grade – קפץ כיתה Kofetset li po hatra’ah – I have an alert popping up here – קופצת לי פה התראה Kofets li po eize halon – There’s some kind of popup window – קופץ לי פה איזה חלון Kfots li, kfetsi li, kfetsu li – Bite me – קפוץ לי, קפצי לי, קפצו לי She-yikfots, she-tikfots, she

  • #365 Be My Guest

    03/05/2022 Duração: 09min

    It’s not always easy to host people. On the flip side, it's also important to know how to be good guests. Guy explains the secrets behind Israeli hospitality using the Hebrew root ארח, and covers common mistakes often made with similar sounding words. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ore’ach – Guest – אורח Orchim – Guests – אורחים “Im ba-sha’ar yesh ore’ach… ma natsi’ah la-ore’ach?” – If there’s a guest standing at the door, what shall we offer him? – אם בשער יש אורח, מה נציע לאורח  Yesh li orchim / Ba’im elai orchim – I have guests – יש לי אורחים / באים אליי אורחים Yesh li orchim al ha-rosh – I have guests “on my head” – יש לי אורחים על הראש Eize ore’ach! Eize orachat! Eize orchim! – What a guest/guests – איזה אורח, איזה אורחת, איזה אורחים Ore’ach ha-kavod – Guest of honor – אורח כבוד Hachnasat orchim – Hospitality – הכנסת אורחים Machnis orchim – Hospitable person – מכניס אורחים Bet ha’aracha – Guesthouse – בית הארחה Hadar eru’ach (Tsimmer) – Bed and Breakfast – חדר אירוח O

  • #364 Parking Prohibited!

    26/04/2022 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word אסור means forbidden, must not. Its root, אסר, provides us all sorts of ways to say, “we shouldn’t do that.” So let’s try to follow the rules because otherwise we might end up as an אסיר! Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Asur – Forbidden, unauthorized, must not – אסור Ze asur – It’s not allowed, it’s forbidden – זה אסור Asur le-mishehu laasot masaheu – It’s not allowed for someone to do something – אסור למישהו לעשות משהו Asur lachem lefasfes et ha-katava ha-zo – You guys must not miss this story – אסור לכם לפספס את הכתבה הזו Asur lefasfes – Not to be missed – אסור לפספס Asur likpots mi-koma gvohah – You must not jump from a high floor – אסור לקפוץ מקומה גבוהה Asur latset le-hadar madregot afuf ashan ve-asur lehishtamesh ba-maalit – You must not go down a smokey staircase, and you must not use the elevator – אסור לצאת לחדר מדרגות אפוף עשן ואסור להשתמש במעלית Ha-knisa asura – Entry Forbidden, No Entry – הכניסה אסורה Ha-hanaya asura – Parking

  • #363 Why Are They Allowed?

    19/04/2022 Duração: 08min

    Israelis google lots of questions with the word מותר. To whom are they turning for answers? Doctors, experts, rabbis and others knowledgeable people. They want to know what’s allowed and what’s forbidden. Sometimes you get the strangest questions… Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mutar – Authorized, allowed, permitted – מותר Mutar le-mishehu laasot masheu – Someone is allowed to do something – מותר למישהו לעשות משהו “Mutar le’ehov” – It’s allowed to love – מותר לאהוב Kama shaot be-yom mutar le-yeladim lehishtamesh be-masachim? –  How many hours a day should children be allowed to use screens? – כמה שעות ביום מותר לילדים להשתמש במסכים Mutar li lehachmi lach? – Am I allowed to compliment you? – מותר לי להחמיא לך Mutar lehagid? – Are we allowed to say? – מותר להגיד Mutar li laasot mashehu? – Am I allowed to do something? – מותר לי לעשות משהו Asur lishtot mashkaot hamim – You’re not allowed to consume hot drinks – אסור לשתות משקאות חמים Mayim, mutar – מים, מותר – Water is a

  • #362 I Can Imagine

    05/04/2022 Duração: 10min

    The Hebrew word לתאר means to describe. It can also mean to imagine. Guy explains how to use the verb לתאר and teaches a slang term to use when rolling your eyes at someone out of disbelief from what they just said. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “At yafa she-kashe leta-er” – You’re pretty that it’s hard to describe – את יפה שקשה לתאר Leta’er – To describe, to imagine – לתאר Ein li milim leta’er lach – I don’t have words to describe this to you – אין לי מילים לתאר לך “Lo, ein leta’er” – Undescribable, unbelievable – לא, אין לתאר “Teta’aru Lachem olam yafe” – Imagine a beautiful world – תתארו לכם עולם יפה Ani meta’er/meta’eret le’atsmi – I imagine/I would imagine – אני מתאר/מתארת לעצמי Ata mt’aer le-atsmecha ma ze? – Can you imagine a thing like that? – אתה מתאר לעצמך מה זה Mi haya metaer le-atsmo davar kaze? – Who would have imagined a thing like this? – מי היה מתאר לעצמו דבר כזה Ani lo te’arti le-atsmi she-ze yihye kacha – I didn’t imagine that it would be like this

  • #361 It’s Just Awful

    22/03/2022 Duração: 05min

    A listener wrote to us asking, “what can we say in Hebrew when we see the horrendous footage from Ukraine?” Guy explains some of the words and phrases we can use, and what to say when we are left speechless. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Nora – Terrible, horrible, awful – נורא “Pashut nora, ma she-kore sham” – It’s simply horrible, the things happening there – פשוט נורא, מה שקורה שם Ze nora, pashut nora, mamash nora – It’s just horrible – זה נורא, פשוט נורא, ממש נורא Ayom – Horrible – איום Ze ayom ve-nora – It’s horrible – זה איום ונורא Machrid – Terrifying, shocking – מחריד Harada – Anxiety – חרדה Ze meza’azeh, ma she-kore sham” – It’s shocking, what’s happening there – זה מזעזע מה שקורה שם Leza’ah’ze’ah – To shake, to shock – לזעזע Zva’ah – Horror – זוועה “Ze zva’ah ma she-holech sham” – It’s horror what’s going on there – זה זוועה מה שהולך שם Ze pashut zva’ah – It’s just horror, it is horrifying – זה פשוט זוועה Lo ye’amen – It’s unbelievable – לא ייאמן Ha-lev nish

  • #360 I Need to Inquire About This

    15/03/2022 Duração: 08min

    I need to make some בירורים, inquiries about someone, לברר a few things about him. This is Guy’s second episode dedicated to the root ב-ר-ר. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Daber barur – Speak clearly – דַּבֵּר ברור Daber barur, ata tsarich kesef? – Speak clearly, do you need money? – דַּבֵּר ברור Lashir barur – To sing with good diction – לשיר ברור Levarer – To inquire – לברר Shalom, ratsiti levarer im ani yachol lavo machar bimkom ha-yom – I wanted to check whether I could come tomorrow instead of today – שלום, רציתי לברר אם אני יכול לבוא מחר במקום היום Ratsivi levarer, shilamti online, aval lo kibalti mail ishur – I paid online but I didn’t get a confirmation email – רציתי לברר, שילמתי אונליין, אבל לא קיבלתי מייל אישור “Tevarer ba-kabala, ulai hem mats’u et ha-kartis shelcha” – Check with reception, perhaps they found your card – תברר בקבלה, אולי הם מצאו את הכרטיס שלך Tevarer im ha-hevra – Check with the company – תברר עם החברה Tevarer im Michael – Check with Michae

  • #359 Let Me Make This Clear to You

    08/03/2022 Duração: 08min

    In Hebrew, ?הייתי ברורה means ,“was I clear?” Guy’s school principal would lecture him and his peers after they did something wrong, and she would end with “?הייתי ברורה”. This episode is dedicated to the word ברור. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Barur – Clear, clearly, of course – ברור Barur ka-shemesh – It’s crystal clear – ברור כשמש Barur! – Got it – ברור Ha-kol barur? She’elot? – Is everything clear? Any questions? – הכל ברור, שאלות Baroooor – Duh, of course – ברוווור “She-nazmin et ha-tiramisù? Baroooor – Shall we get the tiramisù? Of course – שנזמין את הטירמיסו? ברווווור “Sure barur” – Sure, of course – שור-ברור Rak she-yihye barur – Just to make it clear – רק שיהיה ברור “She-yihye barur, ani lo nish’ar achrey ha-avoda ha-yom” – Just to make it clear, I am not doing overtime today – שיהיה ברור, אני לא נשאר אחרי העבודה היום She-yihye lecha barur – Let me make this clear to you (m.) – שיהיה לךָ ברור Sheyihye lach barur – Let me make this clear to you (f.) – שיהיה

  • #358 Nice to Meet You Too!

    22/02/2022 Duração: 06min

    How do you translate the word nice to Hebrew? Well, it depends on the context. Guy explains when we can use נעים and when we must opt for a more appropriate Hebrew word. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Na’im – Nice, pleasant – נעים Na’im lehakir – Nice to meet you – נעים להכיר Nice to see you – Tov lir’ot otcha/otach – טוב לראות אותך Hi ma-ze nechmada – She is such a nice person – היא מה-זה נחמדה Hu ma-ze nechmad – He is such a nice person – הוא מה-זה נחמד Mi ha-benadam hachi nechmad she-pagashta/she-pagasht ei paam? – Who’s the nicest person you’ve ever met? – מי הבנאדם הכי נחמד שפגשת אי פעם Eize kelev yafe! – Nice dog! – איזה כלב יפה Wow, eize kef lishmo’a – Oh wow, that’s really nice to hear!’ – וואו, איזה כיף לשמוע Eize yafe mitsidam – It’s so nice of them – איזה יפה מצידם Eize hamudim! – They are so nice – איזה חמודים Meri’ach po mamash tov – It smells so nice in here – מריח פה ממש טוב Nice (slang) – Nice – נייס, ניייייייייייס Lo naim li levakesh kesef me-anashim

  • #357 The Formation of the Universe

    15/02/2022 Duração: 10min

    We pick up where we last left off with the root יצר. This time, we focus on the nifal, piel and pu’al verb formats. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Keitsad notsar kadur ha-arets? – How was planet earth formed? – כיצד נוצר כדור הארץ Notsar – Formed, created, made – נוצר Eich notsarim yeladim – How are babies created – איך נוצרים ילדים  Eich notsra ha-shemesh – How was the sun formed – איך נוצרה השמש Eich notsru harei-gaash – How were volcanoes formed – איך נוצרו הרי הגעש Lehivatser – To be formed – להיווצר “Alul lehivatser zihum” – There’s a high chance of infection – עלול להיווצר זיהום “Alul lehivatser matsav lo na’im” – This might result in an unpleasant situation – עלול להיווצר מצב לא נעים Notsra hizdamnut – Opportunity presented itself – נוצרה הזדמנות Notsra lanu hizdamnut – We happen upon an opportunity – נוצרה לנו הזדמנות Hivatsroot – Formation – היווצרות “Ezrach israeli meyatser bi-memutsa kilogram va-hetsi shel ashpa be-yom” – An Israeli citizen produces on aver

  • #356 Creativity Run Amok

    08/02/2022 Duração: 12min

    A listener wrote to ask, “how do you say creative in Hebrew?” Wow, there is so much to cover with the root י.צ.ר that it requires two full episodes! So roll up your sleeves and prepare your notebook and pencil because we’re about to get our creative juices going. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Yetsira – Creation, piece, work – יצירה Yetsirat omanut – A piece of art, a work of art, a composition – יצירת אמנות “Yetsirot Nivcharot be-tarbut ha-maarav” – Selected pieces of the western culture – יצירות נבחרות בתרבות המערב Yetsira muzukalit – Musical piece – יצירה מוסיקלית Litsor – To create, make, produce – ליצור “Anu mamlitsot lehachin et ha-yetsirot be-livuy ha-horim” – We recommend to prepare the pieces accompanied by your parents – אנו ממליצות להכין את היצירות בליווי ההורים “Tir’eh et ha-yetsira shel ha-bat sheli” – Look at my child’s craft – תראה את היצירה של הבת שלי Sadnat yetsira li-yeladim – Art creativity workshop for kids – סדנת יצירה לילדים Yotser, yotseret, yot

  • #355 I’m Not Built For This

    18/01/2022 Duração: 11min

    An Argentinean architect listener of the podcast wrote to say that we had to do an episode about the word לבנות (livnot), which means to build. We don’t have it in us to tear down his hopes. So today we check out the root בנה. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Adrichal – Architect – אדריכל Hu bana – He built – הוא בנה Baniti – I built – בניתי [Like kaniti, ratsiti, bachiti – קניתי, רציתי, בכיתי] “Kan noladeti, kan noldu li yeladai” – I was born here, my children as well – כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי “Kan baniti et beiti bi-shtei yadai” – This is where I built my house with my own two hands – כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי Harkada – Israeli dancing gathering – הרקדה Ha-bonim ha-hofshiyim – Freemasonry – הבונים החופשיים Bikoret bona – Constructive criticism – ביקורת בונה Bné, bni, bnu – Build (Imperative) – בנה, בני, בנו Bné betcha – Build your (own) home – בנה ביתך Bniya – Construction – בנייה Atar bniya – Construction site – אתר בנייה Atarei bniya – Construction sites – אתרי

  • #354 Renew Yourselves

    11/01/2022 Duração: 10min

    How do we congratulate a friend who closed on a new house? How about someone who just landed a new job? New partner? Today Guy explains תתחדש. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehitchadesh – To be renewed; to be resumed – להתחדש “Acharei ha-chagim yitchadesh ha-kol” – After the holidays everything will resume – אחרי החגים יתחדש הכל “Yitchadshu ve-yashuvu yemei ha-hol” – The regular weekdays will also return” – יתחדשו וישובו ימי החול “Gam ata titchadesh” – You too will return renewed – גם אתה תתחדש Hitchadshut ironit – Urban renewal, urban regeneration – התחדשות עירונית Energia mitchadeshet – Renewable energy – אנרגיה מתחדשת Misrad ha-energia – Ministry of Energy – משרד האנרגיה Energiot mitchadshot – Renewable energies – אנרגיות מתחדשות Ha-energiot ha-mitchadshot – The renewable energies – האנרגיות המתחדשות Mitchadesh ha-masa u-matan – The negotiations have resumed – מתחדש המו”מ Mitchadshim ha-maga’im ben ha-medinot – The talks between the countries have resumed – מתחדשי

  • #353 Hey Doc, I Caught A Cold

    14/12/2021 Duração: 09min

    We all know the symptoms: Runny nose, cough, and headaches. What do Israelis say when they go to see their family doctor? Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ani mekorar, mekoreret – I have a cold – אני מקורר, אני מקוררת Ani metsunan, metsunenet – I have a cold – אני מצונן, אני מצוננת Hatafti tsinun – I caught the cold – חטפתי צינון Ani metsunan/metsunenet kvar kama yamim – I’ve been having this cold for a few days – אני מצונן, מצוננת כבר כמה ימים  Yesh li tsinoon she-lo over – I have a cold that won’t go away – יש לי צינון שלא עובר Yesh hom? – Do you have a fever? – יש חום Shi’ul – A cough – שיעול Shi’ul yavesh – Dry cough – שיעול יבש Shi’ul lach - “Humid” cough - שיעול לח Leicha – Mucus – ליחה Shiul she-lo over – A cough that won’t go away – שיעול שלא עובר Lehishtael – To cough – להשתעל Ata mishtael, at mishtaelet? – Do you have a cough? – אתה משתעל, את משתעלת Tishtael rega, tishta’ali rega – Cough please – תשתעל רגע, תשתעלי רגע Nazelet – Runny nose – נזלת “Ha-shafan ha-

  • #352 So What Did We Agree To?

    07/12/2021 Duração: 11min

    What happens when there’s a disagreement between us and a service provider about money, arrival time, or about their deadline to finish the work? We check what was agreed upon and point to the facts. Today Guy explains how we do it in Hebrew. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Titalem mimenu – Ignore him – תתעלם ממנו Lesakem – To summarize / To agree on something – לסכם Lo sikamnu be-tesha? – Didn’t we agree on 9 o’clock? – לא סיכמנו בתשע Lo kavanu be-tesha? – Didn’t we say 9 o’clock? – לא קבענו בתשע Lo sikamnu al elef? – Didn’t we agree on 1,000 shekel? – לא סיכמנו על 1,000 “Rak

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