Contractors Secret Weapon Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 48:00:18
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Marketing Tips and Tricks for the TradesWe talk with marketing specialists across the board who give us concrete tips directed entirely towards the trades. Some of the topics we cover include Marketing, Sales Cycles, Pricing, Positioning, Branding and more.We are a marketing resource to contractors in the building, painting, pressure washing, roofing, plumbingheck almost any trade that you can mention.Our goal for this podcast is to help contractors stay on top of all the different marketing topics that are available, sorting out what is working (or not) in the industry today.


  • Keep From Crippling Your Business With These Marketing Mistakes Day 2 Dave Negri 244

    15/12/2017 Duração: 24min

    We're on day two of keeping from crippling your business with these 20 marketing mistakes. So, we're on day two. mistake number two is failure to monitor your results. Don't track. In other words, your tracking sucks. Results -- That's all that counts in business-- is results. You want to track results. We're going to have day three, four and five but today marketing mistake number two. Before I get to that, remember if you stick around 'til day 5, the end of day five we'll have the 60-page free report for you. It's not just report, it's a workbook to help you get through everything that we talked about this week in this series, to help you make your business better so that you can have the lifestyle that you have been working for to make it easier. You want to automate it and grow it. So, let's just make that happen. So today marketing mistake number two is failure to monitor your results. Don't track. In other words, your tracking sucks. Results -- That's all that counts in business-- is results. You want t

  • Keep From Crippling Your Business With These Marketing Mistakes Day 1 Dave Negri 243

    14/12/2017 Duração: 32min

    Keep for crippling your business with these marketing mistakes, There's about 20 marketing mistakes that many of us have gone through in the past maybe some of you are doing them right now Dave Negri here with Contract Secret Weapon. Thanks so much for being with us today. I'm excited to start a new series that we're going to be going through over the next five days. And I'm in the process right now of writing the report and it's looking like it's almost finished at about 60 or so pages of this report are going to be doing this podcast on over the next five days or so. Oh, the title keep from crippling your business with these marketing mistakes. That's right.  There's about 20 marketing mistakes that many of us have gone through in the past maybe some of you are doing them right now and we want to give them to you as a gift, but they won't be available to episode number five. So, stick around episode number five series and we'll have this 60-page report ready for you in the show notes page so that you can ta

  • Google Pay Per Click Instant Gratification with One-Click Lindsey 242

    13/12/2017 Duração: 32min

    Google pay per click instant gratification with your marketing. One Click Lindsey is a Web strategy expert with small businesses and helps owners to utilize the web to produce more traffic and traffic leads. Today we talk about What’s a landing page What does a landing page do? About getting Better and faster results. Is google pay per click better than face book marketing. Can you use google and face book as a double whammy. Why you need to be on Google local And a surprising though about Bing pay per click Check out the show notes below I'm really excited for you to be here today. I have a truly and energetic guests with me today. Her name is Lindsay Anderson. Actually, we also know her as one click. Lindsay as you you'll see a little bit in a few minutes. She is a Web strategy expert with small businesses and helps owners to utilize the web to produce more traffic and traffic leads . That's one of them for Web sites or Web company name is Web impact. And I hadn't met Lindsay for real in person and back i

  • Helping Business Owner Prepare to Sell or Buy a Business David Barnett episode 241

    12/12/2017 Duração: 40min

    Ever think about selling your business or buying a business, I get to talk to day with David Barnett helping business owners prepare to sell or buy a business this is his expertise. Preparing today for tomorrow.  David Barnett has been working with small and medium sized businesses for over 20 years.  He's been a business loan broker and a business broker.  He's sold over three dozen businesses for others and has worked as a consultant on over 200 more sale transactions.  David works with people trying to buy and sell businesses all around the world and has authored 7 books.  3 of them have been Amazon Best-Sellers.  David maintains a YouTube channel with over 250 videos all about buying, selling, managing and financing small businesses. Some of the things we talk about are real eye openers when it comes to Why do owners sell? What does it take to get your business ready to sell? If your business is a just a high paying job is some one going to buy it? Do you have systems in place or is it all in your head?

  • Reigniting Your Passion with Business Strategist Scott Hansen 240

    11/12/2017 Duração: 31min

    Scott Hansen Shares with us today about reigniting your passion. Some great tactics and strategies. To move us from the ho hum of our lives back to the passion of why we started our journey. Scott really wants to help the entrepreneur the business owner move to what he calls turn the lights back on in their business to help them get to the next level of success because we only get this thing called life once there are no redo’s in life. Why not become the best version of yourself in order to do that and have the kind of business or have the kind of life that you truly, truly want. Being passionate with your passion, lot of guys you know they get into the normal everyday stuff and they forget I think you'd probably say they forgot about that why they just do the things they do. They forget about the why. How do you get re inspired, how do you get re motivated if you're going through life and it feels like Groundhog Day sometimes. I would suggest to anybody that feels like their challenged they're stuck or they

  • Stop Prejudging Your Customers in the Sales Process with Dave Negri 239

    08/12/2017 Duração: 16min

    Stop pre-judging your customer in the sales process Listen we've all done it and some of us more than others. We do not know what our clients can afford or not afford, want or don’t want or how they will react because someone else didn’t do that before, so don't put that roadblock on your path to success so stop prejudging, Do you think you can predict the client's reaction with hundred percent accuracy let me tell you a story I love this story Zig Ziglar one of my heroes Stories that were just awesome, but you know he started out selling expensive pots and pans and one day he had to go up to this house where he had an appointment When he entered the house, it was a real tiny house had five or six kids and they didn't look like they could afford anything. Zig prejudged the whole situation  He starts going through his presentation and he talks himself out of the sale. He is telling himself that these people are poor, living all cramped up In this little house he's going these people will never, never be able t

  • Getting Past Front-End Profits with Dave Negri 237

    06/12/2017 Duração: 17min

    Let’s talks about getting past front-end profits we think about going out and getting new clients all the time and more and more on how can we get them into our funnel or get them as clients, the front end is making money today but what about tomorrow the future? When we think about the most it's making that first sale with the prospect that's called the front end that's the first sales subsequent sales are, back end sales. So, we'll talk a little bit about that but why are we so engrossed in the front end of the process? Well mainly because most of us are transactional we want it to happen today and today only many contractors are not thinking about tomorrow per se mostly or the future and so let's talk about how we all think. We need more clients and so that's what we concentrate on. But do we need more clients, yes, we do obviously need to think about getting new clients is very important but there's another very important profit center. It's called the backend profit the front end has to carry a

  • Why You Want to Respond to Complaints Fast with Dave Negri 236 

    05/12/2017 Duração: 20min

    Why you want to respond to complaints fast, turn the negative into a positive. We all get phone calls and the phone calls we get for getting new customers are the ones we love, but you know the ones that complain are the ones that we hate I mean literally hate. When we see the number on the phone we just cringe so today I want to talk about how to respond to complaints fast, why you want to respond to complaints fast, so you know it's kind of funny as we sit down and we look and we get all these calls of people who complain and hopefully it's not too many, but if it is a lot then that's a whole other area that we need to work on. And that's service and probably the need to raise your prices because you're cutting your service short. We're just going to go into responding to complaints fast. Keeping an even enhancing client relations is to respond to complaints quickly and efficiently never ever leave a client unhappy even if they are a bad apple, and you want to get rid of them. The best way to get rid of the

  • Helping you become the better Leader with Hamid Safaei 235

    04/12/2017 Duração: 42min

    It’s all about Helping you become the better leader we need leaders and we need great leaders. First class leadership is and starts with three pillars of unique qualities. Who are those first-class great leaders the greatest leaders on earth? for example, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela much more Gandhi. They all had a compelling vision they knew where they were heading they had a crystal-clear idea about their destination. And then they day loved what date did they were you know they had passion you know what why is it important to have passion to love what you do every day. You have to have courage, you have to have the courage to follow the path to that final destination, that vision, that goal when only you believe. Having courage to push the red button knowing you are making the right decision which gets you closer to your final goal. The guts to make to do the painful unpopular costly decisions which you have to make to get you closer to your goal, your dream,

  • Four Techniques to Keep You from The Conflict. Dr. Clete Bulach 234

    01/12/2017 Duração: 35min

    We're going to talk about one of the things that everyone really wants to run away from conflict. Dr. Clete Bulach boils that down to a commonsense approach to Four Techniques to Keep You from The Conflict. And each one of them has a win or lose. When there's a conflict you can win, lose and you can lose, lose and you can win, win, The secret of being a good leader is knowing when to take on the conflict, when wait till another time to take it on. The competitive style. When we win you lose tends to be disruptive? The win,win in a win, win you try to find out what the other party wants. And you try to give it to them, so they can win also, in a win, win you try to find out what the other party wants. and you try to give it to them, so they can win also. When you can't find a win when you go to lose, lose and that's compromise When you compromise you have to give up something, you give something up and the other party has to give something up also in order to get the deal done. In Lose, lose you get something

  • I0 Expensive Tax Mistakes Contractors Make with Diane Gardner 233

    30/11/2017 Duração: 43min

    Are you over paying your taxes? … more than likely, so Diane Gardner wants you to STOP overpaying your taxes! Going through I0 Expensive Tax Mistakes Contractors Make. Diane shows each of us how to keep more of our hard-earned money. Diane Gardner is an expert tax coach, Quilly award recipient, and best-selling author whose proactive planning approach gives clients a leg up on Uncle Sam and helps them dodge the tax bullet. Diane saves small business clients between $5,000 and $50,000 in as little as 60 minutes! Today we get a chance to spend some time with Diane Gardner a certified Tax coach and go over some outstanding ways to keep more of the money that we make in our business the legal way going over strategies about actually, keeping more of the money by legal means, in reality, being able to keep more poof our hard-earned profit. More profit and isn’t that what we all go in for is to make a profit. In our interview Diane spills the beans on some rather unique ways we, as business owners, can keep some of

  • Discover How be Chosen Over the Competition with Dave Negri 232

    29/11/2017 Duração: 16min

    How do we get chosen over the competition? We must stop thinking about comparing apples to apples. We really need to set up our proposals so that our customer only has to choose between you, you and you. By giving our potential customers options, that’s how we get them to compare apples to oranges and pick you, you or you. Many of us come in to this sales process and we say we need to compare apples to apples. If you can't compare apples to apples and you know that you may lose, why not move the process and make the whole process into your favor? We want to compete on value not price and we've talked about this many, many times before you want to compete on value. Let's take it another step further let's say. We're going to offer more than one way to get the job done so we're going to give him multiple options on pricing. If you have one offer then the potential customer will have two choices, your competition or no. And you don't want to do that. How do I make my proposal more attractive? You want to give th

  • Trades United Reclaiming the Future with Chris Hinkle 231

    28/11/2017 Duração: 38min

    TRADES UNITED RECLAIMING FUTURE (T.U.R.F.) In 2017, Chris Hinkle was hired to restructure a local plumbing company. Once inside the company he was mortified at the tremendous disadvantage small TRADES EMPLOYERS face in the daily operation of their businesses. He instantly formed T.U.R.F. to give a layer of protection for ALL TRADESMEN. That led to the development of the T.U.R.F. CONCEPT that is revolutionizing our American Wealth System and will ultimately TRADESMEN on top. T.U.R.F. allows TRADESMEN to CONTROL industry COSTS. Chris Hinkle is passionate about the construction trades industry because he believes the construction industry is really the backbone of the US economy and the construction trades are really treated poorly from the Government labor laws to the insurance providers to the manufacturers and suppliers of goods to the construction trades. Economy magazine says in in twenty sixteen real estate construction contributed one point two trillion dollars to the nation's economic output which is tot

  • The Numbers Will Set You Free with Peter Mehit 230

    27/11/2017 Duração: 41min

    Peter Mehit has recognized that every successful business owner has this one thing in common they all know their numbers without a doubt, that’s why he says the number will set you free. Peter Mehit has worked across many industries worldwide as a professional consultant. He has also been intimately involved in the startup of four different companies either as a member of the launch team, or as owner and team leader. He has held positions of trust from senior manager to vice president and has acquired a broad base of experience as a result. He expert in process and workflow optimization solutions, Mr. Mehit can quickly and clearly communicate this information so you will be able to easily implement the necessary solutions in your business. There are 3 things that you got to focus on that’s in Peters book Killer Business plan which you can get on Amazon the link is below. The real things you need to focus on being a small business owner is Who is the customer who is going to buy from you? How do I attract the

  • Never Start Tomorrow Until It’s Finished with Dave Negri 229

    24/11/2017 Duração: 11min

    Never star tomorrow till it's finished I know that we all make plans we all set our goals, but can it be done better? Our weekly plan and our daily plan we set out what we've got to do for the week we'll set out on Monday and know what time we start our business let's say or what time our crews go out and when they come back, you’ve got that crew list of who's going out who's go where, and you've got one for yourself. And if you don’t things just get crazy. If you haven’t got here we go again having it pre-planned out. We are in big trouble. Years ago, I had a mentor that was very wise. He said NEVER START TOMMAROW UNTIL IT’S FINISHED. Our minds like structure, we really do perform better when we lay out everything and have a plan to execute. If you plan your day as you go you live in utter chaos because you are allowing, allowing to give up control of you day to circumstances. Who is in control your circumstances or you. The only way for you to be in control is for your day, your week, your month to be plann

  • Becoming Consistent on Important Stuff with Dave Negri 228

    23/11/2017 Duração: 16min

    Becoming consistent on the important stuff, what is important stuff, what’s not important stuff? How do we do that become consistent. Did you know that it takes twenty-one days? To create a habit and it takes two days to stop a habit, well it seems like it takes two days. If you stop really quick if it takes like forever to get started up again. It's sort of like pushing that car you know takes it two hands and it and you puff and you  push to get that car rolling and you're pushing it and then as it rolls you could probably push with one hand well that's what consistency is  like once you get it going on a steady pace its almost effort less but once you stop, you have to go through all effort to get up and running again. One of my favorite sayings I live by is Never Give Up. Why because its much easier to get up after the fall thane it is to start over again. What makes us inconsistent? We're out of our comfort zone so we really don't want to do it it's not comfortable to do it. So, keep doing it until it

  • Completing the Task with Dave Negri 227

    22/11/2017 Duração: 15min

    As contractors we tend to do things halfway so today is about completing the task. Why do we do things half way? We get excited and distracted by some many things that are going on in our business like add new strategies, new thoughts, new tools, new products that we take them all in at once and we get so excited and distracted by them about it that we. And we don't get it we do it half way because there's just too much to do and we haven't created a system to do it so like if you've been in business for five years there's no reason that you should be waiting around for the phone right. You should have five different goals systems in place that you're working on. Going beyond five really is a recipe for disaster if you have picked the top five most important things that you want to happen within your business. And you really want to get down to three things especially on a daily basis. Have you ever read Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy that's super book on getting things done in in the way that you want to get t

  • Your Future Without Planning with Dave Negri 226

    21/11/2017 Duração: 14min

    Your Future Without Planning is no future at all! We don't set goals when we should, we don't plan we should, just a lot of things we don't do but we should. The reason we don’t do all this stuff is because we are busy, or we get busy and the busyness dictates our life. And that really sucks. So why don’t we? We don't set goals when we should, we don't plan when we should just a lot of things we don't do. But it's not because we don't want to, man we want to we always want to I find myself a lot of times doing stuff and getting stuff on my mind and I go making notes I got to get this done again get this thing get this I got to set my goals. I’ve got to make time to do that and there's always something that gets in the way I'm sure that you can relate to this. Doing nothing is not going to increase my business. I love what Zig Ziglar says “if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time” If you don't set the goals you can't be disappointed where you end up At the outcome you can't be disappointed that there's

  • How to Get Past Doing Nothing with Dave Negri 225

    20/11/2017 Duração: 18min

    We are going to talk about why some of us do nothing and then talk about how to get past doing nothing. You might think that doing nothing is a new business owner scenario but it's not a new guy problem because it catches up with us as we grow our business and we get complacent. We don't do anything at all because we're expecting things to happen. Let's go back to new guys so you start off a new business you have got a great trade you're actually good at what you do. You get some business and the customer is happy with what you have done for them. And you're hoping that they will refer you, so you stick around, and you wait for your phone to ring. And therefore, it's not ringing because you don't any marketing in place so that's what this whole podcast is built around was doing marketing how to do it how to get into a system. If you're a new guy here's a couple things that you can do to get you off and running join a networking group you know we talked about this a lot of times before but networking groups wi

  • A Forgotten Secret to Success with Dave Negri 224

    17/11/2017 Duração: 17min

    A forgotten secret to success, what is it really, I believe it’s something that is not talked about much in the business world. And when we are done today it may set you on an extended path to your success.  Success without fulfillment is empty I just want to talk about so what does that mean, we all strive for success we all work hard we work probably harder than we want to build a type of business we want so I just want to go over some things and say that I think that is not talked enough about and you hear in dribs and drabs. On one of the other podcast episodes it was EPISODE 136 WITH Kellen Kautzman about using Philanthropy this goes beyond using this as a part of your marketing, it’s really creating an extension of yourself. I really want to talk about giving not just in the marketplace and not giving back. I'm sorry that's just one of my pet peeves I just really hate that word. Giving back And I'm really not a huge fan of being politically correct but when you talk about giving back is sorta makes me f

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