More Than A Few Words

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 170:14:29
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A Marketing Conversation for Business Owners


  • #1056 - Have a Vision for Your Business | Jackson Calame

    12/09/2024 Duração: 11min

    I enjoyed chatting with Jackson Calame about the importance of having a clear vision for your business. Here are some key takeaways: Vision Beyond Profits: Jackson emphasizes that a business vision should go beyond just making profits. He talks about creating a balance between personal well-being and professional success and highlights his mission to bridge the economic gap between North and South America. Thriving vs. Surviving: Jackson distinguishes between a survival mentality and a thriving mentality. Instead of just reacting to problems, thriving involves focusing on solutions and being your best self to achieve the best results. Power Branding: Becoming a market leader, or a "power brand," isn't about being better than others but about being the best version of yourself. Jackson shares the importance of having a strong support system, much like Batman has Alfred, to handle the technical details and allow business owners to focus on their strengths. Tools and Mechanics: He advises entrepreneurs to

  • #1053 Sell Your Authority

    05/09/2024 Duração: 11min

    I had a wonderful conversation with Josh Elledge about strategies for generating inbound leads and moving away from outdated, spammy marketing tactics. Here are the key points from their conversation: Shift from Outbound to Inbound Marketing: Traditional outbound methods like sending unsolicited emails are no longer effective. Consumers, including business decision-makers, are overwhelmed and turned off by spam. Josh emphasizes the importance of creating an inbound funnel that attracts potential clients naturally, reducing the emotional toll on marketers. Noble Intent and Authenticity: Success in modern marketing requires leading with noble intent and genuine empathy. Businesses should prioritize the needs and desires of their customers over their own sales goals. Transparency and authenticity are crucial. Consumers can detect when a business's primary motive is self-serving, which can drive them away. Utilizing Platforms for Networking: Platforms such as podcasts, YouTube channels, or Facebook groups

  • #1050 Survey Your Way to Success

    29/08/2024 Duração: 12min

    Mickey Kennedy, founder of eReleases joined me for another conversation about building your authority and online visibility.  This time we talked about the importance of using surveys and studies to stand out as a subject matter authority. Why does this strategy work?  First of all the media loves data.  Fresh data from industry-specific surveys can attract media attention. You can use a platform like SurveyMonkey to create a 16-question survey, including some fun or unusual questions to capture interest. You don't need to do it on your own.  consider partnering with small or independent trade associations to distribute your survey. These associations often seek media attention and can help amplify your survey in exchange for being mentioned in the press release. This strategy works because the survey results helps position you as an industry expert so once you are done conducting the survey, create a dedicated page on your website with all questions and responses. Highlight key findings in your press release

  • #1047 What is the Right Price | Janene Liston

    22/08/2024 Duração: 11min

    Janine Liston, a business strategist and pricing expert, joined me for a conversation about the complexities and strategies behind setting the right price for products and services. Here are a few key takeaways: One common myth is that the lowest price always wins. Many business owners believe this, but it’s not true for most products and services. Targeting the right customer who values your product is more important than simply offering the lowest price. When you set your price, you need to put the customer first. Rather than developing a product and then finding customers, businesses should understand their customers' problems and create solutions tailored to them. This approach ensures that prices reflect the value delivered to the customer. What's a fair price?  It is actually a balance between what customer are willing to pay, and what is profitable for the business. Many businesses overlook customer value and willingness to pay, focusing too much on costs and competition.  Sometimes, customers are will

  • #1046 - Stop Living Small | Connie Jones

    20/08/2024 Duração: 10min

    Did you miss this conversation with Connie Jones about limiting beliefs?  Then you want to check it out now. We create these upper limits for ourselves fueled by messages we have received starting early on in childhood about who we are and who we are not.  And who we are supposed to be.  We create patterns of playing roles that are consistent with those messages, but sometimes the messages are wrong and the pattern becomes a trap. To break the cycle of limiting beliefs, you must first identify the belief, recognize it is creating your reality and chose to change what you believe.  Often it stars with simply acting “as if” until the new behavior becomes natural and you being to believe you can do or be more.

  • 1044 Social Media for Business Owners, Not Celebrities | Lindsey Anderson

    15/08/2024 Duração: 10min

    I love chatting with Lindsey Anderson, and it has been awhile since this seasoned online business consultant, bestselling author, and podcast host, dropped by for a chat. It this conversation we talked about her experience as a play in a reality TV game ( The Trust)  and what she learned about using social media effectively as a business owner rather than as an influencer. Lindsey introduced her VEMS model, which is designed to help business owners build a compelling social media presence that drives sales and engagement. The model consists of four key components: Vibe: Share personal aspects of your life to help people connect with you. Choose three consistent elements to showcase, such as your location, family, or health interests. This humanizes your brand and helps potential clients relate to you. Experience: Regularly share client stories and experiences. This demonstrates your expertise and shows potential clients what working with you is like. Authentic, real-time updates about client interactions c

  • #1041 How Women Can Survive and Thrive in the Tech Industry | Sharon Gillenwater

    08/08/2024 Duração: 11min

    If you’re a woman business owner or thinking about becoming one, there are unique challenges you’ll face compared to your male counterparts. However, success is achievable, as demonstrated by Sharon Gillenwater, a tech startup founder who sold her company, Boardroom Insiders, for $25 million. Here are a few key points from our conversation. Funding and Networking Obstacles: Women receive only about 2% of venture funding. Additionally, if you’re not part of the entrepreneurial network, gaining access to funding and talent can be tough. It’s crucial to build a network of contacts who can guide and support you. Importance of Clear Planning and Communication: If you are preparing to seek funding, be sure you can clearly articulate your business idea, model, and market. Talk to to as many knowledgeable people as possible to refine your plan and pitch Keeping Financial Records Clean: Sharon shared a personal lesson on the importance of keeping business finances separate from personal finances. The take-away - Prope

  • #1040 Finding Your Voice

    06/08/2024 Duração: 16min

    One of the advantages of having more than 1,000 episodes in my archive, is the wealth of great information buried there.  This week I dug way back, to find a conversation I had with Allison Carter back in 2013,  when she was my regular co-host.  We always had a good time, but I really loved this conversation about finding your brand voice.  Just as you can recognize someone's speaking voice, their writing voice is unique too. It’s like a fingerprint. A strong, consistent voice can help a company build its brand and connect with its audience. Your writing should convey the essence of who you are, not just mimic how you speak. It's about creating a connection that feels genuine and consistent with your personality, whether you're warm and fuzzy or more reserved and snarky. Just like you wouldn’t talk to a child the same way you’d talk to your doctor, your writing should be tailored to your audience. This keeps your messages clear and relatable without coming off as condescending or overly complex. Even t

  • #1039 Creativity is a Round Process

    04/08/2024 Duração: 03min

    The Creative Process I am often asked, why I chose to name my company “Roundpeg.” The obvious answer was because I spent all those years in corporate, feeling like a square peg in a round hole, and this is where I fit! But there is more to the story. I wanted to build a business around the ideas of creativity, collaboration, and positive energy, and for me, creativity begins with a “R.O.U.N.D” process. R.O.U.N.D: Research, Originate, Unite, Nurture, Do It! Research If you want creative output, you need creative input! Collecting a variety of information, without worrying how it fits, is the foundation of the research phase. Input comes from everywhere, what you read, what you see when you are out for a walk, what you learn from others. Explore your environment. Look for new ideas, trends and tools. Seek inspiration everywhere. Take a walk and really look around you. I often find inspiration from nature. Learn something new. Enhance your education, expand your talents, abilities and skills. Look back to move f

  • #1038 Build Your Online Brand | Jason Barnard

    01/08/2024 Duração: 12min

    I had a great conversation with Jason Barnard ( @jasonmbarnard  ) about online branding. Importance of Brand SERPs: One of the standout points Jason emphasizes is the critical role of Brand Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). He explains how they reflect a brand's online reputation and visibility, and why businesses should prioritize optimizing their Brand SERPs for better recognition and credibility. Knowledge Panels: Jason delves into the significance of Knowledge Panels, those information boxes that appear on the right side of Google's search results. He discusses how they can enhance a brand's authority and trustworthiness, offering tips on how to get your brand featured in these panels. AI and Future Trends: The conversation also touches on the impact of artificial intelligence in digital marketing. Jason shares his thoughts on future trends, suggesting that AI will continue to shape the industry in exciting and unexpected ways, influencing how brands interact with their audiences. Personal Branding: La

  • #1036 Activity vs Productivty

    28/07/2024 Duração: 02min

    When it comes to marketing, it's easy to focus on activity. Just create a list of tasks and check them off as you complete them: Write five blog posts ✔ Send an e-newsletter ✔ Post status updates on Facebook and LinkedIn ✔ Schedule ads ✔ Create a landing page ✔ Send postcards ✔ Make phone calls ✔ As you check things off your list, you feel good about all you have accomplished. But when you focus exclusively on the activities of marketing, you're missing half the equation. It doesn't really matter how much marketing you do if you're not getting results. Whether you are doing your own marketing or you have hired a company to do these tasks for you, don't settle for a list of activities. You need to hold your marketing accountable for results. You need to focus on the productivity of your marketing, and that's harder to do. Productivity measures might include: Traffic or Interest: Did the actions create engagement on social media or drive traffic to your website or your storefront? Leads:Did people fill out a

  • #1035 The Art of Asking for a Testimonial

    25/07/2024 Duração: 10min

    If you’re looking to harness the power of testimonials for your business, this conversation with Danielle Klemm, a positioning and funnel strategist, is packed with insights. She packed so much information into the short conversation:  Here are just a few highlights.  There is a structure to a great testimonial Testimonials should follow a story structure with a beginning, middle, and end. When asked to give a testimonial, customers usually describe their experiences from the end point, but that isn't where your next customer is in their process  You need to guide the conversation starting from the problems they faced before using your product or service. Ask specific questions to prompt customers to talk about their initial challenges, the aha moments they experienced, and how your product or service solved their problems. This approach not only enhances the testimonial but also provides valuable marketing language directly from your customers. Do more with testimonials Beyond just posting on social media or

  • #1034 Marketing Automation Basics

    23/07/2024 Duração: 11min

    Seven years ago, I chatted with Luke Magsamen, who was a member of the Roundpeg team at the time, about marketing automation.  While tools have changed, the strategies we discussed are as relevant today to help you keep a business running smoothly, even while you sleep. Here are some key points from our discussion: Automated Messaging: Automated emails and messages can engage both new and existing customers without constant manual effort. This includes sending birthday wishes or reminding customers about abandoned carts. Essential Tools: To implement a successful automated marketing campaign, you need a good email program, engaging landing pages, and a comprehensive database of customer information. Personalized Campaigns: Personal touches, like birthday discounts or anniversary reminders, can re-engage customers effectively. Luke shared his experience with Dollar Shave Club, where a birthday discount prompted him to make an additional purchase. Ongoing Engagement: Automated emails can keep customers e

  • #1033 What's In a Name?

    21/07/2024 Duração: 01min

    Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with start-ups, as they look for name for their new business or product. The process is rarely easy, but always interesting. The process should start with a look at the ultimate customer and the unique elements of the solution being presented. Even in traditional industries, looking for a unique twist will help set the business apart. So what else should you consider on your quest to find the perfect name? Simple and Memorable: If the name isn’t short, punchy and relevant customers may struggle to remember it when it is time to buy! Prospective customers may do a Google or voice search for your business. If you name is hard to pronounce or spell, they may have trouble finding you. Relevant: It may or may not be descriptive, but it should evoke a feeling, perception, or impression in the mind of your target audience. Unique: If you want to trademark the name, it needs to be unique in the category. If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsl

  • #1032 Build Trust with Virtual Events | Michael Tucker

    18/07/2024 Duração: 10min

    One of the things that happened during Covid was that virtual events exploded.  And today, even as we return to in person activities, there is still a place for virtual events in your marketing.  That was the topic I dove into with Michael Tucker.  Here are some key points from the interview with Michael Tucker about virtual events: Building Trust and Credibility: Michael loves virtual events because they are a powerful way to quickly build trust and credibility with an audience. They offer an opportunity to teach, engage, and build relationships, which can expedite the sales process. High Energy and Engagement: Successful virtual events require high energy and engagement. Keeping the audience's attention is crucial, and this is best achieved by showing up with passion and enthusiasm, even if you’re not naturally an extrovert. The content should be crafted with the audience in mind, focusing on what is relevant and valuable to them. Starting Small and Focusing on Quality: It's important to start with the

  • #1029 Display Advertising | Debra Bowers

    11/07/2024 Duração: 11min

    I enjoyed the time I spent with Deborah Bowers, a seasoned marketing expert, to discuss the essentials of digital advertising for small businesses. Here are a few key points from our conversation: Importance of Digital Advertising: Deborah emphasizes the necessity of incorporating paid advertising alongside organic marketing to reach a wider audience and drive more sales Starting with Digital Advertising: For those new to digital advertising, Deborah suggests focusing on directional advertising, targeting people who already know they want a product or service. Spending more of your budget on people who are closer to the point of purchase is an effective way to stretch limited marketing funds.  Digital Search Ads: These ads appear to users based on their search behaviors across multiple platforms, allowing businesses to target potential customers without the need for a separate budget for each platform. Targeting and Budget Management: Deborah explains the importance of targeting specific demographics and sett

  • #1027 Free Kittens

    07/07/2024 Duração: 03min

    The internet is fueled by cats. Cute cats, funny cats, grumpy cats, cat photos and cat videos. It's cats, cats, cats, all day long. I'm actually okay with that because I like cats. We even had two cats, Clyde and Truman who lived Roundpeg  and if you followed us on social media you would see them regularly featured.  Clyde even had her own Facebook page and probably has more fans than I did. And it is this love of cats that kind of inspired us to do a fun promotion for our marketing seminars. We designed an ad with a headline that said:  Free Kittens with every seminar. If you read the fine print, we weren't giving away kittens but you did get a chance to play with our cats It was a little bit out there, so we wondered how our audience would react, so we created a more traditional version as an alternative.  We both graphics on Facebook and on LinkedIn, thinking we  we knew exactly how this was going to play out. We expected the kittens to do well on Facebook and  the more traditional version to score points

  • #1026 Take a Closer Look at Your Website | Monica Pitts

    04/07/2024 Duração: 11min

    Monica Pitts, founder of MayeCreate Design and host of the "Marketing with Purpose" podcast brought her energy and humor to this conversation about your website.    Like me, she considers it a critical part of your overall marketing. Authenticity and Realness: She emphasizes the importance of using real images instead of stock photos and writing website content in your own authentic voice. Being genuine helps customers connect with you. Storytelling: Your business is unique. Even in a cluttered industry, you need to find your unique stories and tell it on your website instead of using generic marketing language. Consistency: Once you embrace your unique voice, you need to maintain it is message across all platforms, from your website and social media, to in person interactions.  This cohesive brand experience helps prospective customers understand who they will really be working with. Not everyone will appreciate your unique voice.  That's ok, the ones who do, will make the best customers. Practical Tips for

  • #1025 Simple SEO Tips | Meg Casebolt

    02/07/2024 Duração: 11min

    I know you think we’ve talked SEO to death, but the field keeps changing and there are different approaches. My guest Meg Casebolt explains many people think think SEO is incredibly complex and you need to have an expensive team come in to fix your website for it.  They also assume you must produce boatloads of content to be successful. She doesn’t think either of those things is true.  Today, the trick is not quantity, but content which clearly defines who you serve and how you help that audience.  Here are a few simple tips that can easily improve your SEO Optimizing Existing Content: Utilize tools like Google Search Console to identify what content is already performing well. Update and repurpose existing content, and create cornerstone pages that compile related resources, which can rank better in search results. Link Building and Authority: Effective use of internal and external links can enhance SEO. Linking to and from reputable sites builds credibility and signals to search engines that your content i

  • #1024 Prince Charming - And the Search for the Perfect Marketing Solution

    30/06/2024 Duração: 01min

    I'm sure you're familiar with the story of Prince Charming. He went trudging through his kingdom carrying a shoe looking for the prefect girl. He tried it on multiple people until he finally found his one true love. Well, that's a fairy tale but it has real applications for your marketing. In a way you have to be like prince charming. You have to go trudging through different types of marketing until you find something that fits. You're going to consider and reject a lot of things before you find that perfect marketing for your business. But here's the catch. Unlike prince charming you don't always get to live happily ever after. That dream solution is great this year but it may not be perfect next year and so you've got to be willing to go trudging through marketing solutions over and over again to continually find the best fit for your business.  If you’ve enjoyed this conversation sign up for a weekly newsletter get links to episodes you might have missed and other resources for your business   https://mor

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