New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 126:47:32
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The New Class Rising Podcast was created for the struggling Middle Class who had always followed the "right" path but who now finds itself Downsized by Debt and a failing Economy. Learn about Economic topics that will help you understand how to preserve your wealth and hear from real entrepreneurs who now enjoy living the New Class lifestyle, so that you too, can make the jump!


  • 092: The Importance of List Building with Jeremy Montoya

    17/08/2015 Duração: 49min

    The number one goal of building your email list should be to get your subscribers to know, like and trust you! #NewClassRisingPodcast #092 [TweetThis] You may have often heard the saying "the money is in the list". Perhaps, but what does that even mean? On today's show we are talking to Jeremy Montoya from and he is taking is through some of the Do's and Don'ts of List Building. Building an email list of raving subscribers is probably one of the most important, yet under rated, things that many entrepreneurs fail to capitalize on. If you want validation that there is an audience for the message you have, build an email subscribers list! Then, if you want validation that the product or service your are building your audience will be useful to them, ask your subscribers list! On this episode, you'll learn why and how this works.  You can find today's show notes at     Hit Me Up on Twitter: @Hector_Avellan  

  • 091: Sowing Deeds with Raul Sanchez

    10/08/2015 Duração: 39min

    Do something good, something positive for someone today. Sow good Deeds and watch them grow! #NewClassRisingPodcast @SowingDeeds [TweetThis] The New Class Rising Podcast is about Entrepreneurship with a dose of Economics, but it is also about Lifestyle. Specifically, living a lifestyle that is meaningful and purposeful, whether that is enjoying more time with your family and friends, or doing something to help others. Today on the show, we are talking with Raul Sanchez, founder and creator of Sowing Deeds, where his mantra is - Sow it Forward. Watch Good Deeds Grow. Raul's story is important to this show for many reasons that resemble the struggle today's Middle Class is experiencing, but among them you'll get to hear how he was laid off from his job in Oil and Gas after over 10 years in the industry, how he stugggled to find new work, and how that energy was then channeled to do something with a much greater cause, Sowing Deeds.   You can find today's show notes at     Hit Me Up

  • 090: Falling Home Ownership Rate is Proof that the Middle Class is in Decline

    05/08/2015 Duração: 46min

    Today's average family has to work 5x longer to purchase the median 2015 home and it's all a result of the Fed. #NewClassRisingPodcast [TweetThis] Last week the U.S Census released the most rent proof of what has been my message for the last six years - the middle class is on the decline and it's standard of living is being shredded to pieces. Now, of course, this wasn't always the case, and in this episode I discuss just how much of a decline the middle class has experienced and why I believe this decrease in the standard of living will persist.  This is more evidence that now more than ever. You cannot rely on just one income to sustain you current way life now, and into the future, and why it is more important then ever to become an entrepreneur.    You can find today's show notes at     Hit Me Up on Twitter: @Hector_Avellan   References: Home Mortgage Rates Drop to the Lowest Since 1967 Rate of Millenials Starting to Own Households is  Disturbingly Low Rent is Unafforable fo

  • 089: The Minimum Wage Should Be Abolished

    27/07/2015 Duração: 01h09min

    Do you think the Minimum Wage hurts people or helps people, more? #NewClassRising #089 w/ @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Oh I can already tell that this is going to be one of those controversial shows where I may even lose some listeners. It's unfortunate but I will never apologize for siding with freedom, siding with economic freedom and siding with the markets. I wasn't always against the minimum wage. However, when I did realize that the minimum wage was a horrible law, it was not because I thought that it was taking more profits out of the pockets of business owners or even that there was no way the government could possibly know how much the price of labor should be. No, it was because I realized that the Minimum  Wage law hurt the poorest and most vulnerable people (those who do not have skills) among us, and in many cases set them up for a life of stagnant wages without the ability to move upward.  There are obviously two sides of the debate here. Those that are for the minimum wage, and an even higher mi

  • 088: China is Bluffing On Its Gold Holdings

    21/07/2015 Duração: 55min

    The Chinese are bluffing with their reported Gold holdings. Here's the case for why they have more gold than they lead on to #NewClassRising [TweetThis] Last week the much anticipated Chinese Gold holding more released by the PBOC - the People's Bank of China According to the PBOC, in the last six years the Chinese Government has increased its gold holdings by about 57%, just over half, to 1,658 metric tons. Although most experts and financial commentators were expecting the gold holdings to be announced soon, what they were not expecting was such a low report of actual holdings.  Most experts, best-selling author "Currency Wars" and "The Death of Money", Jim Rickards being one of them, believe that China is bluffing when it comes to disclosing  their full gold holding.  There are very specific reason Why and those lead to an assault on the U.S dollar. On this episode, I give you the full story.   Show Notes You can find today's show notes at    FundedWit  I've Partnered up with

  • 087: The Best Mock-up, Prototype, and WireFraming Software for your WebApp

    13/07/2015 Duração: 39min

    Want to create the best looking Mock-ups, Prototypes and Wireframes for your WebApp or Mobile App? #UXPin is the way to go! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] On this episode of the New Class Rising podcast I wanted to share with you, what I believe to be, the best software service out there, that you can use to Prototype, Wireframe and Mock-up your Web or Mobile Applications. If you are outsourcing the Development and Design of your next web or mobile application, there are no IF's or ANDs about it! You absolutely must mock-up your project. There are 2 very specific reason why! On this episode I share with you specifically why you want to prevent the mistake of outsourcing development work without mocking it up first, what services options you have to get this done, and lastly, how I am using this today.   Show Notes You can find today's show notes at   Video: Demo'ing my EduMenu Mock-up via UXPin   FundedWit  I've Partnered up with Spencer Sevy, the creator of DudeStick, funded over 1

  • 086: Don't Get Caught Up In All The Economic Hoopla Around the World!

    10/07/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    There is definitely no hiding it! We re living in some crazy times. Earlier today I was riding in the car heading back home from my dental appointment and I was listening to some podcast shows talking about the collapse of the Chinese markets, the bankcruptcy of Greece, the Catch 22 the Federal Reserve is under with its proposed plan to raise interest rates, the coming currency crash - and I felt myself getting somewhat anxious!  The way we communicate today through technological innovation is an incredible feat of humanity but it also has its negatives.  On this episode of the podcast, I talk about why you may want to unplug and I also share a new commitment to you!   Show Notes You can find today's show notes at     Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan   FundedWit  I've Partnered up with Spencer Sevy, the creator of DudeStick, funded over 1,800% on Kickstarter, to create the next community of Crowd Funding Crushing Machines! Interested?   Join our mailing list!  

  • 085: How to Generate Affiliate Income with Bluehost and Aweber!

    29/06/2015 Duração: 36min

    I just learned how to generate income as an Affiliate and there is no reason why you can't generate income online, too! #NewClassRising [TweetThis]   What often stops some people from taking action to become entrepreneurs and reach the income levels that they want to achieve in online business, is the fact that making money online has not become a reality for them. If this describes you, don't worry. Its absolutely normal. However, in order for that to become a reality, you have to start earning some money online. This often means starting small. On this episode of the podcast, I share with you how I made $73.70 in less than an hour and how you can do the same, as well. Don't forget to checkout the show notes for a step-by-step video showing you how to sign-up to become an affilliate and start earning some income.   Show Notes You can find today's show notes at     Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!   

  • 084: Economic Rockstar Interview and a Project for You!

    22/06/2015 Duração: 01h03min

    Everyday you get up to go to work and sit in the cubicle you're deciding to give up your freedom to be doing something else #NewClassRising [TweetThis] On this episode of the New Class Rising podcast I am sharing an interview that was recorded on the Economic Rockstar podcast with my good friend and Economic Professor, Frank Conway. I think this interview is great because it really captured the reason behind why I started this podcast and why it is imperative for someone like you, the middle class employee, to start a business now.  On this episode, I am also sharing my partnership with an awesome entrepreneur, and former guest of the show, to bring to you whay I believe will be the next big community of successful business owners!!! Hint: These entrepreneurs will be all about validating their ideas first!  This new community will be huge and will literally change lives! I am super pumped! They'll be a way for you to get involved starting now! But you'll have to listen to learn how. See you on the inside!   

  • 083: $7,200 in 11 Days, with Spencer Sevy

    15/06/2015 Duração: 39min

    The biggest risk you can take is a risk to your pride and thats what stops most entrepreneurs #NewClassRising [TweetThis] How would you feel if you created a Kickstart campaign to fund your product and it was funded by near 1000% in the first 11 days? On today's show I am talking to the founder and creator of Dude Stick, a lip balm for men with natural ingredients. His product however, has created quite a stir on the web for being gender specific and many website have come out in full attack mode, trying to shut down his Kickstarted campaign.  On this episode, Spencer and I talk about how he is responding to all of the negative attacks, but more importantly we talk about how he went from an idea, to physical product and now an incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign that has opened the door to possible retail distribution contracts.   Show Notes You can find today's show notes at     Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates! 

  • 082: What Being Middle Class Means To Me

    08/06/2015 Duração: 32min

    My mission is help 1,000 people abandon the middle class paradigm by creating economics savvy Internet entrepreneurs #NewClassRising [TweetThis] The Middle Class in America today is struggling and it is pretty evident. The current administration and the media all seem to think that this economy is doing better, that we are creating more jobs and that this economy has never been better, at least, hasn;t been better since the great recession.  But, for the average middle class american who has to get up and go to work every single morning to put food on the table, the sentiment is much different. He/She thinks that she is supposed to be doing better, they are not. They can feel it in their pocket books, they can see it in their bank accounts, they know it when they have to stop at the fast-food drive through because they have been working exrta hours just to make ends meet! This past week, I came across an article on CNN Money that could have not been more representative of this sentiment that many Americans al

  • 081: Updating the New Class Rising Blog

    03/06/2015 Duração: 34min

    Change is always good! The New Class Rising blog is getting a facelift! #NewClassRising [ClicktoTweet] Around 2011 I started a blog at, what used to be, Internet Entrepreneur Connection DOT com. That site no longer exists today and it is a long story that I don't get into in this episde. Over the past year however, my brand has evolved from Internet Entrepreneur Connection, which was originally a place where entrepreneurs could connect, to what is now the New Class Rising. I definitely feel my mission with this new Brand and know exactly what I want to accomplish. One of the things that I had been struggling with however, was the fact the although my original domain changed, the original them for Internet Entrepreneur Connection was still being used as my default theme ont he New Class Rising blog.  When it comes to branding and just the experience for you, my listener, I realized that this was very confusing, especially if you were someone who perhaps was brand new to my podcast or my brand have not been fol

  • 080: What Sacrifices Will You Commit to Make?

    25/05/2015 Duração: 31min

    #RisingClass on this Memorial Day, what sacrifices will you make to make our society, economy and country, better? #NewClassRising [TweetThis] Today is Memortial Day her int he United States. A day when we remember those brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice fighting abroad in battle to ensure and preserve our way of life here at home! Sacrifice.. that is the first word that came into my mind right as I started meditating in preparation for this podcast episode. On today's show I share with you the sacrifices that we [entrepreneurs] must make to ensure our way of life, to make society better and to propel our country into the next phase of our evolution.   Don't Forget! There is still time to help fund: Empire of Lies - Kickstarter   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!    

  • 079: Empire of Lies - The Ron Paul Documentary - Charles Goyette

    18/05/2015 Duração: 57min

    When you wipe out the middle class of a country, the freedom of that country and those people is bound to collapse with it! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] Ron Paul has been has a huge influence in my life and is largely responsible for my interest in Economics, Entrepreneurship and how government corrupts and destroys our individual economic freedom.  He is such an incredible figure that has made so many contributions to the cause of liberty that, as you'll hear in this interview, Ron can be likened to the "THomas Paine" of our era.  On today's show, I talk with  Charles about some of Ron's ideas and he shares with us why this film project is so important, and of equal importance, how YOU can help mak eit possible.   Help Fund the Film Empire of Lies - Kickstarter   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!    

  • 078: Ending the Debt Draft - Don Watkins

    12/05/2015 Duração: 52min

    Millennials today are not being drafted into war! But, they're bank accounts are, and they are fighting a new kind of war - an Economic war! [TweetThis] On today's show we are talking with Don Watkins, fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute, about the new kind of war that millennials are being drafted to fight. Come here me talk with Don about who is waging this war and why it is so dangerous for you and hte preservation of economic freedom.   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!        

  • 077: Don't Compare Yourself to Anyone!

    04/05/2015 Duração: 28min

    Don't ever compare yourself to anyone else in business! Your Journey is completely yours and is unique to anyone else! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] Last week I shared on the show that my partner and I hit a major roadblock when it came to our Saas project and as a result had to completely stop working on that idea. This was a huge letdown for us and as I started thinking about where I was going next, I started comparing my own accomplishments in business, thus far, to others in the industry. After I realized what I was doing I decided that I had to share it on the show today because this can be one of the most dangerous things you do as an entrepreneur.   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!      

  • 076: SaaS Product Update - Pt.2

    30/04/2015 Duração: 49min

    Unlike failing in school, the only way to fail in business is to completely give up! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] Earlier this week we started talking about the state of affairs when it comes to the SaaS product that my partner and I started working on this year. As you can probably tell, we've had some challenges very recently. On this episode we finish off this discussion and share the update that we have for you when it comes to this project. How we found a developer to build the back-end solution to our SaaS. How we determined the cost of development. The highs and lows we experienced and how we overcame. The roadblock we hit, that we just quite couldn't overcome. Final thoughts on what we did right and what we did wrong.   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!      

  • 075: SaaS Product Update - Pt.1

    27/04/2015 Duração: 01h02min

    No one ever said that starting a #SaaS product was going to be easy! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] There are many highs and lows on any entrepreneurial journey and my partner Tim and I have definitely seen our share of those when working on our software project. Since last time Tim was on the show, we've had a major event occur and on the first part of this 2-part podcast, we recap where we starter and some of the major breakthroughs we had on this SaaS journey. Show Highlights What industry we chose for our Saas product. The process we used to identify our product idea. The major steps we took to get our first working demo. The roadblocks we encountered and how we overcame them.   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!      

  • 074: Don’t We Have a Free-Market Economy in the U.S?

    13/04/2015 Duração: 46min

    A true free-market is the most important component of personal and economic freedom #NewClassRising [TweetThis] A few weeks back a friend  asked me "Isn't htat United States a free-market?" To those of us who study this on an almost daily basis, we knoe the answer. Many people however do not, and I totally get it.  On this episode, we discuss exactly that! Do we have a free-market economy?   Show Highlights What is a Free Market Economy? What are the 2 most important components of having a Free-Market? Is having a Free-Market important or can we get by with a 'somewhat" free-market? Is the United States a Free-Market or not?   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!      

  • 073: Another Big Lesson in SaaS, another Big Win!

    09/04/2015 Duração: 44min

    If you love this show, [TweetThis] "Hector just had another big win in his #Saas business journey! You should be listening to the New Class Rising Podcast!"  Today I have some really exciting news to share with you on the podcast. Not only do I have a new gadget that I am absolutely loving (and what could perhaps be a cool trick for you to try), my partner and I had a pretty big lesson (and Win) learned last week when we were near giving up with our current Saas project. We didn't give up! We prevailed and here's why!   Show Highlights Why I love my new tech gadget. Why my partner and I were really deflated with our SaaS project, last week. The resource that I tapped into, that took our SaaS plans to the next level. The huge meeting that we have next week. The biggest lesson you can take from my experience almost giving up.   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Avellan Blog:   Get on the the Rising Path! - for community only updates!      

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