New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 126:47:32
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The New Class Rising Podcast was created for the struggling Middle Class who had always followed the "right" path but who now finds itself Downsized by Debt and a failing Economy. Learn about Economic topics that will help you understand how to preserve your wealth and hear from real entrepreneurs who now enjoy living the New Class lifestyle, so that you too, can make the jump!


  • 072: The New Class Rising Podcast turns 1

    30/03/2015 Duração: 47min

    The New Class Rising Podcast turns 1 today! Here's to another year of Entrepreneurship, Economics and joining the New Class! [TweetThis] to wish the New Class Rising community a happy anniversary of the podcast! Today is the one year anniversary of the New Class Rising podcast. Our show has had over 5,000 downloads to date and this could not have happened without you - The Rising Class. To commemorate the one year anniversary of the show, I have put together clips from some of the most downloaded podcasts to date. In this episode you'll hear clips from the following most downloaded episodes:  Show Highlights 004: Your Biggest Challenge as an Internet Entrepreneur. 010: Real Money versus Currency and Why you should get some of the real stuff! 014: Favian Calvo: The Economic Global Rreset and Why the New Class of Entrepreneur will thrive in the next Economic Crisis. 023: John Lee Dumas: From 6-Figure per year JOB, to 6-Figure per year Lifestyle. 049: Does your back have to be against the wall for you to create

  • 071: Your Student Loan Debt Could Be Wiped Out if you Do this One Thing!

    23/03/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    We have a massive Student Loan Debt bubble and the bubble will not be pricked until we have a collapse of the U.S Dollar #NewClassRising [TweetThis] According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, as of Q4 of 2014, outstanding student loan debt numbers over $1.3 Trillion. President Lyndon B Johnson started it all in 1965. President Barack Obama made it worse in 2010 and tried to "ease" the student loan debt problem. Apparently that wasn't enough and if Obama gets his way, pretty soon you'll be able to get rid of your student loan debt if you do this one thing!   Reference: 1965 U.S Census    Show Highlights Why the Higher Education Act of 1965 started the student loan debt mess we're in today. How student loan debt has nearly triple since 2006. Why this student loan debt bubble will not burst until a dollar collapse. How the Government intervention in higher education and now easier debt discharges have created a moral hazzard. How you may be able to get discharge student loan debt, soon.   Hit Me Up Twttr

  • 070: SaaS Product Update and 3 Lessons I Learned That You Should Put to Use

    16/03/2015 Duração: 01h11min

    Building a business is scary, but it is not as scary as realizing your own mortality! You have to push through! #NewClassRising #SaaS [TweetThis] That is 100% true! On this episode I am giving you an update of the current state of my SaaS project that I've been working on for the last month or so and I am also sharing 3 lessons that really hit home with me this past week.  Also, make sure to listen all the way to the end because if you prefer that I do shorter episode moving forward, there will be a way for you to let me know (Okay the link to the 3-question survey is below). Have an awesome week!    3-Question Survey Tell me what you think about the release schedule and episode length Here   Show Highlights What is my SaaS product all about? Where I am on my SaaS product? What major progress we've made? How we set up a meeting with Regional Executive Management and how that led to our next meeting with their Technology Management. 3 lessons I learned that you should definitely use apply in your own life. 

  • 069: This Economy is the Biggest Manipulation in History!

    09/03/2015 Duração: 01h17min

    This Economy is the Biggest Manipulation in History and the coming Crash will be even bigger than 2008! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] This past Friday (03/2015) we got the jobs numbers for the month of February. The BLS reported that this Economy created 295,000 jobs. At face-value, that would seem great, but as they say - the devil is always in the details. This economy is not Recovering! This economy has not blasted off into space! This economy is not a productive economy, and this economy is not going to get the middle class back to work. This economy is the biggest manipulation in History and in this episode I am going to cover why the coming crash will be the biggest and baddest we've ever seen!   Show Highlights Update: New Class Rising Mastermind Why the markets sold off after 295K jobs? Why near 0% interest rates are fueling this market manipulation. Why the coming crash will be bigger than the great depression? What you need to do today, to get ahead of the coming crash!   Hit Me Up Twttr: @Hector_Av

  • 068: Tim Delaforce: Masterminding About Life, Mindset-Shifts, and Business

    23/02/2015 Duração: 01h16min

    The only way to grow intellectually is to immerse yourself in content that is contrary to what you think may be right! #NewClassRising [TweeThis] Applications for the New Class Rising Mastermind have opened up and on today's show we are doing exactly that - Masterminding. Today, I am brining on my SaaS business parner and Lead Technologist , Tim Delaforce, to Mastermind and to talk about the life and mindset changes that he had to make that led him to find a partner and become the co-founder a Software start-up, literally, a few weeks after he made the mindset shift and commitment to living a different type of life.  Show Highlights How Tim had a complete life and mindset paradigm-shift after a vacation back to his hometown in South Africa. Why Tim decided to completely go against everything he's ever been taught regarding work and life. Why "front-loading" work is so powerful! What is "The Gap Theory". Why you have the complete power to manifest your own reality into existence.   Join the New Class Rising

  • 067: The New Class Rising Mastermind is Here!

    16/02/2015 Duração: 48min

    The New Class Rising Mastermind with @Hector_Avellan, the next community of elite Entrepreneurs, is here! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] That's right! The next elite community of successful internet entrepreneurs is here and I am super-duper pumped to be bringing it to you, today!  If there is one thing i have come to learn is that some of the most important things to have on the road to becoming an entrepreneur are Guidance and the right Support Network - your very own Board of Directors, if you will. That is why today I am announcing the New Class Rising Mastermind and am launching the application process.  Are you ready to join the New Class Rising Mastermind? Listen to today's episode to get details on what to expect, who is it for and submission deadlines, among other things. Show Highlights What is a Mastermind? Why I am starting the New Class Rising Mastermind? What is the New Class Rising Mastermind? What to expect from joining this Mastermind? Who is the New Class Rising Mastermind, for?   Fill out yo

  • 066: Darren Monroe: How To Never Be Broke in America or Anywhere Else in the World Again

    09/02/2015 Duração: 01h04min

    You don't have to be broke in America or anywhere else in the world, but you do require this one thing! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] On today's show we are talking to "Mr. Real, Raw, and Revlevant" himself - Darren Scott Monroe! Specifically, we are talking with him about how to never be broke in America, or anywhere else in the world, again. Darren got his start in the business world running from hurrincane Katrina back in 2005. Hurricane Katrina destroyed his working town of New Orleans, Louisiana and left him homeless, jobless and worst of all - it left him 'income less'. On today's show Darren we talk to Darren about what kind of mindset you need to have to never be broke ever again, no matter where you are in the world!   Show Highlights How Darren went from working on the radio to working with million dollar companies and charging Premiums for his services. Why Darren teaches entrepreneurs and companies to "Charge More Money". How to be a "Category of 1, Competition of None" and what this means. Why you

  • 065: Dave Schneider: Building SaaS Through Idea Extraction

    02/02/2015 Duração: 55min

    Idea Extraction is the absolute best way to create a product and launch a business! Here's Why! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] On today's show I am brining on Dave Schneider, owner of the Self-made Businessman blog and creator of Ninja Outreach, a software solution that helps you discover bloggers, journalists, nad business leads in every niche imaginable.  This year I have committed to starting a SaaS company. In fact, I've talked about this quite a bit this year. I am really excited but I also know that this is a whole new level of entrepreneurship and it's going to take a lot more out of me to make this a success.  Dave is a really (really) smart guy and has experience creating software products. Today he is coming on the show and telling us all about Idea Extraction and we go through the process of extracting ideas from potential customers, formulating an idea for a product, selling that idea to our target markte and getting our software product developed.    Show Highlights What is Idea Extraction and how

  • 064: How I Got Burned as an Employee in December'14, And What You Can Learn from my Mistake!

    26/01/2015 Duração: 41min

    "How do you rationalize the fact that if you're an employee, someone else dictates how much the value of your work is worth? #NewClassRising" [TweetThis] After graduating from college in 2009 and then going through the experience of Corporate layoffs in 2010, I knew that I, unequivocally, did not want to be an employee for the rest of my life. Today, I am working towards that goal and dream of owning my own business and being my own man. As a corporate employee however, the end of the year means Review time, and Review time sometimes can come with a promotion, an increase in pay, maybe even a bonus.  This past December 2014, I got burned and boy was I burned pretty bad after having busted my butt all year at my job.  In this episode I share:   Show Highlights How I got burned this past December and the lesson I learned. How this renewed FOCUS is impacting me. Why this is the year I'm kicking it up a notch and starting my Software comapny. What I learned after having been so upset at my situation. What you ca

  • 063: Climbing the Corporate "Slide". I Was Wrong About One Thing!

    19/01/2015 Duração: 53min

    The "extended" workforce will deal the death blow to the American middle class. This is the end of work as we know it! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] In 2012, I dedicated an entire chapter of my book, De-CLASS-ified: The fall of the middle class and rise of the internet entrepreneur to explaining why "Climbing the Corporate Ladder" was going to be more like "Climbing a very slippery slide" in the not so distant future, and why this was going to be a contributing factor tot he downsizing of America's middle class! Well, I was wrong! The truth is that what is coming is actually way worse than I could have anticipated and I believe that this will deal the death blow to America's middle class way of life.  In this episode I explain:   Show Highlights Accenture Report: The Rise of the Extended Workforce What is the difference between a "contingent" workforce and an "extended" workforce. Why the extended workforce is rising in corporate America and why this will accelerate in the near future. Why the extended workfor

  • 062: Starting a SaaS Business Does Not Have to Be Risky, If You Do this One Thing!

    12/01/2015 Duração: 53min

    The biggest misconception is that if you aren't taking RISK starting a Business, then somehow you're doing something wrong. #newclassrising [TweetThis] But that could not be farther from the truth. The reality is that when it comes to 21st Century business, technology has advanced so much that it has given people like you and me the opportunity to eliminate practically all risk from staring a business, in this case a software company.  Sure this may not be the case for every single niche and market out there, but in the world of online business the gap between starting a business and risk is being narrowed more and more with time. Take a look at companies like and Although not entirely risk-free, a HUGE part of the risk here is being eliminated, mainly the need to take out a loan to start your company and go into debt or having to use your own money, when ordinary people can become your biggest supporters and literally pay you to build the product that you have told them you wan

  • 061: Everyone Has a Story. And, This is Mine! What's Yours and How will it Change in 2015?

    05/01/2015 Duração: 01h17min

    This is going to be a big year for the New Class Rising community! Are you going to be a part of it or simply sit on the sidelines? [TweetThis] Happy New Year! This is the first episode for 2015 and boy, does it feel like I have been away from the podcast for Ages! The time of the show was a great refresher for me. It allowed me to clear my mind, recharge the batteries and to enjoy time with family throughout the holidays. I think we all need to take time when we have the opportunity to really nurture and nourish the relationships we have with the people that are most important in our lives; family and friends. I haven't been just hanging out these past two weeks, however. Although I did lay around for a few days and did absolutely nothing but play video games and watch movies (haha) I did plan for 2015. In this episode you'll learn:   Show Highlights Why stories are important to tell when building the brand of 'YOU', and What is the story behind the New Class Rising podcast.    What I plan to accomplish for

  • 060: 5-Lessons that will Change your Life in 2015, IF Implemented

    15/12/2014 Duração: 01h04min

    If you failed to reach your life and business goals in '14, congats, you've been granted another day to get started #NewClassRising [TweetThis] 2014 has been an amazing year for me, specifically because I reached my biggest goal which was to start this podcast. In 2015, I am taking things to a whole new level, not just as a person, but we an entrepreneur, as a podcaster and I am even taking this community to the next level. I have some exciting goals set for 2015 and I am really looking forward to change not just my life but the life of a select group of people in this community [more details to come next year...] But what about you? If you have not already, is 2015 going to be the year that you finally start changing your life? In this last episode of the year, I spend some time covering the top lessons we've covered this year that are critical for you to implement in 2015 if you want to start seeing the change you want to see in your business life.   Show Highlights Why your back has to be against the wall

  • 059: Is the Rise of China Killing the American Middle Class?

    08/12/2014 Duração: 01h08min

    Overy time you buy a Chinese-made product you are destroying an American job. #NewClassRising [TweetThis] It's that time of the year! The Christmas and Holidays shopping season is in full effect and people all over the country are out to the stores to get the best deals possible for gifts to put under their Christmas tree.  But what does to mean for America when it's people are out trying to score the cheapest deals on products that are all made in China?  Does buying Chinese-made products mean anything for the middle class? Does the action of buying Chinese-made products take jobs away from America's middle class? Furthermore, what can we learn as entrepreneurs from American companies like Uber and Air BnB that have disrupted their own respective industries. If buying Chinese-made products really does hurt our local economy, what can we as entrepreneurs do to disrupt this trend? #NewClassRising [TweetThis]    Show Highlights My take on the "Death by China" documentary by Peter Navarro How American jobs sta

  • 058: Genesys Works: Changing the Track of Life!

    01/12/2014 Duração: 47min

    @GenesysWorksHou is all about creating opportunities for young people to move into the Economic Mainstream and out of poverty #GivingTuesday [TweetThis]  This past Friday we had what has come to be know as "Black Friday" - a day of shopping for door-buster sales in retailers all across the country. Today (December 1st) is "Cyber Monday", same concept but all held online. Well, tomorrow is also a very special day and I bet you have no idea what it is! This year, what has come to be known as #GivingTuesday will be held on December 2nd.   #GivingTuesday is a world-wide day dedicated to celebrating the generosity of giving back, and because I know the importance of giving back I wanted to do something really special on today's show. Today we are talking to Marian Davenport, Executive Directory of Genesys Works Houston, a 501(c) non-profit organization in the city of Houston dedicated to changing the track of life for under represented young people and enabling them to enter into the economic mainstream and out of

  • 057: Eric Ramirez: A Revolutionary Kickstarter Campaign for the Gamer Inside You

    24/11/2014 Duração: 56min

    Here is a Kickstarter campaign that is about to revolutionize the way we do gaming! #NewClassRising [TweetThis] It is often the case that if you hear an entrepreneur sharing their story on podcast or perhaps on a blog post, they've already reached a certain level of success and you are getting their perspective looking back on their journey. All of that is great stuff, but it is also important to capture the stories of entrepreneurs who perhaps haven't had that success just yet and how are starting on their journey, but who are doing amazing things to change the world. On today's show we are talking to Eric Ramirez, co-founder of Hydrix. Eric and his team recently launched a Kickstarter to fund their project which is poised to change the world. Hydrix - Any Console. Any Game. Any Time. is getting ready to revolutionize gaming! [TweetThis] He's got a very exciting product and I think you're going to love his story and what drove him and his team to create Hydrix.   Show Highlights What is Hydrix? Why Hydrix i

  • 056: Justin Mohr: Defending the Free Market and Making the Moral Case for Capitalism

    17/11/2014 Duração: 51min

    Govnt claims to help the poor from the forces of the free-market, but in reality its policies have resulted in more poverty! #NewClassRising [TweetThis]  On today's show we are having an economics talk. You've often heard me say that today we are living in one of the worst economies for the middle class and that in fact, today's middle class is worse off than that they were prior to the Great Recession.  Today's guest shares his economic expertise and shares his thoughts on our Economy here at home and how you can safeguard yourself from a coming economic crisis. Show Highlights Why the Government is creating debt slaves out of college students. The Minimum Wage and its negative impact on the Economy. Why Government Stimulus (Inflation) has made our Economy worse. The Currency that should be a part of your Wealth Portfolio. Can the Federal Reserve really end QE4? Why the Fed is forcing you to spend everything you make.   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: Rate and Revie

  • 055: Do This Now, Before The Start of 2015

    11/11/2014 Duração: 49min

    The biggest mistake that people make, is waiting until the New Year to start planning out their business goals! Not me! [Tweet This] One of the mistakes that a lot of people make is waiting until the last minute to set goals that they want to accomplish for the New Year. Over the last 2 years I've had incredible success meeting and accomplishing every single goal that I have set for myself and I credit this to the S.M.A.R.T goal setting methodology that I've started applying every year. In this epsiode I share how I set my S.M.A.R.T goals and when I start thinking about the goals that I want to set for the New Year.   Show Highlights I share why this Podcast released late I discuss why I think the economic situation for America's middle class was the catalyst behind the election reulsts last week. Finally, I share how to set S.M.A.R.T goals and my methology for having great success doing this. Don't forget to rate and review this show on iTunes! Join the mailing list over on the New Class Rising blog   Hit

  • 054: Dwight Peters: A Simple Mantra Led to the creation of Backers Hub and an Awesome Lifestyle

    03/11/2014 Duração: 46min

    Traditional Schooling is the best way to produce the model worker bee! [Tweet This] Although down to his last 10 cents in a checking account, today's guest completely abandoned the old school paradigm of traditional schooling for what is becoming the new school paradigm of internet entrepreneurship.  Dwight Peters has an incredibly inspiring story and is the guy behind Backers Hub, a community of repeat Kickstarter Backers, and has an exploding online community and user base. On this episode he shares his story of becoming an entrepreneur; the challenges he's had to overcome, the rewards he now enjoys and living life as an internet entrepreneur.   Show Highlights Inspiring interview with Dwight Peters from   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

  • 053: Is The Fed Really Ending All the Money Printing After This Week?

    27/10/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    The Fed cannot END QE! If it does, the phony recovery unravels and the next dose will have to be bigger than the last #NewClassRising #053 [TweetThis] The Markets have called the Federal Reserves' bluff and this week Janet Yellen is expected to announce the end of MONEY PRINTING!  Can it really happen? After 7 years of TRILLIONS printed, is the easy money really coming to an end? Some people think so, but I don't! In this episode I explain why.   Show Highlights The Feed Announcement Planned for this Week. Peter Schiff's interview commentary on the Fed ending QE on CNBC last week. Doug Casey's commentary on the coming catastrophic Deflation/Inflation. My take on why there is no possible way we cannot have real growth in the Economy. Gold and Silver Buyer Club - Learn more about how to start an Internet based Gold and Silver Business   Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog:

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