Liquid Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 650:49:30
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Live weekly teaching on God & life, culture & faith from! Liquid Church is a creative, contemporary Christian church - find out more at


  • How God Can Restore Your Dreams | Part 2: Dream Again

    16/01/2021 Duração: 40min

    Ever have a God-given dream, but feel like you keep facing setbacks? Maybe these setbacks make it feel like you’ll never reach your God-given purpose. See, when God reveals a dream for your life, it attracts enemy attention. Your bold dreams may attract haters who criticize you or put you down. However, God can restore your dream. While the devil has a plot, God has a plan to help you dream again! In this message from Part 2 of Liquid Church’s “Dream Again” series, Pastor Tim Lucas shares how God can restore your dreams, just like he restored the dream of Joseph in Genesis. You see, Joseph was a man of God who was given a bold, God-sized dream as a teenager, but Joseph faced opposition from all sides before his dream came true 13 years later. Through all Joseph’s testing and all God’s delays, He never lost faith and kept trusting God. He knew that if God gave him the vision, He’d give him the provision to reach his dream and God-given purpose. What dreams do you long for God to restore? Watch this message fro

  • Learning How To Dream Again | Part 1: Dream Again

    09/01/2021 Duração: 47min

    Have you ever experienced a lost or broken dream? Maybe last year your goals got pushed aside or put on pause. However, you have a fresh opportunity now to grab hold of your God-given purpose. God still sees greatness in you and wants to help you Dream Again! In this message from Part 1 of Liquid Church’s “Dream Again” series, Pastor Tim Lucas shares 5 specific qualities of God-given dreams based on the life of Joseph in Genesis. You see, Joseph was a man of God that God gave a bold dream to as a teenager, but Joseph faced opposition from all sides before his dream came true 13 years later. Through all Joseph’s testing and all God’s delays, He kept his faith that God would provide a way to make it happen. Like Joseph, together, we can move beyond the grief of broken dreams and enter into a brighter future! So, what dreams has God given you? Watch this message from Liquid Church and see how you can open yourself up to God’s dreams and purpose for your life. Dream Again Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church

  • How God Can Use Brokenness | Christmas Eve 2020

    24/12/2020 Duração: 40min

    2020 has been one broken year: From a global pandemic, to racial unrest, economic turmoil, remote learning, unemployment, election drama… the list goes on! The Christmas season may make you feel like your life is too broken for God to use you for His purposes. If that’s you, then you’ll be encouraged to know that God actually PREFERS to use broken people. When we’re broken, God gets the glory… and the world gets to see the beauty and love of Jesus in a new light! In this message from Liquid Church’s 2020 Christmas Eve services, Pastor Tim Lucas shares  about the beauty of our brokenness found in 2 Corinthians 4 in the New Testament of the Bible. In this passage, the apostle Paul shares how we can have an unbreakable faith that sustains us through difficult and dangerous times. If you long to learn how God could use you in your brokenness, listen to this message for biblical encouragement and real-life examples of God’s redemption of broken people. Christmas Eve 2020 | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Br

  • How To Reconcile A Broken Relationship | Part 3: A Christmas Carol

    19/12/2020 Duração: 38min

    If you’re trying to reconcile a broken relationship, but not sure where to start, you should know that forgiveness and reconciliation are two different sides of the same coin. See, forgiveness is a one-player game between you and God. But, before you can have reconciliation in a relationship with someone you’ve hurt or who has hurt you, forgiveness must be present. Reconciliation means restoring or fixing a relationship that is broken and needs mending. But how do you even begin to take steps towards reconciliation when you may be filled with fear, shame and pain? In this message from Part 3 of Liquid Church’s “A Christmas Carol” series, Pastor Nithin Thompson shares 5 steps to biblically begin reconciling a broken relationship: Whether that’s a relationship with a romantic partner, a co-worker, friend or estranged family member. Who is God asking you to give the gift of reconciliation too? You may not be able to change the past, but God can transform your future! A Christmas Carol Series | Pastor Nithin Thom

  • How To Forgive Someone When It’s Hard | Part 2: A Christmas Carol

    12/12/2020 Duração: 44min

    When you think of forgiveness, does a particular person or situation come to mind? You may be wondering… How can you forgive someone when it’s so hard? Does forgiveness mean reconciling your relationship with the offender? Oftentimes, the holiday season has a way of highlighting the problems and pain we feel. So, in order to actually experience the true joy of Christmas, we need to learn what biblical forgiveness really looks like...and how can we take steps towards forgiving when it’s difficult to do. In this message from Part 2 of Liquid Church’s “A Christmas Carol” series, Pastor Tim Lucas explains that biblical forgiveness is NOT minimizing the seriousness of the offense. Forgiveness does NOT necessarily mean reconciliation. Forgiveness is NOT forgetting what happened. Forgiveness, of all things, is NOT fair…. Because if God were fair, we would be paying for our own sins instead of being covered by the sacrificial forgiveness of Jesus. Watch this message to learn 3 biblical ways to practically forgive som

  • How To Overcome Offenses | A Christmas Carol: Part 1

    05/12/2020 Duração: 44min

    When someone hurts or offends you, how do you handle it? Do you hold a grudge or learn to overcome offenses? Take this example from the classic tale A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The main character Ebenezer Scrooge is an old miser who experienced a string of hurts in his life. Scrooge’s chains to his past led to him becoming a bitter, lonely old man. Like Scrooge, we all have things we become offended by - but if you don’t learn how to overlook and overcome hurt, you can end up like Scrooge - haunted and chained up to the ghosts of your past. In this message from Part 1 of Liquid Church’s “A Christmas Carol” series, Pastor Kayra Montanez teaches us how to overcome offenses like David did in 1 Samuel 17 of the Old Testament. In this famous Bible story we learn that David overcame offenses from his family, authority and enemy intimidation to defeat the Philistine giant, Goliath. See, David knew that life is too short and his CALLING was too great to stay chained to the past. He did not allow others’ off

  • Liquid Church’s Vision For 2021 | Message By Tim Lucas

    30/11/2020 Duração: 35min

    In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Tim Lucas shares the church’s vision for 2021. The big news? Liquid Church’s COVID-19 Christmas Offering will help cancel the unpaid medical debt of hundreds of people living below the poverty line in every county in New Jersey where Liquid Church has a campus. Why do this? Because Jesus canceled our debt to sin. Pastor Tim shares from Leviticus 25 all about the year of jubilee for the Israelites - and how, this new year, we can have our own little year of jubilee in New Jersey during a particularly challenging time for those hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about Liquid Church’s vision for 2021 and how you can support it by watching this message. Vision Weekend 2020 | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Debt #debtcanceled #Canceleddebt #Jubilee #NJChurch #NewJerseyChurch #LiquidChurch #TimLucas #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • How To Grow Your Faith | Part 5: The Chosen

    22/11/2020 Duração: 37min

    Not sure where to start when it comes to growing your faith? In this message from Part 5 of Liquid Church’s series through The Chosen, Pastor Nithin Thompson walks us through how Simon Peter went from a life of shallow faith to become one of the 12 disciples. The Chosen is a powerful multi-season TV show. Through the show and in Luke 5:3-11, we see Simon Peter was impulsive, impatient, angry, and prone to violence. Yet, Jesus miraculously met him, just as he was, and called him to become the rock that Christ built the early Church on. If you can relate to Simon and feel your faith has been stagnant or even backsliding this year, know that Jesus is calling you deeper. He wants to guide you as you grow your faith. Watch this message from Liquid Church to learn how you can build deeper trust, turn to God in deeper repentance, and watch Jesus reveal your deeper purpose! The Chosen Series | Pastor Nithin Thompson | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #Grow #SimonPeter #Grace #Faith #LiquidChurch #Christianity #

  • How To Beat Isolation And Loneliness | Part 4: The Chosen

    18/11/2020 Duração: 31min

    The multi-season show The Chosen portrays Matthew the tax collector as a social outcast. See, Matthew was isolated in Jewish culture because tax collectors were known as sinners who overtaxed the Jewish people for their own profit. Today as we face a worldwide pandemic, physical isolation is something we have all become familiar with. In this message from Part 4 of Liquid Church’s The Chosen series, Pastor Jonathan Wilson names three cages of isolation that God has called us out of: Self-Isolation, Social Isolation which leads to loneliness, and Spiritual Isolation. In the Bible, we see Matthew hid in his isolation behind the tax collector’s booth until Jesus called him out. Like Matthew, what cages of isolation are you hiding in? Wherever you are in your faith journey, Jesus is calling you out of isolation and loneliness to experience communion with Him like never before. The Chosen Series | Pastor Jonathan Wilson | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #Matthew #TaxCollector #Isolated #Grace #Faith #Liquid

  • Nicodemus & How To Be Born Again | Part 3: The Chosen

    08/11/2020 Duração: 41min

    Have you ever heard the term “born again”? While this term may mean many things to many people in our culture, Jesus reveals to us what it truly means to be born again in the Scriptures. The multi-season show The Chosen depicts John 3:1-17, showing Jesus meeting with Nicodemus, a devout Jewish religious leader known as a Pharisee. Nicodemus met Jesus at night and had his world turned upside down. Through his story, we can discover how to trade-in dead religion for a living relationship with Christ! See, being “born again” is a supernatural work of God from start to finish - when everything you have been taught as a Christian becomes real, and you develop a personal relationship with God. Have you been born again? Watch this message to visualize Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus and learn how you too can be born again of God’s Holy Spirit. The Chosen Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #Nicodemus #BornAgain #John316 #Grace #Faith #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Jesus’ Redemption of Mary Magdalene | Part 2: The Chosen

    31/10/2020 Duração: 36min

    When you believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, you are no longer possessed by your past, defined by your brokenness, or labeled by your mistakes... Jesus chooses to RESCUE, RESTORE and REDEEM you! That’s exactly what Jesus did in the life of Mary Magdalene, who’s testimony we see throughout the Gospels in the New Testament. Mary Magdalene was a female believer and follower of Christ, whom Jesus had miraculously cast 7 demons out of. The multi-season show The Chosen takes us on a journey to imagine Mary’s life of brokenness and redemption, forever changed when Jesus calls her by name to follow Him. In this message, Pastor Kayra Montanez calls us to follow Mary’s example by leaving our brokenness at the altar and accepting God’s great love. There is no one Christ’s love cannot redeem! The Chosen Series | Pastor Kayra Montanez | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #Redemption #MaryMagdelene #Grace #Demons #Faith #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • How To Develop Childlike Faith | Message By Tim Lucas

    24/10/2020 Duração: 41min

    You may recognize the Sunday school tune “Jesus loves the little children.” Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus elevated the status of children & believed they had unlimited spiritual capacity. Do you trust Jesus with the simple faith of a child? The problem is, we often tend to develop doubts as adults! Childlike faith is actually very clearly portrayed in Episode 3 of the multi-season show about the life of Christ, The Chosen. In this message, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches us 4 qualities of kids we need to emulate in our faith journey. This message walks through Mark 10:13-16 in the New Testament of the Bible and uses the example from The Chosen, Episode 3 to demonstrate the development of childlike faith. The Chosen Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #ChildlikeFaith #FaithLikeAChild #Faith #Gospel #NJChurch #NewJerseyChurch #LiquidChurch #TimLucas #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • How To Love People You Disagree With | Message By Tim Lucas

    17/10/2020 Duração: 40min

    Do you find it hard to love people you disagree with? In a polarizing election year, we all have people we love who drive us crazy with their strong political beliefs or unpopular opinions.  In Part 2 of this series, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches us 4 Practical Ways to Love People You Disagree With. We need to choose to love our political opponents in a divisive political culture - because no single party can fully represent the Kingdom of God. Amen?  Avoiding Election Infection Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church |   #Election #Democrat #Republican #Politics #Political #LovePeople #LoveYourNeighbor #Gospel #NJChurch #NewJerseyChurch #LiquidChurch #TimLucas #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Advice For Christians In An Election Year | Message By Tim Lucas

    10/10/2020 Duração: 37min

    Where do Christians fit in during a time when our nation is so politically divided? It’s no secret the United States is deeply divided politically, rationally and economically. As Christians, we can prepare our hearts for the election by putting our faith in Jesus first in a culture dominated by toxic politics. In this 2-part series, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches us from Mark 12 in the New Testament of the Bible how we can imitate Jesus in a polarizing election year. See, in the first century, there weren’t two political parties - there were four of them lobbying for power! When the leaders of Jesus’ day put Jesus to the test, He led by example by putting his FAITH filter on FIRST. How will you put your faith first in an election year? Watch this message to learn from the word of God and the life of Jesus how you can avoid Election Infection! Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church | Avoiding Election Infection #Election #Democrat #Republican #Politics #Political #Gospel #NJChurch #NewJerseyChurch #LiquidChurch #TimLucas

  • How To Make A Big Decision | Message By Tim Lucas

    03/10/2020 Duração: 35min

    How do you make a big decision? Most of us might weigh the pros and cons… make a list and see which side checks all the boxes. But as a Christian, how do you know if you’re making a decision that leads you in God’s will for your life? In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches us the importance of developing discernment as a spiritual practice. Whether you are deciding to sell or buy a house, make a career move, or make a change in your child’s schooling, we can tune in to the spirit of god when trying to figure out how to make a big decision. When you make your next big decision, will you listen to God’s voice? Listen to this message from Liquid Church to learn how to develop spiritual discernment in your decision making process! Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church | How To Make A Big Decision #Decisions #DecisionMaking #Decision #HowToMakeADecision #Discernment #HowTo #NJChurch #NewJerseyChurch #LiquidChurch #TimLucas #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • How To Tell If Your Faith Is Committed, Compromised or Conflicted | Message By Nithin Thompson

    26/09/2020 Duração: 27min

    When it comes to your relationship with God, we all sit in one of three chairs. Is your faith committed, compromised or conflicted? That's how you can tell which chair you’ve chosen. Depending on where you sit, you are either growing in your faith, compromising with the values of the culture, or in conflict with God. Which chair will you choose? In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Nithin Thompson reminds us that no matter where we sit today, we can choose a new chair - and find hope along the way. You don’t have to live your life in compromise or unbelief - you can stand, like Joshua did in the Old Testament, and impact generations to come. “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24:15 Pastor Nithin Thompson | Liquid Church | Choose Your Chair #Grace #Apathy #Christian #Generations #Compromise #Faith #Joshua24 #NJChurch #NewJerseyChurch #LiquidChurch #NithinThompson #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Anointing In The Holy Spirit | Message By Tim Lucas

    19/09/2020 Duração: 34min

    We all need a regular oil change to keep our car engines running - likewise, we all need a regular spiritual reboot to keep our spiritual lives healthy. Throughout the Bible, oil symbolizes God’s Holy Spirit. In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches on the importance of being Anointed in the Holy Spirit and share’s God’s 5-Ingredient Recipe for Living an Anointed Life. Throughout the Bible, anointing is the ritual act of pouring aromatic oil over a person’s head to set apart kings, priests and prophets for a special purpose: Service to God. Holy anointing oil was made up of 5 key ingredients: Myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, cassia, and olive oil. Each of these ingredients represented God’s power, protection and favor being poured out on the kings and priests of Old Testament times. But today, anointing is the difference between the best you can do on your own and the best God can do when He has His hand over your life. Watch this message from Liquid Church to see what each ingredient in anointin

  • How To Prepare For Jesus’ Return | Message By Tim Lucas

    12/09/2020 Duração: 31min

    Is your spiritual oil tank full? Or are you in need of an oil change? In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches on the importance of oil to illuminate our spiritual lives. In Matthew 25:1-13, The Parable of the Ten Virgins or Bridesmaids, we learn how the Church can prepare for Christ’s triumphant return. In this Bible story, wise bridesmaids filled their lamps with oil to signify their preparedness for an ancient wedding - while several foolish bridesmaids were found unprepared and without oil to light their lamps. The story is filled with a powerful truth that describes the condition of God’s Church in the Last Days before Jesus Christ’s return. Pastor Tim notes that many Christians today are asleep like the foolish Bridesmaids. Will you be prepared? We encourage you to keep God fresh in your life each day by listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and reading God’s word, so that we all may be prepared for Jesus’ return in the Last Days. Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church | How To Prepare

  • How Generation Z Will Change The World | Student Takeover

    05/09/2020 Duração: 35min

    In this message from Liquid Church, Youth Pastor Jonathan Wilson helps us gain a new perspective on the explosive power living within Generation Z. We live in such a complex time, most adults instinctively want to protect the next generation from its dangers. But, we need to shift our perspective and realize that God has placed an explosive power in Gen Z that has the ability to impact our world for His glory. That means Gen Z needs to be UNLEASHED upon the world - not shielded from it. As for the rest of us, it’s time to rally behind this generation, understanding that they were created to be world changers. In this special “Student Takeover” message, our pastor invites a panel of Gen Z High School and College students to join him on stage to share their perspective as well. Student Takeover | Pastor Jonathan Wilson | Liquid Church #GenZ #GenerationZ #WorldChangers #StudentTakeover #Faith #God #Christianity #NextGen #LiquidChurch #JonathanWilson

  • Just Mercy: Why Seeking Justice Matters | At The Movies, Part 4

    31/08/2020 Duração: 36min

    In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Nithin Thompson guides us as we dive deeper into why justice should matter to God’s Church. As part of Liquid Church’s annual At The Movies series, we learn from the movie Just Mercy, which is based on the incredible true story of Walter McMillian, a young man sentenced to die on death row for a murder he did not commit. Throughout Just Mercy, McMillian’s brilliant young lawyer, Bryan Stevensen, comes alongside him to fight for his freedom from a wrongful conviction. Like Stevenson, there are ways that we, as God’s people, can pursue justice in our everyday lives. As we do, God draws us out of our comfort zone to do things that we would have never expected. Watch the message to learn 3 ways you can be a part of God’s community of justice. At The Movies Series | Pastor Nithin Thompson | Liquid Church #Justice #Mercy #Freedom #BlackLivesMatter #Faith #Movie #Drama #AtTheMovies #LiquidChurch #NithinThompson #God #Christianity

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