Medical Medium Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 167:38:29
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Anthony William was born with the unique ability to converse with a high-level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s often far ahead of its time. Since age 4, when he shocked his family by announcing that his symptom-free grandmother had lung cancer (which medical testing soon confirmed), Anthony has been using his gift to “read” people’s conditions and tell them how to recover their health. His unprecedented accuracy and success rate as the Medical Medium have earned him the trust and love of thousands worldwide, among them movie stars, billionaires, professional athletes, and countless other people from all walks of life who couldn’t find a way to heal until he provided them with insights from Spirit. To find out more information about Anthony please visit


  • 065 Gut Health: Ammonia Destroying Your Body, Gut And Teeth

    25/09/2024 Duração: 35min

    Gut Rot can become a serious health issue that leads to future health conditions such as rotting teeth and other oral problems. This is when food isn’t properly digesting and breaking down. Gut Rot doesn’t just lead to some deficiencies—it can lead to more hidden and deeper health conditions. There has always been confusion about Leaky Gut in the Alternative Medicine space. Many years ago, people who were sick with multiple symptoms had nowhere else to turn for answers and were eventually told that they had Leaky Gut syndrome. Even chronically ill people today are being told this very theory, but the Leaky Gut theory has holes in it and it’s important when mistakes are made in the health world for them to be cleared up, so people aren’t still being tricked into playing games with their health and well-being. It's not by any fault of the doctors using theories that were mistakenly placed upon them, but for the sake of moving people forward in getting their lives back. Over time, our gastric glands weaken an

  • 064 The Plotter Series S2 E4: Plotters Bully A Mother And Her Children

    01/08/2024 Duração: 01h39min

    A mother who healed from Lyme disease and has been utilizing Medical Medium information for years is interviewed to discuss her experiences as someone who was close friends with Stephanie Tisone and has had many interactions with the plotters. Kimberly Spair was physically present to witness what really happened with Stephanie while Ashleigh Foster, the number one plotter who has tried to assert herself as an authority on the matter in order to corruptly secure a documentary deal, was not present for any single part of Stephanie’s illness. Kimberly opens up about how she has been traumatized by the many painful and ruthless attacks that have been directed at her by plotters over the years, and about how she still has PTSD because of it. Some of the early plotter attacks severely impacted Kimberly’s physical health, and the attacks have only increased since Kimberly refused to cooperate with Ashleigh’s original false story about Stephanie in 2020 that Kimberly knew firsthand to be fabricated. One of the most r

  • 063 The Plotter Series S2 E3: Ashleigh Foster's Severe Pattern Of Lying And Inaccuracy

    22/07/2024 Duração: 01h51min

    The leader of the campaign to take Medical Medium down, Ashleigh Phillips Foster, gets caught in one of the most ambitious lies of all time. It is a lie that Ashleigh has been telling at least 9 different contradictory versions of, repeatedly, to anyone and everyone who would listen to her…for years. Married to Britton Foster, a documentary cinematographer, Ashleigh has been using fabricated stories to try to obtain a deal for a negative hit piece documentary on Netflix about Medical Medium. In this episode, Ashleigh Foster’s severe pattern of lying and inaccuracy is put on full display. Ashleigh also gets exposed for her twisted use of a well-known true story about a family that saved the lives of an estimated 800 Jews and other refugees during the Holocaust. She uses this story to try to make a ludicrous point about lying and portray Medical Medium negatively. In the process of doing so, Ashleigh ironically gets no less than 18 facts wrong, she expresses extremely offensive viewpoints about our duties to pr

  • 062 The Plotter Series S2 E2: Ashleigh Foster's Motives

    02/07/2024 Duração: 01h28min

    Ashleigh Foster is the number one person responsible for the plot to take down Medical Medium and all of the chronically ill people who have been harmed by it. Ashleigh Foster is the ringleader of an organized, anti-Medical Medium hateful group that she created on a mountain of lies. Ashleigh fed a false story to Vanity Fair, and another source admitted on recording that he and Ashleigh had to threaten a journalist to get him to publish it. Ashleigh’s hateful group has since been relentlessly attacking, harassing, bullying, body-shaming, and publicly humiliating people in the Medical Medium community, including mothers and children. This hateful group has even gone as far as to make videos of themselves burning Medical Medium books and to call for Anthony himself to be exterminated by fire. Why is Ashleigh really doing this? Many have asked. What are Ashleigh’s motives? What type of person is capable of harboring, spewing, and inciting so much hatred? What type of person escalates objectively indefensible be

  • 061 Supplement Fear: How To Take Supplements When Sensitive

    26/06/2024 Duração: 32min

    Supplement sensitivities are not always what they seem. Many times, the sensitivity is from the supplements someone has taken from the past, such as toxic ones that made the person's nerves sensitive through irritating the gut nerve linings or lowering the stomach's gastric juice production. All supplements are not the same, just like all people aren’t the same, all water is not the same and all food grown is not the same. The sensitivities that so many have towards supplements can also stem from PTSD from traumatizing and confusing experiences when taking a supplement or being prescribed a large amount of supplements and not getting better with their symptoms and conditions, and instead, feeling worse. Many people never truly find out why they are sick and that is difficult enough. Then, add a confusing array of supplementation that is hit or miss into it all and the challenge increases. In this episode, learn how sensitivities to supplements can develop and how to overcome… In this episode… • Learn about t

  • 060 The Plotter Series S2 E1: Time To Set The Record Straight

    12/06/2024 Duração: 01h25min

    Years ago, a group of people secretly teamed up and did everything they could to try to knock Medical Medium out of the health space. They formed a multi-step, long-term plot to create a “Post Medical Medium Era” by feeding false information to mainstream media companies anonymously, in hopes that it would lead to securing themselves a deal for an anti-Medical Medium documentary that would be sold to Netflix. But their plan was thwarted last year when this organized, hateful group, that we now refer to as “the plotters,” tried to recruit a woman in the Medical Medium community who ended up recording their attempts instead of joining them. She captured evidence of their plot, their identities, serious corruption that took place within a media company they sold a false story to, the many lies this group has been telling, and much more, and she came on the Medical Medium podcast last year to expose them. What we covered was appalling and shocked so many people to the core. And yet…there is so much more to the st

  • 059 Food Sensitivities: Are You Reacting To Certain Foods?

    06/06/2024 Duração: 45min

    So many people these days don’t know what they can eat. They struggle with food choices, and not because they are not educated on various foods to choose or try, but instead because they are afraid for a host of other reasons, one being PTSD towards foods due to a history of reactions and complications that are mostly unexplainable. It’s one thing if someone is seriously allergic to a food such as peanuts and a reaction is life-threatening, in which they have a better chance of avoiding those foods, but it’s another thing if they are reacting to foods and are constantly unsure of which foods and when and even why they are reacting. There are people out there that suffer because they have violent reactions to a strawberry and there are people that suffer when they eat any food because they are living in fear that they are going to feel worse or unwell at any given time. A lot of people have delayed reactions, where the food they are currently eating isn’t causing the bloating they are experiencing in the momen

  • 058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

    30/05/2024 Duração: 35min

    There are people who are chemically sensitive without knowing it. They are completely unaware that some of their symptoms are stemming from an overload of pathogens and toxins that are stationed in their liver, causing random spills at random times, while chemicals from a variety of places and other sources are triggering more and more symptoms and conditions. Oftentimes, people who are chemically sensitive have inflammation of the nerves, including the vagus nerves, which can torment people greatly because they are confused, lost and don’t have any ability to know what is causing their neurological symptoms. Doctors are more open to a patient suffering from chemical sensitivities compared to the olden days not so far in the past, when a patient was routinely criticized and ostracized for complaining about their symptoms worsening, when they felt they were exposed to a variety of toxic substances or what they felt were allergens. In this chemical sensitivities episode, you will learn the causes of chemical se

  • 057 Avoid Certain Foods? Or Eat What You Want

    23/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    There’s avoiding certain foods and then there’s avoiding certain foods because you know the true cause and reason as to why you need to avoid those certain foods—and knowing the true cause is critical. Foods don’t just magically cause inflammation. If that were the case, then everyone eating foods suspected as inflammatory would get inflamed when eating them. But everyone is different, and one of the reasons everyone is different is because the true cause that resides internally inside their body may be different in some way from the next person, and that is the true determiner of why they get inflamed, which leads to an autoimmune diagnosis or other illness or condition diagnoses. All you see and hear out there in the health space is DON’T EAT THIS! DON’T EAT THAT! It’s nothing but shock and awe all day long out there in order to lead people into the shock box of fear enough to make them click that link. The goal is to rope everyone in using food fear because let’s face it, everyone eats and needs to eat to

  • 056 Adrenal Fatigue: What's Killing Our Adrenals

    16/05/2024 Duração: 33min

    Today’s care for adrenals in the realm of alternative and conventional medicine is similar to being on a boat in the ocean, but there’s a hole in the bottom of the boat and all you have is a little bucket to scoop out the water that’s coming in, and in order to stay afloat you have no choice but to keep scooping the water out or you will drown. Any recommendations that are potentially helpful for someone’s adrenal fatigue or adrenal issues is quickly voided out by the lifestyle the person has. It’s the same lifestyle taught to them from earlier on in life, or even recent, trendy, selfcare lifestyle hacks that are also unhelpful to the adrenals and even threatening. What practices are you doing for your adrenals? Chances are some of those practices aren’t supportive to the adrenals and could even be doing the opposite, including harming the adrenals. We take for granted our adrenals. Our everyday existence hinges upon how strong our adrenals really are. Every move we make and every chore we do relies on adren

  • 055 How A Virus Spreads: Everyone Gets Viral

    10/05/2024 Duração: 35min

    Viruses go from one person to another. That’s the goal of the makers and creators of viruses; they are engineered and manufactured to go from one person to another. Shotgun Viruses are viruses such as Flu, Covid, and Ebola. These viruses, when entering the body, are designed to rapidly produce and blow up quickly inside the body. One person may only get infected by one to three viral cells, which means there may be a slower rate of infection because one viral cell will need some time to multiply. This could allow a few days to pass before the onset of symptoms occur, which also means if someone is around that infected person, they may not get infected themselves in that moment in time because the infection hasn’t exploded and multiplied in the original person’s body yet, but may get infected one or two more days later. By then, enough viral cells will be produced, creating a situation where just being near the infected person will almost guarantee exposure and sickness. Shotgun Viruses are fast-acting and cre

  • 054 How Sick Are You: Are You Just Managing Your Symptoms

    03/05/2024 Duração: 37min

    There are two worlds in chronic illness. One world is the Not So Sick, and that world is defined by people who haven’t been totally exhausted from doctor shopping or trying everything interesting in the alternative health world while still keeping an optimistic approach. The Not So Sick still have a passion for managing their mild bloating, mild weight gain, mild acne, mild fatigue and so many other varieties of symptoms that don’t get completely in the way of their quality of life. It can be exciting trying another new trend to combat the mild intermittent complaints. And then there’s the sick, the chronically ill, the ones that have been to many conventional doctors and alternative doctors; they have been seasoned by experience and have seen so much in the health space. They’ve been in their darkest hour or are still in there now, struggling and feeling a loss of faith and hope. They’ve tried just about everything out there and know what keeps them going and what sends them backwards. The Not So Sick don’t

  • 053 Epstein-Barr Virus: It's Out Of Control

    26/04/2024 Duração: 22min

    Chronic mystery illness isn’t just about the ten cases a year of an unexplainable, random and confusing onset of symptoms after staying on a cruise ship somewhere near a remote island. Chronic mystery illness is everywhere, every day and rampant. There’s not a person on this planet that won’t eventually experience it at some point in their lifetime, even if it’s just in their last years here. Why is everyone getting sick? There are a lot of factors for each individual and a lot of variations and differences. The list is large: fragrances, Toxic Metals, dead drinking water, chemicals, chem trails, fungicides and stress, just to name a few. There is one group of exposures over the years in modern times that has pushed people’s health to the edge and its pathogens. Pathogen exposure is at the top of causes of mystery chronic illness and pathogens love to thrive when the body is weakened by metals, a variety of toxins and even unknowingly poor choices of foods. One of the leading top pathogens causing a considera

  • 052 The Power Of Healing: Your Body Is Fighting For You

    19/04/2024 Duração: 16min

    When we get sick and are not healing and others in our life are doubting us, a whisper down the lane can come and haunt us. It’s a whisper that sounds like this: “YOU HAVE A FEAR OF HEALING.” This is a phrase that has become popular over the years—popular because no one really knows truly why anyone is sick. Sure, there are lots of theories and ideas, but in the end, when someone is not healing, everyone gets confused and the blame can be placed on the sick person. That blame is, “you have a fear of healing,” “you are afraid to heal” and “you are scared to heal so you stay sick on purpose.” The problem with this understanding is that it’s not true—far from it. No one has a fear of healing and no one wants to be sick or stay sick. So many who become ill and stay sick for a long time lose the ability to believe they deserve to heal. They beat themselves up and don’t feel worthy enough to heal and this comes after a long-standing sickness or chronic illness and losing faith and going through a lot during the co

  • 051 The Taste Demon: Stopping You From Healing

    11/04/2024 Duração: 29min

    One of the biggest hills to climb when healing is getting past taste. What food tastes like can have a huge influence on a person taking the correct steps to reverse their symptoms and conditions. Even if the foods truly taste delicious, it doesn’t change the programming someone has adapted to for most or all of their life. This challenge is even far above that of comfort foods and soothing foods used to offset stress in someone’s life. The challenge can simply be just taste for many. Taste can get in the way of healing, period. People say they like apples, but after an apple or two a day, they give up on it. People say they love oranges, but after one or two oranges, they quit. People say they love salads, but as time goes on, the salad shape shifts into an entirely different meal that isn’t as healing as the one they started out with. Even something as universal as berries can be difficult for so many if the berries aren’t being drowned out with peanut butter and yogurt. One might think yogurt is healthy, b

  • 050 STIs & STDs: Are On The Rise

    04/04/2024 Duração: 41min

    STIs and STDs are increasing substantially over the last few years, but that’s not the only concern. The greater concern is why, especially since people having sex has not substantially increased. At the beginning of the Covid lockdown, people who were on the dating scene or sexually active were halted and forced into a dry spell, and the world of finding partners slowed down greatly. Then, when the lockdowns were over, people went into high gear, searching for partners and making up for lost time. All this did was rebalance the previous lockdown dry spell. Meanwhile, worldwide sexual activity stayed relativity the same on the average. So why the rapidly increasing STIs and STDs? The crash of the antibiotic and anti-viral era. Antibiotics and anti-virals are weakening and the sexually transmitted bacteria and viruses are strengthening, and lately the bacteria is making a strong comeback. Antibiotics are not holding their title as being the cure all for bacterial infections. Sepsis is also on the rise from b

  • 049 Food Poisoning: Underreported & Underrated

    28/03/2024 Duração: 39min

    Illness and disease are getting their spotlight out there in mainstream and alternative medicine lately and media outlets are finally touching upon how people are getting sick. There is still a lack of information and a lack of understanding for the chronically ill and it’s possible this will never change for the better to the degree it needs to. One thing that never goes on the map or gets the attention it well deserves is food poisoning. Why should anyone care about food borne illness? Why should anyone care about food poisoning? It’s because it has maimed, injured, destroyed, and even killed the lives of many, including tearing families and friends apart. I’ve seen it all too often over the years, a simple meal at a restaurant or meal made at home become a horrible experience that led to hospitalizations, death, and even more often, a trigger for chronic illness. Food poisoning has led to digestive problems and long-term intestinal tract issues for so many, long after the infection dissipates. In this epi

  • 048 Coffee Enemas: Still Falling For It

    21/03/2024 Duração: 45min

    Coffee enemas are making a comeback mostly because of social media. Take something that never really helped anyone in the past and resuscitate it so that it becomes alive again, meanwhile, believe it or not, it still isn’t helping anyone. It’s back to the same ole same ole, a trend growing legs again when it should have been put away and shelved for good. Bold statements to anyone that loves their coffee and coffee enemas? Let’s spell it out: • Highly antagonistic to the nerve cells that are lining the small intestinal tract and colon • Highly antagonistic to the nerve cells that surround the rectum • Too aggressive on the Vagus Nerves, causing Vagus Nerve Shock • Pushes adrenals into overdrive, forcing adrenals to release stored reserves into the bloodstream and intestinal tract that were meant for a rainy day such as giving birth or fight or flight • Bypassing the stomach’s poisoning protection mechanisms—the caffeine becomes rogue and has no time release and radically enters bloodstream through the walls

  • 047 Tattoos: How To Keep Your Health Safe

    14/03/2024 Duração: 29min

    Did you ever wonder how a tattoo looks so good on the body? How the tattoo stands out and even glistens in the sun when on the beach or by a pool? There’s a reason tattoos have clarity—it’s not just how good the tattoo artist is, although that does play a role in how the design stencils out and unfolds or how the freehand is done so carefully well. After the artist works their talented, gifted abilities—and sometimes a truly profound, gifted body-art craft—a design can come to life on the body. But even the best of the best tattoo artists need one thing that’s critical so that the tattoo really is seen and stands out for as long as possible, and that’s Metals. That’s right, Metals. Both Toxic Metals and Toxic Heavy Metals are still in ink and will forever be in tattoo ink in order for a tattoo to be truly shown through the skin. Our skin can be relentless and our skin works hard on trying to heal as anything enters our derma. Our skin fights to push out any foreign invaders which inevitably means hiding the t

  • 046 Pharmaceutical Exposure: Everybody's On Drugs

    07/03/2024 Duração: 18min

    If someone uses a pharmaceutical, a drug, they know it. They know that they’re on a drug. Their doctor prescribed that drug. They wake up in the morning and open their pill box or pill container, take a pill out and swallow it. It’s their choice—they are completely aware of their decision and their own freewill is at work. But what if you were completely unaware that you were taking a pharmaceutical you did not know about? Your doctor never prescribed it for you, you never authorized using or taking that drug and you had no idea it was in your bloodstream. Would that be okay? Would overriding your own freewill and desires and freedom of choice be perfectly fine by you? Probably not. And what if you love taking a pharmaceutical prescribed by your doctor and you are happy with its performance, will you feel the same about pharmaceuticals that entered you without your doctor’s permission or professional consent, drugs that can potentially mix and have an adverse effect with the drugs you purposely are prescribe

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