Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 52:48:36
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Seems like everyones starting their own podcast these days. So how do YOU stand out in a sea of podcasts? Hint: Its NOT about the microphone.There is NO one-size-fits-all tutorial that is sufficient. So let me help. I want to help you develop and communicate YOUR STORY the passion behind the podcast, the thing that makes your show unique and valuable to your listeners, and the secret ingredients that will help you feel successful and make your show the envy of everyone else.


  • 075: Podcasting for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audience Members

    05/11/2020 Duração: 29min

    Episode 075. “You may be thinking… okay Andrea, that’s ridiculous! If you are deaf you obviously don’t listen to podcasts  — just like if you are blind you obviously don’t watch videos… except that’s not true, or at least that’s a very limited way to consider the question. And you are missing a whole segment of the population!" ~Andrea Klunder I just HAD TO pop into the feed with a long overdue bossy solo episode! Something just came up recently that took me into an impromptu research project and really got the wheels turning around marketing, growth and sustainability from a values based angle. Have you ever thought about making your show/ your content MORE accessible to MORE people?  Let me be more specific – have you ever thought about how someone who is deaf or hard of hearing may experience your podcast? So I decided to do a little research and compile what I am calling my best practices for inclusion of deaf and hard of hearing audience members. These recommendations are by no means exhaustive, nor ha

  • 074: Narrative Storytelling, Soundscapes, and Vulnerability with Adrien Behn, Strangers Abroad

    07/10/2020 Duração: 22min

    Episode 074. “I make this show because if you just boiled me down into a soup, I'm a storyteller." ~Adrien Behn Behind every podcast with a lush soundscape is a creator who’s spent hours extracting just the right notes from her recording of an ambient flute. Adrien Behn is that podcaster. As the voice and vision behind Strangers Abroad, she takes an exacting approach to her work. The result is ear candy for the pandemic-ly paused adventurer, a layered travelogue that speaks to the power of global connection on an intimate level. All of that pre- and post-production labor begs the question why do this?  In a media landscape packed with flawless content at the expense of realness, Adrien’s stylistic stories highlight rather than hide her vulnerability. She applies the same generosity of spirit to her show, reveling with her listeners in the unglamorous realities of travel and exposing the messy/beautiful process of growth that happens outside of the comfort zone.  Want more? Adrien’s crossover episode on The C

  • 073: Traveling New Podcasting Routes with Lisette Austin, The Globetrotter Lounge

    27/09/2020 Duração: 27min

    Episode 073. “Don't give up, get creative. I'm staying sane. And if I can -- total shiny object syndrome -- then you can too. And yeah, don't be afraid to try new things, new podcasts." ~Lisette Austin So, what does a change of scenery look like to an award-winning travel-hacking podcaster? In a time of social upheaval? During a global pandemic? For Lisette Austin, aka Jet Set Lisette, that means staying the course. And, trying something new. Maybe…if/when she lands on the perfect encore to The Globetrotter Lounge, her podcast featuring “inspiring women who have found creative ways to travel more.” COVID has forced many creatives to reevaluate more than just their revenue streams. Inequalities highlighted by the social justice movement have prompted possible content shifts. And while the mileages may vary between individual podcasters, the results are the same: evolution at warp-speed. Lisette’s taking the trip in stride.  On staying the course. As a Black woman behind the mic in a field dominated by white (

  • 072: The Expat Multi-Podcaster Life with Sarah Mikutel, Podcasting Step-By-Step

    16/09/2020 Duração: 27min

    Episode 072. “You're podcasting to make a difference and to have meaning in people's lives." ~Sarah Mikutel When you have two podcasts, you get to orchestrate your own crossover of sorts. And I’m in good company! My guest for this show (and an upcoming episode of The Creative Impostor) is fellow multi-podcaster Sarah Mikutel, the creator of Postcard Academy and Podcasting Step-By-Step. She’s also got a *secret* third show because overachiever...more on that pod later. When Sarah got down to planning both shows (and that secret third), she followed the wise counsel of podcasting goddess Elsie Escobar: create what you want to hear in the world. It’s advice Sarah applies to the evolution process as well, that freedom to tweak or make wholesale changes as her interests expand beyond a show’s original concept. I hear rumbles of concern out there. “What if some audience members don’t like the changes and drop off!?” Sarah says vanity metrics be damned! There are worse fates than producing a show you thoroughly en

  • 071: Office Hours - Kristen Channel asks... How Big of an Audience Do I Need to Launch a Podcast?

    02/09/2020 Duração: 46min

    Episode 071. “I've been really trying to work with people to shift that perspective that downloads numbers in podcasting are really not everything." ~Andrea Klunder Want to eavesdrop on a conversation between a Podcast Boss and her client? Yeah, you do! Welcome to the inaugural episode of Podcast Envy Office Hours, the series that answers all of those burning pod-process questions. Seriously, open your favorite notes app now because you’ll want to return to this advice as you develop, tweak, or just dream about your own show. Kristen Channel is a professional editor and copywriter. She’s also a lot like you: an avid pod-listener (she follows at least 75 shows) and nascent pod-creator. She’s got a pretty solid handle on my first rule of podcast creation - determine your why. A self-described multipotentialite*, Kristen envisions her interview-based show as an outlet for her wide-ranging curiosity. She’s especially interested in featuring like-minded women who have escaped society’s rigid specialization norms.

  • 070: Knowledge Building, Activism, and Advocacy with Dion McGill, Off the Beaten Podcast

    13/08/2020 Duração: 46min

    Episode 070. “We all have a part to play in these conversations that are going to be happening over the next however many years…  I think the hardest part is just figuring out what is my role to play in this discussion." ~Dion McGill Let’s talk about Black voices thriving in podcast spaces. Let’s talk about the politics of personal opinion and professional expectation. Let’s talk about candor as an ingredient for responsive content strategy. Let’s talk about those cringe-worthy MySpace years. OK, so maybe we’ll let that last one slide. Dion McGill has a lot to say about all of the above. His show Off The Beaten Podcast plays like a love letter to Chicago, a city often maligned by news outlets, social media, and politicians. Both home-grown narratives and national news are steeped in opinion, even when touted as unbiased. But is having a POV a bad thing? For a content pivot to be successful, the shift has to address current social justice issues (or the pandemic… or the presidential election… or killer wasps…

  • 069: How To Book Podcast Guests with Andrea Klunder

    06/08/2020 Duração: 29min

    Episode 069. “You MUST use an online scheduling software — it is a PAIN to try to book with someone back and forth over email or DMs and with so many robust, reliable, user friendly options (even free ones) there’s really no excuse." ~Andrea Klunder I’ve got a super bossy solo episode for you all about booking podcast guests. This nuts & bolts deep dive topic was prompted by one of our community members and frankly, I see this come up often as a HUGE pain point for podcast hosts, especially those of us with businesses to run who just can’t spend a lot of time chasing people down, sending reminders, dealing with no shows… I have to admit, i’ve been pretty #blessed when it comes to booking guests for both Podcast Envy, and my other show The Creative Impostor because the type of guests I have on are pretty content marketing savvy and know the value of appearing on a well produced, expertly curated podcast. So what’s the secret? I’m going to walk you through the EXACT process, tools and boss tips I follow fo

  • 068: Capture What's Current with Sarah Duncan, Salacious History

    30/07/2020 Duração: 38min

    Episode 068. “Don’t let that [technical] stuff frustrate you...Keep going...because that satisfaction of planning an episode, recording it and finishing it, even if no one else listens to it, if you are proud of it, that's just an immensely satisfying feeling.” ~Sarah Duncan Can a podcast that investigates history's secret sexy-times also be a resource for its listening community in tough times? In doing so, how does it stay true to its POV? And how the heck does a podcaster stay afloat without an outside sponsor or their own business/service to market? For Salacious History creator Sarah Duncan the answer to all of those questions (and more) is passion. Each episode is thoroughly researched by a team of...one. Edited and posted by a team of...one. Financially supported by a team of...You get where this is going. Without that passionate why, even a podcast about randy historical figures is in danger of losing steam. Get the full show notes, resources, and links at: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/po

  • 067: Be a Person of Value with Paul Reilly, The Q and A Sales Podcast

    22/07/2020 Duração: 38min

    Episode 067. “That’s why I love podcasting… it creates a whole new platform that I was a fan of before but now it’s just part of the way I do business.” ~Paul Reilly Do you love selling ?! Yeah, me neither.  Lucky for us, guest  Paul Reilly* does. Paul is the creator of The Q and A Sales Podcast a show that, unsurprisingly, answers questions about the art and business of selling. He’s also a prolific speaker, trainer, and author.  Here’s the thing: whether you podcast to gain clients or “just” to scratch a creative itch, you’re also selling something. A service. A product. An opinion about _insert your favorite pop culture reference here because I’m not going down a “This Is Us” rabbit hole_. That said, podcasters (and wannabes) can learn a lot from pro sales people - especially those with successful shows.  Prior to COVID-19, Paul hosted on average 120 in-person seminars around the country per year.  Considering lockdown restrictions have slashed approximately 70% from his income, you’d think Paul’s shift in

  • 066: Responsive Content That Resonates With Your Audience with Pam Covarrubias, Cafe con Pam

    15/07/2020 Duração: 43min

    Episode 066. “I think there's a ton more opportunities for people to raise their voice, to speak up, to really show up for whatever cause it is that moves them.” ~Pam Covarrubias Two things I learned from my conversation with Pam Covarrubias of the podcast Cafe con Pam. One: No one said your pivot had to be a tidy 180º. Two: Replace hustle and grind with grace and compassion; you'll tap into reservoirs of creativity, connection, and productivity.  As an ex-corporate brand strategist, current business and productivity coach, community-maker, recovering procrastinator, and popular LatinX podcaster, Pam has proven those lessons. Often simultaneously. Never without enhancing her ability to connect.  Over a hundred episodes later, Cafe con Pam (like the rest of us) has found itself during a pandemic. So what's an entrepreneur with dozens of episodes recorded pre-COVID-19 to do? She placed those shows on hold and began recording new interviews with a more immediate focus. A sound pivot.  She also committed to showi

  • 065: The Power of In-Person Connection with Adela Mizrachi, Podcast Brunch Club

    08/07/2020 Duração: 48min

    Episode 065. “We will lose something very, very fundamental to what it is to be human if we start interacting solely online.” ~Adela Mizrachi Want an inspiring story about the power of personal passion coupled with organic audience growth? Excellent because we’re talking six continent expansion!  Looking to add just one more podcast to your queue? Great! Podcast Envy is about to tumble down the glorious rabbit hole that is Podcast Brunch Club, a “little weird project” Adela Mizrachi created in 2015 as a way to get together with like-minded listeners (as opposed to creators) for food, conversation and podcast camaraderie. Today, the book club for podcasts boasts 80 chapters around the globe and has recorded close to 100 of its own episodes - all in just five years. With the pandemic shuttering restaurants and drastically limiting gatherings, in real life feels like a foreign concept now. The pause is giving Adela time to consider ways of finally monetizing her highly successful “little weird project”. In the m

  • 064: Podcasting and Prosperity with Joan Sotkin from The Prosperity Show

    01/07/2020 Duração: 52min

    Episode 064. “In order to change your life, you have to change. Your life is not going to change so that you can change. You have to change so that your life can change...It's simple, but it ain't easy.” ~Joan Sotkin When you talk about having “podcast envy,” your mind may wander to your podcasting mentors -- those whose shows have inspired you to want to get on the mic more than anything! Joan Sotkin is a self-described new age-y weirdo (and one of my podcasting mentors) -- who knows how to deliver unflinching advice about money. In her nearly 80 years of life, Joan’s mastered the art of expressing herself exactly as she is. Her podcast, The Prosperity Show, is one of the first I ever discovered as a listener, and just in time to help guide me through navigating bankruptcy after closing my first business -- and starting over again.  On the show, Joan discusses concepts like quantum healing or intuition as engines for financial freedom. As she’s fond of saying, whether there’s too little or too much of it (!!

  • 063: The Joy and Response-ability of Having a Microphone with Candice Wu from The Embody Podcast

    24/06/2020 Duração: 51min

    Episode 063. “I’ve been thinking of responsibility as response-ability, that I have the ability to respond and what do I want to do with that?" ~Candice Wu I've fallen asleep on Candice Wu more times than I can remember. That's a compliment, by the way, a testament to The Embody Podcast's content and, yes, Candice's voice. There's no napping here, though! Instead, our chat is filled with Candice's generous wit and insight. We talk podcasting in general and, more specifically, discuss what her response-ability is to her audience at times of crisis or global social change within the context of her own show.  Like when a commenter questioned her overwhelmingly white guest list. The Embody Podcast explores the multiplicities that make us human and the practices that reconnect us to those aspects of ourselves.  Candice allows her vulnerability to sit in the space of each episode. It's a humbling experience, one she says she owes her audience - to listen, learn, and question along with them in real-time. Even now. 

  • 062: Staying home and being there for your listeners with Monica Rivera of You Wanna Do What?!

    17/06/2020 Duração: 43min

    Episode 062. "Some people use a microphone so they can speak into the mic and hear themselves talk, but I do the podcast because I genuinely love it. Emails that I receive or social media messages I receive of how it can help people during this time and seeing people feel low or get sick or lose family members -- how could I not be there?" ~Monica Rivera Monica Rivera is a favorite guest here at The Creative Impostor Studios. Launched in 2017, her podcast You Wanna Do What? boasts over 100 episodes and fans around the globe. Not content with simply broadcasting strategies her listeners can employ to want more, do more, be more, Monica also offers consultant services to help would-be podcast creators become polished pros. Oh, and she holds down a full time day job in analytics. And delivered a popular TED Talk about "The Flipside of Loneliness."  Monica’s pedigree translates into a hefty workload under normal circumstances. With the virus adding additional stressors to everyone’s life, I thought it time to ch

  • 061: Special Recommendations for Podcasters Right Now

    04/06/2020 Duração: 14min

    Episode 061. I didn’t have the words so I’m borrowing these shared by community members in She Podcasts. We stand with our sisters from the WOC Podcasters led by Danielle Desir and crafted by Tangia Renee. Their words below: PODCASTERS FOR JUSTICE CAMPAIGN Collectively, we have built engaged audiences that listen to our voices regularly, and with coordinated effort, we can combine OUR voices to take a STRONG stance against racism and police brutality. We serve many audiences, but we can speak with one voice. One voice that does not mince words and demands justice. We created this simple PSA for podcasters or any content creator to post and share in hopes that we can come together across digital spaces to support the work of activists on the front lines of change, who risk themselves daily to create a better world for us all. Please join us in using your voice to take a stand and encourage action at this critical time by issuing the following statement on your podcast or other digital platform(s):  We are (pod

  • 060: Distribution Talk with Jason Bader on launching, interview skills and defining your why

    26/05/2020 Duração: 36min

    Episode 060. "As a host of a show if you really want to have longevity, you start handing the things over that you don't particularly enjoy about the process to others who can do it much better than you can... and really focus in on what do [you] love and what do [you] do best." ~Jason Bader Ready. Set. Go, now and future podcasters! This one’s part primer, one part pep talk. Jason Bader is a longtime client of yours truly and host of Distribution Talk, the show that dives into the stories of business owners and thought leaders in the wholesale distribution space. Now that I have your attention… Seriously though, Jason has a talent for taking this relatively mundane topic and making it interesting. As niche as the distribution field may sound, consider that getting products from a manufacturer into the hands of consumers makes up approximately 26% of the GDP in the US alone. Jason shares his views on all the (podcast) things: Download numbers! Outsourcing tasks! Startup equipment costs! Sponsorship goals! Wit

  • 059: Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes

    13/05/2020 Duração: 36min

    Episode 059. "Part of what I love about clothes is it can be an escape because there’s definitely an element of fantasy and aspiration to clothing and getting dressed and expressing ourselves in our style. And then there’s also the practicality of how do you look good on a zoom meeting call, and how do you show your personality and dress and be professional when you can only be seen from like the armpits or shoulders up?" ~Holly Chayes Podcast Envy is jumping into a new series of pandemic podcasting pivots. We kick it off in conversation with Holly Chayes, stylist, wardrobe consultant, and creator of Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes, the show in which she...well, she talks about clothes with the people who wear them.  Anyone who’s sat for a Zoom meeting in a freshly-laundered shirt and last week’s pajama bottoms as of late would be forgiven for thinking the pandemic has thrown a wrinkle (I couldn’t resist) into Holly’s content - not to mention her publishing timeline. Yes and no. A seasoned podcast pro

  • 058: Your people need you right now (keep going!)

    28/04/2020 Duração: 16min

    Episode 058. "I think it's about the impact. I got a lot of emails this time: 'Thank you so much for doing this... this really helped me. I've been listening to this every night before I go to bed.' Oh my God - One person... that makes all the difference." ~Tina Conroy, The Intuitive Woman Podcast Yes, things have gotten shaken up. I am genuinely grateful for my health, my family's health, my friends, my clients, and for podcasting. I have been busy over here releasing more content than usual and my other show, The Creative Impostor.  We've been doing a series on how creative entrepreneurs in different niches have been pivoting, adjusting, taking care of their businesses, and of themselves through all of this global crisis. AND I am just celebrating 100 episodes over there, which is huge! I have been so grateful for my show as the central structure around which I've been orienting my weeks. Podcast Envy is not just about how to make a podcast, but it's also about the culture of podcasting, and I wholeheartedl

  • 057: Your voice is an instrument of change aka launch your show now!

    10/02/2020 Duração: 21min

    Episode 057. “You have chosen to be here. And you have chosen to be here for a reason. I mean you could have picked anything... but you chose podcasting.” ~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss I was draaaaagging my feet on creating a "Launch Your Podcast" online course. I couldn't even record episode 1. And then I realized... I'm Your Podcast Boss. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. So instead of trying to figure out how to motivate myself to create something I clearly didn't want to create, I turned the inquiry around on myself to find out WHY I wasn't inspired. BUT, if you are WANTING to learn how to podcast from me, don't worry. I'm not going to leave you hanging... Let's start with this: 1) What is the change that you want to make? 2) How can you do this in your own best possible way? I really want to know! Email me: andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com   Full Show Notes including guest links, podcasts & resources: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/podenvy057   Podcast Angel: Launch Your Own Podc

  • 056: Podcast therapy, marketing, and making friends on your show with Sarah Buino

    09/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Episode 056. “I am looking for more speaking and teaching gigs nowadays and so it’s been this "pose yourself as an expert" sort of thing. And, also, it’s just been a vehicle for me to talk to cool people.” ~Sarah Buino, Conversations With a Wounded Healer The new year comes preloaded with bold plans. That’s doubly true when the calendar hits a milestone; even the tiniest ideas get a jolt from the magnifying power of 2020 party glasses. Have you finally decided to start that podcast? Are you thinking about supporting your current podcast with a Patreon page? Ready to create a new Instagram profile for your show or nurture a marketing plan that’s gone stale? Haven’t got a clue where to begin or what to focus on?  Relax. You don’t have to figure everything out all at once. In fact, you don’t even need to have it all figured out after 70+ shows as this episode’s guest will attest. You just have to start. Sarah Buino, LCSW, CADC, is one of those people who stands in the full wattage of her abilities. As a therapi

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