Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
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A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #232 Spoil Yourself Rotten

    30/10/2018 Duração: 09min

    In Hebrew, mefunak is spoiled (as in a spoiled kid) while lefanek is to spoil. On this episode, Guy explains how to spoil someone rotten and how to deal with spoiled brats. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Mefunaki, pinuki - Spoiled person/kid - מפונקי, פינוקי Dai, tafsik leyalel, mefunaki - Stop wailing, mefunaki - די, תפסיק ליילל, מפונקי Ani medaberet al otam elu she-hem mefunakim - I speak about those who are spoiled - אני מדברת על אותם עלו שהם מפונקים Shiluv katlani - Lethal combination - שילוב קטלני Horim she-mefankim ad bli gvul - Parents who spoil to no end - הורים שמפנקים עד בלי גבול Eizo mefuneket - What a spoiled girl - איזו מפונקת Eich oti at mefaneket - How you spoil me - איך אותי את מפנקת Havayat tisa mefaneket - Pampering flight experience - חוויית טיסה מפנקת Sherut mefanek - A service that pampers you - שירות מפנק Lehit’orer le-boker mefanek - Wake up to a gratifying morning - להתעורר לבוקר מפנק Shokolad rach yoter, mefanek yoter - A chocolate which

  • #231 Ewww, That's Gross

    23/10/2018 Duração: 08min

    The word mag’il in Hebrew means disgusting. And even though we're keeping it clean on the podcast, the topic of disgust might not be for everyone. That said, knowing how to say eeew gross in Hebrew is critical! We think you'll be fine as long as you're not eating lunch. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Achil - Edible - אכיל Mag’il - Disgusting - מגעיל Ze mag’il oti - It disgusts me - זה מגעיל אותי Go’al nefesh - Disgusting - גועל נפש “Roletat go’al nefesh” - “Disgusting roulette” - רולטת גועל נפש Go’al nefesh shel ben adam/anashim - Disgusting person/people - גועל נפש של בנאדם/אנשים Go’ali - Revolting - גועלי Doche, docha - Repulsive - דוחה Kshe-anachnu nig’alim mi-mashehu - When we are disgusted by something - כשאנחנו נגעלים ממשהו Lehigael mi-mashehu - To be disgusted by something - להיגעל ממשהו Lehag’il mishehu - To disgust someone - להגעיל מישהו Ichs, ichsa, ich - Eww - איכס, איכסה, איך If/ichs/ich eize re’ach - Eew, what a smell - איף/איכס/איך איזה ריח Dai, ya

  • #230 Oh, You Poor Thing!

    16/10/2018 Duração: 08min

    What do we say to a friend who's in bed with high fever? And to someone who got a minor scratch? And to that one person who keeps on complaining but has no right to complain? Oy misken! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Misken Juanito - Poor Juanito - מסכן חואניטו Misken Jerry, shamat ma kara lo? - Poor Jerry, did you hear what happened to him? - מסכן ג’רי, שמעת מה קרה לו? Oy misken/miskena/miskenim/miskenot - You poor thing - אוי מסכן, מסכנה, מסכנים, מסכנות Oy miskenon/miskenonet sheli - Oh my poor little thing - אוי מסכנון/מסכנונת שלי Oy, miskenonet sheli, lehavi lach marak? - Oh you poor little thing, shall I get you some soup? - אוי מסכנונת שלי, להביא לך מרק? Miskenchik, miskenon, miskeni, miskenoni - Poor thing (m.) - מסכנצ’יק, מסכנון, מסכני, מסכנוני Miskenonet - Poor thing (f.) - מסכנונת Miskenoni ktana - Poor thing (f.) - מסכנוני קטנה Ba li lihyot miskenoni ve-lo lalechet machar la-avoda - I feel like being miskenoni and not go to work tomorrow - בא לי להיות

  • #229 Don't Get ”Fed Up” With Learning Hebrew

    09/10/2018 Duração: 08min

    In Hebrew, “Nim’as li kvar” means I just can’t take it anymore, I am so fed up. The root, mem-alef-samech, is an interesting one and can be used in all sorts of ways, like in the translated sentence, “Are you fed up with ’butterflies’?” What does that even mean?! Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Nim’as li - I am fed up with something - נמאס לי Nimas le-someone from something Dai, nim’as li mi-shkarim - I am fed up with lies - די, נמאס לי משקרים Nim’asta kvar alai - I am already fed up with you - נמאסת כבר עליי Nimas conjugated + al someone Hu nim’as alai - I am fed up with him - הוא נמאס עליי Hi nim’asa aleha - She’s fed up with her - היא נמאסה עליה Nim’asti al atsmi - I got fed up with myself - נמאסתי על עצמי Dai nim’asta - Enough already, I am fed up with you - די, נמאסת Ts, dai nim’as - Enough already - טסס, די, נמאס Nim’as lachem she-melachlechim lachem et ha-shati’ach? - Are you fed up when people dirty up your carpet? - נמאס לכם שמלכלכים לכם את

  • #228 Overstressed and Under Pressure

    25/09/2018 Duração: 10min

    We talk a lot about lahats (stress, pressure) in Israel. You'll often hear, “ma ata lahuts?”, why are you stressed, and “ein lahats”, there’s no pressure, just as your stress level is hitting its all-time high. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lahats - Pressure, stress - לחץ Ani ma-ze be-lahats ha-shavu’a – I am really stressed this week - אני מה-זה בלחץ השבוע Al tilahtsu - Don’t get stressed - אל תילחצו Ein lahats - There’s no pressure - אין לחץ Lahats dam gavoha - High blood pressure - לחץ דם גבוה Kibalti lahats dam gavoha - I got high blood pressure - קיבלתי לחץ דם גבוה Lahats dam namuch - Low blood pressure - לחץ דם נמוך Yeshnam alai lechatsim she-ani ashuv lechahen ke-rosh iriyat yerushalayim - There’s pressure on me to return and serve as the mayor of Jerusalem - ישנם עליי לחצים שאני אשוב לכהן כראש עיריית ירושלים Lehaf’il lahats al mishehu laasot mashehu / she-hu yaase mashehu - To put pressure on someone to do something / that he’d do something - להפעיל לחץ

  • #227 Going Back and Forth

    18/09/2018 Duração: 10min

    How do you say rehearsal in Hebrew? And what do the Hebrew words for tax-refund and rabbi-preacher have in common? A root, of course! Guy returns for another Streetwise Hebrew lesson. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Rehearsal - Hazara - חזרה Choir rehearsal - Hazarat mak’hela - חזרת מקהלה Hazara generalit - Dress rehearsal - חזרה גנרלית Hazara la-limudim - Back to school - חזרה ללימודים Lahzor - To go back, to return - לחזור Ha-hazara le’anshehu - The returning somewhere - החזרה לאנשהו Ani loke’ach ba-hazara dvarim kashim nora she-amarti lach - I take back harsh things that I said to you - אני לוקח בחזרה דברים קשים נורא שאמרתי לך Lakahat be-hazara - To take back - לקחת בחזרה Neshikot (be)hazara - Kisses back - נשיקות (ב)חזרה Lashuv ba-hazara - To return - לשוב בחזרה Ad she-tahzor ba-hazara - Until you come back - עד שתחזור בחזרה Hozer bi-tshuva - A person who is becoming religious - חוזר בתשובה Hazara bi-tshuva - Becoming religious - חזרה בתשובה Lahzor be-she’ela

  • Shana Tova

    11/09/2018 Duração: 31s
  • #226 Gas Station Conversation

    04/09/2018 Duração: 08min

    Full service or self service? Diesel or regular? When pulling up to the pump, what Hebrew words and phrases do you need in order to successfully navigate an Israeli gas station? On this episode, Guy tops off the linguistic tank. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Tahanat delek - Gas station - תחנת דלק Otsrim letadlek - Stopping to refuel - עוצרים לתדלק Letadlek - To refuel the car - לתדלק Hayav/hayevet rega la’atsor letadlek - I must stop for a sec to refuel - חייב/חייבת רגע לעצור לתדלק Lemale delek - To fill up gas - למלא דלק Ha-oto metudlak - The car is refueled - האוטו מתודלק Sherut male - Full service - שירות מלא Sherut atsmi - Self service - שירות עצמי Kartis ashrai - Credit card - כרטיס אשראי Sherut male be-mehir namuch mi-sherut atsmi - Full service at a lower price than that of self service - שירות מלא במחיר נמוך משירות עצמי Sug ha-delek - The kind of fuel - סוג הדלק Diesel o ragil? - Diesel or regular? - דיזל או רגיל Male - Full - מלא Meichal male - Full tan

  • #225 Hamsa Hamsa Hamsa: Streetwise Hebrew Celebrates 5 Years of Podcasting

    14/08/2018 Duração: 09min

    The Hamsa symbol, a hand with five fingers, is believed to bring good luck and keep away the evil eye. In Arabic, hamsa is the number five, which just happens to be the number of years we've been making our Streetwise Hebrew podcast! We celebrate this grand occasion with a special episode on all things hamesh (חמש). Pssstttt... have a listen to how you too can keep away the evil eye! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Yomuledet hamesh - 5th birthday - יומולדת חמש Hamesh shanim - Five years - חמש שנים Shana, shanim - Year, years - שנה, שנים Hamisha gvarim ve-isha - “Five men and a woman” - חמישה גברים ואישה Hameshet ha-rochvim - The five riders - חמשת הרוכבים Hameshet ha-gvarim - The five men - חמשת הגברים Hameshet ha-hushim - The five senses - חמשת החושים Hamisha kilogramim/kilo - Five kg. - חמישה קילוגרמים, חמישה קילו “Hamesh kilo” - Five kg. (slang) - “חמש קילו” Hamisha shkalim (“Hamesh shekel” in slang) - 5 shekel - חמישה שקלים (חמש שקל, סלנג) Pi hamisha (“pi hamesh

  • #224 This Podcast Will Fly Off the Shelves

    07/08/2018 Duração: 09min

    What do we mean when we say hu af al atsmo (הוא עף על עצמו), he flies on himself? How about oof li me-ha-einayim (עוף לי מהעיניים), fly off my eyes? On this episode, Guy explains all things la’oof, to fly. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ani af elayich - I am flying to you - אני עף אלייך Oof, oof beteruf - Fly, fly, insanely - עוף, עוף בטירוף Oof, oofi, oofoo - Fly! (Imp., m., f., pl.) - עוף, עופי, עופו Ten la-neshama la-oof - Let the soul fly - תן לנשמה לעוף La-oof - To fly (birds) - לעוף Latoos - To fly (planes) - לטוס Oof mi-po - Get out of here - עוף מפה Ta’oof mi-po - Get out of here - תעוף מפה Oof, oofi, oofu mi-po - Get out of here (m., f., pl.) - עוף, עופי, עופו מפה Yalla, afti mi-po - I am out of here - יאללה, עפתי מפה Oof li me-ha-einayim - Get out of my face - עוף לי מהעיניים Hu af mi-kurs tayis - He flunked the pilot course - הוא עף מקורס טיס La’uf al mashehu - To love something - לעוף על משהו Ani af al ha-schnitzel ha-ze - I love this schnitzel - אני

  • #223 The Many Uses of Eich (איך)

    31/07/2018 Duração: 09min

    Eich (איך), Hebrew for “how”, is a tiny word used very often in spoken Hebrew and in many different contexts. On this episode, Guy explains these uses through several examples from everyday life in Israel. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Eich - How - איך Eich shir nolad - How is a song born? - איך שיר נולד Eich haya? - How was it? - איך היה? Eich sham? - How is it there? - איך שם? Eich? - How are you? (sl.) - איך? Tagid eich ata / Tagidi, eich at - How are YOU doing? - תגיד, איך אתה / תגידי, איך את Eich omrim la she-hakol nigmar - How does one tell her that it’s all over - איך אומרים לה שהכל נגמר Eich omrim be-ivrit to go? Lalechet - How do you say in Hebrew ‘to go’? lalechet - איך אומרים בעברית ‘טו גו’? ללכת Eich omrim… (+ expression) - As one says - איך אומרים + ביטוי Eich kor’im la-hi/la-hu - What was the name of that girl/guy? - איך קוראים להיא/להוא? Eich she-pagashti ota, yadati - The moment I met her, I knew - איך שפגשתי אותה, ידעתי Eich she-nichnasti, raiti

  • #222 Busy Beyond Belief

    24/07/2018 Duração: 10min

    You're busy. I'm busy. We're all extremely busy these days. The Hebrew word for busy is עסוק. What would you say to your friend if you might not be able to make it to their party? Guy sets aside time from his busy schedule to explain. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ein li zman linshom - I don’t have time to breathe - אין לי זמן לנשום Asuk, asuka, asukim, asukot - Busy - עסוק, עסוקה, עסוקים, עסוקות Ani ma-ze/mamash asuk - I am really busy - אני מה-זה/ממש עסוק Ani asuka be-teruf - I am insanely busy - אני עסוקה בטירוף Ata suk be-atsmecha - You’re busy with yourself - אתה עסוק בעצמך Hu ma-ze asuk be-atsmo, Hi ma-ze asuka be-atsma - He/she is so busy with herself - הוא מה-זה עסוק בעצמה/ היא מה-זה עסוקה בעצמה Ani asuk be-proyekt - I am busy with a project - אני עסוק בפרוייקט Ani asuka im ha-proyekt ha-hadash - I am busy with the new project - אני עסוקה עם הפרוייקט החדש Be-lahats - Stressed - בלחץ Ani ma-ze be-lahats ha-shavu’a - I am really stressed this week - אני מה

  • #221 Stuck in the Middle with You

    17/07/2018 Duração: 10min

    Why do Israelis say, “hu taka li berez” (הוא תקע לי ברז), which roughly translates to, “he jammed a faucet on me”? And how do we say in Hebrew, “I'm stuck in the middle seat again”? On this episode, Guy explains the word litko’a (לתקוע), to stick into, and delves into the nooks and crannies of hardcore Israeli slang. Language warning: things are about to get explicit. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Hu taka masmer ba-kir - He stuck a nail in the wall - הוא תקע מסמר בקיר Litko’a berez le-mishehu - To evade responsibility or duty - לתקוע ברז למישהו Hu taka/dafak li berez - He stood me up - הוא תקע/דפק לי ברז Litko’a - To hold up, to delay, to jam - לתקוע Hu stam toke’a et ze - He just jams it - הוא סתם תוקע את זה Ha-medina toka’at et kol ha-sipur - The state jams the entire thing - המדינה תוקעת את כל הסיפור Ma hu taka otanu po? - Why are we stuck here? - מה הוא תקע אותנו פה? Lama takati pizza be-12 ba-laila? - Why did I down a pizza at midnight? - למה תקעתי פיצה ב-1

  • #220 Happy Happy Joy Joy

    10/07/2018 Duração: 09min

    Simha (שמחה) in Hebrew is happiness or joy, but it can also mean a happy event. How would you say “to make someone happy” in Hebrew? Guy explains all things שמח on this extra joyful episode. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Simha - Happiness - שמחה Eize yom sameach li hayom - What a happy day I am having today - איזה יום שמח לי היום Esther Roth-Shachamorov Ani smeha she-ha-heseg ha-ze naasa mul einay - I am happy that this achievement was made before my eyes - אני שמחה שההישג הזה נעשה מול עיניי Sameach, smecha, smechim, smechot - Happy (adj. m., f., pl. m., pl. f.) - שמח, שמחה, שמחים, שמחות Yeladim ze simha - Children are happiness - ילדים זה שמחה Hi smeha - She is happy - היא שמחה Simha - Happy event - שמחה Yesh li simha ha-erev - I have an event tonight - יש לי שמחה הערב Yesh li eru’a - I have an event - יש לי אירוע Simha-Smahot - Joy, joys - שמחה, שמחות Smachot ktanot - Small joys - שמחות קטנות Ha-banot smechot - The girls are happy - הבנות שמחות Of simhes (Yidd

  • #219 Calling All Musicians!

    03/07/2018 Duração: 08min

    In addition to calling and texting, your smartphone is also a fancy nagan-em-pi-shalosh (נגן אם-פי-3). What's that? Well, without this capability you wouldn't be able to listen to this podcast on the move! Today's episode is all about the root נ.ג.נ, out of which Hebrew words like ניגון, מנגינה, and נגינה are constructed. Listen to the all-Hebrew version of this episode. New Words and Expressions: Niggun, niggunim - Inflection (linguistics), Nigun - ניגון Paytan - A person who writes/sings a piyyut - פייטן Mangina - Melody, tune - מנגינה Manginat he-halil - The melody of the flute - מנגינת החליל Negina - Playing music - נגינה Shi’ur negina be-psantar, Shi’ur psanter - Piano lesson - שיעור נגינה בפסנתר, שיעור פסנתר Lenagen - To play (music) - לנגן Az kol mi she-menagen al gitara - So anyone who plays guitar - אז כל מי שמנגן על גיטרה Afilu im hu menagen lo harbe zman - Even if he plays not for a long time - אפילו אם הוא מנגן לא הרבה זמן Ze shir (she)dei pashut lenagen (oto) - It’s a song that is pretty easy to

  • #218 Could You Turn it Down a Bit?

    26/06/2018 Duração: 09min

    There are several ways to ask an Israeli taxi driver to lower the volume on the radio that won't result in nasty looks. Today, Guy discusses these sayings and other words related to radio, like the Hebrew word for podcast. Listen to the all-Hebrew version of this episode   New Words and Expressions: Havita - Omlette - חביתה Aruhat boker israelit - Israeli breakfast - ארוחת בוקר ישראלית Pirsomot - Commercials - פרסומות Efshar lehahlish tipa? - Is it possible to turn it down a bit? - אפשר להחליש טיפה? Ata yachol lehahlish (be)vakasha? - Could you turn it a bit down please? - אתה יכול להחליש (ב)בקשה? Ze ma-ze hazak, efshar lehalish? - It’s really loud, could you turn it down a bit? - זה מה-זה חזק, אפשר להחליש? Lehagbir - To turn up the volume - להגביר Tagbir, tagbir - Turn it up! - תגביר, תגביר Leha’avir tahana - To switch to another station - להעביר תחנה Ata yachol leha’avir tahana? - Could you change the channel? - אתה יכול להעביר תחנה? Tahanat radio - Radio station - תחנת רדיו Podcast - Podcast - פודקסט Radio

  • #217 Sharing Is Caring

    12/06/2018 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word for partner or flatmate is שותף, and its root ש.ת.פ is especially relevant when trying to get your social media posts to go viral. On this episode, Guy shares his linguistic expertise on all things shareable. Click Here for the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Shutaf, shutafim - Partner/s, flatmate - שותף, שותפים Shutafut - Partnership - שותפוּת Leshatef - To share - לשתף Eich leshatef tmunot me-ha-instagram - How to share photos from Instagram - איך לשתף תמונות מהאינסטגרם Harbe mikem kvar yod’im et ze, ki shitafti et ze male ba’avar - Many of you already know this, because I shared this a lot in the past - הרבה מכם כבר יודעים את זה, כי שיתפתי את זה מלא בעבר Teshatef/teshatfi oti be-ma she-over alecha/alayich - Share with me what’s going on with you - תשתף/תשתפי אותי במה עובר עליך/עלייך Hu lo meshatef oti/Hi lo meshatefet oti - He/she doesn’t share (much) with me - הוא לא משתף אותי/היא לא משתפת אותי Shatfu, teshatfu - Share (imp. pl.) - שתפו/תשתפו Teshatfu bevaka

  • #216 Some Assembly Required

    05/06/2018 Duração: 10min

    Most furniture from Ikea comes with assembly instructions. On this episode, Guy provides us with an instructions manual for the root רכב, which can be found in the word להרכיב, to assemble. No assembly required on this podcast! Click Here for the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Rachav - He rode - רכב Rochev - He’s riding - רוכב Hem rochvim - They ride - הם רוכבים Rochev - He rides/he is riding/rider - רוכב Rechiva - Riding - רכיבה Hadracha - Instruction - הדרכה Hadrachat rechiva - Riding instruction - הדרכת רכיבה Ez Harim - Mountain goat - עז הרים Rochvim meyumanim - Skilled riders - רוכבים מיומנים Rechiva al ofanayim - Bike riding - רכיבה על אופניים Rechiva al susim - Horse riding - רכיבה על סוסים Rechev - Vehicle - רכב Rechev hevra - Company car - רכב חברה Rakevet, rakavot - Train, trains - רכבת, רכבות Tarkiv oti - Give me a ride on the back of your bike - תרכיב אותי Leharkiv someone on something - To let a friend ride on the back of your bicycle - להרכיב מישהו על משהו Lehark

  • #215 It's Complicated

    29/05/2018 Duração: 08min

    Many things in life are complicated, including some people's relationship status on Facebook. How do we say “it’s complicated” in Hebrew? And what saying do we use as something gets more and more complicated? Bonus: we've included a short clip from the Hebrew version of this episode. Click Here for the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Mesubach - Complicated - מסובך ‘It’s complicated’ - Ze mesubach - זה מסובך Mesubechet (f.) - Complicated - מסובכת Ata mesubach im atsmecha - You’re complicated - אתה מסובך עם עצמך Hi mesubechet im atsma - She is complicated - היא מסובכת עם עצמה Hem mesubachim im atsmam - They’re complicated - הם מסובכים עם עצמם At mevina oti pashut, az lama lesabech - You understand me, so why make things complicated - את מבינה אותי פשוט, אז למה לסבך Lama lesabech ta-hayim, lama? - Why complicate life, why? - למה לסבך את החיים, למה? Ma sibachta/sibacht oti achshav? - Why did you get me involved in this? - מה סיבכת אותי עכשיו? Sibuchim refu’iyim - Medical complicati

  • #214 I Want to Improve My Hebrew

    22/05/2018 Duração: 10min

    How do we say “I want to improve my Hebrew” in Hebrew? How about “improvements”? And what's the connection to the popular supermarket chain Shufersal? Guy explains. Click Here for the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Leshaper mashehu - To improve something - לשפר משהו Ani rotse leshaper et ha-ivrit sheli - I want to improve my Hebrew - אני רוצה לשפר את העברית שלי Nehagim matkinim shipurim - Drivers install improvements - נהגים מתקינים שיפורים Tse’irim she-meshaprim et bitsua ha-mechoniyot - Young people who improve the performance of the cars - צעירים שמשפרים את ביצוע המכוניות Ha-ikar she-harechev shelahem yihiye hachi meshupar - The main thing is that their car will be the most improved - והעיקר שהרכב שלהם יהיה הכי משופר Ha-mechoniyot she-shupru - The cars that were improved - המכוניות ששופרו Shupar - It was improved - שופר Girsa meshuperet - Improved version - גרסה משופרת Telefon meshupar - An “improved” mobile phone - גרסה משופרת Matsavo mishtaper - His situation is getting b

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