Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 197:45:41
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Jackie Ulmer is a Social Media Strategist to Solopreneurs, Real Estate, Network Marketing and Direct Sales professionals. Monetize Your Message Online.


  • Consistency Equals Legendary in Your Network Marketing Business

    24/05/2021 Duração: 01min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Show Notes: Success is never owned. It’s only rented. And the rent is due everyday. Anonymous Quote -   This is why consistency matters. It allows you to pay the rent.   Strip the term massive action from your brain. Focus instead on manageable,     Small steps daily.   What do you Anchor actions need to be?   Are you doing them?   Are those anchor actions taking you toward your goal and destination.   Talent won’t outperform consistency. EVER.   Set your fears aside and work on the changes you need to make to show up consistently.   Turn the phrase impossible to I’m possible   You have a choice:   Prove yourself right or prove yourself wrong.   Which will you choose?   There is not substitute for hard work. There are no shortcuts.   There is smart work and smart cuts. Know them and do them.     Do you have a question fo

  • How Network Marketing Success Coaching Helps

    20/05/2021 Duração: 15min

    I often hear - oh, I don’t need a coach, I can figure this out. Really? then why haven’t you? Today I’m going to share how a coach changed my business, and how it might change yours. Show Notes: If you’ve heard my story, you may remember -   I’ll never be written up in the Network Marketing Hall of Fame as a Fast Starter.   I could not get out of my own way; could not see past my own blind spots.   We all have them, even you!   Here’s what I know:   You don’t need more How To - maybe a little tweaking but you know what to do We do 4 basic things - meet people, share what we do, ask them to try, work with us, or refer, and follow up If you just take the time to build your impact intro, as I teach in the KCF, and SSWA, you can open any conversation and gain interest, without annoying people When you also take the time to put systems in place, you don’t let people fall between the cracks And, if it were all this simple, every network mark

  • Overcoming Chaos in Your Business

    17/05/2021 Duração: 01min

    Show Notes: I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by There are going to be times of chaos and overwhelm in your business. In pursuit of your goals and dreams.   This is true for everyone. EVERYONE.   We only see the filtered, photoshopped version of most people’s success, and I don’t mean because they only show it that way. That’s what our brain tends to dial in on.   We want to pretend it’s somehow easier for others.   You’re going to have some struggle and chaos.   Chaos does not give you permission to quit or ease up.   Remember Sully, the airline pilot of the Landing on the Hudson airline disaster miracle.   He couldn’t quit because the going got tough. That was when he had to draw in deep and internal on skills he was taught, mastered but had never used.   Deep inside, you have some skills and character traits that make you capable of handling chaos; pushin

  • [SSW418] Everything You Need to Know To Sell on Social

    13/05/2021 Duração: 21min

    Are you struggling to monetize your time on Social Media? To sign new clients and team partners? This show is for you! Show Notes: I’m Jackie Ulmer, a top earning, award winning expert, helping Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make money, without annoying their family, friends or strangers, and build a thriving social selling business. I’ve sold products and services, and built teams in over 40 countries without leaving my home. If this gal can do it, with no formal training to begin with, so can you. Stop right now and grab my Content Formula - You’ll have access to my 9 part email series that created a million dollar business, and I’ll walk you right through how to use it to create everything you need on Social Media! Maybe you are like many, suffering from "Stare, Compare and Despair" when you try to figure out what to say or post on Social, or to introduce yourself? How do you engage people? How

  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    10/05/2021 Duração: 02min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Show Notes: I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who hasn’t dealt with imposter syndrome at one time or another.   That feeling like you really aren’t as good as others; not up to par; that you are somehow a fraud.   I have felt it numerous times, even after I became a million dollar earner in network marketing.   Before speaking on stage; when submitting a proposal for a speaking spot; when asked to be interviewed on a podcast, and even launching my academy.   The funny thing is - there is nothing I teach in my academy that can’t be duplicated and that I have not used and monetized. NOTHING.   I have all of the boxes checked to have earned my success.   But, you know what I don’t have? A college degree, and I have allowed that to keep me playing small in my mind too many times. Long ago, I made a decision that my income would always be tie

  • [SSW417] Are Spammy Direct Messages Killing Network Marketing

    06/05/2021 Duração: 13min

    You’ve probably seen them, maybe even sent them, and they may be killing network marketing and furthering the low opinion some have of our profession. I’m talking about those spammy DMs and the system being taught by some “leaders” in our profession. Show Notes: I help Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make money, without annoying their family, friends or strangers, and build a thriving social selling business.   One of the tools I use to help struggling social sellers is my Killer Content Formula. where I take you from being unnoticed, unheard and frustrated on social media, to becoming the hunted and not the hunter? Sound good? Learn more at If your upline is telling you to just get more followers, that is NOT the solution. If your upline is telling you just to copy, paste and DM everyone you know  - that IS a problem.     That’s why we are spending time today on the topic of spa

  • Building a Social Selling Business With Kids

    03/05/2021 Duração: 03min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by  I remember it like it was yesterday. My strongest downline team member had called about attending a very exclusive training by my main mentor in Direct Sales. It was in New Orleans. I was excited to go, and also, it was a hassle, with small kids. But, I worked it out and went. As fate would have it, I ended up at breakfast with this icon, alone, before the event. She asked how my business was going and I went into "Poor me, it's not working because of everyone else" mode.   She looked at me, dead on, and asked the pivotal question -   "Are your children your Excuse or your Reason?"   Women, moms, and dads do amazing things in their lives and for themselves and kids every day, all around the world.   What is my excuse?   Time, Money, Lack of knowledge, fear?   Oh, there it is - FEAR Do you have a question for me? DM me on Instagram @jackieulmer   I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minu

  • [SSW416] Creating Gangster Income in Your Business

    29/04/2021 Duração: 18min

    What does it mean and is it possible to create gangster income in a Social Selling Business? YES, I have done it and here is how… Show Notes: You have to know a few things: It IS possible. I’ve done it. It took a radical shift in my thinking. You can do it too, and it may require the same type of radical shift in your thinking. You must decide. REALLY decide. And only YOU know if you have truly decided. Limiting beliefs Other People's Opinions Fear Google knows - what’s going on. There's No better time. The online space is crowded with junk. Be a leader. Close your eyes and dream about that perfect business that gets you excited; makes you want to jump up and shout; and move into inspired action to make it a reality. Wouldn't you like to create a future vision that pulls you forward and into action? Wouldn't you also like to be having fun with it NOW, as you build it? Great, let's take some steps and make that happen! I help Network Mar

  • Your Daily Top 3 Action Steps in Network Marketing

    26/04/2021 Duração: 02min

    Success comes through daily action. And, the right daily actions. A question I am asked by my clients and those interested in working with me to reach the business, and money goals they desire is - what do I need to do each day? Show Notes:   Great question. Certainly the biggest one I had, when I started my journey. You may have this question.   I’m going to share my top 3 with you, and then you can decide if these resonate with you.   Daily Thought and Mindset Work - how are you feeling? What emotional state are you in? Are you feeling empowered and determined no matter what? Or, are you struggling with limiting beliefs? I have tools I use and coach my clients on to move them out of these doubts. Share your story - lately, that has been largely done on social media. Do you know how to introduce your story and do so in a way that gets people coming to you? Asking you what you do? Becoming the hunted and not the hunter? This is y

  • [SSW415] Is Social Selling Hard?

    22/04/2021 Duração: 13min

    Is Social Selling Hard? That’s just a thought, and here is my answer to it after being asked this in my Street Smart Wealth Academy. Do you consider it to be easy, or challenging? Show notes: It can be time consuming, for sure. I'm here, 21 years later after taking my business online and it WAS time consuming to learn it. To master it. And, ALL of that is just a thought. It will be time consuming for some, and snap of the fingers for others. It's a choice, in other words. I was old school, too, and I was SICK of old school. I made the decision and committed to learning this new skill set and it totally changed my life. It's what I wanted and what I was seeking. I was tired of: Family Friends/Warm Market Mall Walking Business Cards on Windshields Talking to “everyone” - waiters and such Buying leads Networking groups - I had small kids! I wanted to become the hunted not the hunter . I wanted simple systems for follow up and sharing my business Time

  • [MMM32] Finding Your Network Marketing Super Power

    19/04/2021 Duração: 01min

    We all have a Super Power. Maybe more than one. When you figure out what yours is, then you can use that to your advantage. It’s a strength. Show Notes:   Do a personal inventory to explore what you are really good at.   For me, I am super strong in understanding and mastering my thoughts and mindset. I have tools I use daily and in turn, teach these to my clients so we can work them out of the areas they are stuck - I’m not good enough, who will listen to me; I’m afraid of the camera for social media….and so on.   I am also really good at messaging and story telling, so I use this to create my social media content, and teach the same to my clients.   We all have powerful stories inside of us and from our past. Stories that will resonate deeply and allow us to easily, effortlessly and elegantly attract our tribe to us.   What are those things you are really good at that you can use to your advantage in your business?   Do you have a question

  • [SSW414] She Laughed At My MLM Business

    15/04/2021 Duração: 16min

    You’re going to have Critics, Haters and Trolls. I call how you handle these Defining Moments In Your Network Marketing Business Show Notes - We tend to think that we get more of these once we start a business of our own: Social Selling Network Marketing Coaching Any type of Entrepreneurial endeavor. But, we all have them - Critics, Haters, shamers and Trolls - no matter what we do. We just become more aware of them when we launch a business. We see them on Social Media, trolling others. And, often our fear is just a made up story. I teach all about overcoming limiting beliefs and more in the Street Smart Wealth Academy. Learn more at Today, I want to share my biggest defining moment. The day I felt so humiliated that I wasn’t sure I was going to stick with it. If you’ve ever asked what it takes for someone to go from stuck to stardom in Network Marketing… I finally got up the nerve to go talk to my neighbor, J

  • [MMM31] Who Needs My Message Today in Network Marketing

    12/04/2021 Duração: 01min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by   Who Needs My Message Today - this is a question I ask myself each morning and then I ask the universe to put those right people in my path. Show notes: Chaos brings opportunity - and what I mean by that is this - there are all different points in time when someone is looking for what I offer, and what you offer.   For me, someone believes deeply in network marketing, social selling and the power in the business system.   But, they are tired of struggling to figure things out. They are missing the key knowledge and business action plan they need for success.   They are told by their upline to just “talk to more people; copy and paste this; get a bigger why.”   I know from personal experience that these are not the problems and the solution won’t be found there.   I’m looking each day for those who are looking for me.   Who is looking for y

  • SSW413 Push Vs Pull Marketing in Social Selling

    08/04/2021 Duração: 10min

    What is the difference between Push and Pull Marketing? How do we not become that annoying person online with our friends and family and connections? Show Notes:  I ran a challenge last summer in my Facebook Group - and this was one of the topics.   My goal was always to be the hunted vs the hunter online. I wanted true Attraction Marketing and to bring clients to me.   Ready, pre-sold and with less resistance to a number of things including network marketing, pyramid (which it’s not) and online systems.   I am totally capable of handling objections, but why, if you don’t have to?   I teach all of this in the   I teach you the tools to push through your limiting beliefs and other areas that have you stuck, sos you can create authentic messaging that speaks your voice, values and vision and attracts your perfect tribe of pre-sold clients, customers and team partners. Then, we p

  • [MMM30] The Myth of Duplication in Network Marketing

    05/04/2021 Duração: 02min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by What truly Duplicates in network marketing? There are only 2 things, all the rest are Myths our profession has spoken of, and confused many people with. Show Notes:  The first and most important thing that duplicates is mindset. Belief, and learning to let go of self limiting, self sabotaging beliefs. PERIOD.   You can’t out earn your limiting thoughts and beliefs about yourself. You can, however, overcome them. This does not mean fear and doubt goes away completely. Ever, for anyone.   Once you have the tools and training to push through them, to evaluate them for what they are - just a made up story - then you will see things change. Quickly and dramatically.   The second thing that duplicates, in network marketing, are the systems in place for sharing how the business works. Most companies have these tools in place. Simple, and short is

  • [SSW412] If Money Could Talk, What Would it Say About You

    01/04/2021 Duração: 10min

    If money could talk, what would it say to you and about you? Money - a struggle in some way for many. It sure was for me for years. You may want to grab a paper and pen or your journal as I have some exercises to assist you in reframing the word and your thoughts, actions about money. Show notes: I’d like to invite you into a new way of looking at money. Your thoughts about money. Your relationship with money. How you treat money. Imagine for a moment that money is a person. And, could talk... Do you know this person… Do you know money well… Have you just met money…. What feelings do you have toward this person called “money….” Do you embrace money? Do you complain to and about money…. Do you ever use the word “enough” when conversing about money to someone else… To yourself… In your thoughts…. Follow me on Insight Timer for more - @jackieulmer over there. It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podca

  • [MMM29] Answering the Pyramid Scheme Question in Network Marketing

    29/03/2021 Duração: 01min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Is this one of those Pyramid Schemes? Ever heard that? Or feared hearing it? Why do people say this, and even more important, why do we fear it? Run from it? Tolerate it? Do you know what the best response is to that question? There are two, really. The first is to simply ASK - what do you mean by a pyramid scheme? Then shut up. I mean it - close your mouth and wait, as long as it takes, for an answer. If the response is something negative, here are two responses - First, you could say - do you really think I would get involved with something like that, and then share it with others? And, again, just listen. Or, you can SAY - wow, that is way too smart for me to put something like that together. And, again, wait and see what comes next. The most important thing you can do is keep your posture. Stay strong and in control. Pretty soon you’ll find you never hear that question anymore. I never do. Funny how when you b

  • [SSW411] Email Marketing or Social Media for Your Social Selling Business

    25/03/2021 Duração: 41min

    Are you a Social Seller? This would be anyone who is using digital tools to creates leads, team partners and make sales. Network Marketing, Direct Sales, Party Plans, Coaches, Authors, etc. Why NOW, more than ever, Email matters for your Direct Sales/Network Marketing Business! I interview Jena Bagley of Aweber, covering some Tips and Tools, and why I have personally had an email list since 2000. Jena and I met on Clubhouse and now run a regular room on Best Email Marketing Practices. Show Notes: We cover: The risks of relying ONLY on Social Media as your business platform How to combine the two for the best results Lead Magnets or "Freebie" as a tool Landing Pages Best Practices to Build Know, Like and Trust With Your Email List - the power in stories! Calls to Action (CTA) Example of mine - I share this link everywhere I can! Grab a free Getting Started Guide! It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and

  • [MMM28] Reframing Failure in Network Marketing

    22/03/2021 Duração: 01min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Failure. It’s a word, that usually has a thought or two with it. What comes to mind for you? That you’ve failed? It’s done? Over? No chance for redemption? Are there other emotions that come up with that word? What if we simply reframe the way we see and think about that word. Common analogy - when a baby learns to walk, or starts to learn, we don’t give up on her when she tries those first steps and falls to her knees. No, we cheer for her, pick her back up and immediately encourage her to try again. Why is it different in your network marketing business? With a prospect? Someone who says no? It’s not. You are just choosing to make it mean far more than what it is - Simply a chance to learn, grow and get better. You’ve probably heard - Fail your way to success. You’ve probably heard that from some people who have done just that. That is why they say it. They know it’s true. Will you shift your belief about failur

  • [SSW410] Making Friends With Fear and Releasing it

    18/03/2021 Duração: 14min

    Fears, we all have them. What if we could make friends with and release our fears, in our network marketing business and in life. Fear is not something we ever eliminate completely from our lives. We simply learn to expect it. It’s normal. Accept it. We can’t change it. And push through those fears. To push through fears, we must first realize a few key things. Most fear is not real; at least not at this moment; it has no power over us, unless we choose for it to; and it is possible to work with it in our minds to reduce it dramatically. This guided visualization will provide a tool for you to do this with any fear you have. Show notes:  It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5 star rating & review. This shares the show with other people to listen and we grow as a community. The bigger we grow, the more impact we have on the world, and grow home business. To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit https://

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