Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

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  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 197:45:41
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Jackie Ulmer is a Social Media Strategist to Solopreneurs, Real Estate, Network Marketing and Direct Sales professionals. Monetize Your Message Online.


  • [MMM27] Haters Shamers and Trolls on Social Media

    15/03/2021 Duração: 01min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Haters Shamers and Trolls - bullies, in other words. They’ve always been there, we’ve all had them, and Social Media just gave them enough space to hide, and a space to be loud and proud, and a coward. My mom used to say - be worried when people aren’t talking about you. I try to fall back ion that during those times I am feeling a bit of comparanoia or self doubt about putting myself on Social Media. Is my hair ok? Is that a new wrinkle? Are those bags under my eyes? Does this shirt make me look washed out? I also remind myself that if you ran into me in the store, this is how I would look. You’ll attract your tribe with your vibe, and they do not want you to be perfect. In fact, far from it. They want to be reminded that you are just like them. And, this means they can do it too. Remember this - the critics are never the ones doing more than you. They are doing less. Far less. They just have a big mouth, and tho

  • [409] How to Attract Business Professionals to Network Marketing

    11/03/2021 Duração: 52min

    To establish a better understanding and more professional business approach to network marketing, try being intentional with the language that you use to introduce and share your network marketing products and the business opportunity. Words and phrases like "join my business" "join my team" How do I "get" people into my business; I'm “Involved in” network marketing; she "does" XYZ company. Yikes. No wonder people don't really understand the concept of network marketing. Listen in as I chat with Dr. Marie Benoit on how business people evaluate business options and how some of these phrases might not only confuse people, but might also turn them off. Show notes - Learn more about Marie Benoit - It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5 star rating & review. This shares the show with other people to listen and we grow as a community. The bigger we grow, the more impact we ha

  • [MMM26] Expectations of Other People in Network Marketing

    08/03/2021 Duração: 01min

    Is it wrong to put a positive expectation on a prospect?   I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by My Street Smart Wealth Academy Client, Kidada, from Nigeria asks - Is it wrong to put a positive expectations on a prospect? Most times when they say no indirectly by avoiding me that's what causes my disappointments There is no "right or wrong" - there are only learning opportunities. EVERYTHING we experience is an opportunity for growth and learning. It can create major frustration to put an expectation on a prospect of them saying YES, to the product or opportunity, or any of "their" actions. We can "make up stories" about other people - why they say no; they they ignore us, and so on. But, we don't REALLY know why, unless they tell us. So, no expectations, and no assumptions. And, no disappointments (for very long) about another's actions or inactions. Set an expectation on YOU - what YOU will do, consistently. How YOU will show up. How YOU will grow,

  • [SSW408] Clubhouse for Network Marketers

    04/03/2021 Duração: 34min

    Are you in "Da House?" Clubhouse, that is!  Let’s talk best practices for Network Marketers on clubhouse. Shownotes - I have a new addiction. Yes, it’s clubhouse. But, it’s more than an addiction because it is already monetizing. New clients, lots of connections and conversation and I know more conversions are coming, Better than that - I know more win wins are coming because I know I am able to help these struggling network marketers thrive on social selling without annoying family friends or strangers. Let’s talk about Best Practices and the BASICS for Clubhouse - for Network Marketers First, follow me - @jackieulmer Yes, it's in BETA currently and Apple IOS only for now. Android is coming, they have made that clear. In this show we cover: Why NOW is the time - First Mover Advantage, Early Adapters Getting Started Clubhouse Lingo and Language Creating a Power Bio/Profile and what to include Your Give and Your Ask 4 things we do on Clubh

  • [MMM25] Are You Arguing for Your Limitations or Possibilities?

    01/03/2021 Duração: 02min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by     We all have 2 things - limitations and possibilities.   It’s a given, no sense trying to change it.   Here is what we can change though, and must if we want to move forward…to succeed….to master our goals.   We have to look deeper into both words and sort them out in our own lives, and within our own skill sets.   I hear things like this all of the time:   I’m stuck.   I don’t understand technology.   It’s like a foreign language.   I don’t know how.   I can’t.   Here’s something to ponder -   Whatever it is that has you feeling stuck - do you know anyone anywhere who may have felt this way and then got unstuck?   Anyone anywhere who didn’t understand technology but then figured it out?   Anyone anywhere who learned a foreign language?   Found the answer to “I don’t know?”   Stopped saying I can’t and figured out how they could?   Think of every baby ever born - including you.   They are born completely helple

  • The Mindful Entrepreneur - Insight Timer Teacher Jackie Ulmer

    28/02/2021 Duração: 02min   The Mindful Entrepreneur - I’m thrilled to announce that I am now an approved teacher on the Insight Timer App. I cover Thought Management and mastery, self coaching through challenges, limiting beliefs, comparanoia, daily thought work, affirmations for wealth and prosperity. Resilience and more - I have a series of content there, I’ll be going live weekly, and creating courses on how to Master Your Mindset as an Entrepreneur - and your relationship with money. Go to   Set up a playlist of my content and follow my playlists to assist you in your journey!   Hey, if you like what you are hearing and learning on the podcast, you really should check out the Street Smart Wealth Academy. We take all of this and package it into a radical shift for you, and the way you think and act in your business. And, it’s guaranteed. Do the work, get the results, or get your money back. What could be better than that? Learn more at

  • [SSW407}How to Monetize Social Media

    25/02/2021 Duração: 42min

    If you’re struggling to monetize your Social Media efforts, it could be you are missing the whole point of Social Media. It’s not to SELL, although selling does take place. It’s to create connection, conversations and then conversions will follow. Tell, don’t sell. Share who you are; why you do what you do; what your passions are and how you serve. If you feel like your story doesn’t matter; that no one will listen; you simply need a mind shift. Show notes - Hey, if you like what you are hearing and learning on the podcast, you really should check out the Street Smart Wealth Academy. We take all of this and package it into a radical shift for you, and the way you think and act in your business. And, it’s guaranteed. Do the work, get the results, or get your money back. What could be better than that? Learn more at Until next time, remember this - Hesitation never cashed a check. Good luck to you in your

  • [MMM24] Sorting vs Selling in Network Marketing

    22/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    We have a tendency to think that our goal in our business is to sign up, convince, or convert everyone we know and talk to into our business or products.   Not so.   That is dangerous thinking, honestly and will set you up for quitting.   Here is the reality:   Our goal is to meet people; share what we do, make an offer,   An offer is NOT always buying or trying your product or the business. It could be referrals; support in general.   Sharing what we do means sorting. Not everyone will be right. Could you sell a side of beef to a vegetarian? Not likely.   Would you spend time trying? Not likely.   It is the same in your business.   Sort, don’t sell. Sorting starts with knowing who your ideal client is; what their pain point is; and the solution you provide.   Get very clear on these things. Write them down. Memorize them and know how to speak that language.   Once you’ve sorted and have determined that you have someone who may be potentially right for the products or business; now you can share more.   Not s

  • [SSW406] Interview With Millennial Lexi Ulmer

    18/02/2021 Duração: 33min

    I'm thrilled to share an interview with my Daughter, Lexi Ulmer, 25, and a millennial entrepreneur after growing up in a Network Marketing and no traditional employment family. We talk about Balance, Mommy Guilt and her perspective on growing up in a non traditional career home.  Show Notes  I’m Jackie Ulmer, a multi million dollar social selling expert, and your guide to master the art of the Social Sale for Network Marketing I help Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make money, without annoying their family, friends or strangers, and build a thriving social selling business.   We do all of this together in the Street Smart Wealth Academy. Learn more at I’d love to work with you there. We kick hustle and grind to the curb and build a better strategy and way of authentically showing up and selling, sponsoring and building a brand and tribe on Social Media. We have the skills to pay the bills.   Hey, i

  • [MMM23] Why does writing content seem like such a struggle

    15/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    Has this ever happened to you? You stare at your screen and keyboard for an hour, spinning your wheels, trying to figure out what to write on your social media.   You keep hearing - add value…. what the heck is value, anyway?   You think, write, edit, delete, and repeat the process.   You know it’s gotta be done, writing content for social media. but what? What that doesn’t just fill dead space and get nothing back   It seems so overwhelming and time consuming.   Content calendars; prompts - none of that is working and it looks like everyone else’s stuff.   Boring and generic.   Copy and pasting from other company leaders feels awkward, because it doesn’t sound like you, and you feel like a fake.   Writing good content is about selling you…your story…and your value. Not your products or opportunity.   Expressing yourself is how to attract an audience; it’s how to get people to know you…become interested…like you….trust you…buy from you or sign up with you.   The story you are telling yourself is what keeps yo

  • [SSW405] Are you Underestimating Your Potential in Network Marketing

    11/02/2021 Duração: 15min

    We tend to Overestimate what we can accomplish in 1 year, and WAY underestimate what we will accomplish in 5 years. I believe this is why there is such a high failure rate in Network Marketing. I’m Jackie Ulmer, a multi million dollar social selling expert, and your guide to master the art of the Social Sale for Network Marketing I help Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make money, without annoying their family, friends or strangers, and build a thriving social selling business. We do all of this together in the Street Smart Wealth Academy. Learn more at Show Notes -  We don’t get our goals, we get our habits. This has been proven time and time again. Ask anybody who’s ever “made it“ and they’ll tell you that it basically comes down to good habits. Not always being the best, not always being the smartest, but truly engaging in good habits and actions day in and day out, whether we feel like it

  • [MMM22] Hustle and Hard Work - is it essential to Success?

    08/02/2021 Duração: 02min

    Which would you prefer to have in your business, or rather which one sounds more fun…like something you would commit to and stick to:   Hustle and Hard work, or Ease,,,,flow….effortless and elegant.   Hustle and hard work are typically how we feel when we are doing something out of synch with our natural rhythm.   Easily, elegantly, and effortlessly, in the flow of life and calm sounds a lot better.   And, as someone who has worked my business from both angles, I can tell you that the latter is much more fun, lucrative and enticing to others.   Hustle and hard work lead to burn out.   Network Marketing is a volunteer business, and no one wants to volunteer for hard.   When you don’t wake up each day with a clear, understandable plan of what you need to do to move your business forward, that leaves most with a lack of confidence. You run out of people to talk to. No one responds to your social media posts. Doing constant “challenges” put you in hustle mode. And the feeling is graspy and desperate. You may know

  • SSW404 The Flip Flop CEO Interview Part 2

    04/02/2021 Duração: 45min

    My interview with Janine Finney, author of "The Flip Flop CEO" - Part 2. Part 1 is here! Have you ever wondered how to explain network marketing to someone with a closed mind? Or, how to approach someone you view as already super successful, who might have an interest, but you are unsure, and don’t want to feel silly or stupid when you open the conversation? Or, perhaps you are struggling with your own MLM blueprint and belief in the profession? Listen in as I am joined by a former Corporate America executive, six figure earner who was very unhappy in her corporate life, even though everything looked polished and buttoned up on the outside. Yet, she was a complete MLM skeptic. What opened her mind; how did she hit the top rank in her company in 1 year; and how might this knowledge help you do the same? Hey, if you like what you are hearing and learning on the podcast, you really should check out the Street Smart Wealth Academy. We take all of this and package it into a radical shift for you, and the way you t

  • [MMM21] The Social Selling Skills You Must Master

    01/02/2021 Duração: 01min

    Here are the skills you must master -  Get clear on what you sell, who you sell to, and how to sell to them. Online, these means developing good “success language” that speaks directly to their challenge; and your solution.  Know how to ask, answer and deliver on their questions and concerns before they even ask. Know when to take it off the public venue and offline. Don’t try to let a social conversation close your deal. Be real, be engaged, be interested. Be conversational and don’t “move in for the kill.”  Never share a link without permission. We have a tendency to want to just “spray and pray,” plastering our link everywhere we can, hoping to catch someone and “rope them in.” The problem is, you are modeling for them what you will expect and ask them to do if they join you, and most people view this as extremely spammy. You probably do, too, even if you have been guilty of doing this. Today, and for the last many years, I coach people on how to build a successful business online….  Without luck; good tim

  • SSW403 Interview With the Flip Flop CEO Part 1

    28/01/2021 Duração: 37min

    Have you ever wondered how to explain network marketing to someone with a closed mind? Or, how to approach someone you view as already super successful, who might have an interest, but you are unsure, and don’t want to feel silly or stupid when you open the conversation? Or, perhaps you are struggling with your own MLM blueprint and belief in the profession? Listen in as I am joined by a former Corporate America executive, six figure earner who was very unhappy in her corporate life, even though everything looked polished and buttoned up on the outside. Yet, she was a complete MLM skeptic. What opened her mind; how did she hit the top rank in her company in 1 year; and how might this knowledge help you do the same? Welcome Janine Finney! Show notes - How to Explain Network Marketing to Skeptics   I’m Jackie Ulmer, a multi million dollar social selling expert, and your guide to master the art of the Social Sale for Network Marketing I help Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make money, without annoying

  • [MMM20] Where Do You Find Prospects Who Are In The Looking Zone?

    25/01/2021 Duração: 03min

    How do I find people for my Network Marketing business? How do I share what I am doing in a way that feels authentic and not "salesy?" These are two questions I had myself; and now have answered for decades!  My short answer - you don't find them; you let them find YOU. And, here is how! In 1999, after attending an internet seminar, I saw some genuine potential in using online methods as a tool to "reverse roles" and allow those people who were interested in a home business to find me, and let me know they wanted to know more.  So, I decided to give this “Internet thingie” a go, and build a web presence, and ultimately a business online.  Lots of people lined up to tell me I was crazy; I wouldn’t be successful; it couldn’t be done. I calmly put my blinders and ear muffs on and got busy proving them wrong.  Once I was successful, people started saying I got “lucky” because I had an early start; that it was easier “back then.” Then, I was asked what I would do if the internet went away; how would I stay in busi

  • [SSW402] How to Date Your Business Prospects

    21/01/2021 Duração: 21min

    We tend to think of dating as what we do for a romantic partner. But, what if we shifted how we think of our prospects and becoming attractive to those in and around our business? Google defines dating: You are actively getting out there and meeting people and spending time with them. “Dating someone” means you're seeing somebody specific, with purpose and on a regular basis. ... You're spending time with a person (or persons) in hopes of finding a committed relationship.   Think about this with regard to the relationships you build in your business.   Clients. Customers Team Partners. Ambassadors for you. Most people flounder and fail in their attempt to build a successful network marketing business… Does that describe you? Are you floundering? IT’S NOT BECAUSE ANYTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOUR COMPANY AND PRODUCTS, OR THE PROFESSION ITSELF. MOST PEOPLE FAIL BECAUSE THEY DON’T KNOW THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR "DATING YOUR PROSPECTS.” Show Notes -

  • [MMM19] What's Stopping You From a Million Dollar Network Marketing Business

    18/01/2021 Duração: 03min

    Here’s what my clients tell me, and I get it. Almost on the daily, they stare at their screen, spinning their wheels trying to figure out what to share on social media to create SOMETHING - a like, a comment, some interest, a Direct Message, maybe, and wow, a sale or signup would be nice. Right? Is this you? You ponder, write, edit, delete, and repeat. And nothing ever gets out there. Or, at least not consistently and not content that pulls people to you. And, you HATE how overwhelming and time consuming it is for you. You’ve purchased content calendars to give you prompts, and you start, then stop because it's starting to feel so…forced, so generic, so stale, even. You’ve probably even fallen into the trap of copying someone else’s content, maybe your upline or someone in your company, because it worked for them; it inspired you, so…. But, you didn’t get the same results. And frankly, you are exhausted trying to come up with your own clever words. Here’s what I want you to know and HEAR from me - it’s not be

  • [SSW401] How Important is Your WHY to Network Marketing Success

    14/01/2021 Duração: 32min

    We hear how important the WHY is, and that once we have that, the how will follow. How important is it really, to your network marketing success. How do you find yours, and what if you lose it, like I did? Yesterday, I kicked off my new webinar series - FirstDateMagic for Network Marketers - how to build a thriving social selling business without annoying family, friends or strangers. Can you EVEN believe that was still available? Grab it there! I have submitted my first week to be a teacher on Insight Timer and I am over the moon about it. I’ll let you know when I am officially on the platform. When I started my network marketing journey, I was asked what my why was. Find your why. It wasn't easy. And, it involved being home with my children no matter what. In 2009, I realized I had lost my why when my teenaged children didn't need me home any more. Goal accomplished. Now what? Recently, my WHY crystalized yet again, listen in for how! I help Network Marketers, coaches and mentors make m

  • [MMM18] Network Marketing Social Selling Success

    11/01/2021 Duração: 01min

    Social media isn’t selling. It requires you to be SOCIAL. Posting with the “Spray and Pray” process does NOT work. Do you know the best way to get others interested in you? Be interested in them. TRULY engaged and interested. Are you liking, and more importantly commenting in an engaging way, and having real conversations with people you enjoy talking to; and who might be a perfect fit for you. Be real, be you, and don’t be graspy and loaded with an agenda in your conversations. Just connect and get to know people. Pick 10 people a day to engage with. Track it. Be consistent. They will begin to see your posts. This is how the algorithm works. Engage with them first. Get on their radar as well as Instagram or Facebook. Try it for a month and let me know how it goes. I’m pretty sure I already know the answer! I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

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