Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Conflict Resolution: New Perspectives

    12/02/2015 Duração: 57min

    Conflict is unavoidable. How you resolve the conflict is what makes the difference between healthy and dysfunctional relationships. We know more now than we did when I was growing up. In my childhood home, the parents had the power and children were truly supposed to be seen and not heard. It was do what you're told or suffer the consequences. There was no such thing as resolving conflict in a mutually satisfying way. Now we have new techniques and new models that allow for the possibility of win-win as opposed to win-lose. It is up to us to become educated in these new approaches for our own sake and for the sake of our families, friends and colleagues. Win-lose engenders fear because the balance of power is unequal. When someone is afraid to speak their truth because they will be demeaned or yelled at, there is no chance for a healthy relationship. Dr. Walker offers us insights and options that create the potential for resolving conflict in a healthy one.

  • Animals As Spirit Guides, Messengers and Healers

    05/02/2015 Duração: 56min

    We all have different experiences that create our attitudes toward and relationships with animals. Maybe a cat scratched you as a child and you still hold onto that fear. Or maybe you're oblivious to animals until they invade your home or garden. Then you notice, but only to kill them. In fact, animals, even insects, are messengers and guides and like cats, can even be healers. It's up to us to become conscious, see them as part of God's world and pay attention to how they're trying to help us. There is even an archangel who oversees the animal kingdom. I've learned to pay attention. For instance, when a dog, wasp or other animal appears, I notice what I'm thinking or what's happening in my life. Sometimes when I'm releasing a sad emotion, a hummingbird will come to my feeder to remind me that I'm making room for joy, and it will fly into my life when I least expect it. Join us Thursday to learn how animals are here to teach us, guide us and heal us. www.SandraIngerman.com.

  • Complaining Hurts Your Body; Happiness Heals

    29/01/2015 Duração: 54min

    We can send positive or negative energy into our own body, into other people's bodies and out into the world. If you've been listening to my show, you know how true this is. That means you have the responsibility of making a conscious choice to create a healthier and happier you while doing the same for the world or choosing to send harm to yourself and others. Every thought we have, word we speak and action we take has serious consequences for our health and that of others. Before we knew this, it was much easier to rant and complain. Once you understand the consequences of that behavior, it's harder to speak unkind words or allow unkind thoughts to sit in our mind, even when (or should I say, especially when?) those thoughts are about ourselves. Actually, my biggest challenge, and the main one I'm working on now, is removing the self-critical thoughts that I grew up with and that have truly become a habit of the mind. Join us Thursday to learn how to stop complaining and hurting.

  • Biofeedback and Energy Healing

    22/01/2015 Duração: 55min

    All healing occurs by changing the energy within our body. Different health practitioners use different terminology and methodologies and come from different philosophic belief systems. These differences prevent us from seeing the common strand. Whether prescription medications, natural supplements, prayer, crystals, Bach Flower remedies, essential oils, color, crystal bowls, meditation, chanting, reflexology, acupuncture, or biofeedback, it's all based on creating energetic harmony within the body and the energy field surrounding the body. We can even change our DNA by changing our energy. It is what people mean when they talk about magnetizing good things into their life. They are actually talking about changing their energy field. We can use these methods to change our thoughts, our health and our emotions. We can even grow younger as we focus on moving negative energy out of our body and replacing it with love and light. Join us Thursday to learn about biofeedback and more.

  • Help for Couples That Really Works

    15/01/2015 Duração: 55min

    The statistics on marriage counseling are depressing. Only 11-18% of couples make meaningful gains that last more than a year and over 43% are separated or divorced 5 years later. We put our time, money and hopes into a process that doesn't work, and we feel like failures. The fact is that the process fails people, but nobody says that upfront. I had friends who shared a marital counseling practice. They used to joke that they were a tag team. One would try to save the marriage and then he would pass the couple on to his friend, who would help them through the divorce. It wasn't really funny because they were talking about people's lives. The fact is that at least they were being realistic and doing the best they could to cope with an impossible task. The truth is, as Maya Angelou once said about one of her marriages, not all marriages should be saved. Join us Thursday to learn when a marriage should be saved and if so, how to effectively improve communication and emotional intimacy.

  • From Victim to Self-Empowerment: You, too can change the story of your life

    08/01/2015 Duração: 56min

    Stephen Hawking was a brilliant student with unlimited potential when he was given 2 years to live. Depressed, he was ready to give up on his dreams when his girlfriend challenged him to take control of his life and live for however long he had left. The movie, The Theory of Everything, tells the remarkable story of this very gifted physicist who continues to defy medical knowledge. He changed his life by moving from being a victim to meeting every challenge with courage, strength and the will to develop his grand theory. We all have this same ability. When difficulty comes our way, how we choose to respond is everything. My friend, Jackie Waldman was faced with her own medical diagnosis which threatened to destroy her life. She spent five years in bed because of Multiple Sclerosis. Now she does exercises like pilates, yoga and NIA. She, too, was able to go from victim to empowerment through a shift in her way of thinking. Join us Thursday to hear how to change the story of your life.

  • Psychic Dawon's Predictions for 2015

    18/12/2014 Duração: 56min

    Psychics are no longer relegated to the realm of science fiction or dismissed as New Age. Psychic phenomena is researched and acknowledged by people of science who are documenting its existence. Dr. Larry Dossey's new book, One Mind, is filled with such research. You can go to our show's March 20 podcast to hear the data as he presents it or purchase the book yourself. And in last week's show, Dr. Bernie Siegel shared his personal psychic experiences and refers to several books discussing such evidence. What we often call coincidence, intuition, premonition or instinct are really psychic experiences. Our logical mind, however, keeps trying to dismiss our own knowing. We have dreams that come true or we know who is calling before we get to the phone. We all have these experiences. We can choose to acknowledge them or pretend that they are nothing. Dawon knows they are real and has been making accurate predictions for years. Join us Thursday to learn what's coming in the year 2015.

  • Bernie's Wisdom: The Soul, Spiritual Guides, Past Lives

    11/12/2014 Duração: 58min

    We often hear people bandying around the quote: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Saying it is one thing. Understanding it to the point of it being the frame of reference from which you live your life is quite another. When speaking with Dr. Bernie Siegel, that appears to be the organizing principle of every conversation. This is the third time that he is honoring us by coming on as a guest. As I look back on his other 2 appearances, this is the common thread, regardless of the stated title of the show. To prepare for this show, I suggest that you listen to those podcasts from April 3 and July 31. He is always engaging to listen to, and I come away enriched, wiser and healed in profound ways. Join us Thursday for more wisdom from Bernie on his personal experiences that have formed his beliefs on the soul, past lives, spirit guides, psychic communication and more. www.berniesiegelmd.com.

  • Improve Your Health through Lymphatic Massage and Cranial Sacral Therapy

    20/11/2014 Duração: 54min

    When I received a gift certificate for one of Leslie's massages, I didn't think I needed lymphatic drainage. I was wrong. Often when we think we are sick with a stuffy nose or headache, it's really our lymphatic system that is having trouble draining. In addition, Leslie is specially trained to reduce edema in any part of the body which results in improved energy, sleep, decreased pain and release of emotions. For extremely swollen limbs, she knows how to bandage and tape the limb to reduce it to its normal size. Cranial Sacral Therapy is another specialty that moves the cerebral spinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord thereby treating depression, sleep disorders, chronic pain, hormone imbalances, ADHD and more resulting in optimal mental, physical and spiritual alignment. It's amazing, and all this while you're being gently massaged into a state of relaxation. Join us Thursday to learn more about the health benefits of these amazing techniques and where to locate someone near you.

  • Integrative Medicine: New Approaches To Healing

    13/11/2014 Duração: 56min

    Integrative medicine is often misunderstood. Since Dr. Andrew Weil created this approach, I went to his website to get an accurate definition: Integrative medicine is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle. Practitioners emphasize the doctor-patient relationship and use all appropriate therapies, conventional and alternative. Rather than focusing on one belief system, they use proven techniques that are best for the individual--and always with the belief that the body wants to heal itself. This way of approaching medicine uses the most effective methods which are often natural and low cost. Trained by Dr. Weil, Dr. Paula Fayerman continues to explore new modes of healing in order to bring the best to her patients. Her first appearance on our July 3rd show was so well-received that I invited her to return. Please join us Thursday to benefit from her up-to-date knowledge and engaging delivery.

  • From Survival to Living: Meditation and Choosing to See the Positive

    06/11/2014 Duração: 56min

    I used to say that the worse place to live was in my own head. From the outside looking in, everything seemed perfect. I had done what I thought I was supposed to do to be happy, and I wasn't. I would look at my impressive resume and feel no joy, only what I still hadn't accomplished. At some point, I decided that I had had enough. It was time to find a new way of looking at the world, a new way of thinking. Somehow I had to turn the kaleidoscope, to find a new philosophy, a new way of being. During this search, I came across A Pocketful of Miracles by Dr. Joan Borysenko. She made meditation simple. Not only simple, but structured. There was a daily thought accompanied by a prayer or practice. This led me to the spiritual path that I am on today. Dr. Joan was one of my powerful teachers, and I am very grateful that she agreed to be on the show. Join us Thursday to hear Dr. Joan, one of the wise women of our time talk about her approach to health, healing and spirituality.

  • Force For Good: Tackling World Hunger and Healing for Autism, ADD and Other Special Needs Children

    30/10/2014 Duração: 55min

    You might be wondering what hunger and children with special needs have in common. They are both problems that need a fresh perspective, which is exactly what the Force For Good Foundation does. A lot of profound work is being done by non-profits. These two programs are supported by impressive statistics and solid research. When we donate money to a non-profit, some percentage of it always goes to administration, publicity, etc. This is not true with the Force For Good Foundation. All of the money goes to funding their humanitarian projects with the other costs being absorbed by the for-profit company. As a classroom teacher, I saw all too well what happens when children come to school hungry. They can't think clearly resulting in the continuation of the cycle of minimal education and poverty. Furthermore children with special needs are often incorrectly labeled and deprived of the same opportunities that the other children receive. Join us Thursday to discover new and real solutions.

  • Triumph Over Addiction and Self-Abuse

    23/10/2014 Duração: 55min

    Self-abuse comes in many forms, including, but by no means limited to, addictions to alcohol, food, abusers, drugs and self-criticism. As a friend, life coach, counselor, family member or colleague, it is exceedingly difficult to watch someone engage in self-destructive behaviors. Most of us want to make the person better or help them change. The fact is that unless they choose to save themselves, no one can save them. As we discussed in our last show, that path often leads to hurting ourselves because we put the well-being of the abuser above our own physical, mental and emotional health. The path to healing always requires that the self-abuser admit the truth to themselves and to the people who are supporting their healing. Then the real work begins of learning to find one's self, love one's self and heal. Join us Thursday as Brian Cuban brings hard-earned wisdom in sharing his journey through pain and self-denial to personal triumph over eating disorders, depression and addiction.

  • Beyond Illusion: Face the Truth and Save Yourself

    16/10/2014 Duração: 55min

    We all have illusions. When you’re in an abusive relationship, the illusions become so overpowering that it's the equivalent of creating an alternate universe. The abuser sells their truth as the only perspective, denying the reality of the abused person. The abuser enters the other person's mind causing the abused person to question their own thinking. Since the abused wants desperately to have a happy, healthy relationship, they participate in the illusion, playing their part to create the fantasy that they are one happy couple and all is well in their world. Little by little, the abused gets sucked into this alternate universe, creating their own prison, afraid to do anything to upset the balance. They become increasingly isolated, dependent and afraid of the abuser's words and/or actions. Breaking out of the prison that they have helped create takes courage, the willingness to see the truth and to change. Join us Thursday to learn how any of us can leave abuse and truly live.

  • Abuse in Wealthy Families: Leaving and Healing

    09/10/2014 Duração: 54min

    A few years ago I was eating dinner at a doctor's home in an upper middle class neighborhood in Dallas. The couple casually mentioned that they could often hear their neighbor screaming when her husband was beating her. I asked if they called the police and they responded that it was a family affair and that they didn't have the right to interfere. I was appalled by their attitude but unable to convince them to see things differently. Domestic violence in wealthy families is more common than we want to believe as we have seen with the recent media coverage of NFL players. All too often people choose to turn a blind eye not understanding that the abused individual is often not capable of acting in their own best interest. They get caught in denial, guilt, shame, self-blame, helplessness, the illusion that things are improving or the belief that they can tough it out. Why people stay is complex. Join us Thursday to learn how people gain the courage to leave and heal and how we can help.

  • Numerology: Another Path to Self-Empowerment

    02/10/2014 Duração: 56min

    All Numerology is not the same. There are many schools of thought on how to interpret the numbers. Different systems come from a variety of ancient cultures, including Babylonia, Alexandria, Jewish and Christian mysticism, India, China and Egypt. Some are based on giving letters numerical meaning and then adding the letters up in a word or a person's name. In Judaism, for instance, one way to change your destiny is to change your name. The common thread in all of the various systems is the belief that numbers carry energy which influences the quality of a person's life and their particular path in life. If we are true to ourselves, we are in sync with our numbers and life flows more smoothly. This doesn't mean there aren't challenges, but if we understand our life path, including our particular challenges, the journey is easier. As in all fields, the practitioner makes a difference. Please join me Thursday to learn from my talented guest how numerology can help you.

  • True Leadership: We All Matter

    25/09/2014 Duração: 54min

    In 1993 Sergeant Keni Thomas was deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia with the 3rd Ranger Battalion as part of an elite special operations. The mission was to find and capture a criminal warlord named Mohammed Farrah Aideed. Keni and his fellow rangers distinguished themselves in an 18-hour fire-fight that was recounted in the highly successful book and movie, “Blackhawk Down”. 19 Americans gave their lives and 78 were wounded in the worst urban combat seen by US troops since WWII. Drawing from his experiences on the battlefield, Keni inspires people to achieve greatness by stressing the importance of outstanding leadership at every level, even if the only person you are leading is yourself. His message of Train as you fight - Fight as you train and Lead By Example epitomizes the Ranger motto “Rangers Lead the Way!” He believes Leadership has never been about the rank or the position you hold. It’s about the example you set. Please join us Thursday to hear a courageous and wise leader.

  • Essential Oils for Physical and Emotional Healing

    18/09/2014 Duração: 56min

    Everything is made up of energy and that energy sends out vibrations into the world, creating healing or pain. In previous shows, we've talked about how vibrations are emitted by sounds, colors, words and thoughts. Essential oils also have healing vibrations with each oil having a specific purpose, just like medicines and foods. A healthy diet involves eating different colored foods because our bodies need the energy that each color carries. We rarely talk about things in terms of vibrations and energy because it's part of the unseen world. But even our bodies emit different vibrations depending on how peaceful or chaotic we are. As we talked about last week, the importance of vibrations has always been known in the spiritual world. Science is bringing this information to light. For example, our aura is just our energy field. Today, we can photograph this energy to prove its existence. Join us this Thursday to learn about the beneficial energy that different essential oils transmit.

  • Your words and thoughts matter

    11/09/2014 Duração: 56min

    What if your thoughts and spoken words were written on a screen over your head and CNN was broadcasting them to the world? Would you be embarrassed or proud? Would you expect congratulatory phone calls or would you worry that you might receive death threats or retaliation? The fact is that our thoughts and words carry energy that we send to our own bodies and into the world. Photographs have been taken of how our thoughts and words can change the vibrations in the air and in water, creating beautiful pictures or ugly ones. There are a lot of things that we cannot control. The recent beheadings of innocent journalists emphasize this reality. But we can control what we say and what we think. And the energy that we put out into the world through our words and thoughts helps to create loving-kindness in our own lives and in the world or negativity. Change does begin with each of us. Join us Thursday to learn how we can express our feelings and still send out positive healing energy.

  • What Yoga Can Do for You

    04/09/2014 Duração: 53min

    Yoga has become hip. People often go for a workout and even scoff at the spiritual component. There are so many variations now that you can barely pass a shopping center without seeing a specialized yoga studio. And yes, it is good for the body's health, strength and flexibility. The fact is, however, that the very definition of yoga is union and that means union of the individual with the Divine. The poses are designed to help you achieve this union, regardless of your intent. It was one of the tools that I used to help me get in touch with my true voice. I used it consciously to connect with my body, to learn to listen, to feel, to pay attention in the moment. But you don't have to make a point of it or even be aware of it. The poses do it for you. It comes to us from Eastern traditions but even the ancient Rabbis schooled in Kabbalah used certain poses to deepen their connection with God. Join us Thursday to discover what yoga can do for you.

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