Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • The Afterlife & Reaching Our Highest Potential on Earth

    21/10/2021 Duração: 56min

    Our spiritual evolution includes an increasing connection to the spiritual realms and awareness of our potential as a soul on the earth plane. Heaven as well as the astral, mental, and etheric dimensions are all part of the spiritual realms. Connecting with these spiritual worlds allows us to uncover our creativity and unique spiritual gifts. Fear is the only thing that separates us from the spiritual dimensions. We are all capable of accessing the heavenly planes, communicating with our guides and angels, our spirits from past lives, our loved ones who have transitioned, the ascended masters, the archangels, and the Divine. The more we know about the spiritual realms, how they work, what they are like, and how we can access them, the easier it will be for us to accelerate our spiritual development. Please join us Thursday to learn more about heaven, the afterlife, and how reaching our highest potential here on earth is essential to our spiritual growth and ascension.

  • Empowering Women to Become Their True Self

    14/10/2021 Duração: 55min

    Men’s way of thinking and doing has dominated our world and the structures in it for centuries. Women were generally excluded until relatively recently when they were allowed to work if they conformed to the dress code and behaviors that men had established. Women have spent so much effort learning how to fit into a male driven culture that they have not had the time or energy to look within. My guest empowers women to discover their authentic selves, passions, morals, values, and skills to create new ways of doing business, making money, defining beauty, and being in the world. Allison wrote: The Motherhood Center is a company with multimillions of dollars of revenue. In one year, without men, we were able to turn the business from losing money to being more than profitable.” The women making the decisions did not have degrees in business. They invented new systems using their native intelligence. Please join us Thursday to discover how women can become true to themselves in their personal and professional l

  • Opening Your Third Eye & Developing Your Psychic Abilities

    07/10/2021 Duração: 56min

    We all have psychic abilities. They are a gift from God that many of us have not opened yet. Some are afraid that psychic abilities are evil. Some were shamed, ridiculed, or dismissed for talking about psychic experiences. Some believe that only a select few have these abilities, Others are so overwhelmed by fear and worry that they can’t access these deep levels of knowing. It’s time for each one of us to acknowledge the fullness of who we are and develop the psychic abilities that will make our lives easier, richer, and more fulfilling. We can all find answers to difficult problems by tuning in to our intuition and trusting our gut feelings. Fear does not have to keep us up at night or stop us in our tracks. We can even remove negative thoughts that plague us. We can all learn who we are on a spiritual level, receive messages from spirit guides, and raise our vibrational frequency. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can expand our awareness and consciousness and become enlightened.

  • Kriya Yoga for Spiritual Growth, Inner Peace & Self-Realization

    30/09/2021 Duração: 55min

    At the age of 15, I developed scoliosis with an S curve in my spine. This condition led to ongoing back pain starting around 30 and lasting for 45 years. During that time, I discovered I could wear magnets to eliminate the pain. That, however, would not have straightened my spine. I knew enough about the importance of the spine and our chakra, or energy centers, to know that I couldn’t be fully healthy and spiritually connected without healing the curve in my spine. I set my intention to heal and started practicing yoga and meditation, and working with practitioners of massage, breathwork, acupuncture, chiropractic, energy medicine, and other spiritual processes. The result has been amazing healing of my mind, body, and spirit with improved physical and mental health and spiritual development. I was not aware of Kriya yoga until now because it has been kept secret with only a select few being initiated by the masters. Dr. Lowenstein’s co-author Andrea Lett writes: “My first lesson in Kriya was to sit up strai

  • Awakening Your Psychic Abilities

    23/09/2021 Duração: 52min

    Psychic abilities are often referred to as a sixth sense. Just like any of our other senses, our psychic sense can be developed. It is not just a gifted few who have access to these abilities. My guest has created a series of mediations to help us awaken and grow our psychic gifts. We can use these talents to clear our chakras, connect with our past lives, meet our spiritual guide, and more. Having easy access to our sixth sense helps us enhance our lives and relationships. We can improve our energy flow, solve problems, enrich the lives of others, and keep out negative influences. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can access the spiritual realm and develop heightened awareness for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.

  • Communicate with Our Animal Companions to Hear Their Wisdom

    16/09/2021 Duração: 56min

    A.A. Milne wrote: “Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though.” We pay attention to their basic needs like when they want to go for a walk or eat or be petted, but do we have conversations with them? Do we even believe that’s possible, and if it is possible, what would they have to tell us anyway? Most of us know chimps and gorillas can communicate with humans using sign language, but their DNA is closer to humans than cats, dogs, or horses. How would our world be different if we opened our minds to the possibility that our animal companions could communicate with us and become our partners, teachers, guides, and healers? Animals may not use words, but they have many ways of communicating through body language, facial expressions, physical movement, barking or meowing to indicate potential danger, fear, unhappiness, joy, etc. I have one client whose dog likes to hear what I am saying during sessions. If he wears headphones, his dog knocks them off his head or sits on the phone. She isn’t intending t

  • Plant Spirit Healing: Communicating with Plants

    09/09/2021 Duração: 57min

    Plants have always held an important place in my heart. I grew up with them and never questioned their rightful place in my home and garden. When my mother was older and living in an apartment, she would lovingly grow African violets from leaves. She would line the fledgling plants up on her windowsill, and when they grew roots, she would plant them in pots and give them as gifts to her friends. It was as normal to have plants in my home as it was to have furniture, and it was equally normal to have plants on my patio and in my backyard garden. It was only later in life that I started to understand the spiritual meaning of plants. I learned about the importance of plants in feng shui and that talking to plants and playing jazz or classical music from 1-3 hours a day helps them grow better. Then research started to appear on the benefits of being around plants, like reduced stress, accelerated healing, and improved relationships, compassion, concentration, and memory. Flowers make us feel happier, secure, and

  • Mindfulness in the Garden: Spiritual Insights

    02/09/2021 Duração: 55min

    My mother and aunt passed down their love of gardening to me and my sister. In her 90’s, when my aunt no longer had her own house, she would take pleasure in working in her son’s garden. It was a way of connecting with nature, relaxing, and creating beauty. I still plant some of their favorite flowers in my garden to help keep their memories alive. When I am trimming back plants or removing weeds, dead foliage, or withered flowers, I think about the cycles of life and what I need to trim back or remove in my own life. Everything has a time and a season. Removing what is no longer needed makes room for new plants in my garden and new opportunities in my life. Paying attention to what is happening in my garden helps me see more clearly what is happening in my life. Even the plants we choose affect us through the energy of their color and their spiritual meaning. For instance, daylilies carry the energy of impermanence, reminding us to appreciate every moment. Please join us Thursday to discover how mindfulness

  • The Fifth Dimension: Path to Higher Consciousness and Healing

    26/08/2021 Duração: 54min

    We are moving into an age of elevated consciousness where healing happens at the convergence of God, Spirituality, and science. My guest, author Kimberly Meredith, is quickly gaining recognition as one of the most gifted medical mediumship healers and spiritual speakers in the world. She discovered her healing gifts after two near death experiences in 2013, which left her in a wheelchair for a year. Not only did she heal herself, but her gifts have been scientifically proven by several highly respected scientific laboratories. Tests run by Dr. Norman Shealy discovered that she emits scalar energy, which is a unique type of energy associated with the gifted inventor Nikola Tesla. Kimberley’s documented healings include removing tumors, restoring hearing, curing cancer, correcting immobility, and completely ridding people of rare diseases and emotional traumas. She wants all of us to have the tools to raise our consciousness and to implement this powerful healing in our own lives. Whether we are wrestling with

  • When We Die: Extraordinary Experiences at Life’s End

    19/08/2021 Duração: 56min

    After my mother’s funeral, my sister told me she wished she could believe in an afterlife like I did. My belief was the result of numerous experiences that made it impossible for me to deny the afterlife. It began when on three separate occasions loved ones and friends appeared to me and asked me to help them transition to the other side. They were having trouble letting go of this world, and for some reason came to me for assistance. Later spirits would come to me with messages to convey to their loved ones. Sometimes I was close with the people and sometimes I was just having a superficial conversation with an acquaintance. I was given details that I couldn’t possibly know, which convinced the people I was relaying the messages to that they were authentic. Many of us have premonitions of death, near-death experiences, and afterlife communication. Some people readily accept these experiences and others think they’re making it up. When we allow ourselves to see the Universe with an open mind, as a place where

  • Medical Reiki: Energy Medicine in the Operating Room and More

    12/08/2021 Duração: 54min

    The medical profession has been growing in their willingness to embrace integrative medicine, and Medical Reiki is part of this evolution in patient care. My guest describes Reiki as “the energy underlying all of life.” Since 2000, Raven has been working alongside world-renowned surgeons in operating rooms using her hands to replenish the patient’s life force energy, which has been depleted by illness. Negative energy is released and the positive loving energy of the Universe flows into the patient. The medical profession calls this energy medicine and Reiki practitioners call it universal life force energy. Raven writes: “Albert Einstein’s famous theory of special relativity states that energy and matter are interchangeable and are forever in play with one another. Medical Reiki is the energy in the universe underlying all of life that positively affects matter (the human body) with the inherent power of its love. When I share my practice with a person who is ill, the infusion of primal universal energy is r

  • Pathways and Practices to Strengthen Our Soul

    05/08/2021 Duração: 54min

    When we reconnect with our soul, we can experience the world from the perspective of the soul. We can discover what it means to live in the now and to be present with our inner and outer worlds. Negativity, which is toxic and drains our energy is replaced with positivity, which heals and increases our energy. From the vantage point of the soul, we can experience life with deep joy and fulfillment. Neale Lundgren says: “In these uncertain times, everyone feels chaos, uncertainty, and fear. What we need is a map and a means for connecting to our deepest selves as a bridge to the positive in one another. The underlying theme of my book is to unite those forces within ourselves that unfortunately divide unless we learn how to use and channel them. The thing that everyone can do to help solve the global problem is to rid oneself of negativity and neurosis.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to easily incorporate ancient spiritual technologies like breathing exercises, visualizations, affirmations, and more into

  • Floatation Tanks Are Changing People's Lives and The World

    29/07/2021 Duração: 54min

    Professional athletes from the NBA and NFL, business leaders, celebrities, and creative professionals have been using floatation tanks for years. The benefits are well-documented, and include stress relief, rebooting the brain, and feeling a calm that lasts. Floatation tanks help people experience reduced stress and anxiety, muscle relief, improved focus, and an enhanced sense of well-being. The profound relaxation and peace people feel even stays with them during moments of extreme stress. Many people achieve deep meditative states, and Navy Seals decrease the amount of time it takes to become fluent in a language from months to weeks. Flotation tanks are a good way to unplug from the onslaught of technology and noise in our busy world. Commercial float centers are common across the United States and around the world making it easy for people to experience floating as an occasional treat or on a continuous basis. Please join us Thursday to learn more about flotation tanks and how we can all benefit by using

  • Ancient Wisdom Gained From Past Life Memories

    22/07/2021 Duração: 55min

    Love is the very essence of our being, all of life, and the Universe. When we recognize this, we are in harmony with ourselves, those around us, and all that is. Dena begins her new book by describing her life in 9th century BCE India when the clan her mother led lived in harmony with each other and nature. It was a time of peace and great joy. Although it is hard to imagine in our current world, we are moving into another period of peace, harmony, and joy. All the current turmoil is a sign of great change. While reading this excerpt, update it to current times and imagine what life would be like if we apply the principles she describes: “My mother once took the whole clan to a small river not far from us where we got our water. She told us that if we stopped the flow of water, the area downstream would dry up and other life forms would die, and we would be responsible. Similarly, if we took more than we needed from the forest, the flow of the life force would slow to a trickle, causing distress in other area

  • Navigating Through Grief and Coming Out Feeling Renewed

    15/07/2021 Duração: 53min

    Grief is complicated. There is no one way or right way to grieve. We each have our own process. We may go through Kubler Ross’s five stages of grief, or we may experience grief in our own unique way. We will most certainly go through several layers of grieving. At times, thoughts and emotions will arise seemingly out of nowhere. Other times, a familiar smell, a song on the radio, or certain words will bring back memories, smiles, or tears. Grief has no timeline. It is complete when it’s done with us, not when we decide we should be finished. We can make the process easier and more meaningful when we face it consciously. My guest will share ways to find joy and gratitude in dark moments; how to use writing to help navigate through grief; and what mindful grieving is, and the role meditation can play in its practice. Please join us this Thursday to discover how to move through the grieving process to come out of it feeling renewed.

  • Anticipate the Future, Make the Best Choices & Thrive on Change

    08/07/2021 Duração: 54min

    What if you could see into your future and determine your best course of action? “Just imagine if you had tools to give you the edge, to steer you in the right direction and filter out erroneous information, leaving you to focus fully on exactly what you need to know. Imagine being able to anticipate the future and know where you are heading, what you need to be doing, and even creating your own innovations,” writes Anne. To help you do this, Anne has developed 10 strategies with practical exercises that combine hypnosis, visualization, and intuition work. Her process is supported by scientific research and case studies. The world is changing rapidly, and you can stay ahead of the change. Here are examples of Anne’s 10 strategies: Be guided by your intuition: how intuition works and affects you personally; Use your brains: how the body has three brains and ways to tap into the wisdom of each to make effective decisions; and stretch time: ways to make time work for you, rather than against you, by slowing down

  • Unconditional Self-Love: Strategies that Work

    01/07/2021 Duração: 53min

    “Unconditional love permits me to know what is true about me: I am right to be here! I am right to love myself! By grace alone, I am worthy.” Regina has discovered one of the most important truths of existence. It is easy to blame others for our unhappiness, our difficult circumstances, and our pain. I know because I did that for many years. It was only when I stopped blaming and started taking responsibility for my choices that my life began to change. No matter how bad it feels or how old we are, we can always choose to take back our power, forgive ourselves, love ourselves, and move forward into our best life. My guest went from living in over 30 foster homes and a psychiatric treatment center to putting herself through college with a scholarship and creating several successful small businesses. We can choose not to let our past define us. Regina writes: “No matter our walk of life, in my experience we always have the opportunity to expand our consciousness, come into awareness of our full potential, and g

  • Shed Self-Doubt, Love Yourself, and Create a Fulfilling Life

    24/06/2021 Duração: 55min

    Insecurities and self-doubt are the hidden plague that eat away at our joy from the inside. We create an image of who we think we should be or who we think will allow us to be accepted by others. We all want to be loved to fill the hole within ourselves. The money, the recognition, the marriage or whatever it is we think will bring us joy, fulfillment, or peace doesn’t until we face our true Selves and build our self-confidence and self-love from the inside. When it’s authentic, and not just posturing, self-confidence will boost our optimism, resilience, and courage and help us build a life of joy and fulfillment. “Imagine a life that isn’t about how to ‘get this’ or ‘do that’ but instead about being the person who naturally attracts all that your heart desires,” writes Kate. “Increased performance and resilience, more meaningful relationships, newfound confidence and well-being, true fulfillment, and fun are available to you when you get your spirit in shape.” Please join us Thursday to discover how to shed

  • Becoming an Empowered Empath: Leading with Sensitivity and Heart

    17/06/2021 Duração: 54min

    “You’re too sensitive,” they said. In my late 50’s, I discovered why: I am an empath. I didn’t know what to do with the negative energy I absorbed from people, my environment, and the world. I developed physical conditions and illnesses and often felt tired and emotionally overwhelmed. Clearing out the negative energy, healing from the harm that was caused, and learning how to set emotional and energetic boundaries has changed my life. My guest, Wendy writes: “Your gift as an empath is that you feel what's true. You are connected to the subtle and can see beneath the layers…By expanding your capacity to embody your empathic gift, you become uniquely equipped to show others how to experience their authentic feelings and help heal the planet…we need empowered empaths who can give voice to what is unspoken, bring to light what is hidden, and heal what is suppressed.” Please join us Thursday to learn how empaths help us transform our consciousness with deep wisdom, sensitivity, and heart.

  • Break Free of Addiction with Help from Jewish Wisdom

    10/06/2021 Duração: 55min

    Almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, but only 10% get treatment, and 300 million people worldwide abuse alcohol. Addictions have gotten worse during the pandemic, including eating disorders in children. Denial is a major barrier to seeking help. In addition to the addict, family members and communities can be in denial. Growing up I had two alcoholic uncles, which no one in the family, except me, seemed to notice. One died in his fifties of cirrhosis of the liver. His sisters insisted he died because the hospital was understaffed during the Thanksgiving holiday. My other uncle would tell his sisters he was sober, and they would believe him even when they saw him sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand. They protected their brothers partially because they believed the myth that Jews aren’t alcoholics. We are all human and susceptible to addiction. Please join us Thursday to see how we can admit the truth, heal, and lead a full life with the help of Jewish wisdom.

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