Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Reclaim & Rebuild Your Life After Adversity, Change or Trauma

    03/06/2021 Duração: 55min

    We have all experienced trauma, loss, and grief. Usually these are individual experiences of adversity. Recently, however, we have had shared trauma due to the pandemic, hate crimes, mass shootings, climate change, and economic uncertainty. How we get through these traumas determines whether we are able to heal and thrive. My guest has experienced numerous traumas including kidney disease, mental illness, an incapacitating car accident, cancer, betrayal, divorce, loss of home and more. Because of her own losses as well as her work as a hospital chaplain, she can show us how to be as positive as possible and how to get through adversity when positivity isn’t enough. Life provides us with challenges. How we respond determines the quality of our lives. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can grieve our losses, regain our emotional and physical strength, and find our new normal.

  • Faeries are Real: Connect with their Magic, Power & Joy

    27/05/2021 Duração: 55min

    Kac writes: “In either this life or a past incarnation, faeries became one with the purest energy and spirit of creation and now travel through the gates between the material and spiritual worlds, bringing ancient knowledge with them. They live in a reality where their souls are connected to what the ancients knew and we have forgotten. Their role is to bring that awareness back to us, and they will stay as long as it takes for us to believe. It may seem to us that they perform acts of magic, but the truth is we are all capable of magic and we are simply out of the practice of using our primordial gifts. Faeries can only exist where and when people believe in magic. What do you believe?” Stories of faeries are prevalent in cultures across the world from ancient times to present. Please join us Thursday to learn the rules of faery life, what trees and plants attract faeries, and rituals to connect with faeries and experience the wisdom and magic they can bring into our lives.

  • Overcoming the Past and Living a Life of Joy and Fulfillment

    20/05/2021 Duração: 56min

    “What does it mean to live a spark filled life? It means waking up to a morning full of possibility and potential that you intentionally plug into. It means moving past your past and leaning in fully to the present moment to create the kind of future you want, full of joy, abundance, and magical moments. When you live a spark filled life, you let go of old, limiting beliefs and adopt new ones that ignite your spirit and heal your heart. It's focusing on what you want to create in your life and then taking the action to make it happen. There is an amazing life available to you and you hold the flame within you to ignite your best life.” (From The Spark: Igniting Your Best Life) Stephanie also says: “Your life was meant to be a beautiful expression of the things that light you up! As you live your dreams, you give others permission to do the same.” Join us Thursday to learn how to deal with difficult emotions and thoughts, turmoil, and life transitions, and live with joy and fulfillment.

  • Becoming Your Best Self: Quantum Activation

    13/05/2021 Duração: 53min

    Quantum physics supports the spiritual beliefs that nothing happens by chance and everything in the Universe connects to create the unique reality of each person on the planet. My guest says: “If I’ve learned one thing…, it is that everything that life gives us is a gift! Even the good, bad, and ugly. Another key insight is that there is no such thing as negativity, only a lack of positive perception…Negative obstacles we experience in life can present opportunities for change. Obstacles can be the secret energetic catalysts for your personal transformation.” We now know that trauma can be passed down through our DNA, our own past lives can influence our current life, depression can be a result of external or internal causes, obesity can be caused by abuse, family belief systems and experiences can be passed down as limitations, and family secrets can be obstacles. Please join us Thursday to learn new techniques for using obstacles to become our best self and achieve our goals.

  • Living Fully Awake and Open

    06/05/2021 Duração: 54min

    Staying open, vulnerable, and accepting in the face of pain, hardship, grief, and fear sounds too hard. That’s our mind trying to protect our heart. In fact, it’s doing the exact opposite. Life is easier when we stop blocking our feelings and the truth of our experiences. In doing us, we allow ourselves to be fully human and experience all aspects of life. Resistance increases the very thing we are trying to avoid. Being open to what is happening, enables us to move through it with grace. We all have ways to protect ourselves from being open. We keep so busy that we don’t have time to process our feelings, or we use text messages instead of calling to avoid dealing with our own reaction to upsetting news or the other person’s reaction. Awareness is the first step in change. Once we become aware that we are prolonging our pain by trying to avoid it, we can choose to make new choices and to stay open. Please join us Thursday to learn how to live being fully awake and open.

  • The Power of the Labyrinth

    29/04/2021 Duração: 54min

    I discovered The Labyrinth when I was having trouble hearing my inner wisdom, silencing the confusion in my mind, and making healthy decisions. The way I was showing up in my life wasn’t working for me anymore, but I didn’t know what to do instead. The Labyrinth helped me release stuck emotions and outmoded ways of thinking and behaving, hear the Divine, and become more of my true self. I walked the Labyrinth often, bought a small finger Labyrinth to use at home, went on retreats, and led groups on Labyrinth walks. Each experience was unique and always profound. Businesses build teams and solve challenging problems. Families become closer and get spiritual guidance to work through difficult problems. Others receive physical healing. Mostly people use it for contemplation, spiritual wisdom, and to heal their heart, mind, and soul. Please join us Thursday to learn how the Labyrinth can heal, guide, and support us in our growth and evolution as individuals and groups.

  • Shamanic Mysteries of Peru: Love, Reciprocity, Gratitude

    22/04/2021 Duração: 53min

    Machu Picchu is familiar to most of us. The Andes is also home to several equally important sacred places with a rich shamanic tradition from the Incas. Their power is even greater today due to changes in the earth’s vibrational field in the Andes. The higher frequencies are creating a planetary shift in consciousness there that is opening our hearts globally. We are preparing to receive the energies of joy, sweetness, and freedom. The pandemic and the resulting lockdown gave the earth, plants, animals, and our air quality time to recover and regenerate. It also gave us an opportunity to slow down, examine our lives, determine what is most important to us, who we are, and why we are here. The Andean shamanic tradition helps us connect to our authentic self and the universal principles of love, reciprocity, and gratitude. Please join us Thursday to discover how these traditions can guide us to a new level of consciousness that is collective, joyful, and soul-based.

  • Manage Your Menopause Naturally: Reclaiming Well-Being

    15/04/2021 Duração: 53min

    According to a recent Mayo Clinic Survey, most doctors don’t feel properly educated to help women during menopause. In addition, 96% of women lack education about what is happening in their own bodies and 55% don’t even try to manage their symptoms. Maryon Stewart writes. “My six-week Natural Menopause Solution can take you from feeling stressed, washed out, irritable, tired, and confused by hormonal turmoil to feeling sexy, wise, intuitive, calm, and brimming with happy hormones.” Based on scientific research, her program shows women how to alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause while protecting themselves from future problems like osteoporosis, heart disease, and memory loss. There’s no need to suffer with hot flashes, brain fog, mood swings, painful sex, weight gain, and insomnia. Please join us Thursday to learn how women can reclaim their wellbeing and enter a new period of empowerment without resorting to drugs or hormones.

  • Healing Through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness

    08/04/2021 Duração: 55min

    The Dalai Lama endorsed my guest: “The Chiron Effect will greatly benefit readers.” That caught my attention because I had been looking for someone who I trust to talk about astrology. Lisa shows us how to use the astrological placement of the planet Chiron in our birth chart to identify the core wounds and unconscious patterns that block our capacity for self-empathy and forgiveness. I used her guide to find my core wound, and she was correct about it and about my healed self. In a few simple words she described my journey from an “underdeveloped sense of self and codependency to artistic, expressive, and creative.” I wish I had had her book years ago. It would have given me the information and tools I needed to heal. She even described methods I eventually discovered on my own to shift self-destructive patterns, learn to protect yourself, and forgive myself. Please join us Thursday to see how Chiron placement can help us end suffering and self-sabotage, heal, and be self-empowered.

  • Happiness in 3 Minutes a Day: GAIN Without Pain

    01/04/2021 Duração: 57min

    When his son died, grief took Dr. Hammer to a dark place. His journey led him to create the GAIN Without Pain method, which helps all of us live with happiness. He writes: “to get back to my true nature…I began to consider myself fortunate to have had 29 years with my beautiful boy...My heart warmed with gratitude. I felt grateful for the wonderful daughter who was very much still full of life and personality...Thankful for my health and prosperity, for the opportunity to work at a place as wonderful as Packard Children's Hospital. Grateful for my family and so many wonderful colleagues and friends. Instead of trying to push my feelings aside, I began to sit with the pain…to be present and happy, I needed to accept the pain--that acceptance meant letting go of the resistance that amplifies suffering.” Please join us Thursday to learn how GAIN--Gratitude, Acceptance, Intention, and Nonjudgment--can help you become healthier, happier, less stressed, and more resilient in 3 minutes a day.

  • The Key to Attracting Your Ideal Partner: Become "The One"

    25/03/2021 Duração: 55min

    Many of us get into a serious relationship and marry before we know who we are. We assume the other person will complete us. If we’re lucky, that person will grow with us and support us in becoming our true selves. When that is not the case, we can choose a different path and stop hiding the parts of ourselves that are not acceptable within our current relationship. When we heal the wounded parts of ourselves and find the strength to discover and live the best parts of ourselves, the perfect partner will appear. Allana writes: “Dating from empty doesn’t work. Dating as the fullness of you simply requires choosing what would delight you, then putting one foot in front of the other, integrating challenges as you go, keeping your vibration coherent to the best of your ability, enjoying support that shows up miraculously until you literally walk right into your ideal match.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to Become The One, know you belong, and keep a healthy intimate relationship.

  • Finding Joy in Tough Times

    18/03/2021 Duração: 54min

    Living during a pandemic is a lot like being a firefighter. My guest writes: “Life brings with it anxiety, suffering, and tragedy; stuff happens. The world feels a mess. Our lives turn on that dime. Yet we each have the ability and the capacity to find joy…If we accept life for what it is, with no illusions, if we can keep our perspective when all around us individuals are losing theirs, if we take as fact that we will suffer and grieve, and finally, if we deeply commit to the understanding that the highest calling is service to others, then we have a shot at finding joy. This is what being a volunteer firefighter has taught me, and I want to share these lessons with you. Be brave. Be kind. Fight fires.” Life is uncertain, and we have never known when the unwelcome will occur. How we respond to what happens, more than the events themselves, defines the quality of our lives. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can find joy by living every day with calm, resilience, and optimism.

  • Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress and Chronic Illness

    11/03/2021 Duração: 54min

    Energy healing gets to the source of the problem rather than managing the symptoms. It looks at psychological problems and physical illness from a different perspective than counselors and medical doctors. When we understand we are made up of energy that is flexible and in motion, we realize we can shift the energy and heal. Research shows our cells hold trauma, which is often the source of chronic illness. To heal the illness, we must heal the damage the trauma has caused. Energy healing is often the missing piece. We can even heal the trauma of the pandemic. My guest has created numerous techniques you can use on your own. Some of the exercises involve color, sound, chakras, auras, releasing negative energies, and aligning with spirit guides. She recommends using her methods as part of a holistic approach, which can include counseling, medical treatment or consultation, and alternative medicine. Please join us Thursday to learn about the tools you need to heal into a full life.

  • The Joys of Fostering Dogs: Love and Trust

    04/03/2021 Duração: 54min

    Dogs bring love and joy into our lives. Science shows many benefits of having dogs: lowers blood pressure and heart rate; decreases loneliness, stress, and doctor visits; increases happiness and social interactions; staves off depression; lowers a child’s chance of becoming allergic to pets; gives people a reason to get up; and increases exercise and cognitive function. Here are some of my guest’s fondest memories of fostering dogs: comforting a 4-week-old sick puppy by rocking him like a baby and talking to him while he was gazing into her eyes; “realizing that Tiny Todd’s sweet brothers were finding ways to include that dear little pup born with challenges that made him unable to play the regular ways;” and receiving emails from adoptive parents sent weeks, months, and years after adoption filled with photos and messages like, “we love her so much” and “can’t imagine life without him.” Please join us Thursday to hear heart-warming and humorous stories about fostering dogs.

  • Helping Our Children Learn During the Pandemic

    25/02/2021 Duração: 55min

    Our children’s education is suffering because of the pandemic. The current emphasis on distance learning has left teachers at a loss, forced children to be responsible for much of their own learning, and has thrown parents into the role of teacher. Everyone is struggling to figure out how to manage during this unprecedented time. Some parents are hiring tutors and coaches for their children, but not everyone has the money or the ability to access these services. A much better solution is to equip teachers and parents with the knowledge and skills to keep their children focused on the online learning activities. Children of all ages can get excited about distance learning and managing their schoolwork. Learning these skills will help them become more effective in solving daily challenges. Please join us Thursday to discover how to help our children thrive in this new learning environment.

  • Overwhelmed and Over It: Staying Centered in a Chaotic World

    11/02/2021 Duração: 56min

    Women have been trained to be nurturers, care givers, and emotional support systems for everyone around them, at work, at home, and in the community. The result is that women take on too much and give too much until they are depleted. I remember changing my attitude and behavior when someone said to me: “If the well is dry, you have nothing to give.” I slowly began to realize that life is about giving and receiving. There must be a give and take, a balance between the two if we are to have a full and healthy life. Especially in this time of Covid-19, there is added stress on every family. Women are the emotional center of the family and are taking on the bulk of that stress. Changing long engrained patterns takes commitment, support, and patience. Please join us Thursday to discover how to stop blocking support and how to ask for and accept it when it is offered, thereby creating real balance, harmony, and peace.

  • Radical Intuition: Developing and Using Your Inner Power

    04/02/2021 Duração: 54min

    My guest says: “Radical Intuition is an all-new way of understanding intuition. This ‘new school’ intuition challenges the fundamental nature of consciousness. It invites you to open your mind — and discover a revolutionary, new reality beyond “thinking” as we know it. This is a radical change in the way we understand and live in the world. As we learn to honor intuition over our critical minds – to honor our inner truth over the conditioning of the world – we are able to free our minds, once and for all, and reclaim the extraordinary power that awaits inside.” As we discard what others have told us we should and shouldn’t be, can and can’t do, we can discover our true selves. To do so, we must go deep inside, listen to our intuition, and trust it. Because of Covid-19, we have the quiet time to uncover who we really are and what our true path is. Please join us Thursday to learn how to connect with and develop your inner knowing.

  • Seven Truths for Creating Well-Being and Connecting with Spirit

    28/01/2021 Duração: 54min

    “Your feelings are your compass,” writes Diana in her new book. “As I worked with this simple yet powerful truth, I realized that if I feel good, I am good — even when the circumstances and events in my outer world don’t unfold exactly as I would like them to. This truth also gave me a new perspective when it comes to what other people are feeling or experiencing. It offered a healthy vantage point that helped me to stop taking responsibility for the emotions and feelings of others. It helped me give myself a break. With better energetic boundaries, I made some rules for myself that you might find useful, too.” Her seven truths will help you think positively, live pain free, and in Jack Canfield’s words: “live the life you have always dreamed of.” Please join us Thursday to begin a relationship with your spirit guide that will help you transform your life and become self-empowered.

  • Root Out the Negative Voices and Achieve Your Goals

    21/01/2021 Duração: 55min

    The internet is filled with simplistic advice on how to achieve goals. When we don’t succeed, we often feel defeated, depressed, anxious, and self-critical, all of which is misguided. The truth is that we have conflicting voices in our head. Some are supportive and some are critical. Some want us to move forward and others are feeding us information that cause us to question our capabilities, motives, commitment, time availability, etc. Some voices will throw out roadblocks that make our goals seem unattainable. These negative voices often sound like they’re helping us avoid pain when they are preventing us from experiencing joy. To move forward, we must discover which voices are harmful and which are helpful. We can then enlist the helpful parts of ourselves to accomplish the goals that will bring us the greatest inner rewards. Please join us Thursday to learn how to identify what is imprisoning you and free yourself to reach that elusive goal.

  • What to Expect and How to Navigate 2021: Focus on Positive Change

    14/01/2021 Duração: 53min

    Do you want to know what’s in store for 2021 and what to look for from President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris? This is a year of positive change, progress, and building back our country. Everything has energy, including numbers. That’s why I have Alice on at the beginning of every year. She gives us valuable information on how to use the dominant energies of the year to our advantage. When we are in sync with the Universal energies, our lives flow with more ease, joy, and grace. Last year, Alice told us that the more we are positive and truthful in loving ways, the better our lives will be. On Wednesday, we saw how Trump’s lies hurt America and the world. She also said we could build something big to help society through hard work, cooperation, negotiation, partnership, and creating consensus. We saw how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris worked together to create a new kind of partnership to help America. Please join us Thursday to learn how to successfully navigate 2021.

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