Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Kickass Recovery: From Your First Year Clean to the Life of Your Dreams

    13/08/2020 Duração: 53min

    Millions of people are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Getting sober is easier than staying sober. Billy Manas says: “Myself, and many people I knew, relapsed shortly after celebrating a year of sobriety. I always felt like this was because in 12-step programs, all of the support and fanfare tends to go away after the first year celebration. The only way I was able to stay with it for so long this time around was because I created my own fanfare after my celebration. I set up goals and pursued dreams in a very meaningful way.” Billy believes when we’re obsessive about what we want and why we want it, the “how” emerges on its own. “Getting in touch with our dreams that have been deferred for most of our adult lives, and seeing them come true through our own effort, goes beyond fun. It is the purest joy one can experience,” Please join us Thursday to learn how to stay sober and live a life of joy by tracking goals, inspiration, asking for help, gratitude, service, humility and meditation.

  • 21 Days to the Love of Your Life

    06/08/2020 Duração: 55min

    COVID-19 has been especially hard on people who want to find a partner. We can meet people safely with proper precautions. Loneliness and desperation, however, could lead to settling for someone who is not right for you. Because this 21-Day process generated such wonderful results, it was passed around quietly from friend to friend until Kac made it into a book. As the love of her life wrote: “Everyone in and out of a relationship should do this process. 21 days is a small investment for a lifetime of happiness. Look what I got!” Kac describes this as “a spiritual and psychological process of self-evaluation, emotional and mental clarity, internal examination, faith in yourself and trust in the power of the Universe to deliver exactly what you claim.” Everyone who commits to the full 21-day process is successful in finding the love of their life. That’s a powerful claim backed up by experience. Please join us to learn more about the process and how it works, even during COVID-19.

  • Centering the Mind: Healing Stress, Anxiety, Depression, ADD, OCD & PTSD

    30/07/2020 Duração: 54min

    Covid-19 has created a mental and emotional health crisis. As if fear of catching the virus weren’t enough, many people have lost their jobs and/or homes. Parents are having to figure out how to help their children with homework and some can’t work because they don’t have proper childcare. This has led to increased reports of domestic violence and child abuse and more people seeking help for emotional and mental problems. In Dr. Christopher Macklin’s words: “People are worried, stressed and feeling hopeless and without a clue that they are divine beings. And...we are seeing that there is a major increase in Anxiety, ADD, PTSD, Depression and OCD. We can, through energetic/emotional means and holistic techniques heal these issues and restore balance to the mind and brain AND to people's lives. In this way people can begin to live as the divine beings they came to be.” Please join us Thursday to learn how we can heal anxiety, ADD, PTSD, Depression and OCD without drugs.

  • Walking With Angels: Discovering Your Life Purpose

    23/07/2020 Duração: 55min

    Thirty years ago, Keith Leon S. was told that he would write a book that would change people’s lives. What makes this message noteworthy is that the angels delivered it. They went on to say that anyone who held the book in their hands would be raised to their next vibrational level. Keith has witnessed time reversing and several times when angels saved his life. He will help us: discover that there are earthbound angels among us; get tools to communicate with our own angels and guides; learn how to open our hearts and create miracles in our lives; and receive insight to reveal our own life path and purpose. Jack Canfield writes: “I’ve known Keith Leon S. for more than thirteen years, and it has always been clear to me that his purpose is to deeply and positively touch the lives of anyone and everyone he meets.” Please join us Thursday to hear Keith’s story, be inspired by his bravery and perseverance in overcoming adversity and to open your heart to all possibilities.

  • The Celestine Prophecy: Break-Through to Your Best Self

    16/07/2020 Duração: 55min

    In 1993, The Celestine Prophecy helped me wake up to what life can be. In today’s world, is this future really possible; and are the Spiritual Experiences depicted truly available to all of us? Redfield says, yes, and we can even break-through to our best Self. He believes that with the energy of the new generations, we are ready to move from Insight to Ability to sustain higher awareness. Here are some of the ideas he will share with us: proven suggestions for living and integrating all the key experiences that make up an inspired life; how to increase your synchronicity, higher intuitive connection, and good karma; how to heal relationships, discover a life-inspiring sense of mission, a stronger power of intention, and integrate them all into an enhanced, purposeful life. Please join us Thursday to learn how to transcend emotional pain with an inspired New Self that allows you to let go of your old defensive habits and move forward with techniques more effective than talking.

  • Creating the Life You Love: Embracing the Magic Within

    09/07/2020 Duração: 56min

    We all have the power to access the magic within ourselves and create a fulfilling life. Shelly believes our lives can feel mundane as we go through the motions of being human, often functioning on auto-pilot. In today’s time of chaos and upheaval, a lot of us have become anxious and stressed or numb to avoid feeling the fear. Shelly offers an alternative and invites us to consciously bring our body, mind and spirit into alignment with the expression of our true self. In her words, “We have the opportunity to activate, embody and embrace all of our magical Divine being through an intentional and conscious practice of connection, communication and creation.” Shelly uses positivity, authenticity, inspiration, words of wisdom and personal stories to intentionally help us acknowledge and integrate this expansive, magical energy to live a heart-centered life of passion, presence and purpose. Please join us Thursday to learn how to live the life you love and to truly shine.

  • The Shaman's Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life

    02/07/2020 Duração: 56min

    Indigenous peoples foretold the upheaval and chaos we are experiencing now as part of a worldwide shift into higher consciousness. Leaders, teachers, healers and lightworkers are being prepared to usher in, as Jonathan says, “new ways of being—ways that include cooperation, generosity, sustainability, compassion, and love.” To do so, we must first attend to our own healing. Jonathan explains “…Shamanism is not ‘spooky’ or ‘other-worldly.’ It is a practical, down-to-earth, spiritual path that was designed to help us learn to live and love well.” It helps us transform our thoughts, intentions and beliefs into ways to heal ourselves. We can use these tools to heal trauma, pain and dysfunctional patterns, achieving wholeness, harmony and an openness to love. As co-creators of the world, we then energetically spread the love to others and the world. Please join us Thursday to hear why the current upheaval is important and how we can heal ourselves and the world with powerful Shamanic tools.

  • Thinking for Ourselves: Liberating the Mind

    25/06/2020 Duração: 55min

    “Throughout history, thinkers…have been crippled by an ingrained bias toward their own views and the views of their preferred social groups” writes Dr. Elder. A current example is a popular video on LinkedIn, which supposedly reveals the secret to making a lot of money as a coach during Covid-19. His advice is that since people want certainty, coaches should sell expensive packages guaranteeing people certainty. It makes sense if you don’t think critically about life, business or coaching and if you value making money over integrity and truly helping others. Since the only certainty is that change is inevitable, coaches need to help people develop strategies to let go of what isn’t working for them, be flexible, accept change, go with the flow, and flourish in the midst of the chaos of change by embracing it and discovering the silver linings. Please join us Thursday to learn how, like Socrates, we can live the examined life, even in times of upheaval and doubt.

  • The Spiritual Side of the Coronavirus

    18/06/2020 Duração: 58min

    Every generation has painful times. They get our attention to help us find what we need to clear and change. This pandemic is for good and good alone. When humanity has learned what it needs to, it will pass and we will become a more loving, compassionate and kind world with respect and love for all people. Learn and grow from this pandemic by finding the hidden truths within yourself that haven’t surfaced until now. Each experience has a silver lining. Find yours. We can accept what we don’t like and can’t change and move into a new design for our lives, or we can stay stuck in the past, being miserable and resentful. Accept the grace of this pandemic, the fresh waters of a new day. Roll with the currents and see what this new world could be like with an equal playing field for all. Embrace the change. Come together, united and on the same team: Team Humanity. All for one and one for all. Please join us Thursday to discover the love, joy and blessing of bringing in a new world.

  • Using the Energy in Your Body to Heal Yourself

    11/06/2020 Duração: 55min

    By using energy, I have avoided several surgeries and cured many physical conditions, including a painful bladder condition that doctors couldn’t even diagnosis. My scoliosis was so severe that the top specialists threatened me with my body folding in on itself and suffocating me if I didn’t put a medal rod up my spine. Instead, I chose to heal with energy, and today my spine is almost normal. Not only did it not get worse, it went against gravity and got better. Energy healing is based on the knowledge that our body is made up of energy. “Using a vocabulary of light, sound, vibration, imagery, sensation, and other messaging, your body, mind, and spirit are talking with one another, adjusting your physical self to match your thoughts, influencing your thoughts to recognize the needs of your body, and embodying the urgings of your spirit,” writes Ellen. Please join us Thursday to learn how you have already been using this language of energy and can build on that base to heal your body.

  • The Fall and Rise of the Sacred Feminine in Judeo-Christian Tradition

    04/06/2020 Duração: 55min

    Until relatively recently, growing up in the Judeo-Christian tradition meant experiencing religion as male dominated. Men were the religious leaders and we prayed to a male God. Historical research tells us that this is not how our religions started. Goddess worship was prominent in the early days of Judaism, including the goddess Asherah, Yahweh’s wife, who was worshipped openly in the Jerusalem Temple. After King Josiah and Prophet Jeremiah, the worship of goddesses became heresy, and women were blamed for God’s wrath. In early Christianity, the authors show how, in the first century AD, Jesus tried to bring back the goddess-worshipping religion of the Israelites. The Church, however, rewrote history to erase the feminine aspect of the faith, ignoring Jesus’s real message and again marginalizing women. Please join us Thursday to learn the disastrous consequences of the removal of the feminine aspect and how we have been craving the return of the Sacred Feminine for millennia.

  • Intimate Relationships: Managing Conflict for Unprecedented Closeness

    28/05/2020 Duração: 56min

    My guest will share specific, couple-tested solutions to the most common struggles couples face-- both the small troubles and the more serious dilemmas of communication, like gridlock, betrayal, and apparently unsolvable differences. Linda uses her own thirty-five-year marriage to guide couples through challenging issues like loss of sexual energy, dealing with traits that went from endearing to annoying, and the many ways that family history and personality type can interfere with a successful relationship. “When you know how to navigate the storms, conflict can lead to understanding and even closeness that makes your relationship even better than it was before,” writes Linda. “In most cases, the Love Skills process will help you to rediscover the original promise of your relationship and offer you a road map for traveling this rewarding and challenging path.” Please join us Thursday to learn about the 5 stages of a relationship and how to navigate conflict to bring you closer.

  • Why Journalism is Important to the Survival of Our Democracy

    21/05/2020 Duração: 55min

    It was immediately known that there had been deaths, but the initial report was that the deaths were of Guardsmen, based on a misunderstanding by a United Press International reporter,” Alex Jones, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist writes in the foreword to my guest’s book. “That wrong information was circulated instantly throughout the nation by other newspapers. The Beacon Journal’s reporter on the scene said it was four students who had been killed. The issue was fraught, as one version of events had the students firing on the Guardsmen. But the editors went with their own reporter’s version of truth. They stood virtually alone, and risked ridicule if not contempt. But they were correct.” Please join us Thursday when we explore: What is the role of truth in the media? Can you trust the news you’re seeing and hearing? If not, how do you equip yourself with the information you need? Why is journalism, especially local journalism, so important to the survival of our democracy?

  • Manifesting Your Dreams with Just Pen and Paper

    14/05/2020 Duração: 56min

    The first time I used a vision board to manifest what I wanted, I noticed that it worked really fast. Unfortunately it was bringing me the literal pictures I had cut out of magazines, like an expensive yellow suit jacket, instead of what I really wanted, which was becoming a successful business woman like the one wearing the beautiful jacket. I immediately tore it down. My guest challenges the century-old teachings of manifesting, science, and positive thinking, creating a process that really works. Ted Allen, Food Network’s Chopped, praises scripting as a “system of strategies to figure out what you really want your life to become, and to make it happen.” Royce understands the science behind his process, including quantum mechanics, the nature of time, and the fascinating world of memetics. Please join us Thursday to hear Royce talk about his scripting process which bridges the gap between science and spirituality and introduces an updated approach to New Thought.

  • Animal Soul Contracts: Sacred Agreements for Shared Evolution

    07/05/2020 Duração: 56min

    Tammy is a returning guest for good reason. We had such a great conversation on and off air that she asked me if I would read her new book and write a testimonial. I did so with great pleasure. This is what I wrote: “Profound and enlightening! Animal Soul Contracts is a true gift to all of us with beloved animals in our past, present, or future. Tammy takes our animal relationships to a whole new level: soul contracts, past lives, karma, and their easy connection to the Divine. She enriches our lives and helps us heal, replacing fear, anxiety, grief and guilt with love, peace, and meaning.” Tammy’s passion is to raise awareness of the higher purpose in every animal and human experience, ailment and issue, and explore the capacity to expedite healing for all beings. Tammy wants to see all beings be free, thriving and forever joyful. Please join us this Thursday to learn how our human and animal souls choose our experiences together to create the potential for transformation and healing.

  • Verifiable Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials

    30/04/2020 Duração: 53min

    Last year, the news media began reporting irrefutable evidence of UFO’s. There are even specially trained people within our government who communicate directly with aliens who have visited our planet or who have gotten stranded here when their ships crashed. Until recently the news media were forbidden to report these encounters believing that the public would not be able to handle the information. Now even more is being revealed. My guest’s new book presents his extensive research with verifiable evidence of a comprehensive military history of armed confrontations between humans and extraterrestrials in the 20th and 21st centuries. This is no longer solely the realm of science fiction. Many aliens come here from more advanced civilizations with a mission to help us grow. It is also true, however, that not all aliens are friendly. Please join us Thursday to learn more about the alien military encounters over the past century.

  • Healing Yourself and the Planet by Listening to Earths Voice

    23/04/2020 Duração: 56min

    What if the term “Mother Earth” isn’t just poetic, but rather an unconscious awareness that Earth is a living sentient being with the ability to suffer, feel pain, perceive, reason, think and communicate? What if you knew your thoughts create weather patterns, like tornadoes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions? Imagine how your life would be different if you could have a close relationship with Earth. If this sounds like science fiction, remember we used to believe the Earth was flat and the Sun revolved around it. Only recently have we acknowledged animals as sentient beings and discovered that trees have heart beats and communicate with each other. We are in the midst of a spiritual awakening, which includes accepting Earth as a spiritual being who wants to and can communicate with us. By working with Earth and the angelic realm, we can create a better world. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal the planet and move into a world of kindness, love, compassion and peace.

  • Psychic Abilities, Intuition, Oneness, Unity and Interconnectedness

    16/04/2020 Duração: 55min

    The COVID-19 virus has helped wake us up to the fact that we are all in this together, we are all connected and we are all one. These ideas have been discussed for several years now. In my very first show on March 20, 2014, we talked about the research proving that we are all one. Now we are hearing Elton John and James Corden express these ideas to a worldwide audience on their recent television specials. My guest has been teaching about Oneness for 20 years. She will discuss: the scientific evidence for psychic abilities; how we are all psychic; how we can awaken, access and use your psychic and intuitive gifts; how we can connect with our higher self and re-establish trust and faith in our Divine Source; our Akashic Records; and The Universal Laws of Oneness, Unity Consciousness and Spiritual Interconnectedness. Please join us Thursday to learn more about accessing our psychic abilities, ascension and the all-important principles of Oneness. Unity and Interconnectedness.

  • Developing Strength and Resilience Through Adversity

    09/04/2020 Duração: 55min

    Collectively, we are experiencing a challenging time. Many of us are confined to our homes because our governments are requiring it or because we are afraid to walk out the door. Some of us are sick and others have loved ones who have succumbed to the virus. In times like this, we look for hope and inspiration to help us find our hidden strength and resilience. My guest provides us with just such inspiration. Nhambu was dropped off as an infant at an orphanage in Tanzania for biracial children who were often rejected and mistreated. She learned to cope with abandonment, bullying and abuse under the guise of discipline. Instead of being defeated, she developed a thirst for education and a love of African dance that sustained her. In the United States, she faced racial prejudice and then cancer. With all of this, Nhambu found the strength to create a life of meaning, joy and fulfillment. Please join us Thursday to learn how she overcame adversity and grew through her challenges.

  • Health, Happiness and Healing Through Belief Change

    02/04/2020 Duração: 55min

    My guest says: “I began life as a change maker but soon gave in to disempowerment as a sensitive being. I developed Lupus at age 19 and at 31 began my awakening journey to a full recovery, curing the autoimmune disease at the age of 36. Coming to understand the mind body and spirit connection and the power of belief and energy work transformed my work as a counseling psychologist. Surrender led me to certain life events, profound spiritual awakening and a dedication to being of service. I am here to assist in the rising of the new earth and empower the people to heal their pain, create their own realities and remember their divinity.” Nikki’s Healing InSight Method transforms people’s negative beliefs through clearing their chakras, raising their vibrations and creating an open space for new positive beliefs to enter. Health, happiness and healing can be easy. Please join us Thursday to learn more about this transformative system for personal growth and development.

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