Mark Levin Audio Rewind

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3652:09:03
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Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, Plunder and Deceit, debuted at number one on the New York Times Best-Seller list. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.


  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/3/21

    04/03/2021 Duração: 01h52min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, 108 illegal immigrants at the border have tested positive for the coronavirus and President Biden is letting them into the United States. Biden hasn't done a damn thing to fight this virus. Democrats sit back and regulate honest taxpaying citizens while allowing communicable diseases to enter the country. Then, Democrats reject our economic system and want to blow out the filibuster. Stacy Abrams falsely says Republicans want to go back to the Jim Crow era while they work to destroy the electoral college. The H.R. 1 Bill is wrong and misstates the filibuster rule which dates back to the debate in ancient Rome. Later, Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy joins the show to explain that Democrats are now pushing for a voting age of 16 years old and increased public funds for future elections. Afterward, Benjamin Netanyahu continues to be targeted by activist prosecutors. The tyranny and persecution against Jews in that region rages on, while the Israelis have the firepower to

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/2/21

    03/03/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden is trying to get in front of the coronavirus to create the appearance that he's ramping things up with vaccine production. Biden claims all adults will be vaccinated by end of May 2021. The reality is that Donald Trump bought hundreds of millions of vaccines from 7 different companies, including Johnson & Johnson and Merck to hedge against potentially ineffective vaccines from each vendor. Biden and his aide, Ron Klain, are clueless about what needs to be done and what was done by the Trump Administration. Then, if the left is offended by Dr. Seuss, Curious George, the Muppets, or Mr. Potato Head they can go to hell. Cancel culture is ruing our society and that is what must be canceled. Later, the left increase property taxes to pay for the salaries, pensions, and medical benefits of teachers that are not in class. Dr. Jill Biden knows Joe isn't capable of running the United States and she does nothing about it. Afterward, HR 1 bill is the actualization of the Clo

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/1/21

    02/03/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Kathy Hochul is the luckiest Lieutenant Governor in America; she is first in the line of succession for Governor in NY. The left wants to push Andrew Cuomo out and replace him with one of their more radical democrats. Also, the media has largely failed to accurately report on the mishandling of the Biden Administration's vaccine distribution. Then, Democrats' open-borders immigration policies incite lawlessness and coyotes to smuggle kidnapped children across the border. Assimilation has been replaced by 'Critical Race Theory' and the notion of 'White Privilege.' Later, the news of Jamal Khashoggi's death by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has been leaked out so that the Biden Administration can weaken US ties with Saudi Arabia and strengthen ties with Iran. Iran is a grave threat and cannot be ignored. Afterward, former President Trump took to the stage at CPAC 2021 pushing back on the Democrats calling them anti-job anti-science, anti-family, anti-borders, and anti-women. Highl

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/26/21

    27/02/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Republican Party is still Donald Trump’s party! Never Trumpers, RINOs, and the media despise this but it doesn’t matter because it’s not their party. The longer Joe Biden is president the clearer it becomes how many outstanding things Trump did as president, and the further left Biden goes the more people miss Trump. The media and the Washington establishment don’t understand that Trump’s contempt for them reflects our contempt for them. They’re so concerned about Trump and CPAC, but why? Because Biden is a screwup, lying about vaccines. The majority of the American people are smart enough to see what’s going on. Also, the proposed $1.9 Trillion Democrat Coronavirus bill would give Federal employees $1400/week for 15 weeks to stay home with their kids and have them attend virtual school, and we would be paying for all of it. It is the politicians, mostly left-wing politicians, who are creating an impossible future for this country, and it’s all wrapped up in the sake of righte

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/25/21

    26/02/2021 Duração: 01h48min

    On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen are preaching reparations as a way to redistribute wealth to people that mostly vote Democrat. Obama has never led any movement to unify the country. We can’t allow this kind of blatant racism to be passé and normalized. If we’re ever going to have reparations, it’s the responsibility of Democrats, since they were the party that supported slavery. The Democrat party has surrendered whatever integrity they have and decided that critical race theory and race training is their new base. They will surrender the working class for illegal immigrants, who will then become future Democrat voters. The Left has corrupted our institutions and schools and we’re paying for all of it. Also, there is a push for TV companies to stop service for some news networks, like Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN, because of how they cover certain topics like election fraud and the events on January 6th. These attacks on a free media is unbelievable. Later, little kids should

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/24/21

    25/02/2021 Duração: 01h52min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Liz Cheney is positioning herself as a Republican in order to sabotage Donald Trump insisting that Trump has no place attending CPAC. Cheney is affable, however, her autocratic position on Trump is wrong. Then, Tiger Woods is an example of American exceptionalism in our society. Woods' career is an American success story that exemplifies how hard work merits the accolades he's garnered, not his race. Later, Jewish people are under attack in New York City and throughout our culture. Anti-Semitic tropes, and those that utter them, are becoming more frequent in today's media and entertainment as well as in key government positions. NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' and one of their dramas 'Nurses' partook in a mockery of the Jewish people and their faith this week and the media is silent. Afterward, Andrew Cuomo has been accused by a former staffer of sexual harassment, which is a credible allegation just like the allegations made against Joe Biden by Tara Reade. What Biden allegedly di

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/23/21

    24/02/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, pro golfer Tiger Woods was in a car accident and is undergoing leg surgery at one of Los Angeles' top trauma hospitals. Then, the deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6th was led by a small group of agitators hidden within a large crowd. According to one expert military strategist, these organized provocateurs were well prepared and had few barriers to overcome amidst the siege. Later, there's a liar in the White House and he's protected by allied propagandists in the media. Contrary to popular Belief Anthony Fauci is only in charge of infectious diseases not all medical science in America. Dr. Francis Collins, Fauci's boss, says that he gives a lot of credit to the Trump Administration for Operation Warp Speed. Afterward, John Kerry and other wealthy politicians will prostitute any issue they can to further enrich themselves while undermining their office and the American people. Meanwhile, Peter Doocy is one of few reporters in the White House asking Jen Paski the tough questi

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/22/21

    23/02/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, President Joe Biden is addressing the nation because coronavirus deaths are reported to have surpassed the half-million mark. A virus from communist China that's unleashed in America was not our choice, but for many Democrats, abortion is their choice. Donald Trump has consequently been one of the strongest pro-life presidents in history. Biden is celebrating a 100 million vaccine milestone based on Trump's Operation Warp Speed success. Biden only cares about his legacy; he wants to be more radical than FDR and Obama with his massive spending and overreaching executive orders. Then, the US Supreme Court refused to intervene in several cases today; the Pennsylvania election lawsuit and a question on whether the government can access a former president's taxes. Justices Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, and Neil Gorsuch are the only members of the Court that have upheld the Constitution. Later, the Democrats are trying to steal this country; change the citizenry and voting base by opening

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/19/21

    20/02/2021 Duração: 01h32min

    On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT Radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. Joe Biden is failing miserably as President on schools, vaccines, and the Constitution. The vaccine distribution has been a disaster and Biden is still blaming Donald Trump, even though Trump bulldozed regulations to get multiple vaccines developed in record time. Vaccine rollouts have been the worst in Democrat cities and states. Instead of blaming Trump, why not look at what Andrew Cuomo and Phil Murphy did? Teachers unions across the country are in control because Democrats are beholdened to them. Parents are losing their minds because they’ve had it with how poorly Biden and Democrats have handled reopening schools. Democrats are holding our kid’s future hostage while playing political games over Covid. Also, Americans need vaccines, so Biden pledged $4 billion for global vaccines. It isn’t selfish or a bad thing to want to vaccinate our own country before we vaccinate the rest of the world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/18/21

    19/02/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, it's important that Andrew Cuomo be investigated, and scrutinized by the media. The question is why didn't the left within the media say something when this program exposed Cuomo's deadly decision. Now, New York State Assemblyman Ron Kim says that Cuomo has berated him for asking for the true amount of nursing home deaths. Then, Joe Biden is at war with America from within. The Democrats seek to redistribute wealth through reparation. Most Americans' ancestors weren't even alive during the civil war. This is the exact opposite of what Lincoln wanted. This is a pretext to make permanent the power they currently have. It's the same with immigration, why would America open up its borders amid a pandemic? Democrat policies are hurting America. Later, Mayor Bill deBlasio says that threatening phone calls, like the one received by Kim, are "classic Andrew Cuomo." Intimidation and mob-like tactics are par for the course within NY politics. Teachers' unions do the same, which is why Bid

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/17/21

    18/02/2021 Duração: 01h51min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, it's a sad day in America as we grieve the loss of our great friend Rush Limbaugh. Rush was a cultural phenomenon that changed broadcasting, utterly and completely. Rush blazed the path for many. He was the greatest advocate for free speech and was the go-to for many Americans. He loved his family, his country, and his audience. There will never be another Rush Limbaugh. Then, in 1995 Mark would fax information to Rush's producer, Cookie, who would bring them to Rush, and eventually Mark forged a friendship with Rush that launched Mark's own radio career. Rush's team was terrific as was his audience whom he respected immensely. Mark also shares a heartfelt story about some very valuable advice Rush gave him when he wrote: "Rescuing Sprite." Later, the reason Rush Limbaugh loved Donald Trump was because they understood one another. Both of them were initially dismissed, undermined, and eventually attacked and this was the basis for their special kinship. Learn more about your

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/16/21

    17/02/2021 Duração: 01h50min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has bitten off more than he can chew. McConnell's political power must be eviscerated because he's clawed his way to the top and has held on by scheming and destroying those that oppose him. In a statement released today, Donald Trump blasted McConnell. If McConnell had his way, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee, would not be in the Senate today because McConnell attacked all of these tea party candidates. If McConnell were around in 1860 he would have opposed Abraham Lincoln. If McConnell wants a criminal investigation, perhaps he should be the one facing it. Afterward, Peter Schweizer joins the show to discuss Mitch McConnell's wife's ties to the communist Chinese government through her family's shipping business which has earned them millions of dollars. One particular deal quadrupled their net worth and explains why McConnell has never taken a strong position against Beijing. Then, Anthony Fauci is a liar! He now defends Kamala H

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/15/21

    16/02/2021 Duração: 01h53min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Senate impeachment trial was unconstitutional and now Republicans can impeach VP Kamala Harris based on this precedent when they regain the House, however, they won't. Mitch McConnell's comments after Trump’s acquittal are a disgraceful disaster. His goal has always been to take down conservatives which is why he promotes establishment candidates. Yet, Harris gets a pass for providing aid and comfort to the rioters in the form of a bail fund. Then, Republicans will not take the Senate until they remove McConnell or We The People won’t give them the majority. McConnell is the Anthony Fauci of the Republican Senate. Later, Fauci has received a million-dollar prize for defending science. Interestingly, the virus is no longer front and center on the cable news screens once President Biden was elected. This is the same Fauci that said Andrew Cuomo's pandemic response was exemplary. Cuomo is defending himself saying only certain nursing homes prioritized the admittance of COVID-19 p

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/12/21

    13/02/2021 Duração: 01h50min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Gov Andrew Cuomo remains in the spotlight for his deadly decision to sign an executive order directing COVID infected patients to convalesce in nursing homes with the nation's most medically vulnerable citizens. But for, Elaine Healy, MD a brave whistle-blower that runs and represents an association of nursing home managers who called this program In March 2020 to blast Cuomo and his deadly decision, it may have gone largely unnoticed. Yet, all of the media organizations that monitor this program failed to report on this critical caller's complaint of Cuomo. Then, Doanld Trump was very well represented in today's impeachment trial by Michael Van der Veen, David Schoen, and Bruce Castor. Each attorney brilliantly presented video evidence of democrats calling for violence and challenging the 2017 Electoral College vote count. Presenting evidence that is not in context, as the Democrats have, would be thrown out of any court of law for being tainted. Democrats have failed to meet the

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/11/21

    12/02/2021 Duração: 01h54min

    On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, calling Donald Trump the "great betrayer" negates all the betrayals of Presidents Woodrow Wilson and FDR. Wilson was extremely racist, even by the standards of his time. The racist behavior of this man set back race relations by a hundred years. FDR's internment of Americans of Japanese descent was appalling. Also, the Lincoln Project has raised $90M and only one third has gone to making ads, the remainder has been divided by the founders of the organization and subcontracted consultancies that they control, according to the Associated Press. One founder, John Weaver, is facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment. They focus on Trump and ignore the crisis in their own organization. Later, a significant number of individuals want to contort the Constitution so that they can impeach a private citizen. Using their logic, former presidents and the deceased can be impeached as well. Of course, this is not what the framers intended which is why the impeachment clause is so unamb

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/10/21

    11/02/2021 Duração: 01h54min

    On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Sen. Ted Cruz says the question of whether a private citizen can be impeached is a close legal question. This program disagrees and rejects the premise that such a trial is Constitutional and that a private citizen can be tried by the US Senate. Then, Mark Cuban has quietly done away with playing the National Anthem at Mavericks games. The NBA has since reversed that decision but that didn't stop White House press secretary Jen Psaki from saying that America hasn't lived up to its highest ideals when asked about it. Later, the New York Times is taking a swipe at conservative talk radio and this program alleging that culpability lies with listeners of talk radio. The media lays cover for the Democrats' outlandish claims. The House Managers haven't made a case against Trump, they've made a case against the riot. This is how Democrats operate; they change whatever rules or laws get in their way whether they're allowed to or not. Afterward, the Biden Administration has set a "bold

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/9/21

    10/02/2021 Duração: 01h48min

    On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the Senate impeachment trial was a spectacle. The Democrats showed zero proof to support the Constitutionality of impeaching a private citizen or to prove that Donald Trump caused an attack that we already know was pre-planned. The House managers Hollywood video left out critical information and it was based on emotion, not facts. The plain text of the impeachment clause is clear, and no president has ever been treated this way since the inception of the Constitution. Trump is charged with inciting an insurrection, yet it was Trump that called for 10,000 national guard troops to be at the ready to protect the Capitol. This case would have been thrown out in any court of law. Then, the Senate is destroying its credibility; its actions are incongruent with the original intent of the founders. The Senate is using their power to walk on the faces of the American people. At America's founding, the vast majority of the original congress fought in the revolutionary war. Sadly, today's c

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/8/21

    09/02/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Chuck Cooper, who is in effect Joe Biden and the Democrats attorney, penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal surmising that Bill Clinton's private offenses were not impeachable but alleges that Donald Trump has committed offenses and these allegations are impeachable. Cooper erroneously reimagines the constitution to make the case for trying and removing a private citizen in a Senate removal trial. However, not a single founder at the Constitutional Convention ever suggested that the impeachment clause was for anyone but those currently sitting in public office. Then, even Nancy Pelosi had prior knowledge of a planned riot at the Capitol, and she did nothing. What did Pelosi and Mitch McConnell know and when did they know it? Later, Liz Cheney who voted to impeach President Trump does not deserve to be in leadership. Her home state of Wyoming has censured her, and she may not politically survive re-election. Afterward, the Biden Administration's attack on American energy indepe

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/5/21

    06/02/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the Manchurian candidate, Joe Biden, and the Democrats spent another quarter of a trillion dollars to appease the teachers' unions, not the American people hurting from coronavirus. The majority of the money is to help democrats close budget gaps that existed before the coronavirus. Biden has destroyed thousands of key jobs by shutting down one pipeline and are considering shutting down all pipelines. This relief bill isn't about helping small businesses, or anything else, it's about massively transferring wealth. Also, Raheem Kassam from the National Pulse calls to react to the Time Magazine article that admits that a cabal of corporatists, activists, and politicians changed election laws and more to "secure" a victory for Biden. Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested by foundations and other organizations to influence the election for Biden through uprisings for racial justice. Even details like putting election drop boxes on streets that are frequented by Democrats more

  • Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/4/21

    05/02/2021 Duração: 01h55min

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, teachers' unions are the biggest scam going. Confiscatory taxes are taken through property tax so that teachers can be paid and now they don't want to show up to work and educate our children. Teachers' unions are insisting that teachers should stay home for fear of the coronavirus adding that both students and adults must be vaccinated before they return to work. Meanwhile, the facts and the science show that kids don't spread the virus as much as adults. In an attempt to bribe another constituent group, Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to forgive $50,000 in school debt to look out for the little guy, unless that little guy works for a pipeline. Elizabeth Warren and other leftists adore the idea of financially bolstering the propaganda mills that support and spread their ideology. Mitt Romney is proposing a new welfare program that pays people a national basic income and this includes children. Romney is the new George McGovern. \Then, the New York Times continue their attempts to lump

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