Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 197:45:41
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Jackie Ulmer is a Social Media Strategist to Solopreneurs, Real Estate, Network Marketing and Direct Sales professionals. Monetize Your Message Online.


  • Goals - Why We Don't Set Them or Get Them

    08/10/2018 Duração: 20min

    Let this settle in for a minute - if we don’t live up to the goal we’ve set, we are going to feel like a failure. And that feeling is a place we are not willing to go, Goals - Why We Don't Set Them or Get Them… I’ve been there. And, I get you. I know the struggle. And, I know the pain. I’ll never be written up in the network marketing hall of fame. I was not a fast starter. I struggled with my negative mlm blueprint. I worried way too much about the opinion’s of others. And, now, nearly 25 years later, those opinions don’t matter. I kept my friends, or at least the ones that mattered. And, I built a successful business. What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Questions worth asking and answering Success is in the pursuit of the goal There is Struggle in Every Journey Average is for sissies!   Goals - Why We Don't Set Them or Get Them…   Questions: What is the life you dream of living? What are you doing to pursue it? What are your challenges and obstacles? How will you know when you've achieved it? What have you

  • Social Media Tips For Solopreneurs

    01/10/2018 Duração: 40min

    Social Media - it’s alluring, addicting, confusing and it's everywhere, right?   You might be asking yourself - how is it that some people are monetizing their time on social media?   They are generating leads, making sales and gathering new team members.   You can, too!In 1999, I took my business online and have sold products and services in over 40 countries and built direct sales teams in the tens of thousands! And for 12 years I never left my home to do a business overview in my network marketing business, and I was the number 1 income earner in that company with over 75% of the company in my downline.   How did I do it? Using the tools of the internet, Social media and search.   Success is Sexy, and yet the Journey and the process that we take to get there is not so sexy and you can probably relate to that.   It's hard at times and very challenging.   Let’s dig in - focus on only 1 or 2 platforms.   Facebook -   Profile About Me Friends Content You Share Engagement Groups. Content is ba HUGE part of wh

  • [TechTipTuesday] Social Media Myths

    18/09/2018 Duração: 11min

    Today, I'm going to cut through some myths out there about social media - The perfect time to post; is Facebook Live bad, and more! Know what you sell, know your tribe and get busy on Social Media.

  • Why Your A Game Today is Better Than Your B Game Tomorrow

    17/09/2018 Duração: 19min

    Most of us have it - The “I’m not good enough” syndrome. And it stops us from living our true, fabulous and authentic life. Here's Why Your B Game Today is Better Than Your A Game Tomorrow… Tomorrow never comes. We wait for everything to be perfect, and it just never will be. I’ve been doing a lot of Facebook Live lately, and I’ve let go of my desire for perfection with it. I no longer have to have the perfect makeup, hairstyle, clothing, earrings and so on. In fact, I’ve been going live right after my hot, sweaty 4 mile desert walk. No makeup, baseball cap, and no fear! I am a morning person and I get my set inspiration while on my walk. I plan much about my marketing strategy then. That’s what the note section of my phone is for What You’ll Learn from this Episode: What we struggle with What we’re putting off Why we hesitate The excuses we make Why Your B Game Today is Better Than Your A Game Tomorrow Think about all of the things you are putting off in your life and business. And why? For wha

  • Failure - Or is it really

    14/09/2018 Duração: 10min

    Hey, hey! Welcome to F Word Friday, where I share my favorite F words and relate them to life and business.   First, I’ve got something exciting up my sleeve and I want to make sure you get in on it. It’s my Free Facebook Pop Up trainings that are coming and I want YOU to be the first to know.   These trainings are going to cover a LOT of great stuff. Starting with the 5 Step Closing Process on Sept 27th.   Have you ever struggled with the ickiness of Closing the Sale? Your prospect is interested and giving you all of the right signs. But, NOW what?   How do you move them off go into action? And how do you do it so it doesn’t feel gross and salesy?   Well, I’m going to show you the 5 stages to get it done, along with a lot of other key skills to help you rock your business.   I work with a lot of coaches as well as Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Real Estate Pros and do you know what?   We ALL share the same struggles.   Sales can feel HARD if you don’t have the skills you need. And, these skills can be L

  • Discovering Ourselves

    10/09/2018 Duração: 21min

      I just returned from a LONG road trip, moving my daughter and her boyfriend, along with Hendrix, the German Shepherd/Shar Pei dog to Nashville. Along the way, I had plenty of time for thinking, since it was about 27 hours in a car, alone, with wide open skies and podcasts to grow through! As I always like to reflect on how life and business are so parallel, I had some interesting insights along the way. Here are some things you’ll hear in the podcast - I’m a Type A, Action personality. That can be a good and bad thing with others. Ho do our clients, prospects and potential clients view us, when we act from our own personality type? How does our past shape us? And does it need to? Traveling has its frustrations - flies, dirty bathrooms, rude drivers, and yet these are bugs on a windshield and don’t need to derail us. Are you creating experiences in your life, for yourself and those who you encounter? Carrie Underwood, and our stop in her hometown of Checotah. Be sure to get on the notification list

  • SSW 316 How To Get Unstuck in Business

    05/09/2018 Duração: 23min

    It’s been an interesting year this year, and actually the last 5 years.   My focus word for 2018 has been “Systemize!” And that has been all about creating systems in my business that make it run more effortlessly, simply and how to know WHAT to do each step in the process.     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:     The 4 Primary Challenges Most People Face in Business   Finding Your Passion   My Struggles with Network Marketing and Why   Creating a Legacy Business and How I Am Doing It     How to Get Unstuck In Your Business   I have discovered my true love of coaching others and helping them “turn the lightbulb on for themselves, so they can experience more of what they want and do so in a way that feels good, authentic and fun.   As I have coached and worked with others, and helped to create some fabulous results and success for those who were willing to do the work!   When I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book - Rich Dad, Poor Dad, it really expanded my business vision of what could be possible for me.   Especi

  • SSW314 Small Goals Create Big Results

    03/09/2018 Duração: 16min

    What are the big dreams you have set for your business and your life? Have you thought about how much money it will take for you to live the life of your dreams?   And, does the thought of all that might go into creating that ever wreck your self confidence and belief in making it actually happen?   We can look out in the distance and see that big end goal out there, all bright and shiny. But, we look at the space between where we are and where we want to go and it can be very daunting.   When I first started my business, I was taught to set goals - income goals mostly. And, the ones I saw other people setting were big money goals.   I set a big goal too, but quickly realized I had a problem.   I had not ever come close to earning that much in my life, and so I could say one thing, but my belief around it was another thing.   I clearly had a money belief problem, and you might too.   What kept me in the game was creating smaller goals, that felt achievable to me, and putting my focus there.   We tend to lose

  • Fear - My Recent Experience [F Word Friday]

    31/08/2018 Duração: 09min

    Last Monday, on my family’s last day at my sister in law’s Lake House, I got up early to get my walk in for the day.   I don't know the area well, so I just set out on the winding country road, to sneak in 2 miles before we headed home from vacation. I had walked the day before and was fine.   In the early morning though, it’s clear some people just let their dog’s out with no leash. This is a pet peeve of mine, and here is why -   About 3/4 of a mile in, I was deeply involved in listening to a podcast when I caught the movement of a dog rapidly making its way toward me. Barking, snapping and looking anything but friendly.   I was seriously fearful he was going to bite me. But I powered on and focused on not allowing him to smell my fear.   When he finally eased up and dropped back, I started pondering my move to get home. I was going to have to turn around and walk back by him.   Call my husband.   Look for an alternative route.   Suck it up and turn around.   I decided to push past my fear and focus on ever

  • [TechTip] Content Ideas With a Holiday Calendar

    28/08/2018 Duração: 07min

    It's Tech Tip Tuesday and here are some ideas for your Content Calendar. Use Holidays and National Day Calendar Celebrations to come up with ideas. September is coming up and we have all kinds of things - Astrological signs, birthstone, Better Breakfast month (how might you incorporate that for content and engagement?) There is National Beard Day, Lazy Mom's Day and more! Join me at to learn more on how to get it right and monetize Social Media!

  • Repetition Is The Key To Success

    27/08/2018 Duração: 18min

    How many books did you read last year? Podcasts did you listen to? Programs did you buy? “Shelf Help.” How many of those did you create mastery from? Do you know what true mastery is? Malcolm Gladwell and the Outliers - the power in 10,000 hours. Or 10,000 anything. The Beatles; Steve Jobs; Bill Gates; Wayne Gretsky; Michael Jordan; “It is not the brightest who succeed,” Gladwell writes. “Nor is success simply the sum of the decisions and efforts we make on our own behalf. It is, rather, a gift. Outliers are those who have been given opportunities — and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.” So Bill Gates is introduced as a young computer programmer from Seattle whose brilliance and ambition outshine the brilliance and ambition of the thousands of other young programmers. But then Gladwell takes us back to Seattle, and we discover that Gates’s high school happened to have a computer club when almost no other high schools did. He then lucked into the opportunity to use the computers at

  • MyFaveFWords-Fun

    24/08/2018 Duração: 06min

    My favorite F words is something I LOVE and have FUN with and find Fabulous. It’s fantastic when I can find the fun in all of life. And, when I relax into fun, I let go of Fear and that is pure freedom.   So, we will explore some of my favorite F words, on Friday’s, one of my favorite days of the week, and see if we might find some features about it that fit with you!   Today’s F word is my #1 value word - FUN!   If it’s not fun, I’m not doing it.   But, I didn't start out that way in my business.   Have fun in the journey! What the WHAT, seriously. I'll have fun when I’m making money.   I began to get it though. Relax, let go of the tight grip, have fun along the way. Enjoy the process, enjoy the people - ALL of them.   Enjoy your growth; your success and your “failures” reframe failure. Find the fun even in the failures. Build a story worth re-living, loving and sharing.   Give your business the fun factor test - Share the fun on Social Media. That gets way more engagement than your “poor me” give me sympat

  • [Tech Tip] Facebook Friends List Feeds Shutting Down

    22/08/2018 Duração: 19min

    What? Facebook is shutting down it's Friends Lists, or Feeds? Yep, that's the rumor. Mine are already gone on my iPhone but still are on my desktop site. And, what's the reason? Is it Ad Revenue Loss when Facebook can't show you ads based on their specific algorithm that's stored for you? You know you've been pixeled and re-targeted very often, but when you mess with the feed they want to show you, you mess with their ability to generate revenues! Do they want to return Facebook back to the days of "Puppy Dogs, Family and Friends" sharing feel good stuff? Well, maybe, if they can get an ad in edgeways, they do! Let's face it - Facebook knows more about us than possibly we know about ourselves. They are a stats and demographics generating MACHINE! We've all turned quite a bit of info over to them over the years in terms of our likes, interests and who we engage with. And, based on that, they have a profile on you. They return ads to you based on that "profile." Yikes. And right now, while a lot of distrust is

  • [Monday Mojo] You Are What You Think

    20/08/2018 Duração: 03min

    Welcome to a Monday Mojo Experience - and today, we are focused on Motivation. You are what you think you are. Let that sink in. Do you demand and command respect from others. Do you feel you are worthy of it? Do you THINK you are important? How you think determines how you act. Let that sink in. This experience is Brought to you by where we teach you how to say YES to more of everything in life and business. Everything you need and use  to build the successful business you want is a tool you already have - it’s YOU. Let us show you how to monetize that!   I would love to explore a coaching partnership with you, if you are struggling. Let’s schedule a 20 minute discovery call to see if we might be a fit.   I love taking those with goals like mine from struggle to six figures, easily, and with joy in building something they love and that resonates with who they are and their values.   If you would like even more tips and training, I have a free gift for you o

  • Challenges With Consistency

    19/08/2018 Duração: 21min

    Did you catch last week’s experience, as I interviewed the Consistency Chain Authors? Boy, if you haven’t be sure to listen in and take notes, and then consider where you are in the mix of consistency.     What are you working on in your business? What’s on your calendar? I have Social Media and Why They Buy/Why They Say Yes workshops in Phoenix/Scottsdale and Nashville to finish off the year, and am open to coming to YOUR city, so let’s talk if you are interested. and click contact or book a consult call -   While I am considered a 20%er today, reading he book; interviewing the authors and re-listening to the podcast, as well as sharing it with my own team and clients has really caused me to do some deep reflection on consistency, and where I have succeeded and fallen short in my business.   My reflection has led me back to the realization and confirmation that what it takes to be successful is just committing to the act of being consistent.   So when I say “YOU” in

  • The Consistency Chain Interview

    05/08/2018 Duração: 54min

    Do You Struggle with Consistency in Your Business? On today’s show, I am interviewing the authors of the new book - The Consistency Chain - The Missing Link for Success in Network Marketing, George Campbell and Jim Packard. We are going to dive deep into Consistency and, honestly, it's the missing link in so much of what we do - life, relationships; business; health and fitness. We are going to talk about the 80/20 Pareto Principle and how we are wired one of 2 ways - the 80% and the 20%. And, being an 80% and not having consistency doesn't mean you lack ambition, education or anything else. You just are wired differently. Learn more about The Consistency Chain here! Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, experience 310. Click the icon, top left (right between to two title links) to open the player and listen in! The Consistency Chain - The Missing Link for Success Here are some specific things to listen for in the show - The 80/20 rule How the 20% can better work with the 80% The Navy Seals - I just nee

  • Your Business Development Action Plan

    11/04/2018 Duração: 20min

    You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show 309 and today we are going to go through the key components of your business development action plan. When you know what to do each and every day, and you take action on it, your business will thrive. Show notes -    Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at     And, is open!   Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.     I LOVE and appreciate reviews!   Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a

  • SSW308The4BiggestBusinessChallenges

    26/03/2018 Duração: 15min

    The 4 Biggest Business Challenges Most Solopreneurs Have You're listening to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show 308 and in today's show, I'm sharing what I learned from my recent survey, where I asked you what your biggest struggles are in Business. I learned a lot and THANK you!  Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at   And, is open!   Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.   I LOVE and appreciate reviews!   Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.     The 4 Biggest Bu

  • Business Transitions and Where I've Been

    18/03/2018 Duração: 20min

    You're listening to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show 307 and in today's show, I'm sharing where I've been for the last 9 months and what has transitioned with my business.   Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at     And, is open!   Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.     I LOVE and appreciate reviews!   Go to or to leave your review and be entered into a drawing for a free month of coaching.   Business Transitions and Where I've Been - how to adapt and grow with your business.   I never meant to "step away from

  • How and Why to Use Social Media

    01/06/2017 Duração: 21min

    You’re Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 306. We’re diving in deep today on Social Media, and specifically the how and why to use Social Media. Every week, I get emails from the community asking - how do I create an audience and engagement on Social Media, when I am just getting started.  Is it still possible? Still works?  Yes, Grasshopper, it is possible and it does work!  Need some coaching to move you forward? My one on one and inner circle programs are LIVE! Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Or, maybe it's one on one coaching. Learn more about both at  And, is open!  Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.  I’m excited to share  with you that is no

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