Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Blending Business and Spirituality as a Pathway to Success

    10/01/2019 Duração: 53min

    John Fetzer was well-known and respected as a radio pioneer, television and cable mogul and owner of the Detroit Tigers. Only a few, however, knew how deeply involved he was with spiritual matters. For more than 60 years, he sought ways to open the doors of higher consciousness. He studied the teachings of the East and the West, including Theosophy, Freemasonry, UFOology, parapsychology and Buddhism. He believed in the concept of unity or oneness, that we are all connected and part of a universal whole with direct access to the Divine. He funded high level research to confirm the ability to connect with infinite intelligence for the good of the individual and the world. Fetzer even attributed his great success to making business decisions with the help of spiritual techniques, including meditation, pendulums, psychics, and dowsing. Please join us Thursday to hear more about Fetzer’s passionate pursuit for more “freedom of spirit.”

  • Predictions for 2019: Providing Hope, Gratitude and Optimism

    03/01/2019 Duração: 55min

    Experiencing 2019 with hope, optimism, and gratitude is possible and even necessary if we want a better life for ourselves and the world. Yes, I do know what is happening with weather patterns and natural disasters, firings due to sexual harassment, mass killings, hate crimes, social injustice and prejudice, and the legal misconduct of our President and his associates. We are in the midst of big change, and there is always chaos during change. We are in the middle of this process. Good things are here and more are coming. We can speed up the process by facing our future with gratitude for: what we do have, problems being solved, people entering politics with integrity and a desire to do good things in the world, a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment, more female voices being heard, and all of the scientific and medical discoveries that are increasing the quality of our lives and healing the environment. Join us Thursday for a listener favorite when Dawon shares hope for 2019.

  • Soul Readings and The First Supercontinent of Advanced Beings

    27/12/2018 Duração: 54min

    We are all souls who have taken on a physical form during this incarnation on Planet Earth. The soul is infinite and therefore has immense talents, abilities, and knowledge accumulated from many thousands of lifetimes, in many dimensions and in many forms of life all over the cosmos. When born onto this planet, we forget why we are here and often feel a deep void or that there must be more to life. Some people feel lost and some want to know more and empower themselves on all levels by living their highest soul purpose. Behavioral patterns are often created over many lifetimes which have not always served our higher soul growth and good. My guest, Judith Kusel, will share how her Soul Readings help people create more loving patterns, thereby bringing greater love and insight into their lives and relationships. Join us Thursday to explore the power of Judith’s Soul Readings and her discoveries of the first Supercontinent and the origin of humans on earth.

  • Staying Spiritually Refreshed: During the Holidays and Beyond.

    20/12/2018 Duração: 52min

    Today on Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit. We are going to look at staying refreshed through the holiday seasons and beyond. We will cover how obligations tend to wear people down. The external and internal factor of obligations and stress. Also, shifting from the paradigms of our past social education, to new and better paradigms that come from self-discovery and environmental study. You will be refreshed and learn how to stay fresh!

  • Feeling Better: Conquering Depression Without Using Medication

    13/12/2018 Duração: 53min

    Knowing that depression is an illness is as legitimate as any physical ailment. The newly published book, Feeling Better, helps readers get clarity around the four main areas in life that can be contributing factors to why people feel sad, blue, down and depressed: life transitions, complicated grief, interpersonal conflict or social isolation. By finding clarity about these aspects of your life, you can make the changes you need to feel better. You don’t have to be diagnosed with depression to benefit from the strategies offered. If you feel bad or down or stressed, you can feel better. Your problem area (or areas) – whether it’s conflict with another person, grief that won’t go away, a life change, or lack of supportive relationships – may be connected to what happened years ago. Join us Thursday to learn to keep the focus on what you’re experiencing in the present and what you can do in the here and now to feel better. www.interpersonalpsychotherapy.com

  • Build Powerful Relationships by Understanding The Invisible Dance

    06/12/2018 Duração: 55min

    Whether you’re single, married, happily partnered, or searching for love, you’ll be amazed at the insights shared by today’s guest, Karen Aberle. It is possible to be perfectly satisfied with your life – right now, in the present moment – once you see the universal dance of relationship you’ve been doing all your life, unconsciously. Discover the keys to a truly satisfied life, as an individual and in relationships. She will open your eyes and see yourself and your possibilities in an entirely new way, to see your real attractiveness, discover how to move gracefully with others to achieve your vision of a great life, and learn to embrace conflict as the key to powerful transformation. Join us Thursday and learn how to choreograph a more graceful dance with your loved ones and colleagues to achieve the life we truly want. www.karenaberle.com

  • Smart Ass: Smart Life Lessons From A Beloved Donkey

    29/11/2018 Duração: 52min

    Join our guest, Margaret Winslow, as she shares her heart-warming story about Caleb -- the feisty donkey she purchased to soothe her midlife crisis. Their relationship has all of the life lessons -- fits and starts, tears and training traumas, hold-on-to-your-saddle hilarity followed by spirit-enriching insights. After a rocky start, Winslow realizes that she acts the way Caleb does when scared -- by feinting and dodging to cover her fears. Having this epiphany, Winslow realizes the gifts and wisdom to be learned from her beloved donkey and how this has enriched her life. Wilnslow will share with us how she gained a gradual understanding of Caleb’s true, undeniable gifts -- a willingness to “speak truth to power,” to trust, and to forgive -- and how to incorporate these lessons into her own life. Join us Thursday as we hear more about how Caleb's animal wisdom can translate into life lessons and about being true to your own pure and powerful selves. www.margaretwinslow.com

  • Decoding Your Dreams to Discover Your Full Potential

    15/11/2018 Duração: 54min

    The title of Layne Dalfen’s new two-book set, “Have a Great Dream”, is telling. That is because renowned Dream Analyst, Layne Dalfen, believes all dreams are great -- even nightmares! That is because all dreams hold the key to solving the problems and challenges that are currently plaguing you and to becoming who you were intended to be. With a 45-year deep background in dream study, Dalfen will share the process that will enable you to understand what your unconscious is trying to reveal while you sleep, how that applies directly to some issue that is stressing you, and then the way to use the information presented therein to find the solution. It’s right there -- just waiting to be unpacked! Furthermore, your dreams, can be the key to unlock lifelong patterns that are your default behavior, giving you access to your full potential. Join us to discover how to analyze, evaluate and map your own dreams for the clues that will truly set you free.

  • Loving to the End and Beyond

    08/11/2018 Duração: 54min

    There truly is no death, and love never, ever dies. There are countless stories of love, in- and out-of- body, which can challenge or validate views on life-after-death, depending on one’s point of view or experience. Dr. Lynn Robinson gently guides us through the sadness of departure toward opportunity and greater love. Together we will learn how to recognize and seize your chances to love audaciously now and let what is to come play itself out. We will explore the power of, and the hunger for, continuing love with those who “die,” and leave their physical bodies. Gain practical advice for moving through a loved ones final days and for making end-of-life illnesses less stressful and more filled with love. Join us Thursday as we discover how to love through the end of life and beyond, with a heart of compassion and hope.

  • Awakening the Lion-Hearted Spiritual Warrior Within

    01/11/2018 Duração: 55min

    Our spiritual warrior selves are being summoned to heal the separation between us and nature, to be the change agents of heart, as we evolve to a higher consciousness. Exploring how to awaken to the energies and messengers of ancient Africa that reside along the 31st meridian, the spine of Mother Earth, Carley Mattimore and Linda Star Wolf take you on a journey to connect with our original roots in Africa, hidden deep within our DNA. They share shamanic journeys and teachings to connect with the strengths of Africa’s spirit animals, including the inner authority and heart of Lion, the loyalty and wisdom of Elephant, the love and compassion of Giraffe, and the shadow side of Hyena. Offering a guide to reconnect with the ancient African wisdom of love and higher consciousness buried in our cellular memory, the authors show how we can help reopen the heart of humanity and heal the world around us.

  • Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Even Disaster

    25/10/2018 Duração: 55min

    Everyone knows what it’s like to be knocked off center, to lose their inner sense of balance and groundedness, at least temporarily, when faced with life’s unwanted curve balls. Whether it’s a troubling health diagnosis, the death of a loved one, a serious car accident, a layoff, or a natural disaster, life can intensely challenge our resilience. Resilience is essential for surviving and thriving in a world full of troubles and tragedies, and it is completely trainable and recoverable — when we know how. Author and psychotherapist Linda Graham, MFT, offers clear guidance in developing skills of somatic, emotional, relational, and reflective intelligence that deepen a person’s ability to cope with the challenges and crises inevitable in a human life. Please join us Thursday to learn how to work through life’s challenges in an emotionally healthy way.

  • The University of Heaven with Dr. Raymond Moody

    18/10/2018 Duração: 54min

    The University of Heaven, an online platform with courses and conversations about near death, shared death and after death experiences, was just launched by Dr. Raymond Moody, PHD, MD, and Lisa Smartt. It is in honor of Dr. Moody’s half century of research into these areas and includes contributions from leading edge writers and thinkers ranging from Kenneth Ring to Eben Alexander to Mary Neal to Hearts of Space composer Kevin Braheny. The content will include descriptions of out-of-body experiences, being in the presence of a light, appearance of deceased friends and family members along with a life review and the feeling of unconditional love and spiritual peace. Many of the guest faculty are physicians who bring the dual perspective of being scientifically-minded as well as being spiritually transformed by their research and experiences. Please join us Thursday to learn more about this fascinating research and The University of Heaven.

  • A Near-Death Experience Led to Faith, Purpose, and Strength

    11/10/2018 Duração: 53min

    Skepticism about near-death experiences is common. Reading Jim “Bubba” Bay’s account makes it difficult to be skeptical. He refers to himself as “just a common man.” Yet, his story is quite uncommon. The night he stepped backwards to avoid a truck, left him with 23 broken bones, including 11 ribs, 10 vertebrae, his skull, and his left scapula. As so many others have described, Jim saw a white light, and he heard God tell him it was “not yet his time.” This accident plus the earlier deaths of his 10-day-old son and his 18-year-old could make a person bitter, angry, or stuck in self-pity. Instead, Jim says he has an “unshakable faith”, understands his purpose is to share his story, and he has found deeper meaning in the deaths of his sons. Jim likes to help other people who need uplifting or strength to carry on or a renewal of faith. Today he walks without a cane and has changed so many lives. Please join us Thursday and let Jim’s story change your life in the ways you need.

  • The Art of Healing with Crystals

    04/10/2018 Duração: 54min

    Most of us think of crystals only as beautiful jewelry or decorative accents. In addition, they have amazing powers to heal. You can wear crystals for on-going healing or place them on your body for a healing session. They can also be used to attract what you want, like using rose quartz to attract love. Each crystal carries different energy and its internal makeup combined with the specific color causes it to vibrate at a different frequency. I have been using crystals for my own and my clients’ healing for several years, and I put them around my home to absorb negative energy and increase the positive. Kac Young truly understands crystals. As I wrote on the cover of her new book, “Her expertise ranges from technical to spiritual to artistic and beyond. I found myself reading The Art of Healing with Crystals like a novel, wondering what new and unexpected information was next.” Please join us Thursday to learn how crystals can improve your health and well-being.

  • Compassion, Including Self-Compassion, Brings Peace, Joy, and Happiness

    27/09/2018 Duração: 56min

    Compassion vibrates at a high frequency, uplifting everyone in the vicinity. In a time of ongoing natural disasters, divisiveness, and verbal and physical violence, an antidote is sorely needed. The good news is that it doesn?t cost any money. It?s already inside of everyone, residing at the core of human nature. Several years ago Random Acts of Kindness overtook the nation. People were having fun figuring out how to do nice things for other people. Everyone felt good and then it faded away as quickly as it ignited. It?s time now to take another look at kindness, compassion, and empathy, not as a fad but as a way of being in the world. This time, people need to include self-compassion and self-love. Being kind to others is natural when people come from a place of self-love. Please join us Thursday when Amy Leigh Mercree shares the benefits of living with compassion as well as how to do it with ease.

  • Healing Anxiety and Depression with the Creative Process

    20/09/2018 Duração: 54min

    With instant gratification, busy schedules, and high-speed internet, some of us have forgotten how to sit with discomfort, how to be patient, how to allow ourselves to feel in order to heal. Others of us never learned how to deal with painful emotions and still others were abused and not allowed to express themselves. We’ve been told that we can pop a pill and make the problem go away. All we’re really doing is masking the problem. It does go out of sight, but it doesn’t disappear. It goes underground where it continues to hurt us. By the time it surfaces, so much time has elapsed since the causal incident that we don’t connect the cause and effect. Although pills can and do save lives, they aren’t a permanent solution. They can help us get through a rough patch while we learn how to heal. The creative process helps us move into the unknown, into the unconscious, where the source of depression and anxiety hide. Please join us Thursday to learn how the creative process can heal us.

  • Discovering the World of Interplanetary Lives

    13/09/2018 Duração: 54min

    Most of us think life outside of earth is science fiction. Even Dr. Linda Backman had trouble believing the stories she was hearing directly from hundreds of clients over the course of fifteen years. The consistency of their reports and the quantity of cases eventually convinced her of the existence of interplanetary souls (IP), who have come to earth to help us. Often they feel like “aliens” or misfits and others treat them as such. In fact, they are highly intelligent beings who are often gifted with special talents. As we understand their unique characteristics, we open doors for them to accept themselves and for friends, family and professionals to accept and support them as the special beings they are. Labels usually separate us. In this case, understanding that someone is an IP can be a gift that enhances their lives and the lives of those who know them. Please join us Thursday to learn more and discover if you or someone you know had past lives on other planets.

  • Preventing and Healing Headaches and Migraines

    06/09/2018 Duração: 54min

    Pain, disease, and conditions of the body are treatable, and even curable, in ways that we haven’t understood until recently. The dominant belief that headaches and migraines are not curable has led to unnecessary suffering and addictions. There is a way out of this when we choose to take charge of our own health. I have learned this for myself, and I no longer get migraines or serious headaches. If I feel the beginning of a headache, I can get rid of it in minutes. Many researchers point to data that headaches change the brain and you need the medications. What they don’t tell us is that the brain is also capable of healing itself and changing back to a condition of health. The path to healing involves taking a close look at the way we live, including our diet, relationships, and how we deal with our current and past emotions, stresses, and traumas. Please join us Thursday to learn how to take back your life and defeat migraines and headaches.

  • Healing, Transformation, and Being Part of the Solution

    30/08/2018 Duração: 53min

    Being a radio show host has changed my life in ways I know and don’t know. I often say it’s like getting a second PhD, only this one is fun. I’m slightly into my fifth year whereas Hillary Raimo had 13 years of conversations with ground-breaking thought leaders, attracting millions of listeners worldwide. Her ability to distill facts, integrate ideas, and synthesize information from so many fields led her to draw deep understandings of what we are facing today, how it came to be, and what we can do about it. Hillary says: 'The healing work is done here, on Earth. And if you are here, you are doing the work.' 'If man can build the tower of Babel, he can certainly bring it down.' And, 'The big question of course, is what are the odds that you have been manifested out of the entire universe to be here? Astronomical. Make good use of it.' Please join us to hear more wisdom from my guest and how kindness, unconditional love, and each of us can make a difference in these challenging times.

  • Welcoming Angels and Fairies into Our Lives

    23/08/2018 Duração: 55min

    Have you ever been distracted and suddenly jolted into awareness? Your reflexes kick in and you slam on the brakes or grab your child just in time to prevent a serious accident? When things like this happen, we calm down, are grateful, and move on with our day. Rarely do we think about what or who pulled our attention to the impending danger. In 2011, CBS News reported 80% of Americans believe in angels. Across religions and spiritual belief systems there are discussions of angels, celestial beings, and messengers from God. There are many references in the bible, with both Jews and Christians believing in angels, but this belief is much broader. Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus also believe in celestial beings, and the Native American Thunderbird is angel-like, helps humans and delivers messages from Great Spirit. The similarities in the way they look and their purpose is too much to chalk up to coincidence. Please join us Thursday to learn about angels and fairies and how they can help you.

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